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#1 2016-04-17 07:41:18, last edited by Raphe9000 (2016-04-17 09:15:47)

Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 1,864

How To Implement The Fanboy III & How To Get Old Players Back

I am part of the people who think we need a Fanboy 3, but I have an idea that may help get EE it's old players back. I think we need an anniversary system implemented. I was looking back at my ee.yonom profile when I saw my 5th year anniversary for joining EE (don't judge me). That got me thinking. What if you get a prize for every year you join EE? Basically, every user (or every user who has signed up to get emails) will get an email that their (whatever) year anniversary of playing EE has come of, and they have been awarded a prize. If they see they have gotten free stuff, they may want to come back to the game. After they claim their prize, the blog announcement popup (that we all see when a new update comes out) will show people that new stuff has been added to the game. Why? I myself quit for a while when the game stopped updating. We need people to know that the game is being managed and constantly updated. Now, this is how I think the updates should work:

6 months: +5 max energy and 10 gems

1 year: +30 max energy and 20 gems

2 years: Large World, +15 Max Energy, and 30 gems

3 years: Massive World, 20 gems, 3 months gold membership (to get old people on for at least 3 months)

4 years: Any random block/smiley. 98% chance of getting something you have not put energy (unless they have energy on everything in which they get any random thing) on already or bought (ex: cake, only exception is diamond block) and 2% chance of getting either a diamond block or big spender (if they have big spender then 1% chance of getting diamond block and if they have EVERYTHING in the game give them a fanboy, fanboy 2, or a contest smiley/block because they are loyal). Id suggest giving the newest block pack/smiley to people who have not played in a while.

5 years: Fanboy 3 (Or fanboy 2 and 100 gems if you already have Fanboy 2, I don't really care)

6 years: Gold Membership 6 months

7 years: Gold Membership for life (Why Not?)

8 years: CHANCE to get Contest smiley/block. Anyone who will be able to play the game for 8 years deserves it (IK EE isn't 7/8 y/o but in the future) (I think it should really only be guaranteed for people who logged in 3x or more in a year)

9 years: A Veteran Badge

People who played more 1+ years would get that year's prize and all previous prizes, but hell, I don't care if active players don't get these (though I think that the loyal people deserve rewards too XD) The game needs it's old players back, and this is a good way to get more. I also think that EE needs more sales. It would get people who stopped playing due to the money aspect back and get poor people like me to be able to buy more. I think a 25% off sale once a month on a Saturday would be good and for classic holiday packs to be 50% off when their holiday comes around (though still being gem only packs). That would get more players and more money. The thing is that I think that sales should be emailed to players. Easy right? Also, the prizes you get for playing EE for whatever amount of time should be displayed in emails to dedicate old players even more.

Now for the design of the Fanboy 3 (if implemented), it would be either a // or a // (though a would be funny). I think the // would be good because it follows the original smileys with glasses on, and I think the // (though being a drastic and possibly unwanted (even like 1% by me) change) would make the Fanboy look less dumb to some people. It doesn't look dumb AT ALL to me (anymore // ), but I think people (like younger me) may find a smiley with tiny glasses on to look dumb. I want the the most because I think it would be hilarious, but that is just me.

Nerf the prizes, do whatever ya want, but we need more players. Good thing we already have a lot of players. We just need to let them know we exist.


Wooted by:

#2 2016-04-17 09:01:13

From: Serbia,probs never heard of it
Joined: 2015-02-19
Posts: 2,934

Re: How To Implement The Fanboy III & How To Get Old Players Back

I think playing EE for 5 years is a bit much for fanboy III
Maybe 2 or 3 years or something. Also this part is pretty dumb

6 years: Gold Membership for a year straight
7 years: Gold Membership for life (Why Not?)

So if i get GM on year 6 that lasts a whole year
And i get it permanently on year 7, that sort off means the permanent GM starts in year 6.

How long will it take me to get banned again?
Place your bets right here.


#3 2016-04-17 09:13:21

Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 1,864

Re: How To Implement The Fanboy III & How To Get Old Players Back

Luka504 wrote:

I think playing EE for 5 years is a bit much for fanboy III
Maybe 2 or 3 years or something. Also this part is pretty dumb

6 years: Gold Membership for a year straight
7 years: Gold Membership for life (Why Not?)

So if i get GM on year 6 that lasts a whole year
And i get it permanently on year 7, that sort off means the permanent GM starts in year 6.

I think 5 is fine due to the Fanboy being for Ultimate Fans, the people that have played for a long time. Also, I just wanted it to be a longer amount of time. Ill just make it 6 months.


#4 2016-04-17 09:40:54


Re: How To Implement The Fanboy III & How To Get Old Players Back

Nice way to dig more the gap between new and old players...

Wooted by: (4)

#5 2016-04-17 10:32:45

From: The Netherlands
Joined: 2016-03-31
Posts: 979

Re: How To Implement The Fanboy III & How To Get Old Players Back

I like the idea of a reward idea. Some free stuff is always nice. However,  this wont get the old players back. EE needs some advertisement. How did you guys get to this game? I found this game when a friend on school told me. I don't think found it otherwise. Steamrelease of unity would be awesome. Steam releases always get more people on a game.

But hey! its still possible to get 48 people in a world. //

Thanks for the site btw, wondered for a while how old my account was. Turns out to be 5 years 21 hours. Had my anniversary yesterday. Was awesome as you can check out my signature // (


Ingame: marten22        My steam: MartenM


#6 2016-04-17 14:09:05

Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 1,864

Re: How To Implement The Fanboy III & How To Get Old Players Back

MartenM wrote:

I like the idea of a reward idea. Some free stuff is always nice. However,  this wont get the old players back. EE needs some advertisement. How did you guys get to this game? I found this game when a friend on school told me. I don't think found it otherwise. Steamrelease of unity would be awesome. Steam releases always get more people on a game.

But hey! its still possible to get 48 people in a world. //

Thanks for the site btw, wondered for a while how old my account was. Turns out to be 5 years 21 hours. Had my anniversary yesterday. Was awesome as you can check out my signature // (

Thanks (and no problem), but I think that it may be a way to help get old players back. I believe that I have seen a mod somewhere say that they will start sending emails to only players again. This will make it even better. Now, I agree EE needs advertising, but I think it needs more. I think that this idea wold help though. In advertising I think it should advertise to YouTube, gaming websites, and try to be sponsored where it can when it can. Oh and I found the game on a games website I went on for the lols. Really, EE is the game that got me playing sandbox games. I agree with the steam release, and I for one would like if people who played on steam and online would get a cool steampunk pack (because why not).


#7 2016-04-17 15:22:45

From: aids lizard
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 7,591

Re: How To Implement The Fanboy III & How To Get Old Players Back

dude 9 years is hella long for a veterans badge

first you're assuming ee would even last 9 years, second of all ee hasn't passed the 7 year mark yet

check urself before you wreck urself



#8 2016-04-17 17:51:32

Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 1,864

Re: How To Implement The Fanboy III & How To Get Old Players Back

Pingohits wrote:

dude 9 years is hella long for a veterans badge

first you're assuming ee would even last 9 years, second of all ee hasn't passed the 7 year mark yet

check urself before you wreck urself

It would be a rare thing in the community, like a dumb trophy that you go for winning a contest being worshiped. Happy? I didn't even make the post for that. I just put what I thought may be cool.

I think it potentially could last for 9 years. Anyway, it would be something to get old players wanting to play again. That is the whole purpose of this post. Now, if you actually read, you would see that I stated IK it isn't 7 years old.

It's funny how you are now stalking me ti hate on me with that line "check urself before you wreck urself"


#9 2016-04-18 04:38:21

From: An bra in Brazil
Joined: 2015-12-05
Posts: 444

Re: How To Implement The Fanboy III & How To Get Old Players Back

I used to have a old acc that have 2 years in-game, i lost it //
Also, daddy,you also got a "Doge Seal of Approval"

Hidden text

tfw wen u made another account just because you forgot your pass


#10 2016-04-18 14:47:02

From: Netherlands
Joined: 2015-04-14
Posts: 11

Re: How To Implement The Fanboy III & How To Get Old Players Back

Good idea actually

to the rest of the world, God gave you the shoes
That fit you, so put em on and wear 'em
And be yourself man, be proud of who you are
Even if it sounds corny,
Don't ever let no one tell you, you ain't beautiful



#11 2016-04-18 17:54:08

Joined: 2015-04-25
Posts: 409

Re: How To Implement The Fanboy III & How To Get Old Players Back

I think that instead of getting like gold membership and stuff, you should just get like 30 max energy for each account anniversary (or maybe 10 first time, 20 second, 30 third, etc.), and get a fanboy III after 5 years. Maybe if they add badges for things other then campaigns, you could get one of those every year too. Too many rewards will just kill off new players instead of bringing back old ones.




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