Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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I wouldn't usually make a topic like this, but wow... There's about 1,500,000 Americans from the countries Trump just banned, the biggest being Iran, also known as Persia (1 million persians live in the US). Any person not living in the mid-US probably knows at least one Persian person. I thought he wasn't actually serious. He's actually following through on all these crazy propositions. Possibly just to prove that he follows his word. o-o Anyone from these countries who went on a holiday or business trip (this number is in the ten-thousands) is now banned for 90 days and probably more. All their pets will die. Everything they worked for in the US is now gone. They might become homeless. If he's caused this much turmoil in a week, imagine how it's going to be in a month. In 3 months? Will the US even exist in 6 months? o.o Who knows. Who knows.
And we thought it was a joke.
I wish there was more we could do. But all we can do is shout into the black, scream deafly into the web, protest in the streets, with no response, no response.
EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu IUO0O0oooooooooooppi
;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q
Im A ®a®ity ®
Continuation: And this begs the question... does what we do even matter anymore? Do all our life endeavors just mist away, considering the moderate possibility of nuclear war? Should we all just run to an uninvolved country while we can? Donald has already insulted North Korea. Kim Jong Un is insane, and has war propganda videos with the American flag burning at the end. His nuclear weaponry is expanding at a great rate. All it will take is Donald to say something nuclearly stupid or do something stupid (as he's already been doing, just not at a nuclear scale) and we're gone. I'll just let you imagine the voracious possible chain of events that could happen. Edit: Actually, nevermind. Iran just banned the US from entering Iran. ;D So he's already sewing the threads of nuclear scale stupidity.
EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu IUO0O0oooooooooooppi
;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q
Im A ®a®ity ®
This is what the USA wanted, this is what they got.
Everything that happens for the next 4 years, its their own dang fault.
And yes I know Trump won because of Electoral college, but the people play a big part in voting too.
How long will it take me to get banned again?
Place your bets right here.
i actually don't give a philadelphia about most world events until it starts directly affecting me and the people around me.
thanks rednecks and fans of sjw-cringe-compilations. thanks. :/
edit: luka: correction - probably only 30% of americans asked for this. people who actually have stuff to do other than be whacky elephants (eg. not trump supporters) probably had better things to do. i don't blame them, voting is boring, but we should've just thought "the future of earth depends on this." but not enough people took it seriously enough. the power of stupid youtube videos spreading pro-trump propaganda and unthinking individuals who just inject information into their bloodstream that random strangers on the internet bark at them with a "cynical comedic touch" (eg. gradeaundera) was gravely underestimated; i think gradeaundera's videos alone may have swayed the election. gradeaundera is bad. bad. also, the fact that i'm talking with no caps but perfect grammar should tell you that my emotional content is moderately high in sodium at the moment.
EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu IUO0O0oooooooooooppi
;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q
Im A ®a®ity ®
evil!!t rump!
why have peoples voted for Trump, Trump is just retarded
Trump is just retarded
like you
why have peoples voted for Trump, Trump is just retarded
many people who didn't want Trump to win didn't even vote
the moron is just abusing executive order, once he needs approval of Congress to do anything the lad is screwed
haha mirin his drive tho
Maverick: Started up on a 6, when he pulled from the clouds, and then I moved in above him.
Charlie: Well, if you were directly above him, how could you see him?
Maverick: Because I was inverted.
if all the clinton supporters had voted for gary johnson this wouldn't have happened
I dont get why he wants to build a wall. Most immigrants come from Central America and South America, not Mexico. Plus, illegal immigration isn't even an issue today. The "flood" of immigrants is as outdated as Trump's views. Most immigrants likely come by plane rather than borderhopping.
Also what about cartel tunnels?
once he needs approval of Congress to do anything the lad is screwed
Bit the senate is republican. Unless it's something off the wall, he'll likely get it approved.
from Central America and South America
Ya know what's between Central America/South America and the U.S.? Mexico.
Most immigrants likely come by plane rather than borderhopping.
If they're overseas, they'll fly into Central America/Mexico and then cross into the U.S.
Discord: jawp#5123
Bimps wrote:evil!!t rump!
Do you care to explain the point of your sarcasm?
he aint evil
hey bimps, what's your stance on this whole immigration fiasco?
hey bimps, what's your stance on this whole immigration fiasco?
the whole 90 day ban? i think it's fine. obama did it in 2011 and no one got amgry over it. stop just looking at msm and look at other sources. sure other source may be pro-trump, but msm is anti-trump. look at a lot of sources and draw your own conclusion
Anyone from these countries who went on a holiday or business trip (this number is in the ten-thousands) is now banned for 90 days and probably more. All their pets will die. Everything they worked for in the US is now gone. They might become homeless.
Ok you could at least be honest if you are going to say something like this. American citizens or permanent residents who aren't yet citizens aren't banned from returning home. It just prevents people of nationality from 9 nations from entering the U.S. The same countries that Obama had picked for a visa bill when he was president.
Now this doesn't mean I support the bill, but you gotta at least be honest and not spread misinformation.
Evilbunny (in cursive)
ipwner you have no room to talk if you use the term "rednecks" as a derogatory term
Republican senate but they're not dumb enough to sanction half of his insane policies
Maverick: Started up on a 6, when he pulled from the clouds, and then I moved in above him.
Charlie: Well, if you were directly above him, how could you see him?
Maverick: Because I was inverted.
▼My Political Views
getreal … -the-world
Those are just the Americans impacted. By itself, it's a very bad bill: Obama did this which was a mistake, and took it back. But this is on a much larger scale, and the countries targeted don't even include the nationalities who did 9/11. Iran? This is completely random and uncalled for.
Most importantly: terrorism is a completely blown up by the media. From 2002 - 2013, 376,923 people died from gun violence in America, compared to 390 deaths from terrorism ( … -violence/). And don't even say that "FAKE NEWS" bulljargon - this stat was taken from CDC. (And yes I purposefully left out the year with 9/11 because that's an outlier. We don't have 9/11 every year) How about getting rid of violent death machines to prevent violent deaths instead? Wow! Radical thinking, I know! "DERP DERP, to geyt safe from guns... you gotta get MORE guns! And then others will need MORE guns to defend themselves from MY guns! Maykes seynse. HURR DURR..." Also it was very dumb to do this and make our relationship with Iran more tense. They just did a ballistic missile test... WW3-ho, WW3-ho, to WW3, we go!
I think a huge problem these days is people getting their views and morals influenced by youtubers who have "personalities." When someone has a strong personality, people tend to be much more easily convinced by what they say. Eg. GradeAUnderA probably creating tons of "new-generation" racist old grandpas with his pro-Trump propaganda. I can't believe people are actually normalizing these kind of barbarian actions. o.O Soon, jumping up and down on all fours buttnaked in the street will become the new standard of social etiquette. Shrieking like an untamed baboon as a substitute for problem solving will become the new social norm.
Also why is it that most memechildren and cringe-worshippers and people who call things "cancer" are Trump supporters? Just an observation. ;p
EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu IUO0O0oooooooooooppi
;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q
Im A ®a®ity ®
If Trump is going to ban muslims because of terrorist potential, why is Saudi-Arabia not included? They are the biggest propagaters of Wahhabism and international terrorism. Oh right... The Don has business there. This bill is a joke. The only purpose of it is to satisfy his "alternative fact" supporters.
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