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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 2015-08-20 15:15:27

Joined: 2015-08-20
Posts: 2,157

What's been happening to this game the last few years?


It's been years since I've used this nick for the last time but since I was browsing through my mail contacts I saw some people from EE and I got curious what happened to this game.
Most will probably not remember me but I used to moderate the ee.forumify and was a good world builder if I say so myself (Just rarely finished a world)
Anyways I kinda stopped playing when the gravity kept changing and updates immensly slowed down. I've heard stories from other old peeps over the years that EE was mostly dead, but now I see an EX-EX-crew is in the actual development team I wonder how ever happened //

Should have probably posted this in introductions but whatever, I'm not a mod here!
Now I'm playing through my old most popular level //
Looks can deceive


#2 2015-08-20 15:55:11

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 5,447

Re: What's been happening to this game the last few years?

Haha I remember you! Well I don't think you were active when I joined the forums, but I remember your username.
Welcome back!


#3 2015-08-20 16:06:37, last edited by Aoitenshi (2015-08-20 16:39:18)

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 2,058

Re: What's been happening to this game the last few years?

Welcome back, I think you should reclaim your forum powers. //


#4 2015-08-20 16:35:07, last edited by Creature (2015-08-20 16:36:09)

From: The Dark Web
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,658

Re: What's been happening to this game the last few years?

Welcome back, old forgotten forum moderator! I'd be happy if we could go back to old forums days.

This is a false statement.


#5 2015-08-20 17:11:42

From: France
Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 820

Re: What's been happening to this game the last few years?

Welcome back EDJ, it's nice to see you again //

SNTDcGF.png Trolls be in da place, mon ! SNTDcGF.png


#6 2015-08-20 17:20:59

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,264

Re: What's been happening to this game the last few years?

Welcome back!

It's weird how skills change.
In the thread about Looks Can Deceive I commented "Man, that was hard, but I did it."
I just finished it again and it seems so much easier.
Anyway, still a great level.
It would be nice to have it as one of the campaign levels after the 2.0 update.

I have permanently left the game and forum.
EE is an entertaining game and I enjoyed playing it...
...but it's time for me to move on.


#7 2015-08-20 17:24:49

Joined: 2019-01-11
Posts: 2,037

Re: What's been happening to this game the last few years?

Aoitenshi wrote:

Welcome back, I think you should reclaim your forum powers. //

Agreed. Welcome back!

Miss Everybody Edits and your old friends? Check out and reconnect with the community!


#8 2015-08-20 17:31:17, last edited by EDJ (2015-08-20 17:31:40)

Joined: 2015-08-20
Posts: 2,157

Re: What's been happening to this game the last few years?

nlmdejonge wrote:

Welcome back!

It's weird how skills change.
In the thread about Looks Can Deceive I commented "Man, that was hard, but I did it."
I just finished it again and it seems so much easier.
Anyway, still a great level.
It would be nice to have it as one of the campaign levels after the 2.0 update.

This was before the gravity change then I think, iirc you couldnt fall through 2 set of arrows (would hang forever) but right now you will. So all puzzles have been changed in smaller and bigger ways. That's why a couple of them are so easy to exploit. I could be wrong on the exact gravity changes.
I'm honored you want it to be included in a campaign, I'm not against it but I think this level isn't up to par anymore due to gravity changes.


#9 2015-08-20 18:25:29, last edited by Napakeun (2015-08-20 18:26:29)

Formerly goodsmile
From: Slo
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 619

Re: What's been happening to this game the last few years?

EDJ wrote:

I'm honored you want it to be included in a campaign, I'm not against it but I think this level isn't up to par anymore due to gravity changes.

Gravity changes don't matter at all, your world is still pretty hard, but that's not the point. The important thing to meet the requirements for campaign worlds is that the world is unique and your world is imo, and your world has really interesting minimap art, bcuz the gameplay doesn't seem to be anywhere near how simply the map look so that's very interesting. Besides the mods are looking for diversity of worlds and your map should deffinitely be one of them //

edit: 100 post :o


#10 2015-08-20 23:00:45

From: Brazil
Joined: 2021-09-05
Posts: 3,174

Re: What's been happening to this game the last few years?

I remember you being that one quiet, mysterious mod with the red lego avatar. WB!



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