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(off-topic: i thought this forum would be dead by now but glad to see it's out of the doldrums. for those who dont know i begged diff to make this subforum)
should the death penalty be used? i thought about this randomly a couple days ago and i have to say no. the two reason are
1. you can help the prisoners instead of letting them rot in the prison cells so when/if they reenter society they arent ****, because going to jail **** you up in many ways and that sucks
2. there isnt always a definitive evidence that someone did something. if they get the death sentence and are then found out to be innocent after their death, that is ****.
not good wording idc but at least one of the two points should be relevant. thoughts? counterpoints? please share
1. I agree prisons are for rehabilitating people to get back into society.
2. I don't think they usually do death penalties unless they're pretty much 100% confident about things.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
death penalty should only apply for criminals that show absolutely no sign of improvement and have a total disregard of morality (ie psychopaths)
if it's a life imprisonment then i think the prisoner should be rather executed, it's better from the economical point of view because holding someone in jail for 20-40 years requires some decent upkeep costs
and i don't think the person has a chance to change themselves if they did something that sick that they got life imprisonment
if it's a life imprisonment then i think the prisoner should be rather executed, it's better from the economical point of view because holding someone in jail for 20-40 years requires some decent upkeep costs
and i don't think the person has a chance to change themselves if they did something that sick that they got life imprisonment
I know a dude who got two sequential life sentences. He killed two people when trying to rob them. He was in a bad place financially and he does feel badly for having killed them. He never did want to kill anyone, to rob them he only took an airsoft gun painted black. But we lived in a not-so-great neighborhood so of course the people he chose to rob had their own real guns and tried to kill him in self defense.
Point is, he could probably be rehabilitated and change, but he's still in jail for life.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
Point is, he could probably be rehabilitated and change, but he's still in jail for life.
so he's either way staying in jail for life no matter what? unless there is some miraculous proof it wasnt him?
Personally, i don't think anyone deserves the death sentence. No matter how bad their crimes are. If you are sentencing someone to death for something like murder,
You are not any better than he is. You're both murderers. The only difference is that one person ,,did a crime,, and the other ,,did justice,,.
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sorta leering away from the point here, but what exactly are "subsequent life sentences"?
is the government paranoid that the criminal could somehow resurrect, and need it to put him back in place?
Personally, i don't think anyone deserves the death sentence. No matter how bad their crimes are. If you are sentencing someone to death for something like murder,
You are not any better than he is. You're both murderers. The only difference is that one person ,,did a crime,, and the other ,,did justice,,.
eye for an eye, that's how it should work in my opinion
or at least because if someone kills 20 people would you rather keep them in jail with a chance to escape and murder more or would you end their life and ensure that it won't happen anymore, leaving them no chance?
The death penalty gives government too much power over the lives of its citizens.
There have been many people on death row who had turned out to be innocent post-execution.
I'm personally sceptical about the methods being carried out professionally (especially in private prisons) as well as humane.
We are still in an infancy stage wherein there's uncertainty about the neurological processes within the brain under duress, medicated or otherwise.
You can call it what you wish, however the basis is that of vengeance.
This means that, in essence, the death penalty is akin to that of human sacrifice.
The United States has already passed the Patriot Act, which allows for inhumane treatment of suspected terrorists.
If this were to gain ground any further, the very same people that have been retroactively released from prison for non-violent drug offences could endure the same punishment.
*u stinky*
Personally, i don't think anyone deserves the death sentence. No matter how bad their crimes are. If you are sentencing someone to death for something like murder,
You are not any better than he is. You're both murderers. The only difference is that one person ,,did a crime,, and the other ,,did justice,,.
Except that person is often a cancer to society.
I know people growing up with bad influence are going to become just like their peers and that's not solved with violence, but there are some out there that just don't deserve to live in a civilized society.
Luka504 wrote:Personally, i don't think anyone deserves the death sentence. No matter how bad their crimes are. If you are sentencing someone to death for something like murder,
You are not any better than he is. You're both murderers. The only difference is that one person ,,did a crime,, and the other ,,did justice,,.eye for an eye, that's how it should work in my opinion
or at least because if someone kills 20 people would you rather keep them in jail with a chance to escape and murder more or would you end their life and ensure that it won't happen anymore, leaving them no chance?
I still think the death penalty is never a good punishment. No matter how bad the commited crime be.
Also i seem to notice that both your and 0176's argument is based on the fact that prisoners are heartless monsters who never change no matter what you do.
But have you ever considered some other factors?
- They might never have actully commited the crime.
- They might regret doing the act.
- They can see what prison life really is.
- The crime might be just a one time thing.
But if you just kill them, these factors are just thrown out of the window without any sort of consideration. Once you kill someone you can't bring them back. But if they are just in prison, you can just set them free anytime IF they are in fact found innocent of the crime at hand.
And then we have the prison education system. You can just, teach prisoners the life skills they need. Without those skills, they will just return to their life of crime. But wait! You didnt even give them a chance to return to that life of crime or to a new life of freedom, since you took away their life.
I stand by what i said. Death is never the right thing to do. Doesn't matter if you're the president or a middle class.
Except that person is often a cancer to society.
I know people growing up with bad influence are going to become just like their peers and that's not solved with violence, but there are some out there that just don't deserve to live in a civilized society.
Read Above.
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