Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Here are the Yo!Scroll commands:
Red= Only mods and admins
Green= Everyone
!color %color= changes Yo!Scroll logo and line play (Available colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Cyan, Purple, Grey, Black)
!ban/tempban %username%= Bans selected player
!wins / !wins %username= How many you/a player has
!kick %username%= Kicks selected player (Cannot join for 5 minutes)
!trust %username%= Trusts player.
!name %title name%= Renames title to desired message
!engine %mode%= Changes engine/mode to selected mode (Available modes: Ghost, Standard, Simple, Insane, Tall, Rainbow (If JESSE is on)
!ge/giveedit %username%= Selected player receives edit
!re/removeedit %username%= Removes edit from player
!givegod %username%= Gives god mode to player
!away= Afk (Wont tp you to arena)
!tp %username% to destination (coordination or player)= Teleports player to destination (Use /getpos to get your current coordinations)
!kill %username%= Kills selected player and respawns them
!limit %username%= Limits selected player
!tempmod %username%= Temporarily makes player mod until s/he leaves game
!setsmiley %smiley name%= Sets bot's smiley to selected smiley
!say %message%= Tells bot to say message
!loadlevel/clear/reset= Loads/Clears/Resets level
!godmode true/false= Gives/removes god mode from bot (YONOM)
!on/off= Turns Yo!Scroll On/Off
!dir right/left= Changes direction of Scroll line
Will be added: (All can be accessed by everyone)
!shop= Bot PMs you the "shop" (Shop will include effects, ability to change color...etc)
!xp= Experience level (Increased by playing/winning Yo!Scroll)
!xplevel= Experience to next level
Experience needed:
Lv 1: 2
Lv 2: +5 (Total: 7)
Lv 3: +10 (Total: 17)
Lv 4: +13 (Total: 30)
Lv 5: +20 (Total: 50)
Lv 6: +25 (Total: 75)
Lv 7: +30 (Total: 105)
Lv 8-50: Add 5 xp to previous amount
(How to gain xp:
Playing (more than 7 seconds)= +1 xp
Winning= +3 xp
Winning streak (more than 3)= +5 xp
PS. You can also PM YONOM the commands if you dont want other players to see.
Happy playing~
trump's forehead is brighter than my whole future
if i had one
I want to be an admin or mod in that thing or like a temp mod but then era said yes then kicked me D:
can you make me one please because I know processor wouldn't mind
I want to be an admin or mod in that thing or like a temp mod but then era said yes then kicked me D:
can you make me one please because I know processor wouldn't mind
You can come right now and I can make you temp mod (pstttt just dont tell proc orelse im ded meat)
But its off now
trump's forehead is brighter than my whole future
if i had one
''extreme mode'' wasn't that insane mode?
Yes actually its the same thing.
trump's forehead is brighter than my whole future
if i had one
Can you just add this to the topic in room only 2 commands help us
SilverStar, Hostage, W24, Raon
How do I become a mod c:
You dont
trump's forehead is brighter than my whole future
if i had one
Elizabeth53999 wrote:maxi123 wrote:How do I become a mod c:
You dont
liek if u cri evrytim
0.01% sure
Updated: November 2
trump's forehead is brighter than my whole future
if i had one
guys is it so hard to just use the Yo!Scroll thread that already exists
thx for sig bobithan
to show how much i love this game
Pages: 1
[ Started around 1740989191.5801 - Generated in 0.133 seconds, 12 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.6 MiB (Peak: 1.78 MiB) ]