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#1 2015-09-21 04:39:10

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,576

The warnings system Q&A

Seems like a lot of people are kind of in the dark about how exactly the warnings system works, so I'm making this topic as a kind of Q&A to help clear things up. Feel free to ask any questions I aren't answered by me running over how it all works from start to finish.

It shows up in a list of all the currently-active reports. We get a notification at the top of every page, same place and style as a PM notification. We can see the reason it was reported, who reported it and when, and there's a link to the post itself. Reports are the main way things get done as far as moderation goes. We can't read every topic and post ourselves, but you guys all read each topic several times over so rule-breaking posts will always be seen and can be reported.

After that, we check out the post itself. If we find that it breaks one of the rules, we issue a warning. There's a button right next to report for us that lets us warn specific posts, although we can also issue warnings directly from a user's profile in the case that the rule-breaking wasn't done in a post. For example, if someone broke a rule in a PM, you could either PM one of the mods or report a post informing us about the PM. You'll need to give us a link to the conversation, though. We can view PMs, but only after one of the participants gives us a link.

When we warn someone, we get a list of warning types to choose from. Each warning type has a different weight assigned to it and lasts a different amount of time. There's also a custom option, but that's not used very often. You can view them all here.

When an account has reached a certain level of warning points, the forums will automatically ban them for a length of time depending on how high their warning level is. The bans are all handled automatically, all we do is handle warnings.

In time, some of your warnings will expire and lower your warning level, which means that next time you end up getting warned you won't be banned quite as long. Bans never last longer than 3 months unless you do something worthy of us completely kicking you off the forums entirely.

If you end up getting banned one day and you were banned for no reason, don't hesitate to email me. My email should be on the ban page. If it actually was an illegitimate ban, I'll reverse it and get things sorted out. It's happened before. Not often, but it's happened. However if you're just going to spam my email with whining, cursing demands to unban you, your emails will all be redirected straight to my trash folder.

And that's the forum warning system from start to finish.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#2 2015-09-21 04:50:53

Joined: 2015-04-04
Posts: 4,311

Re: The warnings system Q&A

Why does minimodding get 0 points? Doesn't that mean someone can keep minimodding and not get banned?


#3 2015-09-21 04:53:16

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,576

Re: The warnings system Q&A

It's basically a verbal warning. I didn't think it should be a warnable offense. They usually have their heart in the right places but minimodding does complicate things for us a lot and they need to know it's not okay.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#4 2015-09-21 05:25:44

From: CaliforNYAN Land.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,514

Re: The warnings system Q&A

Why can saying "lol" result in multiple warnings and ultimately a 3 month ban?


EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu   IUO0O0oooooooooooppi

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Im A ®a®ity ®


#5 2015-09-21 06:03:46

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Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,576

Re: The warnings system Q&A

Each post can only be warned once. You can't get multiple warnings for a single post. If you spam "lol" in 70 different topics then yeah that might net you enough warnings for a 3 month ban.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#6 2015-09-21 09:46:43

From: Russia
Joined: 2015-03-15
Posts: 6,212

Re: The warnings system Q&A

How long you get ban for 1 warning? 2? 3? etc


#7 2015-09-21 11:32:31

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,659

Re: The warnings system Q&A

Goshanoob wrote:

How long you get ban for 1 warning? 2? 3? etc

Different55 wrote:

You can view them all here.

Everybody edits, but some edit more than others


#8 2015-09-21 12:41:34

Joined: 2015-04-22
Posts: 1,213

Re: The warnings system Q&A

Wait, so you won't get banned if you evade your ban once (1 point), but you will if you evade the ban twice (2 points = 1 day)?


#9 2015-09-21 13:43:44

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,659

Re: The warnings system Q&A

Hexagon wrote:

Wait, so you won't get banned if you evade your ban once (1 point), but you will if you evade the ban twice (2 points = 1 day)?

Don't criticise the system!

Everybody edits, but some edit more than others


#10 2015-09-21 14:25:51, last edited by Different55 (2015-09-21 14:26:27)

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,576

Re: The warnings system Q&A

Hexagon wrote:

Wait, so you won't get banned if you evade your ban once (1 point), but you will if you evade the ban twice (2 points = 1 day)?

Well the first problem with that is that if you're evading a ban you already have a warning level of 2+. //

The second is that ban evasions are a bit of a special case. The alt is permabanned and the main is warned and has to have their ban manually lengthened to reflect this because ban lengths don't automatically increase with extra warnings. The system checks if you're banned already when you receive a new warning and won't mess with anything if you are. However if we see someone going on a rule breaking spree to take advantage of this we'd manually update their ban length as well.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


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#11 2015-09-21 16:59:07, last edited by Creature (2015-09-21 18:04:33)

From: The Dark Web
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,658

Re: The warnings system Q&A

Different55 wrote:

I didn't think it should be a warnable offense.

Isn't it considered spam to post something like "One-Word post, this user shall be banned"? If not, then it's annoying. Make something like:
1st time = Verbal warning
2nd+ time = Solid warning

EDIT: The warning page is so creepy that if you press one of the buttons at the top, it will redirect you back to warnings page like if you were banned.

This is a false statement.


#12 2015-09-21 17:57:01


Re: The warnings system Q&A

How long does it take for a warning to expire?

#13 2015-09-21 18:21:37, last edited by Gosha (2015-09-21 18:22:26)

From: Russia
Joined: 2015-03-15
Posts: 6,212

Re: The warnings system Q&A

Anak wrote:

How long does it take for a warning to expire?

you can see it in warning menu

it means 2 mounths


#14 2015-09-21 18:26:45

Formerly AntonioS300
From: EE world
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,351

Re: The warnings system Q&A

Uhmmhmm, how about a "warning" tab to see who got warned and why, like in previous EE (EE Forumify)?

It disappeared when EE forums moved to



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#15 2015-09-21 19:56:42

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,659

Re: The warnings system Q&A

AntonioS300 wrote:

Uhmmhmm, how about a "warning" tab to see who got warned and why, like in previous EE (EE Forumify)?

It disappeared when EE forums moved to

Naughty Corner is coming back!

Everybody edits, but some edit more than others


#16 2015-09-21 21:26:20

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,576

Re: The warnings system Q&A

Creature wrote:
Different55 wrote:

I didn't think it should be a warnable offense.

Isn't it considered spam to post something like "One-Word post, this user shall be banned"? If not, then it's annoying. Make something like:
1st time = Verbal warning
2nd+ time = Solid warning

EDIT: The warning page is so creepy that if you press one of the buttons at the top, it will redirect you back to warnings page like if you were banned.

Sadly warnings don't work that way (at least, not at the moment). The reason you don't get a ban on the first warning was to serve as a sort of verbal warning before actual action is taken.

Anak wrote:

How long does it take for a warning to expire?

Depends on the warning. You would think it'd be listed on the warnings page but I guess not. Here it is mostly copy/pasted from the admin control panel:

Points:  0   Minimodding  (Expires after: 1 days)
Points:  1   Spam  (Expires after: 2 months)
Points:  1   Off-topic  (Expires after: 1 months)
Points:  1   Language  (Expires after: 2 months)
Points:  1   Signature  (Expires after: 14 days)
Points:  1   Rudeness  (Expires after: 2 months)
Points:  1   Account Fraud/Ban Evasion  (Expires after: 3 months)
Points:  2   Report Abuse  (Expires after: 2 months)
Points:  2   Flaming/Bullying  (Expires after: 4 months)
Points:  2   Sexual Content  (Expires after: 4 months)
Points:  3   Illegal content  (Expires after: Never)

AntonioS300 wrote:

Uhmmhmm, how about a "warning" tab to see who got warned and why, like in previous EE (EE Forumify)?

It disappeared when EE forums moved to

Nope, it's been suggested before and ultimately it was decided that you guys don't have any business nosing around in other people's warnings. The "Why were they banned" topic was settled on as a compromise.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#17 2015-09-21 21:39:19

From: The Dark Web
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,658

Re: The warnings system Q&A

Different55 wrote:
AntonioS300 wrote:

Uhmmhmm, how about a "warning" tab to see who got warned and why, like in previous EE (EE Forumify)?

It disappeared when EE forums moved to

Nope, it's been suggested before and ultimately it was decided that you guys don't have any business nosing around in other people's warnings. The "Why were they banned" topic was settled on as a compromise.

But the messages left by the moderators were funny //

This is a false statement.


#18 2015-09-21 22:42:30

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,576

Re: The warnings system Q&A

Creature wrote:
Different55 wrote:
AntonioS300 wrote:

Uhmmhmm, how about a "warning" tab to see who got warned and why, like in previous EE (EE Forumify)?

It disappeared when EE forums moved to

Nope, it's been suggested before and ultimately it was decided that you guys don't have any business nosing around in other people's warnings. The "Why were they banned" topic was settled on as a compromise.

But the messages left by the moderators were funny //

It's not much to look at. It's all just the pre-made warning types like "Spam" "Minimodding" "Off-Topic" "Language". It's not like on where every warning was a custom one. There are two custom warnings that have been handed out semi-recently that I will share with you. "DEAR BOB DO NOT QUOTE THE FIRST POST WHEN IT IS LONG" and "lacking in vitamin b12". I don't think the people who received them would mind me sharing just this.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#19 2015-09-21 23:01:28

From: aids lizard
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 7,591

Re: The warnings system Q&A

Different55 wrote:

It's not much to look at. It's all just the pre-made warning types like "Spam" "Minimodding" "Off-Topic" "Language". It's not like on where every warning was a custom one. There are two custom warnings that have been handed out semi-recently that I will share with you. "DEAR BOB DO NOT QUOTE THE FIRST POST WHEN IT IS LONG" and "lacking in vitamin b12". I don't think the people who received them would mind me sharing just this.

i don't mind



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#20 2015-09-21 23:12:51


Re: The warnings system Q&A

Pingohits wrote:
Different55 wrote:

It's not much to look at. It's all just the pre-made warning types like "Spam" "Minimodding" "Off-Topic" "Language". It's not like on where every warning was a custom one. There are two custom warnings that have been handed out semi-recently that I will share with you. "DEAR BOB DO NOT QUOTE THE FIRST POST WHEN IT IS LONG" and "lacking in vitamin b12". I don't think the people who received them would mind me sharing just this.
i don't mind

Please take your vitamins honey <3 I can buy some for you when I get home, then we can have your favourite dinner like you've wanted for the past week. //

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#21 2015-09-21 23:27:44

From: aids lizard
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 7,591

Re: The warnings system Q&A

Anak wrote:
Pingohits wrote:
Different55 wrote:

It's not much to look at. It's all just the pre-made warning types like "Spam" "Minimodding" "Off-Topic" "Language". It's not like on where every warning was a custom one. There are two custom warnings that have been handed out semi-recently that I will share with you. "DEAR BOB DO NOT QUOTE THE FIRST POST WHEN IT IS LONG" and "lacking in vitamin b12". I don't think the people who received them would mind me sharing just this.
i don't mind

Please take your vitamins honey <3 I can buy some for you when I get home, then we can have your favourite dinner like you've wanted for the past week. //

you're such a good friend



#22 2015-09-21 23:53:47

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,710

Re: The warnings system Q&A

Pingohits wrote:
Anak wrote:
Pingohits wrote:
Different55 wrote:

It's not much to look at. It's all just the pre-made warning types like "Spam" "Minimodding" "Off-Topic" "Language". It's not like on where every warning was a custom one. There are two custom warnings that have been handed out semi-recently that I will share with you. "DEAR BOB DO NOT QUOTE THE FIRST POST WHEN IT IS LONG" and "lacking in vitamin b12". I don't think the people who received them would mind me sharing just this.
i don't mind

Please take your vitamins honey <3 I can buy some for you when I get home, then we can have your favourite dinner like you've wanted for the past week. //

you're such a good friend

Pingohits wrote:




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