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Damn it feels good to write "official" on that title. Anyway, i don't really have anything more constructive to say so i'm just gonna give you the reviews now.
~ The EE judge song ~
No matter how crap~
No matter how good~
Norwegianboy’s gonna rate your level like a judge would~
Did you focus on minimap art?
I’ll check “terrible” in my review chart.
Does the ingame compare?
I have to try to be fair!
Oh my freaking god it’s absolutely terrible!
Couldn’t you at least try to make it bearable?
Hookjumps and hovers, oh man!
Is this supposed to be your great plan?
You had weeks and what did you drop?
A utter and completely horrendous flop.
Next on my list i expected the worst.
Crap after crap, this contest is cursed!!
But then like a miracle what do i see?
My grumpiness transforms into glee!
Beautiful art and the gameplay is bliss.
It took me fifty bad levels and look at this!
Nothing bad to be found even if i’m stern.
I thought the contestants would never learn!
There were so many levels that ruined my spirit.
It’s the moments like these that makes it worth it.
Biased he isn’t and lying he does not~
So salutations!
Stop with your baseless accusations!
Norwegianboy’s here to judge your s***!
- Reviews begin here -
Sand Castles
Team: Sensei1
Score: 20/20
Reasons: Sand castles… I don’t think it’s possible to get more summer-y than that. It truly feels like we are walking through sand castles, yes oh yes, indeed we are. I also like that we walk through a flooded part of the sand castle. This theme is pretty much perfect for summer.
Score: 8/10
Reasons: It starts very easy and gradually gets more challenging, it’s always a plus to have a nice difficulty curve. Good job on the difficulty progression. As for the puzzles, some of them are very clever and nice for medium difficulty. Some puzzles were too abstract for my stupid brain, therefore believe i solved the last puzzles in not the way that was intended. But still, the difficulty felt right.
Score: 17/20
Reasons: The concept of using the correct switch combination to progress is a nice one, and feels refreshing and unique to play. I also appreciate the underwater sequence for adding some spice to this level. The minigames are very good for being simple platforming and not the arrow-mini keyboard-combination nightmare that many level utilized in the spring contest. Very nice job.
Slight Criticism: All in all the level feels a little lackluster compared to your last contest level Sensei1. Maybe it’s just a lot shorter, maybe it’s the fact that it feels like it was given less effort than your spring contest level. But i could not give a higher score due to this fact. .
Score: 10/10
Reasons: The art is just like in your last level. It looks amazing and nails the “good both ingame and on minimap” aspect that i appreciate.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: I guess the story is that we are wandering through a miniature sand castle with actual inhabitants and soldiers? The story is not all that amazing compared to the spring contest level, but it does the job.
Total: 58/65
Summer dream
Team: Seppinjo, Hey, Mait.
Score: 11/20
Reasons: Another case of the “summer in name so that means it’s summer right? Lol” syndrome. Although a desert is a pretty nice and rarely explored setting.
Score: 5/10
Reasons: The difficulty is slightly hard in the beginning, and then it just kind of dies. (I will explain this in the gameplay section.)
Score: 6/20
Reasons: This level starts well and then it just kind of… gradually falls apart like a cookie crumbling between your hands. It starts linear with some average minis, and then the terrain get’s nonlinear and you can just sort of skip to the finish. This world had potential, but in it’s current state it just doesn't cut it. Sorry The Bros, try to make a smaller world if you have trouble creating a big one.
Score: 7/10
Reasons: Desert art looks really nice on minimap, and not that bad ingame either.
Score: 2/5
Reasons: Some signs were kinda funny, but mostly they failed to impress me, you guys should limit sign-usage.
Total: 31/65
Team: Johnnycraig, tntlover125.
Score: 2/20
Reasons: My god what a stupid level. There is pretty much no theme to be carried from this other than “arrowmini hell” Oh wait!! There is a sun caricature in the lower right side of the minimap. 2 POINTS!!
Score: 0/10
Reasons: This is way too hard for “medium” What were you guys thinking?
Score: 3/20
Reasons: The beginning minis are barely passable, but then i got stuck because of the difficulty and tediousness of this level.
Score: 0/10
Reasons: The art looks like my toilet after i have eaten Chinese food. Also the poop smeared on the wall for extra effect. This includes both ingame and minimap.
Score: 0/5
Reasons: No story at all. I hate this level.
Total: 5/65
Team: Habbogame, Kubapolish.
Score: 8/20
Reasons: A beach is a good location for a summer contest level i guess. Does that mean it’s a creative location? No.
Score: 2/10
Reasons: Ignoring the easy (but slow) to navigate overworld-ish area. There are too difficult and confusing arrowminis inbetween the cracks of the beach.
Score: 5/20
Reasons: Swimming across a mostly empty ocean is not that exciting, Especially when you get stuck and unable to find your way. The minis that should spice things up are too hard and kind of annoying. (The water maze being a example)
Score: 2/10
Reasons: It looks pretty bad, sorry. Barely passable on minimap, but very bland and boring terrain.
Score: 1/5
Reasons: If there was a story it must have been pretty forgettable.
Total: 18/65
Beaches in space
Team: 0176.
Score: 20/20
Reasons: Now that’s how you get creative with a summer contest theme constraint. Beaches in space? Could have been a failure, but you actually created a awesome level using this theme. Excellent job.
Score: 10/10
Reasons: The difficulty is so right, This feels like medium through and through.
Score: 20/20
Reasons: I had so much fun playing this level. It somehow manages to get a good story, art, gameplay and theme all in one package. High enjoyability.
Score: 10/10
Reasons: It looks so good. Both ingame and minimap is absolutely astonishing. I can’t believe you managed to do that. It’s almost a little too detailed ingame, but the level is way too good for me to make that into a negative.
Score: 5/5
Reasons: The story was perfect for this type of level.
Total: 65/65
JUDGE NOTE: I could talk endlessly about how good this level is, but it would probably look stupid to drag on and on about how this level has “good art, good story, good gameplay” and so on. This level is perfect and did everything right. That’s all i gotta say. So far, this is my first place contester. It will be interesting to see if any other level will make me as impressed as this.
SWKD:Restore The Sun
Team: Sahlil, Wizardguy, Kaleb123, Da23niel3.
Score: 14/20
Reasons: The beginning was really boring and made me question the theme. However, it became more clear later on when we were trying to “restore the sun” and stuff.
Score: 4/10
Reasons: The minigames are mostly ok, but some are WAY too hard. Some annoying pixel perfect jumps and segments should have been made much easier.
Score: 8/20
Reasons: in the beginning i was experiencing a slow boring day of helping a guy find his cat and then doing schoolwork. For a while i got stuck in the gym, in what felt like an eternity i was doomed to fail a pixel perfect jump while the emotionless P.E. teacher stared at me with his empty eyes, unable to show any mercy. Why in the name of god would you create so many pixel perfect annoying jumps in the middle of this level? There are even 1x1 hovers. Way to ruin your story level with horrendous gameplay. Most minis are ok, but those that are bad almost made me ragequit the level without finishing. The beginning story walking segments are boring as hell, however it gets more tolerable later on as the story gets more interesting.
Score: 5/10
Reasons: The art is not too interesting or good. It is very mediocre to be honest.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: As mentioned. The beginning is so very boring, but it gets more interesting when the bad guy shows up and we begin the quest to “restore the sun”
Total: 34/65
Summer Coin Hunt
Team: Musicman.
Score: 11/20
Reasons: I guess the art is summer-ish. There's a beach... Not much more to say about it. Another one of the “summer in name so-” worlds.
Score: 8/10
Reasons: I guess the difficulty is alright. One coin jump was kinda annoying.
Score: 6/20
Reasons: This level felt very bland and uninteresting. You need to have better concept man. “Coin hunt” is the absolutely worst concept ever if that’s all you could bring to the table. Sure the gameplay is ok… But it was so boring to play through this.
Score: 4/10
Reasons: Bland. Looks good ingame i guess, but still kinda bland and unexciting.
Score: 1/5
Reasons: Coin hunt.
Total: 30/65
Team: Peace, Bahar.
Score: 4/20
Reasons: Did not really get any summer vibe from what i played.
Score: 1/10
Reasons: I have to go through a extremely precise dot trail with spikes surrounding every ounce of air. Really?
Score: 2/20
Reasons: It was very unfun. That's why i did not finish the level. Although entering caves to slowly climb up the mountain is a good idea in itself. If only the minis did not suck.
Score: 4/10
Reasons: Minimap is disabled, it’s kind of annoying because i don’t know how big the world is. But the ingame art is not that bad, if not average.
Score: 1/5
Reasons: I’m guessing we are climbing up a mountain for some reason? This does not have much to do with summer, also generic story is generic.
Total: 12/65
NSFW: Summer Palace
Team: Lictor666, Kiraninja, Stagecrew, DClevels, Benje00.
Score: 13/20
Reasons: This level has summer slapped onto the name and a nice sky, but the summer feeling is not quite there. I did not really feel the “summer vibe” while travelling through most of the level. I guess it was all a nice excuse to make a EX crew odyssey tribute though.
Score: 6/10
Reasons: The difficulty is alright for the most part. Disregard the fact that i am not a fan of NSFW’s minigames and looking at them objectively: They are kinda confusing and i am sure that noobs will have trouble on beating this level. Not sure if it’s quite “medium” material but i guess it barely fits.
Score: 13/20
Reasons: I dislike arrow minis, which this level is prevalent of. Some care was put into many minis to make sure noobs would understand what to do, but many minis took way too long for me to count them as “medium.” Most minis were ok but overall i thought they were kinda boring. I thought that returning through all the minis was kinda tedious in Ex Crew Odyssey, and i think the same for this level. It’s a clever concept sure, but i just did not enjoy the minis that much.
Score: 6/10
Reasons: The creators clearly believe that the minimap is the most important aspect of the art. Ingame the dungeon looks ok, if not slightly empty and bland, in some places more ingame art detail would have been appreciated. The minimap looks very good as one might expect, but the ingame art is the focus of both me and the other judges this contest.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: Some barely mentioned sickness is around or something, therefore we need to go to satan and ask him to remove that plague from the world. When we reach satan we can
1: Sell our soul.
2: Defeat satan?
3: Think about it.
It’s nice having some choices, i chose to sell my soul. When i reached the finish line i apparently lost because i chose that option. Which was kinda lame, i thought i had to redo everything to get a better ending, but actually i just had to find a hidden fly powerup and find a secret to get a good ending. I think it would be better to have a linear story like in Ex Crew Odyssey so that people don’t think they have to redo ALL those minis if they want to actually win.
Total: 41/65
- Kira-rage after commentary -
~ A shortsighted man once said ~
Master1: “Secondly, levels like norwegianboy’s and I wanna be the guy tend to stick to “The wrong kind of hard” Where almost all the jumps are pixel perfect spike/portal dodging bs. When it comes to difficulty, we want it the levels in the campaigns to be learnable. Not something you have to play over and over, hoping to get lucky at some point.
~ To which an adept mind replied ~
Nlmdejonge: My experience is the exact opposite of what you describe, and my opinion is also the exact opposite of yours. You call those levels “the wrong kind of hard”, I call them the right kind of hard”.
What you call “bs”, not learnable and “hoping to get lucky”, i describe ( as “precision jumping”, “a skill that’s masterable”. Those arrow paths, where you’re accelerating and slowing down through arrows: that’s the thing you have to play “over and over, hoping to get lucky at some point”. For a lot of those arrow paths you cannot even see half the mini until you finish the first section, which means you need to literally do it over and over until you finally figure out what the maker of the level wants you to do.
It’s disconcerting to see you, as an “EE Mod”, write that what the staff wants (“we want”) for campaigns is not compatible with “levels like norwegianboy’s and I wanna be the guy”. It’s clear that the staff’s taste goes into a specific, arrow path-like, direction. This is evident from, for example, the majority of the levels created by the staff members.
Now, there’s nothing wrong with consensus among the staff, but some ( … 53#p525353) of us are somewhat afraid that what you may see ( … 60#p525360) as “as diverse as possible” is still primarily (pretty minimaps with) arrow madness, because you’re looking for diversity within too narrow boundaries. I wasn’t joking when i wrote ( … 16#p527516) that “I hope minigames and stairs and such will be included in the campaigns.”
Those arrow paths are everywhere nowadays and they are cheap and uninspired minis. There are people extremely skilled at creating such minis, but i personally just see their skill as being great at creating crap.
Several years ago lots of people suddenly started creating such minis because some of the people in this community who were seen as “pros” were creating these arrow paths. That’s why we’ve been flooded with so many of such levels in recent years and that’s why they show up in so many campaign (level) suggestions - including this thread. You (Master1, staff) don’t have to finish playing all campaigns, you don’t even have to play them at all. I may never finish the “Fractured Fingers” campaign because I think it’s levels are horrible.
I urge you to really make the campaigns as diverse as possible. Don’t discard levels because you personally think they are the “wrong kind of hard” or insufficiently “learnable” or about “hoping to get lucky”. What’s fun and what’s not is subjective. Also, the staff and the people on this forum are just a fraction of all the EE players. These buddies that hang around in those “pro” arrow levels, if you look carefully you’ll always see the same nicks there, it’s a minority. Oh, and thanks for mentioning “I wanna be the guy”, it may be suitable for inclusion in the “Precision Jumping” campaign.”
~ To which i humbly replied to ~
Norwegianboy: Good stuff you are writing there.
I totally agree on everything you wrote. They say they want variety… and then they deny ANY level that is not generally “accepted” by the EElite. (People that only hang out in arrowtroll levels seem to only like arrowtroll levels, who could have guessed?!)
~ After of which i reply to a new ill-advised person in the topic: “Halloween campaign is nothing but arrow paths” ~
Nou: Consider the following:
- You have to have a similar theme, narrowing it down extremely
- You have to have similar difficulty, narrowing it down even more
- The “diversity” aspect refers to a diversity in level creators. Generally, these creators have different styles too. Plus, “as diverse as possible” is not necessarily untrue. It is as diverse as possible, being within its restrictions.
- I don’t make all campaigns. The Halloween one and Adventure thing were made by Master1.
- Opinions, dude. You’ve been very clear about your preference for more open, exploration-type levels on the forum, so naturally this goes against your preferences.
Why are making this personal? If you don’t like the levels, don’t play them. Can’t satisfy everyone.
Norwegianboy: I’m not too fond of the way campaigns work. The issues we talk about has been brought up several times, but the moderators always seem to ignore it, take it as a joke or just express their personal dislike for levels/campaigns/ideas they don’t like. Have you ever thought that other people might have DIFFERING opinions on levels they think are fun? Is it not contradictory to claim the campaigns are “diverse” when the moderators systematically deny any level that everyone but the pronoob likes? The EElite only wants the same accepted norm, even though most people don’t even like it, i have seen the players in the halloween level and many complain about the difficult and hard to understand minis.
I thought EE was a sandbox game where creativity was promoted… but nope, the same recycled stuff every time is apparently the way we want it around here now.
If we had one artsy fartsy campaign? Great, but every damn campaign is basically the same as the other with a palette swap. Creativity and diversity? Every level that does not meet the set requirements will be denied:
- Arrowpath minigames that were deemed “pro” by Ex crew are the only accepted minigames.
- Pretty minimap art that looks absolutely retarded ingame. (Imagine if the minimap was disabled)
- 14-16 minis with some paths in between just to spice up the minimap fockage. Why focus on making good gameplay when you can circumvent it by making art first and THEN make players jump between the troll for gameplay? Brilliant! Pixel art is great and all, but diversity? I ain’t seeing it.
Also… pfft? Diversity in level creators? What’s the point of arguing with that when 80% of the level creators all do the same style with some slight “twists.”
All of this boils down to one thing in my opinion. Getting rid of the notion that cheaply produced mediocre levels with “amazing minimap art” are somehow good campaign material and deserve any contest prize. Kira’s crew could be compared to that of a cavalry-unit deployed in the First world war, notorious and feared in the past, but now they are hopelessly outdated, clinging on to their notions of how warfare (good levels) should be. Ignoring the change that is to be seen all around them. They fuel the fading flames in vain, hoping for it to return to it’s former glory. Thinking that rehashed uninspired and uncreative levels will be enough to keep NSFW’s reputation and first place streak going. What sad delusions. The times-a change my friends. The times-a change…
High Tide
Team: Kirby, Megalamb, AK712, 12345678908642.
Score: 20/20
Reasons: Surfing on a beach? Sounds summer-y. It is also a concept executed well.
Score: 5/10
Reasons: Collecting the coins is very hard once you need to reach further out. It is also very difficult to actually get any golden coins. This should have been much easier. The minigames are ok for the most part.
Score: 14/20
Reasons: It is a very clever concept i’ll have to give you guys that. Though i did rage multiple times trying to get the last necessary coins for beating the level. Some hidden locations were also hard to find at first. The shop was a nice addition, though i think there should have been something that would allow you to start in the middle of the ocean or maybe some checkpoints. The underwater tides were kinda annoying, but i guess they were necessary to make it more difficult. Going up from the dive to surf was really cool.
Score: 6/10
Reasons: Looks mostly nice on minimap,though it’s not terrible in-game either, the sea creatures looks pretty nice and intimidating. Not bad at all.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: I guess we are just surfing, story doesn’t seem to be the main concern here, just some nice gameplay. So i’ll give a 3.
Total: 48/65
Score: 8/20
Reasons: The summer in this land is so hot that you die if the sun shines on you for 20-60 seconds. Also the name has summer so-
Score: 0/10
Reasons: This world is so complex that i did not even care to learn how to play it. Which is sad, because it looks like it took a lot of effort to make this, too bad the entire level is just NOT fun to play at all. And i had no idea how to do anything at all.
Score: 2/20
Reasons: Really tedious and overly complex gameplay. 2 points for wasted effort.
Score: 3/10
Reasons: mediocre/kinda bad.
Score: 1/5
Reasons: For some reason we need to complete a checklist of things. How do we do it? Nobody has lived to figure it out!
Total: 14/65
Fearless Sand Castle
Team: MKgamer, Taylor11, Cheesereal, Pandasz, Thanksmom
Score: 14/20
Reasons: Walking through a sandcastle. Kind of like in Sensei1’s world. Except this sandcastle is just minimap art so it doesn’t feel as cool.
Score: 6/10
Reasons: It’s not the ideal medium world in my opinion, but all the minis are the same difficulty and it’s perfectly doable if you practise.
Score: 14/20
Reasons: Not a fan of walking through arrowminis in the minimap art, but it does a good job for what it is. The minis are actually kinda fun.
Score: 4/10
Reasons: Good minimap art, but it’s kinda confusing ingame at times due to the minimap-y nature of the artwork.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: Mostly gameplay only in this world. I give 3 points for worlds without story.
Total: 41/65
Travel to the sun
Team: Jakub321, Loot, Kornak, Pepijnrozijn.
Score: 16/20
Reasons: The summer feeling is definitely here, bright sunny beach area and all that. Mostly minimap art though.
Score: 5/10
Reasons: Some minis are slightly annoying, but nothing too terrible except for the stupid minimap castle which is really annoying to navigate. I got eye strains from trying to find my way through that stupid troll background mess.
Score: 12/20
Reasons: The gameplay suffers from the minimap art interfering with gameplay, the minis are plain arrow minis otherwise. The gameplay got substantially better once i got outside the castle, due to less annoying minimap backgrounds.
Score: 3/10
Reasons: Sure the minimap is nice, but the castle interior looks atrocious ingame. The outside is much more acceptable. (Btw the sun looks like a mass grave ingame, focus less on minimap next time.)
Score: 3/5
Reasons: The name of the world is pretty much the only story aspect, that’s not a bad idea if the gameplay is nice.
Total: 39/65
-Tropical Paradise-
Team: Stickspy.
Score: 20/20
Reasons: This level has a good summer feeling to it. The diving is also a good idea for summer theme.
Score: 4/10
Reasons: Some of the arrowminis are annoying and confusing, as a whole this level feels a little too hard. Many minis should have been easier to understand and more simple.
Score: 15/20
Reasons: The first part of the level was excellent and made me think this would be a nice atmospheric platformer level with a few arrowminis in between, eventually though it turned into a medley of arrowminis which made it slightly exhausting. If not for difficulty and some slight confusion this would have been even better.
Score: 10/10
Reasons: I really like what you did with the art in this level, it looks really cool ingame, the background art is also a very nice touch. Very detailed and good looking.
Score: 2/5
Reasons: I was confused about the story in this level, why did we suddenly dive for a artifact without any explanation? Someone is building a hotel in the island? Why is this relevant or necesarry? The story signs are not really necessary. It would have been better if you just created some empty rooms for ambiance.
Total: 51/65
Sunken Summer City
Team: Lukas504, Maxi123, Evilbunny.
Score: 20/20
Reasons: Another diving level-ish. I’m starting to notice a pattern here. But it’s a good theme for summer.
Score: 6/10
Reasons: It’s nice with some difficulty progression, but it gets a little too hard at the end.
Score: 15/20
Reasons: Most of the minis are varied even though they are arrowminis. It get’s a little frustrating for me at times, but it’s a good challenge. Just a little too hard. I really like the fact that you can dive into the water and look at most of the level, it's pointless but i think it’s a very nice touch.
Score: 10/10
Reasons: The art looks very nice in both ingame/minimap and it does not interfere with gameplay. That’s a 10 for me.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: This level focuses mostly on gameplay.
Total: 54/65
Summer Contest
Team: Skullz17
Score: 10/20
Reasons: Not much of a summer feeling in this level. (Ignoring the storyline) We are mostly traveling through some ruins.
Score: 10/10
Reasons: I have no complaints regarding difficulty. It feels right.
Score: 16/20
Reasons: Ignoring the story parts, it’s mostly about doing medium-difficulty arrowminis in ruin settings. There is also a three trials challenge, which is done really well and is pretty fun.
Minor complaint -> The random coin collection/crafting sequence is kind of tedious, why do we have to collect the same items so many times? It’s not fun at all. It could have been done better.
Score: 10/10
Reasons: The art is simple but well made. I can understand why you removed minimap for a story-centred level like this.
Score: 5/5
Reasons: The story is simple but engaging from early on, the ending was the best part. Very cool idea for a story.
Total: 51/65
The Volcano Disaster
Team: Kalina, GamerJanko1, Samuil, Mobihel.
Score: 4/20
Reasons: This world goes all over the place, but rarely does it have that much of relevance to summer.
Score: 2/10
Reasons: The minigames go from easy to ludicrous without much progression.
Score: 6/20
Reasons: While much effort was put into this level it still is not quite on level with what would be considered “good”. To mention a few problems:
- No difficulty progression
- Bad grammar/english
- Some places you can get stuck forever.
- Exploits (double jump for most of the level)
- Boring locations (The cave chapter)
- Very long and random.
. and so on~
Score: 4/10
Reasons: Some locations look surprisingly good, but then we get some boring plain caves and other locations to make up for it.
Score: 2/5
Reasons: Story is filled with grammatical mistakes, but it’s really funny just because of how bad it is. So i give it a 2.
Total: 18/65
Iter Restas
Team: Pink909, Oriax, Sapizza
Score: 8/20
Reasons: Ok what does this have to do with summer? Blue sky? Grass? Some short sand segment? Ugh…
[Minor rant]: Why can’t there just be a “make a good level contest” instead of this: “It needs to have the “FEEL” of summer” thing. -,-
Score: 6/10
Reasons: Not exactly perfect medium difficulty but i guess it passes barely.
Score: 12/20
Reasons: Some generic arrowminis in a cube-like terrain. It’s very ok but not all that interesting.
Score: 7/10
Reasons: The art looks detailed, but the architecture feels kind of like minecraft due to the nature of the minigames. Not bad though.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: No story as far as my eye can see.
Total: 38/65
FW - Tropical Trip
Team: Omarabdulhag, JoranasC, Goldy301, SupersS, Tyarcz.
Score: 10/20
Reasons: Summer vacation makes the main character go insane, how many mundane tasks can he perform before he ultimately succumbs to madness? He truly wants to go to that tropical island. And he will literally lick the dust off your boot if that means earning one penny extra. Long story made short: Doing mundane tasks from a list in the summer vacation does not really bring out the “feel” of summer.
Score: 8/10
Reasons: The difficulty is ok for the most part.
Score: 12/20
Reasons: I was bored to death playing this level. This level is not bad, it does not use 100 hookjumps… It was just… not… fun… This is what happens when creators put so much effort into their level and in the process they forget how to make their levels fun. Sign after sign, some mundane minigame, more thousands of signs. I’m not gonna be all negative. This level is very well made and it has some sweet moments like the airport sequence and a few minis, but most of the time it’s just so annoying doing the ingame chores that this level started to feel like a chore itself. Even though this level is solid and certainly not bad, i just did not have any fun playing it. Sorry.
Score: 8/10
Reasons: The art is good looking for the most part, but slightly average.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: The overall story is huge and well made, but the hundreds boring mundane signs did not engage me as a player.
Total: 41/65
Cool Yourself Down
Team: Charlie59876, March18, Jeremy300, Cherrypie45
Score: 6/20
Reasons: I’m kinda unsure how serious i am supposed to judge this world… But i’ll just try to be objective i guess. Theme is beach random place with random stuff happeni- I DON’T KNOW!!! DX
Score: 5/10
Reasons: It’s uhh.. Ok except for one particular annoying mini.
Score: 14/20
Reasons: It was fun! Joke levels are fun!
Score: 3/10
Reasons: There has been a lot of nonexistent effort put into it.
Score: 4/5
Reasons: The story is exquisite.
Total: 32/65
The Castaway
Team: Torbes, Aorta
Score: 10/20
Reasons: Tropical setting is ok for summer theme i guess. But the main focus is escaping a island.
Score: 7/10
Reasons: The difficulty is ok.
Score: 11/20
Reasons: It’s a clever concept, but the level design is kinda meh. To sum this up: It does feel like you are in a tropical island trying to escape… Except it’s in a b-movie setting.
Score: 6/10
Reasons: It’s not that bad. But not amazing.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: Story is kinda engaging for what it is.
Total: 37/65
Team: Mp3000, Hilbo, Smilis, Ferary
Score: 14/20
Reasons: Sand castle minis. Some quick message about having “saved summer” Surfing on waves… Eh i guess it’s a high rating. (In case you are unable to catch this, i’m trying to convey how difficult it is to rate a levels “theme”)
Score: 6/10
Reasons: Some of the sandcastle minis are really annoying, but many minis are mostly fine.
Score: 10/20
Reasons: The gameplay in this level is at first a sandcastle with generic minis, afterwards there is huge water-slide thing to the finish. The waterslide is not that well designed, and the minis are mediocre.
Score: 2/10
Reasons: Art is not that impressive. There is almost only minimap art.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: Apparently i “saved summer” when i beat the level. Really? I was not told of this quest when i started the level. I’m just gonna pretend there was no story.
Total: 35/65
Team: CommanderKitten, Anch, Unau, Pingohits, Lickagoat
Score: 14/20
Reasons: Same commentary as NSFW’s theme basically. Well i guess there is a beach this time… But mostly we are travelling through some dungeons instead of experiencing summer.
Score: 6/10
Reasons: The minigame difficulty is alright for the most part, i think they did it slightly better than NSFW to be honest. But the RPG element is not that amazing due to it mostly being about luckchain portals, this kinda hurts the difficulty department. Also it’s about choosing the right upgrades, if you lose a battle you can just reset constantly until you win without any sort of penalty.
Score: 14/20
Reasons: The regular arrowminis throughout the level are pretty generic and non-exciting, but the real reason why this level is better than average is that they tried to implement a RPG system. It’s kinda flawed, but it still makes it more exciting than a pure arrowmini assault on the senses.
The level: Mostly about walking through a level that is eerily similar to Spring relics. I would call this a flawed clone of spring relics unless they made the rpg.
The rpg system: Well.. It’s actually not really that good of a rpg system, but it’s still exciting to see something different. In theory you do well if you choose the right upgrades and then do the correct strategic choice during the combat. But this kinda fails due to the luck portals basically making the fights unstable and unstrategic. Also there is no penalty for losing, you will simply reset the fight. The problem with the upgrades is that many of them are actually pretty useless and will simply stall the fight, making you reset the fight many more times unless you reset the level/upgrades.
Score: 7/10
Reasons: The art is minimap focused again. But the ingame art is not that bad.
Score: 4/5
Reasons: The story is actually good because there is a balanced amount of signs and the story is kinda interesting.
Total: 45/65
Icecream Quest
Team: Grilvon2, Eminem321, Facund0, Thesurvi, Theemi2
Score: 16/20
Reasons: Walking on a beach, going underwater, travelling to ice cream land, i guess this is a good theme score.
Score: 3/10
Reasons: Some minis are ridiculously hard, while other are pretty easy. This means a bad score, sorry. Many are good difficulty, but the bad one ruins it.
Score: 10/20
Reasons: The gameplay is kinda fun and fitting difficulty most of the times, but there are also some extremely frustrating moments with minis that are way too hard. This pulls down the score quite a bit.
Score: 5/10
Reasons: Ingame art is ok but there are also some pretty bland looking parts scattered throughout the level. It’s not that horrible though.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: Hunting for ice cream and travelling to ice cream land.
Total: 37/65
Castle Contest
Team: Happyeditor
Score: 15/20
Reasons: Huge sandcastle. Summer theme is fine but not that excitingly made compared to Sensei1’s version. Also why make the sky brownish? Wouldn’t it be better blue? Also the level and theme feels pretty empty.
Score: 4/10
Reasons: Some minis are hard to figure out and some are much easier than others. There is not that much of a difficulty progression because the last mini is really easy.
Score: 10/20
Reasons: The level feels kinda short and there's not much effort put into it. The gameplay is ok, but only created out of arrowminis. As a whole this level felt pretty empty and bland. Like not much effort was put into this.
Score: 3/10
Reasons: The sky and art is not all that good, and ingame art is nonexistent. The level feels lazy in many aspects to be honest.
Score: 2/5
Reasons: Just one sign at the beginning mentioning that the protagonist wishes to take a bath.
Total: 34/65
Team: Sercan2, Hans22, Squadxzo
Score: 10/20
Reasons: This feels like a wannabe of Persian Peril. And that is NOT a compliment. I guess the sky is blue and there is a middle eastern environment, but the level does not really bring out the feel of “summer”?
Score: 0/10
Reasons: Wtf is this. I stopped at the part where you need to do 2 pixel perfect jumps on 1x1 blocks consequtively. The contest said this needs to be “medium” Do you guys seriously believe that this is medium? This is harder than Forgotten Veil.
Score: 2/20
Reasons: The difficulty is way too hard. This would be a fitting entry for a Extreme difficulty campaign. Other than difficulty this is basically exactly the same as Persian Peril with very hard arrow minis and minimap art.
Score: 6/10
Reasons: Minimap art. It’s not that bad ingame from what i saw so far. But kinda bland sky.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: No story.
Total: 21/65
Ethereal Ground
Team: Killeratz, Shadowboy, SRNA, Raon, Jr2
Score: 11/20
Reasons: It’sa lot of underground exploring until you can explore the slapped on beach city part at the end. Granted, it looks pretty nice, but it’s not exactly a major part of the level.
Score: 10/10
Reasons: The difficulty is very good and medium.
Score: 16/20
Reasons: The gameplay is pretty nice, some parts of the level has little content and could have had signs or something to make it feel less empty though. Arrowmini gameplay, but the minis are simple to understand for the most part.
Score: 9/10
Reasons: The minimap looks nice, but more importantly it does not disrupt the ingame gameplay. It does not look that bad ingame either. Could have had some more ingame details.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: No real storyline.
Total: 49/65
The Summer Cave
Team: Latif, Momin
Score: 8/20
Reasons: The summer cave, Wow so summery. I can just feel the flow of summer by going through these dank caves… of SUMMER!! At least you guys tried to add some summer decorations in a few places.
Score: 6/10
Reasons: The later minis are too hard and annoying. Otherwise it’s mostly fine.
Score: 12/20
Reasons: This was kinda fun-ish, but also many moments that were just plain bad. Arrowminis mixed with some platforming basically.
Score: 5/10
Reasons: The art is very meh for the most part. Although there are some decorations added here and there.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: I could not find a major story.
Total: 34/65
Summer Night
Team: Eggz, Napakeun
Score: 20/20
Reasons: Summer night, titles like these usually ring alarm bells, but there's a pretty good summer feel to this level. There are nighttimes in summer too! :D I can see no problems with the summer feel of this level.
Score: 10/10
Reasons: The difficulty is very good for medium.
Score: 16/20
Reasons: The gameplay is very nice, but the minimap art makes it kinda confusing and annoying to look at ingame, you should have focused on the ingame art more instead of making it only appealing in minimap.
Score: 5/10
Reasons: Make it better looking ingame.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: “Hi Norwegianboy” Written on a sign? Judge pandering much? :D
(It’s not %username% Trust me i know.)
Total: 54/65
Team: Wizard2002, Tigerclaw
Score: 13/20
Reasons: Staying inside buildings during summer i guess. Couldn’t really finish the level so no idea what lies after 13 coins. The paintings were a good idea for including different places, though not all of them has to do with summer.
Score: 8/10
Reasons: The difficulty was pretty alright until i reached the point where i could progress no further.
Score: 8/20
Reasons: Obviously the score gets docked quite a bit since i was unable to progress. But this level is not all that bad since there is more gameplay to spice up the sign towers. Sadly the gameplay is saddled with minis of notable noobiness which distract the score further. Many minis are not bad at all though.
Score: 6/10
Reasons: The art is not bad but not all that amazing either.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: The story is not terrible i guess… But it still did not really captivate me.
Total: 38/65
The Sun’s Fade
Team: Cakeje, Chiscorey, Genesis00, Ketoleperouch, Phinarose
Score: 12/20
Reasons: The minimap art and story has to do with summer. But i can’t say that the garbled minimap art mess really gave me the oh so precious “summer touch” as many other levels have provided me.
Score: 4/10
Reasons: The confusion i gained from the minimap art and strangely long and boring text signs combined made some honestly mundane and simple tasks quite confusing and annoying. For example: I spent like 30 minutes in Turkey because i forgot the hint to where the thing you need to give for the artifact key was. And of course i could not read the hint again because it was not blocked off. Many invisible walls and minimap art mess created many frustrating moments for me, there was a time where i did not even see the way to progress because the background and blocks were so similar. The minis themselves are ok and medium i guess, but the minimap ruins the experience for me. There was supposed to be a ingame art focus this year, and you guys failed to understand that.
Score: 13/20
Reasons: The gameplay is basically finding all the coins by going through 4 locations (countries) that all basically have some arrowminis or quests you need to complete to get all the coins/artifacts. The nonexistent ingame art makes this more annoying than it needs to be, with invisible walls blocking seemingly open pathways, background troll hiding obstacles or pathways… Otherwise the arrowminis are not that bad, but the gameplays itself gets very frustrating in places like Turkey due to the only hint about the whereabout of an important item can only be read one time and is a overly long sign-tower that seems insignificant until you realize that it’s actually the only hint available to the important items whereabouts.
Score: 2/10
Reasons: Oh sure it looks amazing and astonishing on minimap art… but the ingame look is quite terrible.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: It’s a good thing to see that it’s possible to skip the intro sequence as this shows that you guys understand that many people dislike huge story levels and would rather just get on with some gameplay. The lesser amount of signs from the last spring contest also helps the level be more accessible to people that get shivers from having to read 1000 signs to understand how to complete a level. But otherwise the story is boring, uneventful and did not quite captivate me. So the score is in the middle.
Total: 34/65
Team: Cola1
Score: 11/20
Reasons: Minimap looks really nice for summer contest, but walking through minimap art is not something that gives the feeling of summer.
Score: 0/10
Reasons: The difficulty is too hard and some pathways can trap you without warning.
Score: 8/20
Reasons: The beginning has way too hard minis which i thought would be the worst part of the level, but getting to the ending minis it got REALLY weird, the creator must have been smoking or something, because i don’t know how he managed to make it so messed up and weird, the pathways split in different directions, some trap you and some lead to the exit. Otherwise the level actually could have been pretty good if the minis were easier and better. But yeah.. WAY too hard.
Score: 6/10
Reasons: I think this is the best minimap i have seen so far in the contest, so i’ll actually give you a big plus for that. But ingame art is kinda meh and uneventful as one might expect from minimap art, but it’s not terrible.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: Cola1 writes how terrible he thinks the level is, otherwise no story.
Total: 28/65
Team: Vitor04sonic, Sotiris5, Arthur06luigi, Kaaziu, Dede2299339911
Score: 12/20
Reasons: I guess this feels like summer… NIGHTMARE! I’m gonna dock some theme points just because of how terrible this level is. Sorry guys.
Score: 2/10
Reasons: The difficulty is pretty random, i guess some minis are ok difficulty-ish? But you get easily stuck in this level and some coins seem impossible to find.
Score: 4/20
Reasons: This was a pain to go through, only to suddenly get stuck in a sun because i did not collect blue coins i couldn't even find. All of this was so cringe-worthy that the score is gonna be a low one. I don’t even feel like explaining what was bad about this level. Just play it and find out.
Score: 0/10
Reasons: Amazingly they managed to make this level look hideous in both ingame and minimap art.
Score: 2/5
Reasons: Amazingly bad grammar and writing makes it so bad it’s good.
Total: 20/65
Natural Sandbox
Team: Palanuim, Medievil
Score: 17/20
Reasons: This level has a good summer flow to it, the sand caves are well made, if not slightly repetitive. The environment was pretty well made and gave a summer feeling. A minus is that the environment could have been more detailed and varied to create a better atmosphere.
Score: 9/10
Reasons: The difficulty feels medium through and through, minor complaint is that for example the last mini could have had some way of seeing the obstacles so you would know where to dodge. Otherwise the fun platform minis were a welcome change of pace from all the arrowminis.
Score: 18/20
Reasons: The gameplay was nice parkour minis, most of them were done pretty well and were fun to do. The difficulty curve was good. I have almost nothing to complain about actually, other than that the level should have been more spiced up in environment and maybe even some text so it does not feel as that empty.
Score: 6/10
Reasons: The ingame art does not disrupt gameplay which is a very good thing. But the ingame look is kind of bland most of the time with just repetitive sand-walls of two colours continuously throughout the level. The minimap art ground is ok, but look at the sky, it's kinda boring. At least add some clouds guys.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: No story as far as my eye can see~ (I probably did that joke already 3 times.)
Total: 53/65
A Magical Summer
Team: Emma333, AbdullaBardhi, AnaisaBardhi, Corysut, Dasddsadad
Score: 20/20
Reasons: Good summer feel to this level with the varied environments that mostly have to do with summer theme.
Score: 5/10
Reasons: Some of the minis are very hard to figure out if you are not very experienced with EE physics. Otherwise it’s mostly medium and good difficulty. But the confusing minis are not explained so lowered score.
Score: 15/20
Reasons: The gameplay is pretty good for the most part, the problem is that some of the minis are kinda hard to figure out. Otherwise they did a pretty good job with this level.
Score: 8/10
Reasons: The ingame art is pretty detailed and does not look bad at all. The minimap art is also ok. There could have been more creative environments than just regular “beach, grass and beach town” though.
Score: 4/5
Reasons: The story is not too long and annoying to read and it’s not that bad overall.
Total: 52/65
Team: MBlood, Jersa, Domhdz23hotmailco
Score: 14/20
Reasons: The summer feeling is kinda here i guess. Blue sky.. Some beach location. Switch hell…
Score: 2/10
Reasons: While the first part isn't really DIFFICULT per say… it’s very tedious and requires so much time. There are switches everywhere and you need to do the correct combination to pass on. This is NOT as easy as it sounds. It’s extremely long-lasting and annoying.
Score: 6/20
Reasons: If the creators were sadistic masterminds and intentionally created this evil rage-quit worthy masterpiece then i will praise them. But if it was unintentional then this was pretty bad gameplay.
Score: 8/10
Reasons: The art is ok ingame, not that bad.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: The story is slightly on the bad side, but i guess it’s not terrible.
Total: 33/65
Team: Minam, Rene1236789, Grandswordsman26, Libbyobl
Score: 1/20
Reasons: Ok umm ice cream mentioned 2 times and otherwise just walking through some minimap art? Haw haw.
Score: 3/10
Reasons: Millions of signs explaining how to beat the uber confusing EPITOME of arrowminis does not make it medium or easier. Some of the starting minis are easier, but trekking through the increasingly confusing arrowminis with too many hints and not enough focus on “show don’t tell” makes the difficulty just not good.
Score: 3/20
Reasons: The beginning area looks not too bad at first but eventually it gets horrendous. Almost every mini is extremely boring and gets even more lame when it’s so obvious it’s all built around the minimap art with no care about ingame looks at ALL. Suddenly there is a town area with sign tower quests and suddenly you get teleported to a different location in minimap with differently coloured troll box ripoffs. The gameplay was so lame and plain unfun that it’s almost hilarious.
Score: 0/10
Reasons: Walking through what looks like seizure-inducing sewage spoils and acid puke sums up the feeling i got from the ingame art in this level. Also the minimap does not even look good. It literally RUINED the level and it does not even look that good.
Score: 2/5
Reasons: The story seems to be unimportant part of this level until i suddenly reach a city with sign towers containing uninteresting dialogue. Seriously, just decide if you want to have a pure gameplay level or a level with some story dialogue over the place instead of making sudden story spam like this.
Total: 9/65
Cute Summer
Team: Patrik, Razz1212, Marten22, Sasquatchz
Score: 6/20
Reasons: This is literally just a plain desert with summer in the name.
Score: 8/10
Reasons: Mostly medium, but some jumps are very precise and too demanding.
Score: 6/20
Reasons: Sure it’s a solid platforming level, but oh my god it’s so monotone and boring. It feels like you are going through the exact same minigame and terrain for every single moment except the ending. It’s so boring it felt like i was playing “drive the desert bus,” and that is saying something. o-0
Score: 2/10
Reasons: The art looks good but EVERY minigame is the same environment, my god. It also doesn’t help that the environment is so blocky that it feels like i’m playing minecraft.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: No story.
Total: 25/65
Summer Savory
Team: Muffin, Master1, Insanity, Kefka, Bobyy
Score: 20/20
Reasons: Looks like ice cream and islands is the theme to get out of this world. The ice cream mechanic is quite a unique concept and it’s done well enough that i will give this a full score for a nice summer feel. (You are basically a ice cream salesman) Would give points for creativity if that was a thing. (Why didn’t i tell Toop to make creativity count towards the score. Damn it!!)
Score: 8/10
Reasons: Minis are arrowminis. Most of them are medium difficulty and fine. Some are maybe a little too hard… But it’s mostly ok. One might get tired out from all the backtracking that needs to be done though, that's why some of the minis should have been easier. (Not the treasure chest minis, but the minis that connects throughout the islands. Or better, make them easier after you beat them the first time, this was done with the mini leading to the shop area.)
Score: 17/20
Reasons: The gameplay is varied. There are 4 islands with some arrowminis and coins. Scattered through. But one can also gain money by crafting the correct ice cream flavour and topping to give out to the people around the island, this is a creative concept but it could have been improved in some ways.
Having to go back to the ship every time if you want to craft a new ice cream gets tedious once you realise there are about 6-8 people in a island that all want a specific flavour and maybe topping. Luckily this is not actually required to complete the level. To complete the level one only needs to collect enough coins (Not very much compared to how many coins can be collected) to be able to reach the furthermost island by buying more curse time to sail across the island.
I would like to add that the sailing minigame is also very well made and another creative concept that got implemented in this level. If one wishes to mostly do minis to get the coins then that option is there as well, giving the player the choice between different playing styles, which is very impressive. To get a “secret” ending one needs to collect every coin, i did not get this because i wanted to move on with the judging after seeing mostly everything i felt the level had to offer.
The arrowminis are good for the most part, some were kinda annoying… but with everything this level has done i don’t want to complain too much about them.
The open gameplay is a very well done concept for this level and i’ll conclude with that the level is flawed but very impressive regardless.
Score: 10/10
Reasons: The art is like a hybrid of Ingame and minimap art, which is excellent because the environment complements the gameplay. It’s not as detailed as many other maps but i think it’s good because it has moderate detail. One moment that stood out to me was going to the furthermost right of the first island and there were 2 guys just playing volleyball, such a simple decoration but a very good one.
Score: 5/5
Reasons: The story is done well. There are not any sign towers, just simple quests or dialogues that are evenly scattered throughout the environment. Good job on doing this right.
Total: 60/65
Summer Egg Hunt…?
Team: Anthony
Score: 10/20
Reasons: Why are we hunting for eggs again? I thought we were done with this in the spring contest. We are heading through elements of water mountain and uhh… Well i guess this has summer in name so that must mean it’s summer ri-
Score: 10/10
Reasons: Medium. Fitting difficulty.
Score: 16/20
Reasons: Kinda short, but what is there is pretty good i guess. The minis are varied and there is nothing i really can complain about except that i just kind of wish there was more content instead of this very short adventure that just kind of starts and ends. But i guess it’s better to have a good short level than a long bad one.
Score: 6/10
Reasons: The art is almost too basic and could use with some more details, but it’s ok.
Score: 4/5
Reasons: The story is short but solid. It could have been more interesting but since the level was so short i guess this is what we get.
Total: 46/65
Summer Scavengry
Team: Oranj, Bgic, Morganizer
Score: 20/20
Reasons: Walking around a well made beach resort is a pretty good summer theme.
Score: 9/10
Reasons: Some of the clues were difficult for me because i am not a very clever person. :( But ignoring that it’s pretty good difficulty i guess. Kinda hard to rate a world that is so different from the usual.
Score: 20/20
Reasons: Some mysterious person is playing a game with us and hiding notes everywhere, using the notes we must find the correct locations. I’m not gonna lie, i was about to ragequit at first simply because i was unable to comprehend what i was seeing. It’s easy to dismiss this as a “coin hunt” Which it basically is… But the world is so well crafted and memorable that this might be the best coin hunt level i have played in my life. There are memorable locations and you actually might figure out many of the clues just by memory of those locations or real EE users that occupy them. It’s almost like you guys managed to create a new game inside Everybody Edits. I love levels that bend the rules like this and create a completely new exciting experience unlike any i have seen in EE. Very good job team. It was hard to get into, but when i understood what was going on it was simply awesome.
Score: 10/10
Reasons: The ingame art is so cleverly made, detailed and awesome! Well deserved 10 ^-^
Score: 5/5
Reasons: Just real EE users hanging out in a holiday resort while we do some coin hunting. The memorable users make it more easy to remember locations and many quotes are pretty nice.Good job.
Total: 64/65
Team: Polo666, Trekretral777, Bowsermarioluigi, Mario123die7
Score: 11/20
Reasons: Ehh.. Walking around some cityscape and doing chores in moms house and stuff… Ehhhh…. I guess it’s ever so slightly about summer.
Score: 6/10
Reasons: Some of the minis are kinda annoying and too hard, but i guess it's mostly ok.
Score: 11/20
Reasons: The gameplay is ehhh.. Just kinda subpar, it doesn’t bring out much interesting. It felt like a very mediocre world to be honest. The minis are ok… The art is surprisingly good, but otherwise yeah, it’s mostly mediocre.
Score: 8/10
Reasons: The art is surprisingly detailed as ingame art, which is a very good job. Some sections looks average but nice job on trying to make it as detailed as possible.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: Kinda confusing later on, and not that interesting… but it's a story i guess. It does the job.
Total: 39/65
The Burj
Team: SmittyW, Zoey2070, Bobithan, Ipwner, Thwinkt
Score: 20/20
Reasons: Going down the deadly water slide in a theme park. Pretty good idea for a summer contest.
Score: 8/10
Reasons: Some of the minis are a little too hard, but they are challenging and fun.
Score: 17/20
Reasons: Short world, but the gameplay is nice. It’s a very clever concept to have minis based on going down a waterslide. I think the level would have been even better if the slide was longer, but what was made is very good and fun.
Score: 8/10
Reasons: Minimap looks nice and it’s not too bad ingame either, the slide could maybe have had some detail, but i guess it’s not that easy to add that much detail into what is basically just a slide with water running through it. But maybe you guys could have added some people to slide over and maybe some flashing lights, “dark sections” with flashing lights… etc. The slide could have had more sections and variety is what i’m saying.
Score: 5/5
Reasons: Story is short but hilarious. Good job.
Total: 58/65
KJ - Summer Fever
Team: TheTwinJoker, NarutoX3
Score: 2/20
Reasons: Walking through pure minimap art of summer images.
Score: 6/10
Reasons: It’s ok for the most part, but the later arrowminis get more and more confusing due to their size.
Score: 8/20
Reasons: Purely arrowminis. I don’t particularly enjoy this at all. While not terrible it’s very boring and mediocre.
Score: 2/10
Reasons: Ingame art is very bad. When will people learn that walking through a pixelly terrain of varying colours is not good. Minimap looks ok, but sadly that is not what we favour this year.
Score: 2/5
Reasons: Just don’t make a story if your writing capabilities are limited to: “This switch will help me” and “Ready for an awesome summer adventure?” How do you know it’s awesome huh? It’s BAD.
Total: 20/65
Note: Thank you for putting a link to your team's Spring contest level in the map. As a commendation of having concluded that your level is horrendous i shall take out my old review of your level and see how it compares:
I have said it before and i’ll say it again. I freaking hate minimap art levels that sacrifice good gameplay for making the art look good on minimap.
Art: Looks crap ingame. Good on minimap, but screw the minimap.
Gameplay: Typical horrible arrowtroll minis so you can strolley-strudel and skippety-step along the minimap art that was made ages before the designers thought of making the level actually playable. It’s lame, bland, boring and nothing stands out.
Story: No story. (As far as i got.)
Concept: Extremely uncreative.
Score: 2.5/10”
Ouch! Looks like you guys learned nothing from last year. :(
The Forgotten Summer
Team: Gabrielferreirasilya
Score: 15/20
Reasons: Walking on some tropical island. But what does the level name have to do with anything?
Score: 3/10
Reasons: One mini is pixel perfect hard and the others are pretty easy.
Score: 7/10
Reasons: Where to start? The gameplay is mediocre at best, and kinda hilariously bad at worst. It’s just not very good compared to many other worlds. (Also, why do you label every mini with a sign that says “mini 1”, “mini 2” and so on? It’s not necessary and looks kinda dumb.)
Score: 5/10
Reasons: The art would be better if there wasn't noob mistakes like putting invisible walls with one single coindoor on the level. It also looks very mediocre even ingame and on minimap.
Score: 2/5
Reasons: The story has pretty funny grammatical mistakes, but otherwise it’s kinda nonsensical and cliche. (It was all a dream? MY GOD!! What a unique and never thought out before plot twist!!)
Total: 32/65
Ice Cream Expedition
Team: Asurch
Score: 20/20
Reasons: Beach area, ice cream hunt, blue sky… Summer theme is here.
Score: 8/10
Reasons: Some minis are more challenging than the others, but i like the fact that you don’t need all coins to beat the level. And it’s also kind of open because you can skip some minis/signs etc. Still some kinda confusing arrowminis though. And the “lava floor” mini while clever was also a little unforgiving.
Score: 18/20
Reasons: The gameplay is very nice, the minis are creative and i like the fact that you can enter almost anything you want from the “overworld-ish” area of the beach and water. Some too hard/confusing arrowminis… ehh. But overall it was very clever and nice, i like this level.
Score: 10/10
Reasons: The art looks very nice, good thing you focused on the ingame art. Very detailed and unique looking environments.
Score: 5/5
Reasons: The story is simple but also complex. I like the fact that the important signs are outlined in case people just want to do gameplay. But there is also a story there if people want to read it. Excellent story design.
Total: 61/65
Cascading Sanctuary
Team: Keylimepie, Yoshilogan, Epiccjx, Ilikecorndogs
Score: 11/20
Reasons: I guess the art is good and there was SOME attention to not making the ingame look terrible, so it would make me feel guilty to give this a 0 because the level is not that bad. However it’s still the type of level which almost doesn’t give any summer feeling at all unless you count the summery minimap art.
Score: 9/10
Reasons: There are only arrowminis but the level is still pretty good. The difficulty could be toned down like usual. But it’s pretty close to how it should be. Most of the hard minis are optional anyway.
Score: 17/20
Reasons: This is one of the “not bad arrowmini” worlds that are actually really good. I expected it to be crap from the beginning, but the gameplay is surprisingly fun. Trying to get the secrets is fun because they are pretty well placed. Very good job. Just should have toned down the difficulty and focused slightly more on the ingame art.
Score: 7/10
Reasons: The minimap is pretty cool 3D, also the ingame is very tolerable and not hurt too much from the minimap art.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: No story.
Total: 47/65
Summer Quest
Team: Croboy10, Crospy1, Jagejmerznamsve
Score: 2/20
Reasons: This felt more like a acid trip than a “summery feeling of joy and happiness” But grass and water sometimes i guess.
Score: 5/10
Reasons: The minis are not too hard. It’s just very random and difficult to find your way TO the minis.
Score: 4/20
Reasons: Going through sections like winter, cave, “spring” All the while reading unnecessarily long and boring signs. Hooks. Thought i got stuck once, found out it was just very vague about where you need to go. Walking through more noob minis. Questioning the meaning of life. hovers. Wondering what i’m doing with MY life. Suddenly beating the world. Thinking “what the f*** was that ending.” And now i’m here. Amazing how this works eh?
Score: 3/10
Reasons: mediocre - kinda bad - bad ...ish
Score: 1/5
Reasons: Bad grammar and sign towers.
Total: 15/65
Team: Herosbow
Score: 11/20
Reasons: It’s ok-ish. Grass and blue sky. Summer in name… Yeah it’s not the epitome of summer if i may say so myself. But it’s ok-ish.
Score: 6/10
Reasons: It’s slightly too hard from the beginning but i don’t know the rest because i did.. Ehem.. *cough* kind of eh.. Hehe.. kind of get... you know… FREAKING STUCK!! *cough* ok there, i said it.
Score: 8/20
Reasons: Score is kinda low due to not being able to complete level. But otherwise this would just be another mediocre arrowmini level.
Score: 7/10
Reasons: Art looks ok ingame but it’s all obviously almost all pre-fabricated minigame-focused arrowminis. Although it’s certainly not bad, and there is a ok amount of detail as well.
Score: 3/5
Reasons: Seemed slightly above interesting, but got stuck in a sign tower, damn you sign towers!!
Total: 35/65
Its summer 2016
Team: Matthewapril15, Kadentheking, Chzandham, Germska
Score: 0/20
Reasons: Egypt or something...
Score: 0/10
Reasons: Got stuck...
Score: 0/20
Reasons: What a great way to end the contest. The worst level i have seen in my life. Just like in the last spring contest. Did you expect gold at the end of the rainbow? Too bad, because there's just a heaping pile of dog s***. WHY did you guys submit this? Be smart like the other people. Don’t submit if your level is absolutely horrendous and CLEARLY unfinished/broken beyond repair. I refuse to believe that this particular world will ever get a good level anymore, it has been defiled and violated by this summer contest entry.
Score: 0/10
Reasons: Just… what...
Score: 0/5
Reasons: Umm...
Total: 0/65
- Reviews End Here -
- Mini review section -
EXPLANATION: (This section is for mini-reviews of the worlds that are not green, the non-green levels will not be able to win any prizes, however i decided to judge some anyway.)
/ ! \ Almost completely empty or levels set to visible false will be ignored.
[Bonus judgement]
- The Beach Palace -
By:Danielcool1, Bluecloud, Bluelover, Penguin56664, Arceus95.
Notes: This level is pretty bad obviously. Hookjumps, hovers and bland parkour is mostly what this level is about, however it has a nice childish charm to it anyway. It reminded me of old EE worlds in some parts. Would score badly in the contest.
[Bonus judgement]
- Glamorous dreams -
By: Acew123, Princesskeke, Meow5meow, Manguy1234, Matt12345.
Notes: The music in this world is very nice, I liked it! ^^
But i doubt it would score well in the contest.
[Bonus judgement]
- 1# Summer -
By: Deadlymen
Notes: Ignoring how obviously unfinished this level is… It is WAY too hard, holy crap this would score badly!! You would have to make this much easier if you had submitted this.
[Bonus Judgement]
- Summer Heat C; -
By: Heater, Gyomail, Pkemail
Notes: This level is also unfinished, but it’s not that bad. It’s basically just a arrowmini level with mediocre minis and mediocre art. At least you guys tried to make something. :)
[Bonus Judgement]
- Adventurtimelapsewip -
By: Hafala, Craft20
Notes: This level is basically just a hollow shell due to how unfinished it is. But it seems like this was supposed to be some kind of adventure where you can pick up items and craft stuff. Interesting.
[Bonus Judgement]
- A Fun Summer Day -
By: Savvas, Janet12
Notes: Another hollow shell with just some really bad looking minimap beach and nothing else. Not much to talk about here.
[Bonus Judgement]
- Deep Sea Dungeon -
By: Boom300742
Notes: Wow this is weird! This looks so unfinished it’s almost funny. You can almost taste the desperation and crushed dreams that went through the minds of the authors. ;D
(Also the abstract excrement art on the bottom is also noteworthy)
[Bonus Judgement]
- Summer Contest World -
By: Kentiya, TechnoWolf99, MoonFox, YinYang
Notes: Ignoring the part where everything suddenly stops because it’s unfinished. This looks ok... meh-ish. It’s pretty funny how the creators just went like “screw this” at the fish pond part.
[Bonus Judgement]
- Untitled World -
By: Kreacher
Notes: Wow this level just has some huge badly drawn melon or something :o
[Bonus Judgement]
- WIP -
By: Dtop, Billybobjoe
Notes: LOL this level! Just going right and reading signs until there's a road and you fall into limbo. I don’t know what this level was supposed to be like. But i can conclude that it is at the moment 100% hilarious! Good job! (But this would do BAD in the level contest if the level actually was like this. o-9)
[Bonus Judgement]
- Summer Contest -
By: Minimania
Notes: “Due to personal issues, bipolar depression, and bouncing in and out of wanting to commit suicide, I officially forfeit this contest.” lol! (Btw nice unfinished looking 3D building or whatever :o)
[Bonus Judgement]
- Unititled world -
By: Ixi
Notes: I guess this could have been a mediocre arrowmini world if you finished it. Well.. One less world i would have to give a serious judgement i suppose. (Also, hilarious signs :D)
[Bonus Judgement]
- Soul -
By: AlejandroC33, Ignacia7886
Notes: Thats some nice looking minimap art i guess!
[Bonus Judgement]
- Opinions needed -
By: Yandax, Tntlover125, Jbbill
Notes: This looks like it could have been pretty good if you guys continued it, but then again… It could also be the worst level ever for all i know.
[Bonus Judgement]
- Stranded -
By: 1have1eye, Arby, Jkdrip, Ruinkiller, Xfrogman43
Notes: Wow it’s pretty funny to witness what was not meant to be. Sniff… Better luck next time guys. ;(
Overambitious goals are the ruin of many after all.
[Bonus Judgement]
- Summer Contest WIP -
By: Funpersono0
Notes: Well it looked like another childish, short and typical “story” world except really bad, but i was willing to try to be kind to the level… UNTIL i got stuck in a sign tower because the portal was dysfunctional. LOL! This sucks…
[Bonus Judgement]
- Not So Secret -
By: Ximen, Wonderballs
Notes: This level has a mix of many terrible things. And in the end i get stuck during a story sign segment just like in the last level, LOL. Good thing you did not release this abomination unto the world. (Ok i know it’s unfinished but i just know that this was going to be terrible!)
[Bonus Judgement]
- Summer Beach -
By: Trnos13, Flayri934, Laertty
Notes: Wow this world has some pretty good gameplay and looks like a legit level. This is the first non-green entry that looks like it would at least be mediocre and not fail hard! Amazing job guys! Now if only you had actually submitted this. :/
[Bonus Judgement]
- The Summer Disaster -
By: Bennie33
Notes: Another level with potential and actually pretty legitimately good gameplay. The powerups spice things up. Extremely funny story… You should have submitted this on time man. Oh well. That wraps up the bonus judgement. No truly amazing levels, but the last ones were not utter crap like the first ones i guess. I don’t know what i expected. ;_;
- Mini review section end -
- Top 20 EE levels –
1: Beaches in space
Team: 0176.
2: Summer Scavengry
Team: Oranj, Bgic, Morganizer
3: Ice Cream Expedition
Team: Asurch
4: Summer Savory
Team: Muffin, Master1, Insanity, Kefka, Bobyy
5: Sand Castles
Team: Sensei1
6: The Burj
Team: SmittyW, Zoey2070, Bobithan, Ipwner, Thwinkt
7: Sunken Summer City
Team: Lukas504, Maxi123, Evilbunny.
8: Summer Night
Team: Eggz, Napakeun
9: Natural Sandbox
Team: Palanuim, Medievil
10: A Magical Summer
Team: Emma333, AbdullaBardhi, AnaisaBardhi, Corysut, Dasddsadad
11: -Tropical Paradise-
Team: Stickspy.
12: Summer Contest
Team: Skullz17
13: Ethereal Ground
Team: Killeratz, Shadowboy, SRNA, Raon, Jr2
14: High Tide
Team: Kirby, Megalamb, AK712, 12345678908642.
15: Cascading Sanctuary
Team: Keylimepie, Yoshilogan, Epiccjx, Ilikecorndogs
16: Summer Egg Hunt…?
Team: Anthony
17: Daybreak
Team: CommanderKitten, Anch, Unau, Pingohits, Lickagoat
18: NSFW: Summer Palace
Team: Lictor666, Kiraninja, Stagecrew, DClevels, Benje00.
19: Fearless Sand Castle
Team: MKgamer, Taylor11, Cheesereal, Pandasz, Thanksmom
20: FW - Tropical Trip
Team: Omarabdulhag, JoranasC, Goldy301, SupersS, Tyarcz.
- Top 5 WORST contest levels -
Team: Matthewapril15, Kadentheking, Chzandham, Germska
Team: Johnnycraig, tntlover125
Team: Minam, Rene1236789, Grandswordsman26, Libbyobl
Team: Peace, Bahar.
(Not all of these are my suggestions, some of them are from other users)
- Instead of making vague themes a major part of the contest and scoring. Create a contest called: “make a good level contest” or “creativity contest” so users won’t have to constrain their creativity into rigid “summer” levels. Who cares if a level has “the feel of summer”? Seriously.
- Instead of this complex scoring system it could be much easier to get it all wrapped up into comments about the different aspects of the level and then the final score.
- No needless registering before hand. Only submit levels at end of contest.
- Make annual contest. Maybe have the building time last for 6-8 months instead of a few weeks.
- Theme contest by a loosely interpreted “gimmick” so that the contest has a little flavor, like “You may never perish”, and there is no disqualification for anything based on correlation to this theme, because it has to be very loosely interpretable
- Non generic-trophy prizes that change each year. Maybe an actual smiley?
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
☆ ★ ★
I agree with all of the future contests suggestions
except maybe this one
- Make annual contest. Maybe have the building time last for 6-8 months instead of a few weeks.
12345678908642 wrote:i cant believe i actually read through all of that
i can
I cannot believe I spent almost 45min reading lmao.
Thank you for your hardwork throughout the contest, and the way you designed this post in specific!
I really like the fact that you can dive into the water and look at most of the level, it's pointless but i think it’s a very nice touch.
LOL that wasn't even intentional, we didn't know what to do with all the water and just gave up on it and left it as is
good to know it turned out well
NSFV's score total: 41/65
The Castaway score total: 37/65
And somehow the castaway made it to the top 15?
(Nice reviews though, only read a few of them)
How long will it take me to get banned again?
Place your bets right here.
NSFV's score total: 41/65
The Castaway score total: 37/65
And somehow the castaway made it to the top 15?
(Nice reviews though, only read a few of them)
3 judges means that their own score will only count 1/3 of the final score. So since Toop and Badoosh has given different scores for the levels it means that the final results will obviously be differing from my exact score.
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
☆ ★ ★
NSFV's score total: 41/65
The Castaway score total: 37/65
And somehow the castaway made it to the top 15?
(Nice reviews though, only read a few of them)
toop and badoosh both disqualified NSFW on their reviews
norwegianboy tbh you're the least biased judge ty for not being ****
12th?? Ok I really don't deserve that considering my level was unfinished, I didn't even finish placing black blocks everywhere and it's still called "Summer Contest" because I forgot to name it, but thanks.
thx for sig bobithan
What a great way to use the rating system. Great job.
I'll use these as a guideline for my next entry.
Comes to show that going solo is the best way to construct a contest world because what YOU envision is what players experience. It may take time and tough effort, but it's worth it.
Amazingz! ;D
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