Dumb junk i'm making
Yeah whatever,
▼Going to a test you never studied for (Extremly large)
1. It seems like your regular boring school day, until one of your friends comes up to you and asks: ,,Did you study for the test?,,
2. You enter panic mode. You didn't do your homework, payed attention in class or picked up a pen all term.
3. You say that you studied just a tiny bit.
4. When really, your math book is drowning in dust.
5. It's okay though. Your math test isn't until 3rd period. You still have time to learn at least the basic formulas
6. You open your book and try to reread everything and see if you can absorb some of the knowledge.
7. Lunch is between 2nd and 3rd period, so at least you get an extra 20 minutes to work, but you have to skip lunch.
8. Alright. 3rd period. You take a quick glance at the book one last time and the teacher hands out the tests.
9. You look at everything on the test, trying to see if you even remember anything.
10. And you don't.
11. You peek to your left to see if you can cheat off of the person next to you, but their handwriting is so bad it looks like the egyptian hieroglyphics.
12. You try to calculate the minimum amount you need to get a passing grade.
13. ,,Ok to pass i need like 40% minimum. There's 12 questions on the test so i need to do like 5 questions. I should be able to do it.,,
14. You realize that aint happening. You try to find a way to get out of the test. Maybe you can vomit? The teacher can't grade your test if it's covered in barf....
15. But you can't. You skipped lunch and don't have anything in your system to vomit...
16. You try to find the perfect time to hand in the test that isn't too early nor too late.
17. You hand in your test, leave the classroom and ask how others did hoping they did horribly too, and it feels good knowing some of them probably failed too!
18. You never tell anyone you had a test, not your parents not your siblings, not even your dog.
19. The next day the teacher brought your tests back. You passed!? WHAT!? HOW!?
20. You promise yourself you will study harder and how you won't get into that kind of situation ever again.
21. The next day you go to school and one of your friends asks you if you studied for the geography test.
How long will it take me to get banned again?
Place your bets right here.