Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Moderator's jobs are to make the community a better place for everyone. I'm talking all ages, all races, all religions, everything. And from what's been going on with the mods/guardians we have now... that's never going to happen.
Firstly, someone who has broken the rules an insane amount of times is never permabanned. That's complete crap. Do you really think a 1-week / 1-month ban does anything? 90% of the community has alternate accounts. It does NOTHING. If you're going to have rules, either enforce them or change them.
Secondly, alternate accounts shouldn't even be an option. They only serve three main purposes: 1) to get yourself popular 2) to get yourself out of a ban 3) for bots and #3 is used about .01% of the time (Thanel, Processor, Me, SmittyW)
Finally, way too much is allowed. Rules aren't enforced at all, ESPECIALLY FOR MODS AND THEIR FRIENDS. You as a mod/guardian are NOT above the rules, and neither are your friends. The sad fact is, this is what over half of the mods/guardians do: abuse the rules and get away with it. And the other mods/guardians simply look away and do nothing. Let's see what rules haven't been enforced:
1) Swearing/Censor Evasion
-This one is obvious to everyone. Do I even NEED to bring out screenshots to prove it? Just read 1nsanity's thread, where he gets away with 12 offenses. (At least Jawapa can moderate.)
2) Hacking
-Seriously? Atilla hacked the moderator's account. And is she permabanned? Nope. She's back. In fact, people actually still look up to her (what the crap???) And others who have done serious hacking haven't been stopped ("It's okay to hack if they've already beaten the level")...
3) Harassment
-This is done very, VERY often and I have yet to see anyone get banned for this. Even moderators/guardians have done this and they're not punished. I'm not talking about making acronym jokes (For the love of cheese AMDS), I'm talking about racial/ethnic/religious/gender harassment. Why haven't there been more measures to prevent this?
All in all, the reason EE is tanking is because it's not safe for everyone anymore. If you're going to be a moderator/guardian, do your job, no matter who gets punished.
And if nothing is done about this, I'm leaving, and I'm taking all my levels and my bots with me.
90% of the community has alternate accounts.
can i have a source on this statistic
Moderator's jobs are to make the community a better place for everyone. I'm talking all ages, all races, all religions, everything. And from what's been going on with the mods/guardians we have now... that's never going to happen.
Firstly, someone who has broken the rules an insane amount of times is never permabanned. That's complete crap. Do you really think a 1-week / 1-month ban does anything? 90% of the community has alternate accounts. It does NOTHING. If you're going to have rules, either enforce them or change them.
Secondly, alternate accounts shouldn't even be an option. They only serve three main purposes: 1) to get yourself popular 2) to get yourself out of a ban 3) for bots and #3 is used about .01% of the time (Thanel, Processor, Me, SmittyW)
Finally, way too much is allowed. Rules aren't enforced at all, ESPECIALLY FOR MODS AND THEIR FRIENDS. You as a mod/guardian are NOT above the rules, and neither are your friends. The sad fact is, this is what over half of the mods/guardians do: abuse the rules and get away with it. And the other mods/guardians simply look away and do nothing. Let's see what rules haven't been enforced:
1) Swearing/Censor Evasion
-This one is obvious to everyone. Do I even NEED to bring out screenshots to prove it? Just read 1nsanity's thread, where he gets away with 12 offenses. (At least Jawapa can moderate.)2) Hacking
-Seriously? Atilla hacked the moderator's account. And is she permabanned? Nope. She's back. In fact, people actually still look up to her (what the crap???) And others who have done serious hacking haven't been stopped ("It's okay to hack if they've already beaten the level")...3) Harassment
-This is done very, VERY often and I have yet to see anyone get banned for this. Even moderators/guardians have done this and they're not punished. I'm not talking about making acronym jokes (For the love of cheese AMDS), I'm talking about racial/ethnic/religious/gender harassment. Why haven't there been more measures to prevent this?All in all, the reason EE is tanking is because it's not safe for everyone anymore. If you're going to be a moderator/guardian, do your job, no matter who gets punished.
And if nothing is done about this, I'm leaving, and I'm taking all my levels and my bots with me.
I disagree with just about all of this entirely.
I already explained why your arguments were defunct long ago, I don't feel like rehashing it.
Firstly, someone who has broken the rules an insane amount of times is never permabanned. That's complete crap. Do you really think a 1-week / 1-month ban does anything? 90% of the community has alternate accounts. It does NOTHING. If you're going to have rules, either enforce them or change them.
Yes, players can make alternative accounts to still play EE when banned, but they can't work in any worlds, can't join in any worlds and can't talk with someone in their friend list. This is what the ban makes to players that doesn't respect any rules.
2) Hacking
-Seriously? Atilla hacked the moderator's account. And is she permabanned? Nope. She's back. In fact, people actually still look up to her (what the crap???) And others who have done serious hacking haven't been stopped ("It's okay to hack if they've already beaten the level")...
Pretty sure she or he (whatever) did worse things. She is back, you're right, but she already confirmed she don't will steal our infos again. But who can prove that? Atilla can just make whatever her want with this game.
People seems to make topics out of boredom nowadays
this seems to be the case for this one
I guess I agree with the first two. But if you're seeing harassment in EE, do the obvious thing: report it. you can't expect the staff to be everywhere all the time and see it themselves.
proc's discorb stylish themes for forums/the game
꧁꧂L O V E & C O R N꧁꧂ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
danke bluecloud thank u raphe [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
ESPECIALLY FOR MODS AND THEIR FRIENDS. You as a mod/guardian are NOT above the rules
Absolutely, that's why this happened:
1) Swearing/Censor Evasion
Swearing isn't really against the rules, that's why we have the censors. Swearing at other users is against the rules, though.
2) Hacking
-Seriously? Atilla hacked the moderator's account. And is she permabanned? Nope. She's back.
That all happened before the current staff came in. We had no control over that situation.
3) Harassment
-This is done very, VERY often and I have yet to see anyone get banned for this. Even moderators/guardians have done this and they're not punished. I'm not talking about making acronym jokes (For the love of cheese AMDS), I'm talking about racial/ethnic/religious/gender harassment. Why haven't there been more measures to prevent this?
If you see it, report it. We can't do anything about it if we aren't aware of it.
Discord: jawp#5123
Firstly, someone who has broken the rules an insane amount of times is never permabanned. That's complete crap. Do you really think a 1-week / 1-month ban does anything? 90% of the community has alternate accounts. It does NOTHING. If you're going to have rules, either enforce them or change them.
I find that the majority of the time, a perma ban is WAY too harsh. Nobody should be punished for a silly mistake they may have made 2 or 3 years ago. I think usually a month is enough.
As for alts, that is why we have IP banning. If someone is causing too much trouble, and then continuing to do it with their alts, we can IP ban them.
Secondly, alternate accounts shouldn't even be an option. They only serve three main purposes: 1) to get yourself popular 2) to get yourself out of a ban 3) for bots and #3 is used about .01% of the time (Thanel, Processor, Me, SmittyW)
Alts getting you popular? LOL okay.
- Other points may be valid -
Finally, way too much is allowed. Rules aren't enforced at all, ESPECIALLY FOR MODS AND THEIR FRIENDS. You as a mod/guardian are NOT above the rules, and neither are your friends. The sad fact is, this is what over half of the mods/guardians do: abuse the rules and get away with it. And the other mods/guardians simply look away and do nothing. Let's see what rules haven't been enforced:
We do enforce the rules. I personally go the reports every other day and ban several users for breaking rules. I don't believe that every little thing should result in a ban though. As for friends being above the rules, I'd have to completely disagree with you. I even banned 1nsanity, one of my best EE friends, twice for rule breaking.
1) Swearing/Censor Evasion
-This one is obvious to everyone. Do I even NEED to bring out screenshots to prove it? Just read 1nsanity's thread, where he gets away with 12 offenses. (At least Jawapa can moderate.)
1nsanity was given a ban appropriate to his crime. Do you really think that saying a few words should result in a full perma ban? That would be ridiculous.
2) Hacking
-Seriously? Atilla hacked the moderator's account. And is she permabanned? Nope. She's back. In fact, people actually still look up to her (what the crap???) And others who have done serious hacking haven't been stopped ("It's okay to hack if they've already beaten the level")...
As Jawapa mentioned, Atilla did this way before any of us worked on the game. Even if we did perma ban Atilla I doubt it would do any good. If he really wanted to come back, I'm sure he'd find a way to do it.
3) Harassment
-This is done very, VERY often and I have yet to see anyone get banned for this. Even moderators/guardians have done this and they're not punished. I'm not talking about making acronym jokes (For the love of cheese AMDS), I'm talking about racial/ethnic/religious/gender harassment. Why haven't there been more measures to prevent this?
Harassment is very difficult to ban for in general. We have agreed that we will not be banning for harassment, unless the person being harassed reports it. I understand that friends like to joke around with each other with very offensive comments. (I even do it myself, both in and out of EE.) Nobody should be banned for a playful comment that they make towards a friend.
On the other hand, if someone is truly being harassed and they report it, a ban will be issued.
All in all, the reason EE is tanking is because it's not safe for everyone anymore. If you're going to be a moderator/guardian, do your job, no matter who gets punished.
And if nothing is done about this, I'm leaving, and I'm taking all my levels and my bots with me.
In 2010 when the game was at it's peak, there were literally no rules at all, and people loved the game. I don't think this is causing a decline.
Atilla is back? Good Lord... have some dignity and stay away.
And if nothing is done about this, I'm leaving, and I'm taking all my levels and my bots with me.
Who are you?
Avatar by RainDiance
I am obsessed with Steven Universe
Am I the only one who hasn't personally seen or had any problems with the moderators?
I don't see anybody being overly rude, just the occasional spammer that gets kicked.
I swear, you guys are making mountains out of mole hills.
Evilbunny (in cursive)
personally i'm good with the moderators. though ill admit I've seen mods and admins blatantly ignoring rules mostly related to chat.
color = #1E1E1E
atilla is a guy
Doubt it.
Kefka wrote:oranj wrote:atilla is a guy
Doubt it.
ik them lol
Oh really! I saw Atilla's website once (Twitter?) and it was... very feminine.
An exception would be if Atilla was a metrosexual or flamboyantly homosexual guy.
I saw Atilla's website once (Twitter?) and it was... very feminine
that comment doesn't offend me whatsoever but I'm gonna pretend like it does because this is the internet!!!
Found the Twitter.
I love how this topic changed from being mad at mods to discussing Atilla's gender.
Atilla is a male, I've seen him on cam
At least drop my name with style yo
Maverick: Started up on a 6, when he pulled from the clouds, and then I moved in above him.
Charlie: Well, if you were directly above him, how could you see him?
Maverick: Because I was inverted.
I love how this topic changed from being mad at mods to discussing Atilla's gender.
Atilla is a male, I've seen him on cam
Thank you
I love how this topic changed from being mad at mods to discussing Atilla's gender.
Atilla is a male, I've seen him on cam
I think that discussion has more merit.
Master1 is female. I've seen her on cam.
Should I even bother with a serious reply to this topic? I think I will to avoid getting off-topic.
Prepare yourselves for a TL;DR of proportions only Calicara could contend!
Personally, I believe the strict moderation (at least for non-adherents) has done nothing thus far to ensure a positive experience for users.
It's of no surprise I'd argue the opposition. It seems to me that, with the withstanding amount of belligerent users, and their rule-abiding contemporaries in unison, the current form of world moderation isn't required.
Without the influence of your beloved moderators, with the exception of crashing and mass-spamming, was it ever so necessary to begin with?
I have nothing against the people who moderate, I only believe they are unfit to moderate.
I'm not saying this condescendingly either, the majority (including myself) are unfit for such a role.
When I returned, within minutes I had witnessed JaWapa kicking a seemingly nonchalant player from Phinarose's world. Of course, this was met with Phinarose dejectedly requesting further abstinence of superfluous moderation.
This demonstrates what I believe should be principled. Moderation should be handled globally with world moderation independent.
I believe worlds should be handled by their owners; let them decide the rules and to kick who they wish. If people have a problem with a world or a player within, they have the ability to simply leave, or ignore them.
This is what I had intended when suggesting Guardians to MrShoe. A choice selection of actors who embraced a persona of helper, not governor, who had been chosen as applicants based on criteria not hand-chosen.
From what I've seen, conflict resolution is better dealt with on an individual basis than forcing rules for to adhere to and be in compliance with, which as aforementioned is biased towards their favored adherents.
Seriously? Atilla hacked the moderator's account. And is she permabanned? Nope. She's back. In fact, people actually still look up to her (what the crap???) And others who have done serious hacking haven't been stopped ("It's okay to hack if they've already beaten the level")...
I intended to fully leave, and I've done so successfully with carrying on my life without the expenditure of time towards this game and it's 'community'.
The only reason I'm back is result of pseudo-peer-pressure and holiday intermission. As of yet, I have no desire to perdure.
Oh and yes, I have loyal friends and people who agree with the things I've said.
Seriously? I hacked the moderator's account? No, we've done several. If I was so malicious I would've destroyed the game on numerous occasions. I don't think I need to expostulate further.
*u stinky*
Oh dear god I forgot how much your posts annoyed me
atilla is germomale
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