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being kicked from a world is not bullying
not getting edit rights is not bullying
not getting code is not bullying
being told to stfu because you're being an annoying ****... is not bullying
being rude is not the same as bullying
stop being little ****
Discord: jawp#5123
you would know
so what is bullying old wise ape?
WM malfuntion
so what is bullying old wise ape?
Bullying refers to harassment towards children. It is not trivial name-calling.
*u stinky*
It's kinda subjective though. If someone feels they were bullied, you can't just tell them that they weren't and they'll go "Oh okay then" and cheer up.
OP's more telling those people to man up, and that's just stupid.
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
WMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWM wrote:so what is bullying old wise ape?
Bullying refers to harassment towards children. It is not trivial name-calling.
Not just children.
XxAtillaxX wrote:WMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWM wrote:so what is bullying old wise ape?
Bullying refers to harassment towards children. It is not trivial name-calling.
Not just children.
It's typically used within within middle/high-school environments, and was popularised in that context.
If you saw an argument on the street and it escalated to a fight, you wouldn't consider it bullying.
*u stinky*
Kefka wrote:XxAtillaxX wrote:WMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWM wrote:so what is bullying old wise ape?
Bullying refers to harassment towards children. It is not trivial name-calling.
Not just children.
It's typically used within within middle/high-school environments, and was popularised in that context.
If you saw an argument on the street and it escalated to a fight, you wouldn't consider it bullying.
Because that isn't bullying. Bullying is when the same person is targeted again and again.
thx for sig bobithan
Because that isn't bullying. Bullying is when the same person is targeted again and again.
Bullying and harassment are essentially synonymous. The former is, in the vast majority of instances, used to refer to teens in middle/high-school.
*u stinky*
Im gonna have to agree with Jawapa here.
You are genuinely pathetic if someone FROM THE INTERNET can tamper with how you act, behave or feel.
You are actively letting someone who you don't even know have more power than you.
Now reporting people for things like chat spamming or being toxic is fine, but whining on the forums and even overexerting that online strangers who told you to drink bleach make you consider suicide, that's a bit overboard.
It's not uncommon for someone to actively try to insult me and i usually retaliate with something like: ,,Fifth grade called they want their joke back,, or ,,Stop roasting me in your easy bake oven,, and whenever I see someone else getting harassed and they arent defending themselves I usually step in and try to make them harass me since I dont want any more crybabies in EE.
And to those people who made topics asking people to stop cyberbullying, you need to realise cyberbullying will exist as long as the internet exists, you cannot change that fact, let alone with just a forum topic or a YouTube video. You arent special and you arent gonna lead some internet revolution that stops bullying forever and only kindness exists. Suck it up and ignore/report the person spamming you, but don't whine. Just don't.
How long will it take me to get banned again?
Place your bets right here.
And to those people who made topics asking people to stop cyberbullying, you need to realise cyberbullying will exist as long as the internet exists, you cannot change that fact, let alone with just a forum topic or a YouTube video. You arent special and you arent gonna lead some internet revolution that stops bullying forever and only kindness exists. Suck it up and ignore/report the person spamming you, but don't whine. Just don't.
Just because you don't get affected by cyberbullying doesn't mean everybody does. For some people it's a real problem, and making sure everybody on everybody edits feels welcome is possible. Ofcourse cyberbullying is mostly done by young players because they're not very aware of what they're doing. So are the victims of cyberbullying, they're young and take things seriously.
The most common way of cyberbullying in EE is a bully constantly insulting a victim, and because young people copy others, their friends start to insult the victim too. So whenever this victim enters a world, and one of the friends of the bully is there(chances are big because EE has a small community) he gets insulted, and when the victim asks them to stop he doesnt get taken seriously. For children who are already depressed and don't have much friends in real life this can be seriously harmful.
A solution would be to warn the bullys, and to ban them whenever they start to insult the victim (even a very small insult can have a big impact). But with the moderators we have now this is nearly impossible, because they aren't very involved in the EE community and/or don't care enough about these problems because they don't think it's a big problem.
Earlier people were only banned for saying very extreme stuff, which obviously isn't enough to stop bullys from bullying people. Now we have Koya who also bans people for small insults, but I feel like the bullys think they're being banned for saying a bad word, not because they're bullying someone.
What we need to fix this problem is a moderator who's very involved in the community and knows how to detect a bully. When he sees a bully he shouldn't just ban him, he should warn him and tell the bully that what he's doing is wrong and why it's wrong. If the bully doesn't stop, he should get a short ban to let him know you're serious, and if he repeatedly doesn't listen he should get a longterm ban because he's a spoiler to the EE community.
I think it's obvious the EE staff will never put this much effort in solving a not very obvious problem because it almost only effects the younger players, but I would like to see at least some effort because right now EE is a free zone for bullys.
To get back to your comment: Recognising cyberbullying is never a bad thing. It's good to at least acknowledge a problem because it makes people think about it.
Pm me with anything math related please
being rude is not the same as bullying
This doesn't legitimize people being jerks to each other. Maybe victims of being rude can be over-dramatic, but that doesn't mean that the rude person isn't to blame. You phrase this topic in such a way that people who open up and feel hurt about people being mean on EE are somehow "little ****" and dodge the real problem: the toxic community.
being kicked from a world is not bullying
not getting edit rights is not bullying
not getting code is not bullying
I agree, but you've oversimplified here. There are instances when you can politely decline to give someone the code. In this instance, they have no right to throw a tantrum. If they are told to **** off when they ask for code, then they have every right to feel attacked. It's all in the delivery.
being told to stfu because you're being an annoying ****... is not bullying
Speaking of, this right here. Telling someone to shut the **** up is rude.
You may be upset at someone for spamming, but you shouldn't lash out just because you're upset. They might not know what they're doing is wrong. Provoking them only makes things worse, instead of being polite and seeking to understand them.
stop being little ****
Of course there are some people who are too sensitive, and I doubt treating them like this will make them any better. Sure you see it as trying to toughen them up. But all they see is more "bullying". Both sides are acting immature, and I'm sad that some of our more respected and older community members are on one side.
The age range on EE is like 8 to 22; if you want to be able to insult and make fun of everyone without consequences then find an IRC server to be toxic on.
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
As a feminist supremacist ostrich clockbiting tantrum wrenching blmaggot spitting Trump facading Harambe servant embracing private emails at 9 o clock I am deeply offended by his post.
I agree, but you've oversimplified here. There are instances when you can politely decline to give someone the code.
But I haven't. For some reason younger kids seem to think they're victims of hate crimes, bullying, harassment, murder, w/e every time they don't get their way or their feelings get a lil hurt.
> I didn't get edit in smiley face game
> guess I'll be depressed the rest of my life
If you are mentally ill enough that someone kicking you or calling you a noob on a smiley face game makes you consider suicide, you need to seek professional help OUTSIDE of the smiley face game.
This doesn't legitimize people being jerks to each other. Maybe victims of being rude can be over-dramatic, but that doesn't mean that the rude person isn't to blame. You phrase this topic in such a way that people who open up and feel hurt about people being mean on EE are somehow "little ****" and dodge the real problem: the toxic community.
Didn't say it was okay to be a complete **** towards others. But there's a difference from being mean, and harassment. Most of the people who have opened up are complaining about stupid ****.
Speaking of, this right here. Telling someone to shut the **** up is rude.
You may be upset at someone for spamming, but you shouldn't lash out just because you're upset. They might not know what they're doing is wrong. Provoking them only makes things worse, instead of being polite and seeking to understand them.
Whenever someone is being an annoying **** waffle, at least most of the time, they're doing it intentionally and know damn well it's aggravating to others.
Of course there are some people who are too sensitive, and I doubt treating them like this will make them any better. Sure you see it as trying to toughen them up. But all they see is more "bullying". Both sides are acting immature, and I'm sad that some of our more respected and older community members are on one side.
You're misinterpreting what I've said. I don't think it's okay to be **** nugget. But I also think it's completely ****-like to call "BULLYING!" every time you don't get your way, or someone says something you don't like.
Discord: jawp#5123
I mostly agree but i gotta rant a bit.
And to those people who made topics asking people to stop cyberbullying, you need to realise cyberbullying will exist as long as the internet exists, you cannot change that fact, let alone with just a forum topic or a YouTube video. You arent special and you arent gonna lead some internet revolution that stops bullying forever and only kindness exists. Suck it up and ignore/report the person spamming you, but don't whine. Just don't.
Just because you don't get affected by cyberbullying doesn't mean everybody does. For some people it's a real problem, and making sure everybody on everybody edits feels welcome is possible. Ofcourse cyberbullying is mostly done by young players because they're not very aware of what they're doing. So are the victims of cyberbullying, they're young and take things seriously.
True cyberbullying is a real problem and i understand why CERTAIN types of cyberbullying is bad and can damage someone emotionally.
CERTAIN types. If you are getting harassed by by someone you know in real life online i can see why that's bothering you. You can get uncomftorable that someone who knows you has negative feelings towards you and hopes you die.
However the topic we are discussing here is annonymus cyberbullying, as in neither the harraser nor the ,,victim,, know each other. With that being the case i still hold onto my opinion that you are genunely pathetic if someone ON THE INTERNET can actuly make you upset.
The most common way of cyberbullying in EE is a bully constantly insulting a victim, and because young people copy others, their friends start to insult the victim too. So whenever this victim enters a world, and one of the friends of the bully is there(chances are big because EE has a small community) he gets insulted, and when the victim asks them to stop he doesnt get taken seriously. For children who are already depressed and don't have much friends in real life this can be seriously harmful.
This is an awfully specific scenario imo but i guess it can happen.
But then again the closest example i know are the ,,wkitu,, memes mostly spewed by andruska drstereos alex555 and ugh me. But other than that i cant remember seeing anyone being gangharrased on EE, and even then the mute and report button exist. Whining on the forums wont solve the issue, which people still seem to do.
A solution would be to warn the bullys, and to ban them whenever they start to insult the victim (even a very small insult can have a big impact). But with the moderators we have now this is nearly impossible, because they aren't very involved in the EE community and/or don't care enough about these problems because they don't think it's a big problem.
Earlier people were only banned for saying very extreme stuff, which obviously isn't enough to stop bullys from bullying people. Now we have Koya who also bans people for small insults, but I feel like the bullys think they're being banned for saying a bad word, not because they're bullying someone.
What we need to fix this problem is a moderator who's very involved in the community and knows how to detect a bully. When he sees a bully he shouldn't just ban him, he should warn him and tell the bully that what he's doing is wrong and why it's wrong. If the bully doesn't stop, he should get a short ban to let him know you're serious, and if he repeatedly doesn't listen he should get a longterm ban because he's a spoiler to the EE community.
Yeah we really need new staff members, i mean i know a lot of examples where spammers and harrasers completely destroy levels and the next day i see them, without a ban.
EE is too lenient.
I think it's obvious the EE staff will never put this much effort in solving a not very obvious problem because it almost only effects the younger players, but I would like to see at least some effort because right now EE is a free zone for bullys.
Sad how true this is.
To get back to your comment: Recognising cyberbullying is never a bad thing. It's good to at least acknowledge a problem because it makes people think about it.
Acknowledging cyberbullying is a good thing but we also need to acknowledge actual cyberbullying vs. people who whine every 2 seconds.
How long will it take me to get banned again?
Place your bets right here.
Ofcourse cyberbullying is mostly done by young players because they're not very aware of what they're doing. So are the victims of cyberbullying, they're young and take things seriously.
this is the main problem here
Kids that are honestly probably too young to be online are the main "victims" of cyber bullying, so telling them to stop taking everything so seriously really won't work. They'll grow out of it, hopefully.
Evilbunny (in cursive)
Hi I just joined the conversation, what are we talking about?
@MAMETCHl on twitter for the pfp artist, @snuffyowo on twitter for the character drawn in the pfp.
If you have autism (50% of EE) it is bullying.
Luka504 wrote:EE is too lenient.
I know this is off-topic, but idgaf.
There were requests for stricter moderation before, and it was provided, people ****.
For like a month or two and then Koya left and now most harrasers get away Scott free.
How long will it take me to get banned again?
Place your bets right here.
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