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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 2015-06-17 20:25:52, last edited by bubba0nate (2015-06-17 20:27:03)

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 50

Spaceacademy High

It's a school world in space. Anthony made one too, with my permission, but I think mine is better.
It's a roleplay world. Currently has dorms, office, cafeteria, VR room, and one classroom. Also a spaceship and some off-limits stuff.

It's not just a school RP. There may be things going on the students must investigate... and avoid.

Don't get expelled. It's worse than you think...

(Death is a possibility, your characters can die and/or leave and you can start a new character.)

EDIT: Oops, forgot Direct Url. Name is same as thread name I think.


Wooted by:


#2 2015-06-18 03:00:36, last edited by bubba0nate (2015-06-18 03:01:24)

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 50

Re: Spaceacademy High

Added a library, staff dorms, reading room, and another classroom. Slow day, I was trying to work out a switch-resetter. Boost arrows are weird in space.


#3 2015-06-18 11:10:20

From: Sydney, Australia
Joined: 2015-06-16
Posts: 84

Re: Spaceacademy High

There's not much to do, but that's no surprise, considering this is more of a role-playing game. What I liked about your level was that the rooms were easy to access. Of course, there are the occasional gates blocking the way to some rooms, but I enjoyed the structure of each room. I'm sure this will be a big hit for role-players. //
Try having some things other than exploration, but other than that, it seems interesting, and is well-constructed.

Computer Science, Mathematics | Aspiring PhD candidate in theoretical computer science.


#4 2015-06-18 17:52:54, last edited by bubba0nate (2015-06-18 17:55:09)

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 50

Re: Spaceacademy High

The gates blocking the way are because some places are off limits to students and some even some staff members. The portal thing you'll have to reach either by some sneakyness, or perhaps finding a way to get a jetpack. The dorms are open to anyone who selects a gender in the office, which I open whenever someone logs in and I'm there.



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