Onjit wrote:guys u need to highlight the first post
skullz17 wrote:Weird, I never had any problems.
Honestly I don't think there are many people that have a problem. The main person that's always had a problem is ipwner. I don't think Fdoou really had a massive problem like ipwner. I mean, he got warned a lot but I'm pretty sure he understood that what he was doing was against the rules most of the time. Other than ipwner there are a few rule breakers like alkazam, but they're kinda new so they'll probably get used to things eventually.
Well, it's not just people who have issues with the rules tons of times. There's one case where this guy only ever got one warning, but contested it and said that it wasn't valid. I was hoping that he'd bring it up himself but he hasn't been on in a few days so I guess I'll bring it up with all potentially identifying info stripped out.
So what happened is, this guy made a one-word post with just "No". Somebody reported that post, I reviewed it, and warned the person. They didn't appreciate this. I want you guys to tell me how I could have handled it better because this was not handled very well at all imo, and any other thoughts you may have.
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What was that warning about? Did you do it on purpose? I don't think I have written anything wrong, I just expressed my objection to [somebody]'s [game suggestion].
Please cancel that warning.
Thank you.
Diff wrote:One word posts are frowned upon.
Like, a lot.
It's not like you're the first person to be warned for it. Or last.
This was a biased warning and I still don't understand how I was breaking the rules. There was no rule about 1-word posts, and if there were, I would certainly add another word to my comment. I don't care about how frowned upon 1-word posts are, I care about the rules. I did no harm to anyone NOR do I believe I was spamming the forum. Are you out of your mind? How was that spam? I was simply expressing objection.
If you think my post was worse than Zoey's post with the "go to hell" comment, then you're obviously malfunctioning as a moderator...
Diff wrote:Did I ever say or imply that her post wasn't as bad as yours? She got earned for that. Being a mod doesn't mean she can evade the rules. Same goes for me. And everyone. As far as I'm concerned, we're all the same here in the eyes of the rules. I don't want this to be another eeforumify.com where the staff feel like they're free to do whatever they want even if it's horribly against the wishes of the community because of a personal temper tantrum they're throwing.
And one-word posts is covered under "Post content should be of substance; remember: quality over quantity." I agree that it's pretty vague, I should probably add some specific examples of warnable things underneath each vaguerule as a spoiler or something like that so mix-ups like this don't happen again. I think BuzzerBee and Zoey (this was before she was a mod, mind you) created the rules vague to give them some flexibility but they probably are a bit too vague as it stands now.
If you ever want something specific changed on the forums, you can get it done by making a topic in Forum Discussion and getting enough users to join your bandwagon.
Are you telling me you gave me a warning according to rules that two random users have written? VAGUELY written? This warning is outrageous and you can absolutely not judge my actions when you admitted yourself that rule was not exactly in place.
And for the third time, my post DID, in fact, have quality, as it was an expression of objection.
I request once again that you cancel that warning.
Diff wrote:TIL "random" = "respected and well-known"
One-word posts have always been and still are against the rules. Just because it isn't explicitly said doesn't mean it isn't against the rules. I apologize for the how vague the rules are and I've said that I plan on fixing it soon, but I can't remove your warning.
And that's all it is, a warning. On top of that, it's the lowest-level warning and lasts for the shortest amount of time. It's a warning to say "Hey, man, that wasn't cool. Don't do it again, thanks." There's no penalty attached to it whatsoever. The first one's on the house.
It's not about the goddamned warning and I don't care how low its level is! I request that you remove it as a matter of principle. Don't tell me "Hey, man, that wasn't cool", because nowhere in this website could I come to a realization that expressing objection with a single word is illegal or unaccepted by the community.
I am irritated by your illogical arguments and I strictly believe you had no right to judge my comment after admitting that the rules are vague. Like, a lot.
Diff wrote:"No right to judge"
Not sure what you're talking about here. I'm a moderator. It's in my (volunteer, non-paid) job description to judge. That's 95% of what I do here. The other 5% is fixing bugs and adding suggestions to the forums.
When I saw the report, I looked at it, saw your post, judged it to be not of substance, and warned you for spam. I acted completely within my rights as a moderator. I realize that the rules are vague, but I'm still going to enforce them, however vague they might be. As a matter of principle.
You seem to be ignoring my point. No where in this website could I come to a realization that expressing objection with a single word is illegal or unaccepted by the community. I did NOT mean to spam, in fact, I did NOT spam, and we both know my comment was NEVER intended to be spam.
Diff wrote:I realize that you did not mean to spam.
I get that the rules don't explicitly call out one-word posts as spamming. And I apologize for that. They will soon.
However, the rules still say that "Post content should be of substance." You cannot tell me that you believe a single word is in any way substantial.
I stopped counting but YES. It was substantial. I was expressing objection. You know, you're sarcastic VERY often, take a look at this and then tell me my comment was not of substance.
Diff wrote:Well, I guess we're at or at least close to the end of the road here as far as this conversation goes. I don't believe that a single word is substantial, which is why I warned you. You don't agree with me there, obviously. And it doesn't look like we're going to see eye to eye here any time soon.
So, in order to get this potentially resolved, I'm going to suggest you take this to Zoey. Or you could make a topic about it in Forum Discussion and open it up to everyone.
Forget it! You are way too biased by your personal temper and you obviously do not even try to understand my claims. I'm not going to talk to Zoey, nor to make a topic about it, because then I'll have a bunch of mods and their pals ganging up on me.
You are failing as a moderator and you do everything you claim to try to prevent. The judgement system in this forum is malfunctioning and all of you are abusing your powers. At the end of the day, you say the last word and end the discussion before anyone can reply or object..
Diff wrote:I don't know what to tell you, dude. I saw that our own conversation was headed for a dead end (we both disagree on the substantial-ness of one word and neither of us seem willing to budge on that) and I gave you two options that might turn out better for you than this has. If you don't want to take them, then I've done all I can. If you have any ideas on how I can improve, or specific examples of me being biased, failing as a moderator, or doing everything I claim to try to prevent, I'd be happy to hear them and work on it.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto