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#1 2015-12-30 05:09:03

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,476

Shop Nerf Topic

A few ideas regarding the shop and energy in general to be more friendly to new users (and vets too honestly because they are the only ppl playing the game)

1. Make the starting max energy 400. It was set to 200 almost 6 years ago when there was barely anything in the shop to buy, things are different now. Anybody who got an energy bonus from the old leveling system should just get enough to make that bonus add to 200, and every person who signed up after that update should just get +200. If that's not possible, just give the newer players +200 max.
2. Make some future campaigns remove seconds from the energy timer. 5-10 seconds each, depending on the difficulty. The timer shouldn't go below 1:30 or so.
3. New players signing up, after an hour or two of active playing, should be given the option to choose 5 free block packs to get them started.

Post your own ideas below on how to make the shop less intimidating to newer players

aka towwl


#2 2015-12-30 05:14:31

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-02-28
Posts: 472

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

I agree wholeheartedly with nerfing the shop.

If you join EE as a new player, the shop is incredibly expansive, almost overwhelming. While people that have played this game for years can keep up with spending energy on new block packs, those who joined only recently face an enormous amount of blocks to choose from.

However, they also have to pay for every. Single. Pack.

I can see why this is good from a business perspective; if one is impatient and buys with gems, this gives money to the developers and supports the servers.
However, having such a paywall that can only be broken down through the slow use of energy is distasteful at least and drives away potential users at worst.

I personally like the idea of having a voucher for 5-10 free block packs (not counting gem-only items such as limited-time items, of course) to sort of get new users started on editing, so they aren't forced to use the basic blocks or feel like they start with absolutely nothing.

If they can't be selected for free at least offer a sort of "newbie's discount" for first-time players, ~75% off their first few purchases.

This way new players aren't turned off by having to buy everything from every update since 2010.


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#3 2015-12-30 05:18:09

From: somewhere probably.
Joined: 2015-02-19
Posts: 1,015

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

balance shop prices.

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#4 2015-12-30 06:03:52

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,476

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

shadowda wrote:

balance shop prices.

Yeah, can we talk about this too?

Namely, the gem prices. They are crazy. I'll be pretending that $1 = 10 gems for this post.

An example: For the price of $10, you can buy beta membership, which is actually worth your money if you really do care about the game and don't mind throwing around a little bit of cash. Or, for $16, you can instead buy a single great world. Isn't that kind of screwy? What incentive is there to buy a world with gems? I'd much rather wait the 2 weeks to grab myself a great world than spend a whooping $16 on it. $16, in my book, isn't worth 2 weeks of waiting for a single item.

Or, the slow dot, which is around a day's worth of energy, you can buy for a dollar. $1 for getting something a day early isn't really worth it in my opinion, and I'd imagine it wouldn't be for most others either.

Additionally, with the "Ultimate Packs" coming around the corner any time now to buy all blocks/smileys/auras, the prices for single items should really be balanced to be just as appealing, because right now they are anything but.

Let's be real here: Energy is in place to give the player incentive to spend their hard earned money on the game. It preys on impatient people that want things now rather than later. However, with such ludicrous prices, that incentive is just kind of gone for your typical impatient gamer. $16 is a lot of money for an item in a simple free-to-play game that you could just get in a couple of weeks.

Now, I'm no businessman, but I'd imagine if all items available for energy had their gem prices decreased to ~25% of where they are now, there would be more incentive to put money down to bypass the wait. $2.50 for Bruce is a tall ask, but $0.70 might be a little more reasonable.

For the record, I believe the classics should remain the same price.

I'd really like to see some statistics for how often items that are normally available with energy are bought with gems. From the prices I see, I'd imagine there aren't many gem purchases at all for that stuff in comparison to beta, Builder's Club, and classics. I don't know though, I've been wrong before, which is why I'd like to know just how many energy items are being bought with gems in comparison to gem only purchases.

aka towwl


#5 2015-12-30 06:07:12

Joined: 2015-07-21
Posts: 1,957

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

I like these ideas. I don't think the shop should be nerfed to the point of no return, though. Just a fair enough so that you can buy items more easily without having to wait 1-2 weeks for a massive world, or to buy a new item, due to low max energy and slow regeneration. Campaigns refill energy certain thresholds, but there's not always enough for significant change, and daily rewards are a bit too repetitive in my opinion. So long as the shop doesn't come down to 1 energy items (exaggeration), then nerfing would be nice.


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#6 2015-12-30 06:30:38, last edited by Gosha (2015-12-30 06:31:05)

From: Russia
Joined: 2015-03-15
Posts: 6,211

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

If limited packs will be unlimited  it would be easier to buy other things


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#7 2015-12-30 06:44:37, last edited by Bobithan (2015-12-30 06:49:44)

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,476

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

Goshanoob wrote:

If limited packs will be unlimited  it would be easier to buy other things

That's not what I'm talking about. Even with unlimited blocks for every pack, there is still and insanely overwhelming volume of just stuff to buy, and that dissuades players from joining.

Because I have absolutely nothing better to do, I added up all of the energy required to buy every smiley and every block pack (including 1 of each limited action item), which added to 104,350 energy (or around that, I may have made mistakes in adding). That's a little over 181 days of flawless energy spending. And that's just for blocks and smileys!

I'm not saying every player needs absolutely everything, but to even get a fraction of that along with worlds and auras would take a ridiculous amount of time, and that turns people away from the game.

3,333rd post!

aka towwl


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#8 2015-12-30 11:08:29

Formerly AntonioS300
From: EE world
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,351

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

Maybe add voucher system which is the same as the gems, but have some limitation:

You get 1 voucher for each hour or two of gameplay, and you can GET up to 5 per day.
Some items are not possible to buy with Voucher, like the Big Spender, the diamond block, and etc.
Voucher are BOUND to the account, just like the gems. And no, you can't transfer them to gems.
You can convert them to max energy. 5 voucher = 3 max energy. Oh and you can transfer 10 voucher for a reduction of 1 second in recharging energy.
And MUCH MORE... Yes, you can get Beta or Builder Club.

If this idea is bad, tell me why is it bad and what would like to be with voucher system. I think peoples who create a account will most likely have trouble with energy if there isn't voucher system.



#9 2015-12-30 14:30:32

From: A Really Really Really
Joined: 2015-02-20
Posts: 1,044

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

everyone started with 200
newbies should start like we did.

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#10 2015-12-30 14:33:11

From: Brazil
Joined: 2015-05-27
Posts: 2,384

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

GOG100lol wrote:

everyone started with 200
newbies should start like we did.

And they need improviments for better playing. Seriously, it's not when you eat a cake and everyone need to


#11 2015-12-30 17:07:58, last edited by Badoosh (2015-12-30 17:09:18)

EE Homeboy
Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 290

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

The older a shop item is, the cheaper it becomes. The new items are more expensive, so the older players can have something to spend their energy on. New players can get the older stuff faster, and catch up.

This could also set the shop to have a constant net energy cost, as the prices reduced from older packs would be redistributed to newer packs. Therefore: the shop content grows, while it takes the same amount of time to get everything.

GOG100lol wrote:

everyone started with 200
newbies should start like we did.

We didn't start with an inflated shop and no hope of getting everything. Newbies should start like we did: with a chance to get everything in a timely matter.


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#12 2015-12-30 17:16:02, last edited by AlphaJon (2015-12-30 17:19:06)

From: Who knows
Joined: 2015-07-21
Posts: 1,297

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

These suggestions aren't perfect, but we could start by making some of the older packs free, so newer players don't start with less than 5% of the packs.
Same with smileys.

Then another idea: group some smileys together into smiley groups, and make the price of the group (much?) lower than the price of each separate smiley. Again, this can also be done with blocks (for example all effects together for 2500 energy).

Finally, the slow gravity dot could have been given for free, considering its basic functionnality and the fact that the rest of basic gravity is free.

EDIT: something that would lower the overall price of the shop without lowering the actual energy costs: everyone gets double energy, and energy regen is reduced to half(1:15/1:30 instead of 2:30), so basically we get twice as much energy.


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#13 2015-12-30 17:43:10

From: somewhere probably.
Joined: 2015-02-19
Posts: 1,015

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

i like your sugestion. BUT FIVE FREE PACKS. THATS INSANE. ,maybe one, two at the most.

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#14 2015-12-30 20:50:45

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-02-28
Posts: 472

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

Michele wrote:

Maybe add voucher system which is the same as the gems, but have some limitation:

You get 1 voucher for each hour or two of gameplay, and you can GET up to 5 per day.
Some items are not possible to buy with Voucher, like the Big Spender, the diamond block, and etc.

Voucher are BOUND to the account, just like the gems. And no, you can't transfer them to gems.
You can convert them to max energy. 5 voucher = 3 max energy. Oh and you can transfer 10 voucher for a reduction of 1 second in recharging energy.
And MUCH MORE... Yes, you can get Beta or Builder Club.

If this idea is bad, tell me why is it bad and what would like to be with voucher system. I think peoples who create a account will most likely have trouble with energy if there isn't voucher system.

With respect to your bolded text, I think that's a pretty bad idea since it would essentially add a third currency to the game and might make energy obsolete. I like the idea of having a voucher to gain some items, but I only believe that it should apply to new players, since they are the ones with an overwhelming lack of blocks to build with.

Badoosh wrote:

The older a shop item is, the cheaper it becomes. The new items are more expensive, so the older players can have something to spend their energy on. New players can get the older stuff faster, and catch up.

This could also set the shop to have a constant net energy cost, as the prices reduced from older packs would be redistributed to newer packs. Therefore: the shop content grows, while it takes the same amount of time to get everything.

Honestly I think this is one of the best ideas in the thread. Old packs like the Factory or Glass Packs would decrease in energy cost the longer they are out, so new players don't have to pay the full cost for something that nearly everyone else has.

This, combined with a voucher system for 5-10 free "old" block packs/smileys can help new players catch up and not feel like they're stuck behind a paywall.


#15 2015-12-31 02:18:18, last edited by TaskManager (2015-12-31 02:18:29)

Formerly maxi123
From: i really should update this
Joined: 2015-03-01
Posts: 9,465

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

GOG100lol wrote:

everyone started with 200
newbies should start like we did.

we started with 5 block packs available in the shop
newbies start with 50

signature by HG, profile picture by bluecloud, thank!!
previous signature by drstereos


#16 2015-12-31 04:11:44, last edited by Xfrogman43 (2015-12-31 04:13:10)

From: need to find a new home
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,174

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

shadowda wrote:

i like your sugestion. BUT FIVE FREE PACKS. THATS INSANE. ,maybe one, two at the most.

Look how many block packs there are... I think it should be more, maybe 7-8

zsbu6Xm.png thanks zoey aaaaaaaaaaaand thanks latif for the avatar


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#17 2015-12-31 09:41:27, last edited by Anatoly (2015-12-31 09:41:58)


Re: Shop Nerf Topic

Xfrogman43 wrote:
shadowda wrote:

i like your sugestion. BUT FIVE FREE PACKS. THATS INSANE. ,maybe one, two at the most.

Look how many block packs there are... I think it should be more, maybe 7-8

How then jesse or kiraninja or any other fame member got all bricks?

#18 2015-12-31 10:23:12

From: Russia
Joined: 2015-03-15
Posts: 6,211

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

AnatolyEE wrote:

How then jesse or kiraninja or any other fame member got all bricks?

I got them all by playing ee for 5 years and buy every pack then it came out


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#19 2015-12-31 16:38:25

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 5,447

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

Jonathan1003 wrote:

making some of the older packs free, so newer players don't start with less than 5% of the packs.

I really like this idea. Maybe for every update they make, they can make a chosen block pack free.
Block packs I think should be made free:
- Glass
- Mineral
- Checkers
- Light BG
- Dark BG
- Secret blocks


#20 2015-12-31 16:39:56


Re: Shop Nerf Topic

anch159 wrote:
Jonathan1003 wrote:

making some of the older packs free, so newer players don't start with less than 5% of the packs.

I really like this idea. Maybe for every update they make, they can make a chosen block pack free.
Block packs I think should be made free:
- Glass
- Mineral
- Checkers
- Light BG
- Dark BG
- Secret blocks

Agreeding with you.

#21 2015-12-31 18:32:35

Joined: 2015-04-02
Posts: 1,364

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

Or, we could have energy boost which you get from campaigns and daily bonuses and such. But when you register you get, i don't know, 3x faster energy refill for one week? This way newer players can get some more items when they register and they are not left with nothing.



#22 2015-12-31 19:38:25

From: need to find a new home
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,174

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

AnatolyEE wrote:

How then jesse or kiraninja or any other fame member got all bricks?

Uh... By spending energy?
I have all blocks

zsbu6Xm.png thanks zoey aaaaaaaaaaaand thanks latif for the avatar


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#23 2015-12-31 20:14:49

From: A Really Really Really
Joined: 2015-02-20
Posts: 1,044

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

inb4 current nubz: 330 energy (200 > years > 330) > 400 Too much problems = players leave EE

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#24 2015-12-31 20:15:38

From: Brazil
Joined: 2015-05-27
Posts: 2,384

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

GOG100lol wrote:

inb4 current nubz: 330 energy (200 > years > 330) > 400 Too much problems = players leave EE

Do you think you're being funny?


#25 2016-01-03 23:51:04, last edited by Falk (2016-01-03 23:55:34)

From: Index
Joined: 2015-04-28
Posts: 284

Re: Shop Nerf Topic

I agree that something has to be done about the shop and it's prizes.
And I agree that new people don't stay because they don't have something to build with but I can solidly say that that's not the only reason.

When all of us joined the game was popular, very popular indeed.
With all of the people that were online daily a kind of race was created where everyone ran how fast they could to get the new stuff.
Don't you remember during Mrshoe's adminship that 70%+ of the people around were wearing the new smileys?
The worlds on top of the lobby were the ones whose owners already had the new blocks because of their high energy limit or potential gem purchases
and not necessarily the ones professionally built.

Not everyone can create quality worlds, that's why the lobby is filled with excuses for a world. Like "Loading screen", "Waiting for update".
People get bored.   Building is, in my opinion, the most entertaining thing in the game, but some end up giving up because they don't have experience,
experience we gained participating in that race when there was no such thing as 'the best worlds' and even if there was, you could do it better, possibilities were endless.

The easiest and most creative things you could come up with are already used in a world by some other person
and we all know what happens when you copy something.    l̶a̶p̶i̶d̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶
Being innovative is difficult now, nothing a newbie can handle.

"Why would I play your world if that guy over there did the same thing earlier than you and thousand times better?"
They have problems here. So how about playing?
When they get bored of the eternal bosses, stairs, parkour and such what do they do? Play well-designed worlds.
But they are hard, because now a world that is not hard is not considered good. This type of worlds are not meant for them.
This is why 200 Lava Minigames was featured just saying.

But seriously, who uses the other tabs rather than Online?
Take one or two easy-medium, sometimes harder worlds outside the campaigns daily and pin them on the Online list. So people see and try new stuff everyday.
Campaigns serve this purpose but new ones come slow.
The pinned world(s) should give an opportunity to play something new which isn't necessarily hard, is good looking and is something you could learn something from.

Already going off-topic.

The shop. Everybody Edits is not something you could get a giant profit from. I don't understand why the prices in gems are so high.
Any gem purchase should do good, not only those higher than X       to afford something.

What happened to the free BC month on registration only for your worlds idea?
It was music to the ears of the mods when it first got suggested.

What should be done about the shop?
The daily bonuses are bad and useless most of the times. Can't say anything about it. When you login your energy is already full.
How about daily login streak with shop discounts as rewards? Starting at -5% at some items for example leading to higher percentages each day and applying to more items.
Or just one random item from the shop per week that is discounted?
(A week so people, even with the default 200 maximum energy can actually finish buying that item before the sale goes away.)



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