Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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The other day, I was tweaking and perfecting and adding more code then tweaking and perfecting and adding more code and cleaning up and cleaning up and optimizing and optimizing and then repeated the cycle
I did this for about ~4-7 hours, just perfecting the updater for this new bot ( don't expect it to be out any time soon )
I made it check hashes, download a file, and smoothen up the updating process so it's really easy.
I haven't ran a test update yet because I'm still perfecting it.
Once I run a test update I can see how smooth the process goes.
I'm not looking forward to use the updater SDK, as I've spent the last ~4-7 hours tweaking my current updater as you know, and the process is smooth.
So far I have it check hashes (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA 384, SHA512) of the file and compare those to the downloaded file, and display an error message and asks if the user would like to continue since the hashes are incorrect.
Then I have it unpack, download a file to execute the update, and then run that.
That extracts anything from a folder and replaces current items - as the bot will be on an archive so you can download any version.
So maybe someone here can create a nice little updater SDK for bot creators to begin using.
What do you even need an updater for? Just have the users download the new bot from some website, migrate the configuration files and done.
Yea but nobody wants to have to open their web browser and goto the website to download a bot just because "there's a new version"
Yea but nobody wants to have to open their web browser and goto the website to download a bot just because "there's a new version"
Then you shouldn't even force them to download new versions. Let them update when they want.
Then you shouldn't even force them to download
Where did I say that I forced the user to update?
It's all optional - plus I even said the bot versions would be archived, meaning you could download any version you want.
Yea but nobody wants to have to open their web browser and goto the website to download a bot just because "there's a new version"
if the update is soo irrelevant that people dont want to update there is no need to make them update,
besides there are alot of commandline tools which can make writing an updater easier (e.g wget tar md5sum), so an sdk is not really needed
HG wrote:Then you shouldn't even force them to download
Where did I say that I forced the user to update?
It's all optional - plus I even said the bot versions would be archived, meaning you could download any version you want.
If you don't want to force someone to update the bot then what's the sense of having an updater? Archiving them in a website so users download it from a browser is easier.
Or even better, just make updates when really necessary.
what's the sense of having an updater?
notifying people that a new version is available and maybe giving them a short changelog.
HG wrote:what's the sense of having an updater?
notifying people that a new version is available and maybe giving them a short changelog.
Then what the bot needs is an update checker, not an updater.
Most people say updaters are good, and here I am trying to start a nice little conversation and then it instantly becomes bad
Plus most "famous" software have updaters, e.g. Team Viewer, Firefox, ShareX, Chrome, e.t.c
I've always hated opening my browser just so I could download a bot update - infact I've never opened my browser if a bot told me when there was a new update because either there was an updater, or going to the web page took too much effort.
commandline tools which can make writing an updater easier (e.g wget tar md5sum
I use that.
public static string Md5SumByProcess( string file, string expected ) {
if( File.Exists( Config.MD5SUMSEXE ) ) {
var p = new Process();
p.StartInfo.FileName = Config.MD5SUMSEXE;
p.StartInfo.Arguments = "-b " + file;
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
string output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
return output.Split( new string[1] { file }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries )[1].Trim().Split( '\r' )[0];
} else {
if( DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show( Language.MissingMD5SUMSEXE, Language.MissingMD5SUMSEXEtitle, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo ) ) {
return expected;
return null;
Then what the bot needs is an update checker, not an updater.
There is no need to remove a feature just because not everyone would use it.
So maybe someone here can create a nice little updater SDK for bot creators to begin using.
A wild Problem appeared!
Tomahawk used Google Search.
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
[ Started around 1741669079.4885 - Generated in 0.053 seconds, 12 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.6 MiB (Peak: 1.79 MiB) ]