Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Over the past month or so, the number of spam reports coming in has drastically increased. Therefore, we felt it was necessary to give you a list of things to keep in mind, when sending reports.
1. You will be banned for sending frivolous or rule-breaking abuse reports. So don’t send them.
2. Do not use the report tool against trolling. Trolling is not against the rules and your report will be considered spam.
3. Hacking shouldn’t be reported with the report function, as it cannot collect sufficient evidence against “hackers.”
– Just because the report tool cannot spy on hackers, does not mean they are not banned regularly. Seriously, just play the game as is.
4. Reports on people for not giving you edit will be marked as spam.
5. The report command is not a way to PM people. There is a /PM command for that.
With that said, we know some of you will try to be “funny” and send in a bunch of false/spam reports. We ask that you refrain from doing so, as it makes our job much harder. For those of you who cannot control yourselves, you will be banned. We appreciate your co-operation.
Discord: jawp#5123
Setun, Br0k3n, 912468, Fastmapler, Weirdoverse, kubapolish, Badoosh, Anch, Michele, Pingohits, Onjit, Xfrogman43, SirJosh3917, Hexagon, Falk, Kikikan, OINX, Schlog, Swarth100, The Party Animal, Krosis, TSF14, W24, Purge2202, Master1
So how can I report a hacker?
So how can I report a hacker?
If he is not very annoying, just play with him
If he is annoying just leave
Hackers in 85% just 7-9 old players , they hack because they think it is amazing to be better than other ppl
They will grow up and will understand what play without hack and beat levels yourself is much better
How do I report a player who has spammed, but I forgot to report them (ex. yesterday?) If I use /reportabuse, which world do I go in to report it?
At this point, reporting him would be useless unless you had a screenshot of the chat saved.
When a report is sent, we get a small piece of the chat that can be used as evidence. If you reported him now, we'd have nothing to go off of.
At this point, reporting him would be useless unless you had a screenshot of the chat saved.
If I specified the world that they were in and the exact time that they sent the message in GMT time, would that be enough evidence? I know that screenshots can be photoshopped, so I'm not sure how accurate they would be.
Are you considering reports on people for kicking you spam?
This is a false statement.
5. The report command is not a way to PM people. There is a /PM command for that.
Do people actually do that?
JaWapa wrote:5. The report command is not a way to PM people. There is a /PM command for that.
Do people actually do that?
Probably to talk to the mods, I assume.
anch159 wrote:JaWapa wrote:5. The report command is not a way to PM people. There is a /PM command for that.
Do people actually do that?
Probably to talk to the mods, I assume.
Oh. I thought they meant people used that to try to chat with other players.
Anak wrote:anch159 wrote:JaWapa wrote:5. The report command is not a way to PM people. There is a /PM command for that.
Do people actually do that?
Probably to talk to the mods, I assume.
Oh. I thought they meant people used that to try to chat with other players.
Yes, they do both. Because it's apparently hard to distinguish the two commands.
Discord: jawp#5123
It's good that you finally cleared this up, but I think you should clarify in the original post that you should not report on the forums.
Master1 wrote:At this point, reporting him would be useless unless you had a screenshot of the chat saved.
If I specified the world that they were in and the exact time that they sent the message in GMT time, would that be enough evidence? I know that screenshots can be photoshopped, so I'm not sure how accurate they would be.
Op, missed this bit earlier...
Not really. A screenshot is pretty good. We'll also look up any other reports the user has had. It's really just easier if you report them when it happens.
Discord: jawp#5123
Might as well take the time to share some of my favorite reports I've collected in the past couple of weeks.
Seriously though; don't do this, or you will get banned.
Pingohits, some woman, Anch, Slabdrill, Schlog, Swarth100, Krosis, TSF14, SirJosh3917, bgic, Evilbunny, 912468, Fastmapler, kubapolish, SPT, Badoosh, drstereos
Might as well take the time to share some of my favorite reports I've collected in the past couple of weeks.
▼These are actual reports (word for word), and none of them make any more sense with or without context.Seriously though; don't do this, or you will get banned.
i don't know it's for cry or to laught xD
"i mad your oent websit
what does that even mean
10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!
For in game matters, please use the /reportabuse function in EE itself. It's the fastest way for an EE mod to see it.
(From … ?id=27385). This reply was posted by a knowledgeable forum admin but many may have misinterpreted his words to "use /reportabuse to chat with moderators."
Might as well take the time to share some of my favorite reports I've collected in the past couple of weeks.
▼These are actual reports (word for word), and none of them make any more sense with or without context.Seriously though; don't do this, or you will get banned.
my sides... are gone
From what I can tell, these are from kids younger than 10.
Might as well take the time to share some of my favorite reports I've collected in the past couple of weeks.
▼These are actual reports (word for word), and none of them make any more sense with or without context.Seriously though; don't do this, or you will get banned.
SERIOUSLY, those kids don't understand.
"you will be banned in 3 seconds"
"why nt editing"
They just cant understand the report system. :/
They just cant understand the report system. :/
I doubt they even know what "report" means.
This is a false statement.
maybe the whole report system should be unlocked with beating the tutorial or the puzzle campaign...after the next update ofc. This could function as a noob protection.
( ° ,(oo)° ) oink oink
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