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#51 2015-11-29 14:32:50

From: Crait
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,452

Re: Permabanned for Censor Evasion?

Insanity wrote:

The entire concept of "censor dodging" is bimpsing stupid because it's essentially saying its okay to use bad language as long as its spelled correctly, and if i spell it wrong, I get banned.

The reason why censor dodging is against the rules, is because we want to try and make the game enjoyable for people of all ages.

What I mean by that is, younger kids tend to hate cursing. They don't want to have to look at it at all. These people should be able to turn their censors on and not have to worry about it. When you censor dodge, it takes away their fun, because they are forced to look at the inappropriate language that older people use.

Likewise, we know that it's natural for older people to swear, so we don't want that to be an issue either. This is why we COMPLETELY allow swearing, as long as it isn't in a way that affects the younger kids. (Censor dodging)

I do however, agree that the censors are pretty garbage and should be improved. Currently, a slight typo could result in an accidental censor dodge. That being said, I don't think it's entirely your fault for being banned (Our censors suck and need to be improved.) but you should still listen when we tell you countless times to stop dodging them.

I think a chat ban for a month or two would be a much better punishment than a permanent ban.



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#52 2015-11-29 14:50:29

Joined: 2015-03-28
Posts: 124

Re: Permabanned for Censor Evasion?

I agree with the permaban (come on, 8 bans? really?) but not with how it was handed.
Why don't you escalate the punishment? For example, if you get banned for something 1 time, receives a normal punishment. The second times receives doubled punishment or somethig like that. By doing this, people can see how deep they're in trouble from the time he is banned, like a thermometer.

But I can't change the system, and there's a serial violation of the rules here, so i guess nothing can be done for now.


#53 2015-11-29 15:03:38, last edited by Insanity (2015-11-29 15:30:39)

From: Douchebag Island
Joined: 2015-03-07
Posts: 1,123

Re: Permabanned for Censor Evasion?

Processor wrote:

Hey 1nsanity,

I'm sorry that the details of your ban have apparently not been communicated well to you.
You have been tempbanned multiple times before. Tempbans serve as a sort of warning, asking you to "please stop doing this".
Your current ban is because of both evading the chat filter and flaming other users, the latter having a larger weight.
You should note that flaming other users even when you are not bypassing the chat filter is not allowed.

You can keep arguing that our chat filter is bad and all, but I can see that you have accepted our rules when you were prompted to do so. These clearly disallow both the evasion of the chat filter and flaming other users. You have also agreed that a permanent ban is a possible outcome if you don't follow the rules.
You were free to disagree with our rules, nobody forced you to accept them on that day. You can also leave the game if you no longer agree with them.

You should also know that as long as you don't make anyone /reportabuse you, you are not going to get banned. (Let me point out that mods and admins are also players who can report you, but we usually don't do that if we happen to join visible false rooms, exceptions include sexual and illegal content.)
You have had several people reportabuse you as they felt that your behavior was not OK. If you are abbreviating curse-words in a world, make sure your "friends" don't report you in the future. //

The ban you have received is a result of your reluctance to change, and as long as you show no interest in fixing your behavior, you are not going to get unbanned.



Insanity wrote:

Because if you were actually smart about it and knew what you were doing

Insanity wrote:

But evidently you're too stupid to actually reason with so eh

Insanity wrote:

Learn how the world works you sad child.

Are you actively trying to get banned on the forums? Calm down please.

Forum topics like this are a bit troublesome in my opinion as they easy turn into a flaming contest between the two parties. With a bit of cooperation on your side I think we could easily resolve these matters in PM.

I don't recall ever being banned for flaming a user. And if that is the case, this is the first flaming offense, and I got permabanned for it?

If I have flamed a user, I'd like to see full chatlogs of it because I don't really flame people without any reason whatsoever, unless they're on my friends list (lol)

Also, I was reluctant to change because there's no system in place. I'd probably do something about it now if I'm not perma'd because I'd rather not have to argue about something as stupid as this

8 tempbans for censor dodging? I can argue I shouldn't have gotten banned for any of them because the sole basis for those bans were me misspelling a word.

Getting banned 8 times for spelling a bad word incorrectly, and then a claim that I flamed a user without a chatlog, which I also requested in an earlier post are why I was given a permaban. Flaming is an understable offense, but spelling a bad word wrong, when the normal spelling of it means the same exact things shouldn't be an offense that warrants a week long ban, and then a permaban a few weeks later.

There's proof of CJMaeder repeatedly harassing the same user multiple times, but all he gets is a warning. If you're saying I'm permabanned for flaming a user, that is evident bias. And I still don't recall flaming a user so I'm requesting chatlogs as a result.

Seeing as I have to deal with this bs for something like language means yes, obviously I'll be more careful in the future. I'm saying it's excessive, and unprofessional because he handed the ban out based on whim.

I'd just like to see chatlogs of me flaming a user

Also, the reason I made a forum topic is because from his posts, you can see Jawapa doesn't listen to reason. PMing him would've had no result, as he'd say the same thing over an again and him being in a position of power means I can't really do anything about it. Also, this thread is mainly about me trying to appeal a permaban, however based on some of the things that Jawapa said and the way he said them shows that he is unqualified for being a mod.

Tamashiimizu wrote:

I agree with the permaban (come on, 8 bans? really?) but not with how it was handed.
Why don't you escalate the punishment? For example, if you get banned for something 1 time, receives a normal punishment. The second times receives doubled punishment or somethig like that. By doing this, people can see how deep they're in trouble from the time he is banned, like a thermometer.

But I can't change the system, and there's a serial violation of the rules here, so i guess nothing can be done for now.

If the bans escalated properly, like they should, I'd obviously have toned it down because I'd know the next ban would be far more severe. But that bans that were given out to me were random 1 day to 1 week bans, and it's extremely unfair for me to get permabanned out of the blue when I had no way of knowing it's an offense that warrants a permaban.

Basically I'm saying if there was an effective banning system, I wouldn't have gotten permabanned because I'd have toned it down before getting permabanned.


Yea, seems fair that I'd have to change my behavior, I'm just asking for a less severe suspension/ban if I agree to be careful in the future because I don't think I deserved a permaban

Maverick: Started up on a 6, when he pulled from the clouds, and then I moved in above him.
Charlie: Well, if you were directly above him, how could you see him?
Maverick: Because I was inverted.


#54 2015-11-29 15:37:32

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Re: Permabanned for Censor Evasion?

Some people just don't understand the whole purpose behind moderating. If a player is toxic to the community, he should be removed from the community. Anyone who racks up 8 harassment bans fits the definition of toxic. People say he could just have his chat revoked, but those people don't understand the concept of a punishment. If he isn't going to follow the rules of the game, he shouldn't be allowed back to the game. I honestly don't see why so many people are defending Insanity for pointless reasons such as going from 1 week bans to permanent, because I feel that the people who argue that the staff shouldn't be allowed to give those bans are also toxic players who don't want the same to happen to them. How about instead of forcing the rules to adapt to you, you adapt to the rules and follow them so none of this **** happens anymore.


Wooted by: (6)

#55 2015-11-29 15:38:52

Formerly maxi123
From: i really should update this
Joined: 2015-03-01
Posts: 9,465

Re: Permabanned for Censor Evasion?

Don't break rules then.

Insanity wrote:

Censor evading in a level with friends who already have their censors turned off


signature by HG, profile picture by bluecloud, thank!!
previous signature by drstereos


#56 2015-11-29 15:43:04, last edited by Insanity (2015-11-29 15:45:44)

From: Douchebag Island
Joined: 2015-03-07
Posts: 1,123

Re: Permabanned for Censor Evasion?

RhazzleFrazzle wrote:

Some people just don't understand the whole purpose behind moderating. If a player is toxic to the community, he should be removed from the community. Anyone who racks up 8 harassment bans fits the definition of toxic. People say he could just have his chat revoked, but those people don't understand the concept of a punishment. If he isn't going to follow the rules of the game, he shouldn't be allowed back to the game. I honestly don't see why so many people are defending Insanity for pointless reasons such as going from 1 week bans to permanent, because I feel that the people who argue that the staff shouldn't be allowed to give those bans are also toxic players who don't want the same to happen to them. How about instead of forcing the rules to adapt to you, you adapt to the rules and follow them so none of this horse kisses :^) happens anymore.

I'm not toxic to the community. I embrace my brahs. I'd like to know who in this community thinks I'm "toxic" or "abusive" or any of that sort. As far as I know I'm friendly with almost everyone

You're making false assumptions based on statement without actual evidence.

People agree with me because they've known me for years, and I've been in this community for a long time. I've never seen you on the forums, ever, or in game. How can you even make a statement about the community, when you're not even an active part of it? lol

Maverick: Started up on a 6, when he pulled from the clouds, and then I moved in above him.
Charlie: Well, if you were directly above him, how could you see him?
Maverick: Because I was inverted.


#57 2015-11-29 15:46:14

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 2,246

Re: Permabanned for Censor Evasion?

To those saying that this is our badword filter's fault: Let me point out that the badword censoring functionality is a feature(!) not a basic right entitled to you. We are allowing you to use bad words AS LONG AS YOU STICK TO THE LIMITED LIST OF BADWORDS WE SUPPORT; OTHERWISE YOU GET BANNED AND ITS YOUR FAULT FOR NOT USING THE FEATURE PROPERLY. However, I agree that we could improve it when we have the time, but until then please suck it up and make sure you don't offend anyone by misspelling a word.

To 1nsanity:

Chatlogs? OK. My sloppy 30 second search came up with this:


CJMaeder has been warned to lose their job as a staff member, but maybe in your small world that doesn't mean anything. However, I personally don't think its less severe than the inability to play.

Like I've said, it's hard to solve these manners in a forum topic.
If a moderator isn't responding to you in a resonable way or timeframe, try PMing another admin next time.  Feel free to write me or NOU and we can come up with an agreement.

I have never thought of programming for reputation and honor. What I have in my heart must come out. That is the reason why I code.


#58 2015-11-29 15:49:33

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Re: Permabanned for Censor Evasion?

Insanity wrote:
RhazzleFrazzle wrote:

Some people just don't understand the whole purpose behind moderating. If a player is toxic to the community, he should be removed from the community. Anyone who racks up 8 harassment bans fits the definition of toxic. People say he could just have his chat revoked, but those people don't understand the concept of a punishment. If he isn't going to follow the rules of the game, he shouldn't be allowed back to the game. I honestly don't see why so many people are defending Insanity for pointless reasons such as going from 1 week bans to permanent, because I feel that the people who argue that the staff shouldn't be allowed to give those bans are also toxic players who don't want the same to happen to them. How about instead of forcing the rules to adapt to you, you adapt to the rules and follow them so none of this horse kisses :^) happens anymore.

I'm not toxic to the community. I embrace my brahs. I'd like to know who in this community thinks I'm "toxic" or "abusive" or any of that sort. As far as I know I'm friendly with almost everyone

You're making false assumptions based on statement without actual evidence.

People agree with me because they've known me for years. I've never seen you on the forums, ever, or in game. How can you even make a statement about the community, when you're not even an active part of it? lol

I was an active member of the community around 2010-2012, but now I mostly just hang around in #eeforums. Anyways, my point is that you're toxic because you got 8 bans for the same thing. Sure 2 or 3 bans would be reasonable to say you aren't toxic, but the fact that you were warned multiple times for the same thing and you kept on doing it makes you toxic. Were you magically expecting them to not ban you for the same thing after you were banned for it 4 times? Then 5 times? And 6 and 7? You clearly don't care about the rules of the game, and that's why they removed you from the game. You may think you're friendly to the people you're around, but what about people you don't know that you say negative things around? Nobody said you were reported by your friends.


#59 2015-11-29 15:51:32

Joined: 2015-03-14
Posts: 1,679

Re: Permabanned for Censor Evasion?

Is it just me, or does anyone else think it is odd that the general public is allowed to comment on one person's ban in a public forum?

Typically these matters are dealt with privately.

On a side note, I once typoed a swear word, and immediately corrected it by saying "oops *****" so while I do know it is easy to typo and 'evade' it is also easy to fix the mistake.

Custom Tab: Forum Post|Trello

Thanks Xen for my Avatar and Smitty for the smiley 47BA5lq.png


Wooted by: (2)

#60 2015-11-29 15:52:17

From: Douchebag Island
Joined: 2015-03-07
Posts: 1,123

Re: Permabanned for Censor Evasion?

Processor wrote:

To those saying that this is our badword filter's fault: Let me point out that the badword censoring functionality is a feature(!) not a basic right entitled to you. We are allowing you to use bad words AS LONG AS YOU STICK TO THE LIMITED LIST OF BADWORDS WE SUPPORT; OTHERWISE YOU GET BANNED AND ITS YOUR FAULT FOR NOT USING THE FEATURE PROPERLY. However, I agree that we could improve it when we have the time, but until then please suck it up and make sure you don't offend anyone by misspelling a word.

To 1nsanity:

Chatlogs? OK. My sloppy 30 second search came up with this:


CJMaeder has been warned to lose their job as a staff member, but maybe in your small world that doesn't mean anything. However, I personally don't think its less severe than the inability to play.

Like I've said, it's hard to solve these manners in a forum topic.
If a moderator isn't responding to you in a resonable manner, try PMing another admin next time.  Feel free to PM me or NOU and we can come up with an agreement.

Alright, first off, Zoey knew I was joking in that convo. Also, I'm friends with Zoey. You pulled 4 lines of a conversation out of context.

and The second one, is just me seeing which words are censored and which ones arent so I could understand the censors better.

Maverick: Started up on a 6, when he pulled from the clouds, and then I moved in above him.
Charlie: Well, if you were directly above him, how could you see him?
Maverick: Because I was inverted.


#61 2015-11-29 15:54:00


Re: Permabanned for Censor Evasion?

Insanity wrote:
Processor wrote:


and The second one, is just me seeing which words are censored and which ones arent so I could understand the censors better.

Something you could have done privately in your own world

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#62 2015-11-29 15:56:06

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Re: Permabanned for Censor Evasion?

Why would you need to know the censor anyways? To know what you can and can't get away with saying?


#63 2015-11-29 16:02:34

From: wait I'm not a secret mod huh
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 5,852

Re: Permabanned for Censor Evasion?

I'll set aside the reason for considering these actions an "infraction"

however, I agree with a few people here: you're not making yourselves look professional. You have someone on your "staff" doing what they believe is reasonable, then two (or more) staff members publicly shaming and deciding the action wasn't valid. Honestly, get your act together. Don't ridicule anyone for USING ALL CAPS, and if you disagree with what they did, you should work closer together rather than split apart by publicly expressing your disagreement.

And yes, your system needs extreme expansion to explain what occurrences lead to permanent bans, and a way to show reasons for each warning/ban. You cannot argue that Insanity should have known, as you never explained it in the "Rules" and afaik, there are no warning explanations to tell him that.


#64 2015-11-29 16:42:58

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 2,246

Re: Permabanned for Censor Evasion?

We explain that not following the rules can lead to a perma ban so you were prepared. We are allowed to ban your account permanently the first time you do not obey by the rules, every player has to agree to these terms. I'm not saying this is an ideal situation, but the actions undertaken by jawapa are not in any way wrong. Mods are supposed to ban those who do not follow the rules and bashing them because you dislike the rules the game has is pointless. We have ideas how to improve this situation by adding a warning system similar to the one on the forums, so please give us a bit of time. //

hummerz5 wrote:

You have someone on your "staff" doing what they believe is reasonable, then two (or more) staff members publicly shaming and deciding the action wasn't valid.

I'm not sure how my actions contradict what JaWapa said, we both agree that 1nsanity's ban was justified. I am kindly asking for him to de-escalate this to PM so it can be resolved there, this does not mean that I imply any wrongdoing on jawapa's part. Regarding the censorlist, I also agree with master1, but I tried to explain it from a programmer's perspective, I never implied that the bans were not reasonable. ALSO LET ME USE MY ALL CAPS WHENEVER I WANT >:(

BEE wrote:

Is it just me, or does anyone else think it is odd that the general public is allowed to comment on one person's ban in a public forum?

I totally agree, but I didn't create this topic.

1nsanity has contacted me privately and due to the atmosphere in this thread I think it's best to close it at this point.

TL;DR: 1nsanity is probably getting his ban shortened; we are working on a warning system to make bans more reliable; topic closed

I have never thought of programming for reputation and honor. What I have in my heart must come out. That is the reason why I code.



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