Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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But hey! It's a new world order! The order of post-truth politics, where we just ignore truth and go with that fleeting inner "GUT" feeling in our rectum
"Post-truth" sounds like one of those gimmicky and lazy "gotcha" terms that can be used by anybody as a "n-no, you're the one who's completely wrong!" claim.
Unwilling to follow his racist policy, the government brainwashes them to brain-dead fleas (republicans) and so they assault the people he tells them to hate.
I don't think calling the people you disagree with brain-dead fleas is going to help your point.
iPwner wrote:But hey! It's a new world order! The order of post-truth politics, where we just ignore truth and go with that fleeting inner "GUT" feeling in our rectum
"Post-truth" sounds like one of those gimmicky and lazy "gotcha" terms that can be used by anybody as a "n-no, you're the one who's completely wrong!" claim.
I think "'gotcha' terms" sounds like one of those lazy and gimmicky "gotcha" terms that people use to say "HAH! you said a gotcha term! GOTCHA!".
EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu IUO0O0oooooooooooppi
;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q
Im A ®a®ity ®
My post just got deleted because the forum lagged out... so I'l just summarize what I wrote. Thanks for sourcing your statistic... only thing is that europol's data actually supports my point. … eview-2015 the pdfIf we say "vast majority" means 3/4, then that leaves Islamic terrorism as the last 1/4 of the 205, or at roughly 51 attacks. Now if we say a "majority" means 6/10, then that means roughly 600 people committed "counter-terrorist" terrorism against people who they thought were Islamic terrorists. 51 to 600. That's roughly a 12:1 ratio.
12 times more people commit attacks against Islamic people than Islamic people actually commit religiously inspired attacks. Because they think the islamic people will attack them. Think about that for a second. o-oAll other types of crimes committed by Islamic people in 2015 are in the single or double digits. Look at the source.
Mic drop. I'm out. ;3
What the hell are you smoking? Are you seriously this brainwashed with liberal propaganda that you unconsciously(?) made up your own completely wrong definition of counter-terrorism so you could lie the data supports your point? Those 1053 people are people who planned terrorist attacks but got arrested in time.
Mic drop. I'm out. ;3
Okay, you're right on that one. Congratulations! You get an internet. Get that rush of dopamine. :o
EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu IUO0O0oooooooooooppi
;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q
Im A ®a®ity ®
N1KF wrote:iPwner wrote:But hey! It's a new world order! The order of post-truth politics, where we just ignore truth and go with that fleeting inner "GUT" feeling in our rectum
"Post-truth" sounds like one of those gimmicky and lazy "gotcha" terms that can be used by anybody as a "n-no, you're the one who's completely wrong!" claim.
I think "'gotcha' terms" sounds like one of those lazy and gimmicky "gotcha" terms that people use to say "HAH! you said a gotcha term! GOTCHA!".
The difference here is that I'm not trying to use it to disprove your point. I'm just pointing it out so that perhaps you may avoid it again in the future.
I just didn't want to lose my post by the forum lagging out again. :B It's updated now. But I'll just repost it here in case you didn't see it.
- repost start -
My post just got deleted because the forum lagged out... so I'l just summarize what I wrote. Thanks for sourcing your statistic... only thing is that europol's data actually supports my point. … eview-2015 the pdfIf we say "vast majority" means 3/4, then that leaves Islamic terrorism as the last 1/4 of the 205, or at roughly 51 attacks. Now if we say a "majority" means 6/10, then that means roughly 600 people committed "counter-terrorist" terrorism against people who they thought were Islamic terrorists. 51 to 600. That's roughly a 12:1 ratio.
12 times more people commit attacks against Islamic people than Islamic people actually commit religiously inspired attacks. Because they think the islamic people will attack them. Think about that for a second. o-oAll other types of crimes committed by Islamic people in 2015 are in the single or double digits. Look at the source.
Does anything else really need to be said? 50 Islamic attacks for the EU in the whole of 2015 out of a population of 16 million. And these are all taken from your own sources.
Mic drop. I'm out. ;3
(Also see Glenn's reply above, since your made-up definition of counter-terrorism is absolutely wrong and Europol TE-SAT doesn't support your point whatsoever.)
I knew you were going to mess up with "ethno-nationalist and separatist" part, and was even going to already reply to it before you even specified it, but didn't because I thought you'd be smarter not to confuse it. The "ethno-nationalist and separatist" DO NOT refer to right-wing nationalism, which is what we're discussing here. (Plus, if we follow the data provided (see the table again (you may check it with TE-SAT data, which was already provided) Islamic terrorism beat separatist and ethno-nationalist terrorism for the first time in 2010)
Anyway, if you actually read the reports, you would know that this "Ethno-nationalist and Separatist" terrorism is caused by various groups which we're going to talk about for a bit. ETA, is a BASQUE (which are a different ethnia, thus the ethno-nationalist part (see this)) SEPARATIST GROUP, whose ideology is SOCIALISM, so in any case, their attacks would have to be contributed to left-wing terrorism. ETA alongs its other partners are responsible for most of these attacks, (also see Iraultza, Iparretarrak, Comandos Autónomos Anticapitalistas (Autononomous Anti-Capitalist Commands) among others). The IRA (Irish Republican Army), which is also a left-wing and separatist group, which wants all of Ireland to be independent under a republic (don't confuse Republican in this context with the U.S. Republican Party, since they're completely different). IRA is still active to this day, and to this day, ETA militants are still being arrested. If you check the index of the TE-SAT report, you can see that what I said is, indeed, correct (see image) Resistência Galega is also a separatist, left-wing group, but they've not done any attacks since 2011. Kurdistan is the same (Kurds vs Turks), but active even today.
Now, if we check the TE-SAT data directly, instead of the review, you'll see it supports the data I already provided in my statistics (see image for proof). The objective of my statistics is to be as unbiased as it possibly can, using official, reviewed sources. If I really wanted it to be "right-leaning" as you say, I would have added the "Ethno-nationalist and Separatist" group with "Left-wing and Anarchist" terrorism, as it would make sense.
So your assumptions were, once again, incorrect. For the rest of the statistics on crimes, read my previous post for links and information.
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