Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
You are not logged in.
I have searched for the fixes, but didn't really understood how i should fix it.
I don't know which version of PlayerIO dll you are using.
But to login to facebook it should look like this:
client = PlayerIO.QuickConnect.FacebookOAuthConnect("everybody-edits-su9rn58o40itdbnw69plyw", "accesstoken", null, null);
Join or create the room:
con = client.Multiplayer.CreateJoinRoom("PW01", "Everybodyedits" + client.BigDB.Load("config", "config")["version"], false, null, null);
I have still some errors. What shall i do with DeathMark.MainClass.client and DeathMark.MainClass.con
You need this for dictionary:
using System.Collections.Generic;
You need this for dictionary:
using System.Collections.Generic;
Yes that too. But he doesn't need to use the dictionary's in the login and connect code.
I have still some errors. What shall i do with DeathMark.MainClass.client and DeathMark.MainClass.con
client is for joining a world, reading a database and some more things.
con is for reading and sending messages.
If you look at you can do much more.
Anyway. Why have you added comments on region?
Kinda pointless to even have regions if you comment them.
Looks like you have problem with con and client too.
Try to set the variables to static.
What IDE is that?
Everybody edits, but some edit more than others
You need to make static elements so you can use them on any void of the class. Try:
static Client cli;
static Connection con;
What IDE is that?
Isn't it MonoDevelop?
HG here they are
HG here they are
You found them. You are good at finding things.
can you add this too?
"con.Send("say", "/kick kittro36")
HG here they are
He needs to make them static, not public.
I don't know which version of PlayerIO dll you are using.
But to login to facebook it should look like this:
client = PlayerIO.QuickConnect.FacebookOAuthConnect("everybody-edits-su9rn58o40itdbnw69plyw", "accesstoken", null, null);
Join or create the room:
con = client.Multiplayer.CreateJoinRoom("PW01", "Everybodyedits" + client.BigDB.Load("config", "config")["version"], false, null, null);
EEAnatoly tryed me to post this. and he using this "accestoken", idk what this is...
capasha wrote:I don't know which version of PlayerIO dll you are using.
But to login to facebook it should look like this:
client = PlayerIO.QuickConnect.FacebookOAuthConnect("everybody-edits-su9rn58o40itdbnw69plyw", "accesstoken", null, null);
Join or create the room:
con = client.Multiplayer.CreateJoinRoom("PW01", "Everybodyedits" + client.BigDB.Load("config", "config")["version"], false, null, null);
EEAnatoly tryed me to post this. and he using this "accestoken", idk what this is...▼EEAnatoly's problems
Serious. "accestoken" is only an example. He need his own facebook accesstoken.
Or like martenm said, move from facebook to simple login.
*I am using my EE.COM acount
*I am using my EE.COM acount
Have you tried with public static Connection con;?
Also if you don't understand the orange text. Which even say what is wrong.
How are you going to succeed with programming?
AnatolyEE wrote:
*I am using my EE.COM acount
Have you tried with public static Connection con;?
Also if you don't understand the orange text. Which even say what is wrong.
How are you going to succeed with programming?
That's like previouslier. It has no errors but bot does not connect to game. He is just invisibl,e
capasha wrote:AnatolyEE wrote:
*I am using my EE.COM acount
Have you tried with public static Connection con;?
Also if you don't understand the orange text. Which even say what is wrong.
How are you going to succeed with programming?That's like previouslier. It has no errors but bot does not connect to game. He is just invisibl,e
Are you using the same login information as your current account? If not, you would see the bot. But that will work when you send init to the server.
That orange thingy is just a warning.
Idk, I think it's correct enough...
Edit: Check the Email, Pass and WorldID. Maybe even GameID
It happend to me also on some nub bots I'm making.
lmao im dumb
Thanks to: Ernesdo (Current Avatar), Zoey2070 (Signature)
Very inactive, maybe in the future, idk.
Make sure you also add "con.Send("init");" and when you recieve "init" to send "init2"
^ Not understanding, please show me an example (if i won't be banned by hummerz5 for not-understanding)
^ Not understanding, please show me an example (if i won't be banned by hummerz5 for not-understanding)
Thank you eleizibeth ^
I stack my signatures rather than delete them so I don't lose them
Koya wrote:AnatolyEE wrote:^ Not understanding, please show me an example (if i won't be banned by hummerz5 for not-understanding)
No errors but he doesn't connect
Then give us your code. Use We can't help if you are only going to say "no errors".
//as a happy reminder: Do not show password or email for anti-hacks
using System;
using PlayerIOClient;
namespace DeathMark
class MainClass
public static Connection con;
static Client client;
static void Main (string[] args)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
client = PlayerIO.QuickConnect.SimpleConnect("everybody-edits-su9rn58o40itdbnw69plyw", "email", "password", null);
con = client.Multiplayer.JoinRoom("PWoeeqnQSMb0I", null);
con.OnMessage += OnMessage;
private static void OnMessage(object sender, Message e)
switch(e.Type) {
case "init":
case "init2":
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
[ Started around 1741669583.818 - Generated in 0.087 seconds, 12 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.78 MiB (Peak: 2.03 MiB) ]