Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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no, not demod proc. just proc.
leave this topic if you dont care about irc
btw i tried posting this earlier today and it wouldnt work. thx diff. buzz will also probably be demodded since i can currently talk because of him!
bonus ****: im bored and waiting for diff to fix the forums so here's all of my recent pm's with him. im transparent about my pm's so im censoring nothing (and im too lazy to edit out the irrelevant stuff)
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Jun 22 22:28:21 2016
22:28 <Proc> shes doing fine you are the one who should chill
22:28 <Proc> although
22:28 <Proc> I havent read the chat
22:28 <Proc> and idk why she banned you
22:28 <Bimps> because i was arguin with duck
22:29 <Bimps> basically he got triggered because i called someone autistic for whatever reason
22:29 <Bimps> he said he was autistic
22:29 <Bimps> i said i assumed so from his interests
22:29 <Bimps> and you thought that was impossible
22:29 <Bimps> *he
22:29 <Bimps> not you
22:29 <Proc> dont use autistic as a form of insult
22:29 <Proc> I see well now whats the problem
22:30 <Bimps> ive used it countless times before
22:30 <Bimps> and nothing has happened to me
22:30 <Bimps> so
22:30 <Proc> as long as you dont disrupt the peace you may argue in eeforums
22:31 <Bimps> they really wasnt any disrupting of the peace
22:31 <Bimps> we were arguing
22:31 <Bimps> we werent spamming
22:31 <Bimps> no one else was talking
22:31 <Bimps> it was fine imo
22:31 <Bimps> then zoey had to come in and censor us
22:33 <Bimps> see this is what im talking about
22:33 <Bimps> what zoey just said
22:33 <Bimps> christ
22:33 <Bimps> if she's tired of it why doesnt she just ignore me
22:36 <Bimps> meh
22:36 <Bimps> **** meh
22:37 <Bimps> you said the next time zoey does something like this action will be taken
22:37 <Bimps> im pretty sure it just happened
09:21 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
11:13 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
13:04 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
13:55 * Proc has quit (Input/output error)
15:01 <Bimps> <Zoey2070> bimps what's it like to be low-functioning autistic
15:01 <Bimps> remember when you told me this
15:01 <Bimps> <Proc> dont use autistic as a form of insult
15:01 <Bimps> yeah
15:01 <Bimps> so
[Proc has address]
15:01 <Proc> I forgot my pass
15:01 <Proc> give me a second
15:01 <Bimps> o ok
15:05 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
17:20 <Bimps> can i be unbanned
[Proc has address Proc@e.ssor]
17:23 <Proc> ya
18:31 <Bimps> why is zoey so **** salty
20:39 <Bimps> fix it
20:39 <Bimps> now
22:02 <Proc> vote to leave / stay part of the EU
22:02 <Bimps> wait
22:02 <Proc> I wont explain what the EU is to you though
22:03 <Proc>
22:03 <Bimps> sriously
22:03 <Bimps> holy ****
22:03 <Bimps> amazing
22:03 <Bimps> i know what the eu is
22:04 <Proc> okay :p
22:07 <Bimps> **** gregbot
22:08 <Bimps> im gonna be serious
22:08 <Bimps> get rid of spam detection
22:08 <Bimps> it only makes things worse
22:09 <Bimps> i **** hate you
22:10 <Bimps> seriously
22:10 <Bimps> get rid of spam detection
01:38 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
07:15 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
07:39 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
07:57 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
08:00 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
08:21 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
08:40 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Jun 24 14:01:18 2016
14:01 <Proc> who was it
14:01 <Bimps> twip
14:06 <Bimps> dude seriously
14:06 <Bimps> this is getting out of hand
14:07 <Bimps> i dont have voice
14:10 <Bimps> demod zoey
14:11 <Bimps> go **** yourself
14:11 <Bimps> i dont give any **** if you are keeping her mod because you love her
14:11 <Bimps> you need to take action
14:12 <Bimps> stop being a babybitch and demod her
14:30 <Bimps> you are such a piece of ****
14:31 <Proc> I count that as a "demod" vote
14:31 <Bimps> no im serious
14:31 <Bimps> what the **** are you doing
14:31 <Bimps> why are you being such a retard
14:31 <Proc> because I believe you were using proxies to change the results
14:31 <Proc> because there arent 12 active people in IRC atm
14:31 <Bimps> you believe me specifically?
14:32 <Bimps> unban me ****
15:01 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
18:30 <Bimps> unban pls
18:31 <Proc> 3 days
18:31 <Bimps> why
18:31 <Proc> lots of insults, disrupting the peace
18:31 <Bimps> you are a **** owner
18:31 <Bimps> thought you would be better than diff but you arent
18:32 <Bimps> people will get tired of #eeforums and one of two things will happen
18:32 <Bimps> 1. they move to another chan
18:32 <Bimps> 2. the leave altogether
18:32 <Proc> i know
18:32 <Proc> then they should
18:32 <Bimps> why
18:32 <Proc> Im not unbanning you
18:33 <Proc> you clearly broke the rules way more than once
18:33 <Bimps> that isnt what i asked
18:33 <Proc> what are you asking me
18:33 <Bimps> why should they leave
18:34 <Proc> if you dont like the rules that protect people from being insulted then go elsewhere to insult people
18:34 <Bimps> boo
19:28 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
20:02 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
21:01 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
21:22 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
22:50 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
23:01 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
23:19 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
23:30 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
00:18 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
00:55 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
01:31 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
01:52 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
02:03 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
03:41 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
04:01 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
07:09 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
07:22 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
07:30 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
09:29 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
12:39 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
13:38 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
15:32 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
22:36 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
09:12 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
09:33 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Jun 28 14:35:17 2016
[Proc has address Proc@e.ssor]
14:35 <Proc> ****
14:35 <Proc> join again
14:36 <Bimps> what
14:36 <Bimps> why did you call me ****
14:37 <Proc> idk I felt like it
14:37 <Proc> this place is not eeforums <3
15:35 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
23:25 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Jun 30 22:20:59 2016
22:20 <Proc> yes
22:21 <Bimps> you are ****
22:21 <Bimps> one of these days your **** modding will get you replaced
22:21 <Proc> because he is a network admin and him being mod just symbolizes that
22:21 <Proc> demodding him would have no value
22:21 <Proc> he is not going to be intimidated by becoming a halfop or normal user
22:22 <Proc> because he can still do everything I can and more
22:22 <Proc> he said he made a mistake and I can accept mistakes
22:22 <Bimps> it's
22:22 <Bimps> about
22:22 <Bimps> the
22:22 <Bimps> principle
22:22 <Bimps> of
22:22 <Bimps> it
22:22 <Bimps> you
22:22 <Proc> he is far better than zoey and I like to keep him where is
22:22 <Bimps> ****
22:22 <Bimps> idiot
22:23 <Proc> only forum staff get op in #eeforums
22:23 <Proc> thats the priciple of it
22:23 <Proc> I have opped kas and deopped zoey though
22:23 <Proc> kas wouldnt get the op he has if he didnt own this network t
22:23 <Bimps> tomorrow im gonna bring this all up again
22:24 <Bimps> him being ircop is no excuse
22:24 <Proc> to op him in my channel
22:24 <Proc> yes it is
22:24 <Bimps> **** you
22:25 <Bimps> this isnt over
22:25 <Proc> please do
22:25 <Bimps> are you saying that if kas linked **** again, he still wouldnt be demodded?
22:25 <Proc> Kas wouldn't link to **** again
22:25 <Bimps> but what if he does
22:25 <Proc> I have enough confidence in that that I dont even need to figure out what to do otherwise
22:25 <Bimps> but
22:25 <Bimps> what
22:25 <Bimps> if
22:25 <Bimps> he
22:25 <Bimps> does
22:26 <Proc> then I will see what I can do
22:26 <Bimps> no
22:26 <Bimps> tell me right now
22:26 <Bimps> what will you do if he does
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Jul 03 15:14:00 2016
15:14 <Proc>
15:14 <Bimps> oh yeah
15:14 <Bimps> i forgot about that
03:15 * Proc has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
13:01 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
13:38 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
14:29 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
15:33 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
16:26 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
16:49 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
16:50 <Bimps> uh
[Proc has address]
16:54 <Proc> Uh
16:54 <Bimps> look in chat
16:54 <Bimps> at pingos pastebin he posted
16:57 <Proc> What part of it is troublesom
16:57 <Bimps> d o x
16:57 <Proc> Whos dox
16:58 <Bimps> look at the pastebin pingo posted
16:59 <Proc> Not our community
16:59 <Bimps> no you
16:59 <Proc> I only protect our community or concerns it
16:59 <Bimps> no you
16:59 <Proc> Aka their friends or family
16:59 <Bimps> no you
17:00 >towwl< everyone type alex is epic in the chat
17:21 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
18:05 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
18:22 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
11:54 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
12:12 <AFKimps> unban me pls
13:48 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
16:38 * Proc has quit (Shutting down...)
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Jul 09 11:09:54 2016
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Jul 22 15:55:57 2016
15:55 <Proc> and "pos"
15:56 <Bimps> i saw
15:57 >towwl< zoey has a grumpybumper that std has in his sig now that he copied
15:57 >zoey< made it an eye gore gif
16:03 <Bimps> im gonna be serious
16:03 <Bimps> you can not actually say that zoey can still be a mod after this
16:03 <Bimps> she put eye gore in someone elses signature
16:03 <Bimps> you can NOT defend that
16:04 <Bimps> take action or i will
16:04 <Proc> tell diff that
16:04 <Bimps> i will
16:04 <Bimps> but he isnt on right now
16:04 <Proc> I only control the irc and ee
16:04 <Bimps> do you approve of this?
16:04 <Proc> and she isnt mod in either so
16:04 <Proc> I am neutral on it
16:04 <Bimps> can you at least ban her on ee
16:04 <Proc> mostly because zoey is my girlfriend
16:05 <Bimps> she posted the eye gore gif there too
16:05 <Bimps> well zoey is a pos so
16:05 <Proc> apparently its not against the rules
16:05 <Bimps> your gf put eye gore on the forums
16:05 <Proc> by master1's judgement
16:05 <Bimps> m1 is a **** mod it is known
16:05 <Proc> **** or not, a mod
16:05 <Proc> approved by nou
16:05 <Proc> if you have issues, tell nou
16:36 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
16:42 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
14:24 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Jul 23 18:12:15 2016
18:12 <Proc> you got 4 letters wrong
18:12 <Bimps> :(
18:32 <Bimps> you should unban me mr
18:32 <Proc> in a monh
18:54 <Bimps> really
18:59 <Bimps> mr mr
19:00 >kaslai< hi
19:00 >evilbunny< hi
19:11 <Bimps> until 6 am? really?
19:29 <Proc> what
19:29 <Proc> a month
19:29 <Proc> yes
19:29 <Bimps> why
14:51 <AFKimps> can i be unbanned
14:51 * NickServ sets mode +r on Bimps
14:51 <Proc> in 29 days? yeah sure
14:51 <Bimps> please
15:00 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jul 25 22:14:06 2016
22:14 <Proc> click on safely remove hardware next time
22:14 <Bimps> zoey shouldnt be mod and you know it so im not gonna explain why she should never be remodded
22:14 <Proc> ok
13:33 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Aug 27 17:50:47 2016
17:50 <Proc> Sure
17:51 <Bimps> good
17:51 <Bimps> im glad you did it right
02:18 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
02:52 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
03:54 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
08:21 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
09:44 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
12:52 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
15:27 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
02:06 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
02:46 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
05:09 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
16:38 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
17:59 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
02:17 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
04:44 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
17:51 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
19:30 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
04:22 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
04:29 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
11:38 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Oct 08 18:20:10 2016
18:20 <Proc> i did
18:20 <Bimps> wrong
18:20 <Bimps> you devoice imgood
18:20 <Bimps> not dehopped
18:24 <Bimps> so why exactly was i banned
18:28 <Proc> did i? no i didnt
18:28 <Bimps> what
18:28 <Bimps> you deVOICED imgood
18:28 <Bimps> not deHOPPED
18:32 <Proc> orlly
18:32 <Bimps> yes really **** can you read
18:33 <Bimps> * ChanServ removes voice from imgood9
18:33 <Bimps> <Pingohits> * ChanServ removes voice from imgood9
18:33 <Bimps> <Proc> look likes a demod for imgood9 for not moderating properly
18:37 <Proc> fixed
18:47 <Bimps> tell me why i was devoiced
18:47 <Proc> insulting people
18:47 <Bimps> no
18:47 <Proc> says so in the devoice message
18:47 <Bimps> try again
18:48 <Bimps> give me why exactly
18:48 <Bimps> what message(s)
18:48 <Proc> too lazy
18:48 <Bimps> **** you
18:58 <Bimps> i really doubt you are gonna stay the owner of the chat after this
18:58 <Proc> we can see
18:58 <Bimps> i know
18:59 <Bimps> ive sent this whole conversation to hummerz, imgood, and towwl
18:59 <Bimps> so they know the complete **** you are saying
22:15 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
23:07 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
05:17 * Disconnected (No such device or address)
05:55 <Proc> thanks, otherwise I'd have to do that myself
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Nov 24 08:52:17 2016
08:52 <Proc> am I still waiting?
14:26 <Bimps> no
14:26 <Bimps> bruh i thought my vhost was on the **** you smoking
14:27 <Bimps> diff unbanned
14:27 <Proc> ill talk to diff later
15:42 <Bimps> towwl wants you to demod him
so i have been permabanned many times by proc. i say many times because diff has been unbanning me, along with some others
ill go in backwards order since im lazy. this happened, let's just say 20 minutes ago for ease of saying ****
15:38 -!- mode/#EEForums [-e Bimps!*@*] by Proc
15:38 < Proc> since diffydo isnt going to learn hoe to mod
15:38 < Proc> imma demod him
15:39 <&GregBot> [Game Sug.] #1 <Minisaurus> Personalize the color of ...
15:40 < Proc> once he manages to learn the mod guide he can have op agaib
15:40 <+Pingohits> make me mod
15:40 < Proc> again*
this happened yesterday
14:25 < Proc> hi hummerz5 zoey notified me that you voiced bimps
14:25 < Proc> i wanted to ask why
14:25 <+Bimps> abracadabra **** nut
14:26 <@hummerz5> Ah. I didn't see a reason for the time he listed
14:26 < Proc> the reason is that he has been permabanned from this channel
14:26 -!- mode/#EEForums [-v Bimps] by Proc
14:26 -!- mode/#EEForums [+v Bimps] by GregBot
14:26 <+Bimps> lol
14:26 <@hummerz5> Then who voiced him from the previous?
14:26 -GregBot:#EEForums- is now unmuted. (Proc)
14:26 <+Bimps> get wrecked by your own bot
14:26 -!- mode/#EEForums [-v+b Bimps ~q:*!*] by GregBot
14:26 -GregBot:#EEForums- is now permanently muted. (Proc)
14:26 < Proc> geeze greg
14:26 < Proc> hummerz5, he was never voiced
14:26 < Proc> just bypassing his older ban by removing his vhost
14:26 <@hummerz5> there was a point he listed in the l-
14:27 <@hummerz5> oh
14:27 <%atillabyte> bimp bimp silent as a gimp
14:27 <@hummerz5> well then there's the part where some folks are disagreeing on whether or not bimps should be banned
14:27 <%atillabyte> bimps is basically n1kf's twin
14:28 < Proc> hummerz5, well zoey is strongly against the idea
14:28 < Proc> even tho she doesnt even participate in here
14:28 < Proc> can we agree that bimps has broken enough rules to be permanently banned
14:29 <&GregBot> [Off-Topic] #62 <iPwner> UNOFFICIAL EEFORUMS [ROAST ...
14:29 <%atillabyte> couldn't care less either way
14:29 <@hummerz5> well that too
14:29 <@hummerz5> Guess I figured from the log that you had un perma banned him
14:29 <%atillabyte> the only annoying person that semi-regularly frequents here is 1nsanity and his goons
14:30 <@hummerz5> and then re banned him
14:30 <&GregBot> [Off-Topic] #16 <Koya> Anti-Koya-Trigger Society
14:31 <@hummerz5> regardless of my opinion, the admins should reach an agreement on his ban
14:31 <@hummerz5> g2g
14:31 -!- hummerz5 [] has quit [vroom]
14:33 <+ZeldaXD> why did you mute Bimps again Proc
14:34 < Proc> because he has been permabanned
14:34 <+ZeldaXD> why
14:34 < Proc> perma means perman
14:34 <+ZeldaXD> what did he do
14:34 < Proc> ent
14:34 < Proc> broke the rules serveral times 2-3 months ago
14:34 <+ZeldaXD> why are you banning him now then
14:34 <+ZeldaXD> he was already banned 2-3 months ago
14:34 < Proc> because the ban was a permanent ban
14:34 < Proc> not a 2-3 month ban
14:34 <+ZeldaXD> it was a one month ban
14:34 < Proc> says who?
14:34 <+ZeldaXD> you
14:35 < Proc> it was permanent as far as i know
14:35 <+ZeldaXD> it was one month
14:35 < Proc> no
14:35 <+ZeldaXD> yes
14:35 < Proc> who are you to say
14:35 < Proc> i am the mod here
14:36 <+ZeldaXD> someone who wants Bimps to be voiced
14:37 <+ZeldaXD> who are you other than zoey's lapdog? "<Proc> hummerz5, well zoey is strongly against the idea"
14:39 < Proc> context: hummerz said the community here wanted bimps back
14:39 < Proc> unrelated to the ban
14:40 <+ZeldaXD> "10:41 < Proc> Bimps, zoey is mad that you were voiced"
14:40 <+ZeldaXD> "10:46 -!- mode/#EEForums [-v Bimps] by Proc"
14:42 < Proc> unrelated lines
14:42 < Proc> look at the time difference
14:42 <+ZeldaXD>
14:43 <+ZeldaXD> how are these unrelated
14:43 <+ZeldaXD> there's only two messages between them
14:43 < Proc> 5 minutes passed between them
14:43 <+ZeldaXD> so?
14:43 <+ZeldaXD> they're still linked
14:43 < Proc> i didnt ban bimps because "zoey was mad that he was voiced"
14:43 <+ZeldaXD> there's only two messages between these messages
14:43 <+ZeldaXD> no messages from bimps whatsoever to have him devoiced
this happened... 2 days ago
10:39 < Proc> kek Kaslai
10:41 < Proc> Bimps, zoey is mad that you were voiced
10:41 <+Pingohits> o
10:41 <+kubapolish> hi Proc
10:46 -!- mode/#EEForums [-v Bimps] by Proc
10:46 -!- mode/#EEForums [+v Bimps] by GregBot
10:46 -!- mode/#EEForums [-v+b Bimps ~q:*!*] by GregBot
10:46 -GregBot:#EEForums- is now permanently muted. (Proc)
and then proc was gone from the 20th to the 22nd
on the 19th he didnt notice i was voiced
10:34 < Proc> sup
10:34 <@Diff> MrJaWapa,
10:34 <+MrJaWapa> Diff: How different is your blinkflash compared to your blinkpulse
10:35 <@Diff> I mean they both visualize music but they do it too totally different ways
10:35 < Proc> toooooooooo
10:35 <@Diff> Between the two, I prefer blinkpulse
10:35 <@Diff> pls
10:35 < Proc> hows this chat btw
10:35 < Proc> like
10:35 < Proc> i havent really heard about any dramas or such
10:35 <+MrJaWapa> Okay, thanks diff.
10:35 <+HG> wb proc
10:36 < Proc> thx
10:36 <@Diff> AFAIK not much is going on rn
10:36 < Proc> like, is everything actually ok?
10:36 <@Diff> yeah for once I think so
10:36 < Proc> hm
10:36 <+HG> yes
10:36 < Proc> i miss zoey here
10:36 <@Diff> I would have expected her to be back
10:37 <@Diff> she's been lurking on the forums after all
10:37 <@Diff> has she posted though?
10:37 <@Diff> haven'ts een any posts
10:37 < Proc> nah she just wants to sell her gems... still
10:37 < Proc> shes still hype for dishonored 2
10:37 < Proc> once the hype settles down she'll be back
gone the 16th through the 18th
on the 15th, he didnt even give a ****
16:38 < Proc> bimps
16:38 < Proc> what do you want
16:38 <+Bimps> what do you want
16:46 <+ZeldaXD> Proc: Bimps misses you
16:46 <+Bimps> yep
16:47 < Proc> oh
16:47 < Proc> hi bn
16:47 < Proc> bb
16:47 <+Bimps> hello
gone from the 4th through the 14th, which during most of it i was not able to talk. or all of it. i didnt check it all
on the 3rd he silently did this
07:14 -!- mode/#EEForums [-e Bimps!] by Proc
on the 2nd diff voiced me until... what happened above^
proc was mostly not active from oct 26th to the 1st, in which i couldnt talk, until on the 25th...
15:26 -!- AFKimps is now known as Bimps
15:27 <@hummerz5> hey bimp
15:28 <+Bimps> no
15:29 <@hummerz5> hi bimp
15:29 <+Bimps> hi
15:34 <+MrJaWapa> hi
15:34 <+MrJaWapa> Bimps: she never left
15:38 -!- robotkoer [] has quit [Connection closed for inactivity]
15:38 <+Bimps> MrJaWapa: what
15:44 <+ZeldaXD> zoey :'(
15:45 <+Bimps> why
15:45 <+Bimps> what
15:46 <+Bimps> what do you mean she never left jawapa
15:46 <+MrJaWapa> Bimps: she's just been lurking
15:46 <+Bimps>
15:47 <+Bimps> "Yesterday 22:27:47"
15:47 <+Bimps> but that isnt a real post
15:47 <+Bimps> there is no post she made yesterday
15:47 <+Bimps>
15:47 <+Bimps> what the fuc
15:47 <+Bimps> k
15:47 <+MrJaWapa> she wooted doh's post
15:47 <+Bimps> wait
15:47 <@hummerz5> think about it
15:47 <+Bimps> she mustve made a post then deleted it
15:47 <+MrJaWapa> Either way, for someone who can't handle the community... she hangs around it a lot
15:48 <+Bimps> what a ****
15:48 <+OrtonEdge32dh> well she's still selling gems so she has to check her PMs
15:48 <&GregBot> [GD] #15 <Tomahawk> People that get banned ...
15:48 <+OrtonEdge32dh> and her screenshots and logs and whatever she said she was gonna post
15:51 <@hummerz5> hi what are morals exactly
15:51 <+OrtonEdge32dh> i overpaid her for 100
15:51 <@hummerz5> why
15:51 <+OrtonEdge32dh> cause i felt like it
15:51 <@hummerz5> why would you pay for logs
15:51 <+Bimps> 12:23 -!- mode/#EEForums [-b ~q:*!*] by GregBot
15:51 <+Bimps> 12:23 -GregBot:#EEForums- is now unmuted. (Proc)
15:51 <+Bimps> oh ****
15:51 <+OrtonEdge32dh> morals are what are right and wrong to you no
15:51 <+OrtonEdge32dh> gems not logs
15:52 <&GregBot> [Game Sug.] #20 <Tomahawk> Level History ***UPDATE***
15:53 <&GregBot> [GD] #3 <Pingohits> Hello, friend.
15:53 -!- mode/#EEForums [-v+b Bimps ~q:*!*] by GregBot
15:53 -GregBot:#EEForums- is now permanently muted. "****" "****" (Proc)
15:53 <+N1KF> Wow.
15:53 < Proc> wao
so that's pretty epic. and im still facing the consequences. if you want to see the swears quote the post... they arent that severe.
so diff is being demodded on the irc, and towwl asked to be demodded (he told me to tell proc)
proc is a confirmed tyrant. only what he says goes. this is some epic ****.
14:25 < Proc> hi hummerz5 zoey notified me that you voiced bimps
14:28 < Proc> hummerz5, well zoey is strongly against the idea
10:41 < Proc> Bimps, zoey is mad that you were voiced
yeah so
15:38 -!- mode/#EEForums [-e Bimps!*@*] by Proc
15:38 < Proc> since diffydo isnt going to learn hoe to mod
15:38 < Proc> imma demod him
15:39 <&GregBot> [Game Sug.] #1 <Minisaurus> Personalize the color of ...
15:40 < Proc> once he manages to learn the mod guide he can have op agaib
15:40 <+Pingohits> make me mod
15:40 < Proc> again*
Hey hi I'd like to comment on this part since I feel there's a lack of context, where it says "isn't going to learn how to mod" he means that I wasn't using GregBot's commands to do things. Except I was, GregBot is now hardcoded to ignore the commands I was giving it to unban bimps. I was forced to find another way to do what I wanted. So yeah, I learned the commands, but that doesn't mean much when the bot won't listen. Any other op (buzz and hummerz, that means you two since everyone else is either demodded or proc) can give it a shot, try unbanning Bimps. You can't do it through GregBot. You can't do it through IRC since GregBot has been programmed to fight off ops who dare defy him. Only option is to exempt the user who has been wrongfully banned as we can see from the rest of the post. Honestly gregbot needs to go back to being just a notification bot. It's stopped being a tool to help ops and is now actively fighting them. Why proc ever thought that was a good idea is beyond me.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
Proc de-hopped me to op Zoey, I don't mind being replaced but I mind if my replacement vanishes 30 minutes later forever *rolls eyes*
Thank you eleizibeth ^
I stack my signatures rather than delete them so I don't lose them
^and you guys apparently get off by complaining about an online chat room.
EDIT: I'm not saying he isn't being annoying lol. He clearly takes his duty- his post- his holy calling as admin- entirely too seriously.
wow this is evidence things have really gone downhill
really though who cares like its annoying sure but we've moved now so the problem is basically fixed, let proc have his little power trip or whatever ok bye pls woot
To summarize:
a) Bimps was permabanned on 10.08.
19:03 <@Proc> towwl lets talk about bimps first
19:03 <@Proc> how is that a bad thing
19:04 <@Proc> we have banned people here for harrassing people in pm
19:04 <@towwl> permaban?
19:04 <@towwl> i thought 2 days was long
19:04 <@Proc> i have banned bimps for a month before
19:04 <@Proc> and he hasnt changed
19:04 <@Proc> what's the point
19:04 <@towwl> yeah, because he actually doxed zoey which is a literally dangerous thing
19:05 <@Proc> i didn't do it because he literally said "**** you" to me
19:05 <@Proc> i did it because he will never learn
19:05 <%imgood9> The straw that broke the camel's back
19:05 <@Proc> argue with me that he will
19:05 <@towwl> its impossible to argue he won't
19:05 <@Proc> i am convinced that bimps will break the rules no matter how long he will be banned for
19:06 <@Proc> he doesn't learn and thus deserves a permaban
19:06 <@Proc> do you agree?
19:06 <%Koya> Yep
19:08 <@Proc> why was bimps permabanned -> because he never learns to behave
19:08 <@Proc> thats my stance
19:08 <@towwl> we're permabanning toxic behavior here, yes?
19:08 <%imgood9> Oooh I see now
19:08 <@Proc> i permabanned ninja and bimps
19:08 <@Proc> both will never learn
19:09 <@Proc> we permaban when we lose hope
19:09 <@Proc> i give everyone a second or third chance
b) GregBot manages the bans and unbans in the irc channel. Mods should use it, if they try to circumvent the ban system, I will undo those changes. If they do it over and over again, I'm going to demod them until they learn how to properly moderate. Diff was given back his moderator rights yesterday.
c) Bimps was unbanned yesterday after the moderators voted to unban him (for reasons such as <atillabyte> bimps is entertainment <atillabyte> im for pardoning).
Except I was, GregBot is now hardcoded to ignore the commands I was giving it to unban bimps.
This is not true, I haven't written such command and GregBot properly unbanned/banned Bimps when i tried it yesterday. I'll see if I can somehow troubleshoot this.
You can't do it through IRC since GregBot has been programmed to fight off ops who dare defy him.
Not true either, if you read the moderator guide (which I have linked to you more than once), you will see that you can just issue a /mode -b ~q:*!* to unban someone through IRC.
It's stopped being a tool to help ops and is now actively fighting them.
It actively fights those who don't use it the right way, yes.
e) I don't get off to any sort of power which I don't really have on some chat room. I do prefer it if mods don't overrule my decisions without notice behind my back though. (Nobody from the mod team has messaged me about unbanning bimps) I also like to ensure consistency (permabans should mean permanent) and that the ops learn to use the right commands.
f) Koya should have PM'd me about that, I have now given him his halfop rank again.
g) I've been very busy with life and school lately. I still do take a peek at the channel every day (check my PMs at least).
Any further questions?
I have never thought of programming for reputation and honor. What I have in my heart must come out. That is the reason why I code.
I've seen comparatively non-trivial worse behaviour out of 1nsanity, Ninja, and the like.
My experience with Bimps has been no worse than that of ZeldaXD, whom, as far as I know, remains unbanned.
*u stinky*
I do prefer it if mods don't overrule my decisions without notice behind my back though.
That's funny. You have done this numerous times.
(Nobody from the mod team has messaged me about unbanning bimps)
Because most of your mod team is inactive.
Why is it entirely up to you -- or zoey? From what I've seen, most of the channel is okay with Bimps being around.
g) I've been very busy with life and school lately. I still do take a peek at the channel every day (check my PMs at least).
Any further questions?
I have a couple.
Can you give channel ownership to Different?
We liked when Diff was the owner. It's been nothing but **** since you've owned it.
Why did you rush to take ownership of the IRC channel?
Can't figure it out since:
I don't get off to any sort of power
Discord: jawp#5123
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