Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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"Huh, isn't this the same post as the last one- never mind, it's different"
Continuing with the EE Chronicles series is Chapter 2, following with a similar art style to the first and further advancing the story
Chatper twop:
It's up to you to find out who or what destroyed the city. In times like this, only one person can help now. The Pope!
You must climb up Edit Tower, tallest tower in the whole of Edit City and light the Pope Signal.
Why should you bother playing this level? I don't know, my opinion is too biased so here's some quotes from unbiased based people.
"Great, now we've got religion in a level" -Herosbow
"I helped. Oh and also, #setun_sux. meep, please put that I said #setun_sux" -Luduk
In this level you will experience:
Slightly more challenging minis than the last chapter.
Gravity changes.
Speed boosts.
More bad comedy.
and a few more things.
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This is not bad, but it needs several fixes.
The biggest problem is that once you get the red invulnerability cross and you fall all the way down, you need to restart the entire level. Because the spikes at the bottom no longer kill you. Even if you don't fall all the way down, you cannot use spikes or fires to return to the last checkpoint, which means you still need to replay (lots of) stuff.
Another big problem is that when the player falls down he can accidentally fall onto or through checkpoints and blocks that disable effects. So you get things like "other than the fact you're really fast"... erm, no I'm not, because I fell through something that disabled that and there's nothing around this checkpoint to enable it. Or, surprise, you need to replay half the map again.
Another problem is that, after "Perhaps the hammer can fix this.", you expect players to jump into a single portal that's off-screen when you jump towards it, while you're affected by a forward gravity (momentum) change. And then if you finally hit the portal, you expect players to continue toward a platform and hit a checkpoint in time. If the player fails, he's forced to replay a bunch of platform stuff with hidden arrows.
I don't like hidden arrows, period. You cannot anticipate them and they should literally never be used.
But again, this is not bad. Just needs some fixing and then it's entertaining.
I have permanently left the game and forum.
EE is an entertaining game and I enjoyed playing it...
...but it's time for me to move on.
The biggest problem is that once you get the red invulnerability cross and you fall all the way down, you need to restart the entire level. Because the spikes at the bottom no longer kill you. Even if you don't fall all the way down, you cannot use spikes or fires to return to the last checkpoint, which means you still need to replay (lots of) stuff.
The fact that this could ever be a problem never occurred to me but now I can easily see that it is possible to miss the boost arrows and fall a long distance down. To rectify this, if you manage to fall off that part, you'll inevitably hit an effect to disable it.
Another big problem is that when the player falls down he can accidentally fall onto or through checkpoints and blocks that disable effects. So you get things like "other than the fact you're really fast"... erm, no I'm not, because I fell through something that disabled that and there's nothing around this checkpoint to enable it. Or, surprise, you need to replay half the map again.
I anticipated this would be a problem which is why I placed small-ish umbrellas of hidden blocks just above the checkpoints, however, upon closer inspection, you could easily miss them and some of the checkpoints didn't even have them.
Another problem is that, after "Perhaps the hammer can fix this.", you expect players to jump into a single portal that's off-screen when you jump towards it, while you're affected by a forward gravity (momentum) change. And then if you finally hit the portal, you expect players to continue toward a platform and hit a checkpoint in time. If the player fails, he's forced to replay a bunch of platform stuff with hidden arrows.
I placed a checkpoint right next to that section so as long as you hit the checkpoint, you don't have to replay the part before it.
I don't like hidden arrows, period. You cannot anticipate them and they should literally never be used.
I chose the hidden arrows because I wanted it to be somewhat surprising and also to make it look more clean. Understand that if we ever do get a feature which allows us to freely change the way gravity works in certain parts of the level then the hidden arrows would be instantly replaced by that instead.
I thought that the rotation of the platforms was also enough to figure out which way you were about to be going.
Other than that. Thanks for your feedback, it really helps out
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