Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Raphe9000 wrote:Maybe someone just wants to say something or get their opinion out there. Ever thought of that?
It's as meaningful as a toow, which the forum hivemind seemed to decide against being added. If you disagree with somebody, there's something meaningful to be said that can't be said in a single word. If it's just because you dislike a post, perhaps you shouldn't be posting a response to it in the first place.
This is beyond ridiculous. If there were an anti-woot it would be called a noot.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
Pingu approves.
@MAMETCHl on twitter for the pfp artist, @snuffyowo on twitter for the character drawn in the pfp.
i also like how this topic is starting to become unproductive on its own
Ernesdo wrote:i also like how this topic is starting to become unproductive on its own
I'm fine with funposting as long as it isn't mean-spirited or overly negative.
then why did you make this topic in the first place
It's as meaningful as a toow, which the forum hivemind seemed to decide against being added. If you disagree with somebody, there's something meaningful to be said that can't be said in a single word. If it's just because you dislike a post, perhaps you shouldn't be posting a response to it in the first place.
Well, some of us have lives.
It's fair to say that someone with an opinion should have evidence to back it up, but those who only want to get an opinion out should not be told that their opinion is not welcome or unproductive if they don't do 50 years of research on it. If someone responds to them with why they disagree, then it makes sense to have to give evidence because then you are responding to convince someone. I personally agree with Hummerz here.
N1KF wrote:Ernesdo wrote:i also like how this topic is starting to become unproductive on its own
I'm fine with funposting as long as it isn't mean-spirited or overly negative.
then why did you make this topic in the first place
I wish to make a positive impact on this community. I try to do this by encouraging the community to be better throughout my many posts. Unfortunately, I think I often come across as rude or unfriendly when I express my unpopular opinions. I want to know: in what way I was being mean or negative in my original post?
What about the topics that ask players to post comments more like spam?
Example: What´s under CTRL + V?
It literally is asking you to post whatever, not matter what.
If you don't want to see that topic's funposting, you can avoid it. All the unproductive posts in my original post can be seen spreading around the forum. Plus, the ctrl+v topic doesn't encourage negativity or rudeness.
N1KF wrote:the ctrl+v topic doesn't encourage negativity or rudeness.
Yes it can cause negativity or rudeness.
But it´s more about how it encourage people to post unproductive posts.
▼What's under ctrl+v?
It really doesn't. Ctrl+v is a topic where there are only unproductive posts (actually you could say the same about the majority of forum games). No one is encouraged to bring unproductive posts into threads where people are trying to have real discussions. Besides, "unproductive posts" is getting a little broad now. The kinds of things you find in ctrl+v are not really what N1KF is trying to address in this topic.
thx for sig bobithan
Ernesdo wrote:N1KF wrote:Ernesdo wrote:i also like how this topic is starting to become unproductive on its own
I'm fine with funposting as long as it isn't mean-spirited or overly negative.
then why did you make this topic in the first place
I wish to make a positive impact on this community. I try to do this by encouraging the community to be better throughout my many posts. Unfortunately, I think I often come across as rude or unfriendly when I express my unpopular opinions. I want to know: in what way I was being mean or negative in my original post?
this is honestly hilarious
you're not gonna get any good boy points by pointing out every toxic thing in the community like a sjw, as that just makes you one of the things you're trying to eliminate.
be like everyone else and just report posts if theyre spam or actually breaking rules. hell, you can even write them a reply or pm instead of making whole topics to call people/subjects out
you're also technically breaking the rules yourself as making topics like this is minimodding
and there are trolls in this community who thrive on getting responses out of people like you, so keep up the good work
i think this is all that needs to be said, requesting a lock on this topic, good day
this is honestly hilarious
I'm glad you could find enjoyment out of my posts.
you're not gonna get any good boy points by pointing out every toxic thing in the community like a sjw, as that just makes you one of them
I'm not pointing out every toxic thing. I only call out people if their actions have a major impact or are otherwise a recurring problem.
be like everyone else and just report it if it's spam or actually breaking rules.
So, conforming and being silent is the best option? That's a recurring statement I've heard when people argue with me, and it seems to be a rather weak one.
I don't want to waste the moderators' times with things they don't moderate. If they started to warn people for these posts, I must not have been informed about it. Additionally, their moderation on it must be failing because I keep seeing these types of posts everywhere! That means that there's an issue worth discussing.
hell, you can even write them a reply or pm instead of making whole topics to call people/subjects out
I don't want to make this a personal issue. I suppose messaging the forum moderators about it could have been a better option, but that disallows people from giving arguments for or against what I'm saying. I didn't consider the Mod Discussion forum, so yeah, it probably would have been the best option to post it there.
you're also technically breaking the rules yourself as making topics like this is minimodding
I don't think that's how minimodding works. I just flagged my original post, but I doubt I'll get a warning for it. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
and there are trolls in this community who thrive on getting responses out of people like you
Okay. So what? While trolls will ignore what I say, people who want to be improve this community will consider it, and either agree or disagree. It's best to get what I think out there instead of making an in-depth analysis identifying who is a troll and who isn't.
(Wow I started nearly ever sentence in my post with "I")
Ernesdo wrote:this is honestly hilarious
I'm glad you could find enjoyment out of my posts.
you're not gonna get any good boy points by pointing out every toxic thing in the community like a sjw, as that just makes you one of them
I'm not pointing out every toxic thing. I only call out people if their actions have a major impact or are otherwise a recurring problem.
be like everyone else and just report it if it's spam or actually breaking rules.
So, conforming and being silent is the best option? That's a recurring statement I've heard when people argue with me, and it seems to be a rather weak one.
I don't want to waste the moderators' times with things they don't moderate. If they started to warn people for these posts, I must not have been informed about it. Additionally, their moderation on it must be failing because I keep seeing these types of posts everywhere! That means that there's an issue worth discussing.
hell, you can even write them a reply or pm instead of making whole topics to call people/subjects out
I don't want to make this a personal issue. I suppose messaging the forum moderators about it could have been a better option, but that disallows people from giving arguments for or against what I'm saying. I didn't consider the Mod Discussion forum, so yeah, it probably would have been the best option to post it there.
you're also technically breaking the rules yourself as making topics like this is minimodding
I don't think that's how minimodding works. I just flagged my original post, but I doubt I'll get a warning for it. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
and there are trolls in this community who thrive on getting responses out of people like you
Okay. So what? While trolls will ignore what I say, people who want to be improve this community will consider it, and either agree or disagree. It's best to get what I think out there instead of making an in-depth analysis identifying who is a troll and who isn't.
(Wow I started nearly ever sentence in my post with "I")
yes, please dissect every single thing i said and give a different response to everything that makes you look dazzling
you treat these issues like they're the biggest problems in the world
if you say the mods dont want or have to deal with these issues, then why make topics in the first place?
Ernesdo, i barely read your long posts, but i'm going to assume you are being a doodyhead. Plz stop that! ;(
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Ernesdo, i barely read your long posts, but i'm going to assume you are being a doodyhead. Plz stop that! ;(
you treat these issues like they're the biggest problems in the world
I don't talk about the world that much. Since that's the case, what let you to believe that's it's one of my biggest concerns ever? I have little experience interacting with real life people, so the best I can do is comment on this community and the Internet in general. It's a simple concern—there are lots of low-quality posts! Yet, somehow it seems to take a lot of work to get people to realize that.
if you say the mods dont want or have to deal with these issues, then why make topics in the first place?
If I report a post, moderators have to read it and respond to it. If I just post a topic, they can choose to ignore it.
i think this is all that needs to be said, requesting a lock on this topic, good day smile
hey, we changed "Report" to "Flag" to make that sort of thing easy to do and promptlike. That is, flag a topic you want locked. No guarantees you get your way.
this is minimodding
The goal behind forum discussion is to consider policy. Be it censorship or warnings or 'unproductive posts' -- to warn people for discussing valid topics would be to invalidate the purpose of the subforum
yes, please dissect every single thing i said and give a different response to everything that makes you look dazzling
If you make multiple points, then the points should be arguable. Deflecting an extensive response to your extensive initial statement is simply ignoring your opposition. please don't feel that's an accomplishment
That's a recurring statement I've heard when people argue with me, and it seems to be a rather weak one.
Sounds like an appeal to authority, except assuming that the majority is the authority. Philosophers definitely frown upon it.
Additionally, their moderation on it must be failing because I keep seeing these types of posts everywhere!
sorry, I don't like them. sometimes I warn but neglect deleting. To put things in perspective, consider the people complaining about their Spam (Minor) posts while you talk about needing less "unproductive posts" -- we have two competing forces seeing two different sides of the same issue
I don't think that's how minimodding works. I just flagged my original post, but I doubt I'll get a warning for it. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
see my address to ernesdo, pt 2
if other things come to mind, I imagine I'll mosey back around.
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