Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 2015-04-18 20:19:43

Master Developer
From: Drama
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 829


This is about my redesign and JaWapa's design, which he made shortly after I published this topic.



#2 2015-04-18 20:27:11

Joined: 2015-02-24
Posts: 2,762

Re: #JaWaCopy

Discussing this is fine, keep it civil //

No u.


#3 2015-04-18 20:42:54

Corn Man 🌽
From: Ohio, USA
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,840

Re: #JaWaCopy

Mylo wrote:

He did not test most of the things properly before pushing it public.

Yes I did.  I didn't upload it to the index, but I did test it.

Mylo wrote:

It's not perfect; I know that. There are a few bugs; I know that too

Have you not played EE?  There are a lot of bugs, yet the game was still uploaded.  Like I said before, I tested it... I was just oblivious to test the fullscreen, and kept failing to fix the "sanbox" issue.  The social icons were bugged (they popped out too soon), I didn't notice this because the icons didn't overlap the game.  So it didn't seem like an issue.  I also assumed that I have a rather small resolution so if it didn't affect me, it wouldn't affect others.  Then I found out people do have smaller resolutions.

Those have all been fixed.

Mylo wrote:

Why does he suggest someone to do this? Also he suggests someone to do something which they are not supposed to do. Great

Because it's a better solution.  Why are they not supposed to do it?  It's not against the rules.

Mylo wrote:

This might be funny, but remember - He is representing EverybodyEdits, and basically says: nobody cares about the users on AG.

I agree, this was out of line and unprofessional.  I apologize.

Mylo wrote:

* What would you say if you had made some cool fanart, and somebody else just copied it without giving credit?

I did put credits in the HTML source, but put it in on gamesnet.  So when I uploaded a new version it disappeared.  I gave credit to Thanel, D55, you, squad, zoey  (plus anyone else that I used the image from).

Mylo wrote:

*Posts about remakes*

Yep, again, I was a little out of line.  I was acting like a childish smart alec, and again, I apologize.

Discord: jawp#5123


#4 2015-04-18 20:44:55, last edited by Zoey2070 (2015-04-18 20:58:06)

Moderation Team
From: Shakuras
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,510

Re: #JaWaCopy

Oh, man, I guess we should be angry about all the other things people have made and have been put in the game, too! Hell, we should throw a fit about every suggestion that was put in the game ever!
blue coin doors (2011)
the idea of buying god mode auras
XD smiley , recolored door/gates (2011)
EE pretty much THRIVES on user suggestion -- pretty much, by posting it on the forums, it's free game.

I demand reparations for giving the idea of decorations. I can be compensated with guardianship.

JaWapa: it's still a remake... idc if it's password protected, you need some one from NASA and verification from the United States president to use it. IT'S STILL A REMAKE! At some point it will be given out and it will end up like all the other remakes, with 9K admins and sh*tty graphics. And what exactly is the purpose of making a remake for your crew anyway? How hard is it to talk in a chat room or talk on EE itself... -.-

JaWapa: Wait? So now your going to release it? Another crap remake? I don't care anymore, I think every single player on EE needs to make a remake... This game would be amazing!

That topic was literally from 2014. You're legitimately trying to find dirt on him.

I don't even see what you're complaining about in terms of website design -- did you know that the old version of the site had a background, too? All of the sites anyone makes with EE are going to be similar in design, because they're based around a common element: the game itself.

* What would you say if you had made some cool fanart, and somebody else just copied it without giving credit?
Assuming they made fanart of the fanart, I'd be glad someone enjoyed it that much to make their own. It's inspiration, not copying. Shoulders of giants, and all that.

* Would you have a good 'first impression' about a new game, if you would read a post in the same style as JaWapa's?
I would hopefully understand that a few of the posts were a long time ago, and that people change?

Things have bugs. Do you even remember why the original beta version existed in the first place? To find them. You can't just expect someone to find all the bugs with a page design by themselves.

I understand why you're upset, but I think you are overreacting a little bit. What even is your point for making this topic?

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danke bluecloud thank u raphe   Gq8tv9Z.gif [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
? Hc0cu9u.gif         6yG4Efc.gif


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#5 2015-04-18 20:51:06

Joined: 2015-03-14
Posts: 1,679

Re: #JaWaCopy

I'm confused.

So to clarify: you are angry for two main reasons:

1. Jawapa allegedly copying your design
2. Jawapa not acting professional enough

I guess my question is... does Jawapa get paid?

If the answer is no, then 2 is invalid as long as he isn't openly racist, sexist, killing people, etc.

Custom Tab: Forum Post|Trello

Thanks Xen for my Avatar and Smitty for the smiley 47BA5lq.png


#6 2015-04-18 20:52:09, last edited by Calicara (2015-04-18 21:12:38)

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 932

Re: #JaWaCopy

My two critiques are this:

1. While Jawapa did borrow elements from your layout, and it would have certainly been polite to give credit, I don't think it's necessary to do so nor does it mean he is stealing. When we create art we are inspired by humans, nature, and the things around us. Creating art based on experiences or life doesn't mean we are stealing from nature. So creating art of websites based on ideas you've seen around the internet isn't stealing, and I would say, is considered to be like a work of fan-art. It's not like he copied the entire design directly, and he drew upon the ideas of multiple sources (not just yours). Should he have given credit? Of course. Does he have to? Unfortunately no.

2. Your argument isn't supported by the use of old forum posts to defame Jawapa. They are irrelevant to the issue at hand. Using personal attacks to prove your point is a logical fallacy.

Other than that, all I would suggest it to calm down. If you are really aiming to make 'original' content, then don't do it on a fan-based project. This issue seems fairly minor and only liable to create flame wars.

Avatar by RainDiance
I am obsessed with Steven Universe


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#7 2015-04-18 20:54:05

From: United States
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 348

Re: #JaWaCopy

Well this will spark a lot of controversy but I think the best solution is to just give credit to Mylo.

You guys both have valid points and reasoning but like JaWapa said :

JaWapa: I did put credits in the HTML source, but put it in on gamesnet.  So when I uploaded a new version it disappeared.  I gave credit to Thanel, D55, you, squad, zoey  (plus anyone else that I used the image from).

His citations vanished. In all due respect please just give Mylo Credit peacefully.

The old blind man said "You're Blind z0r".

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#8 2015-04-18 20:57:40

Corn Man 🌽
From: Ohio, USA
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,840

Re: #JaWaCopy

BEE wrote:

does Jawapa get paid?

Nope.  I haven't made a single penny from Everybody Edits.

Calicara wrote:

I'm not saying I agree with Jawapa's stance

What stance?  I'm not fighting/arguing anything.  He's right, I did take ideas from his site.  I also took ideas from squads, and took suggestions/help from processor/nou/d55.

Like I said, I did give him credit in the HTML source, but it was accidentally erased after a short period of time.

Discord: jawp#5123


#9 2015-04-18 21:06:29

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 932

Re: #JaWaCopy

I just meant you should just give him credit. This is probably a problem better solved over PMs then public TBH. If your credits were deleted in the source by accident, just fix them. That's all I think really needs to be done. This whole argument is ridiculous.

And I only wrote my post before reading yours, hence I didn't realize you had originally tried to credit him.

Avatar by RainDiance
I am obsessed with Steven Universe


#10 2015-04-18 21:09:20

some woman
From: 4th dimension
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,289

Re: #JaWaCopy

I think you're just being a whiny little brat about this whole thing. The sites are actually somewhat different (with the changing background and the info on the bottom) and ffs Jawapa even gave you CREDIT for the site design, albeit having it disappear shortly after. There's no need to get horribly angry and go on a raging fit about the whole thing, this whole issue could have just been resolved by sending a short peaceful PM to Jawapa asking him to staple the words "Website design by Mylo" onto the bottom of the page.

10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!


#11 2015-04-18 21:12:34, last edited by Mylo (2015-04-18 21:28:31)

Master Developer
From: Drama
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 829

Re: #JaWaCopy

Me: He did not test most of the things properly before pushing it public.
JaWapa: Yes I did.  I didn't upload it to the index, but I did test it.

If you even did, you didn't do it *properly* - which was my main point.

Me: It's not perfect; I know that. There are a few bugs; I know that too
JaWapa: Have you not played EE?  There are a lot of bugs, yet the game was still uploaded.  Like I said before, I tested it... I was just oblivious to test the fullscreen, and kept failing to fix the "sanbox" issue.  The social icons were bugged (they popped out too soon), I didn't notice this because the icons didn't overlap the game.  So it didn't seem like an issue.  I also assumed that I have a rather small resolution so if it didn't affect me, it wouldn't affect others.  Then I found out people do have smaller resolutions.
Those have all been fixed.

Have you not played EE? - I am at the moment active playing.
"There are a lot of bugs, yet the game was still uploaded" - So this makes publishing something broken okay? You are messing with the MAIN page of Everybody Edits, do you realize what impact 1-3 minutes downtime can have? Also, just because everyone shouts "kill him!", it might still be wrong.
"I was just oblivious to test the fullscreen, and kept failing to fix the "sanbox" issue.  The social icons were bugged (they popped out too soon), I didn't notice this because the icons didn't overlap the game.  So it didn't seem like an issue.  I also assumed that I have a rather small resolution so if it didn't affect me, it wouldn't affect others.  Then I found out people do have smaller resolutions." - These are all poor explanations for not properly testing beforehand and "quickly-getting-it-out"-type symptoms. As a webdesigner you should pay attention to what you publish.
EDIT: also do you realize you are commenting here at something you wrote? This is out of the chatlog.

JaWapa: "I did put credits in the HTML source, but put it in on gamesnet.  So when I uploaded a new version it disappeared.  I gave credit to Thanel, D55, you, squad, zoey  (plus anyone else that I used the image from)."

Again you failed to test properly. Also, since when? And what you just said could everyone say. A) You didn't ask me, B) For copying the whole idea of my design, do you really think it would be enough to be somewhere in the source? This is a place where nobody looks. Most people don't even know how to get there. What makes you think you could just take everything EE related and make it your own? Again, I invested a lot of time and work into this design, time which I should have used for school and family - because as I see now it was worth nothing.

JaWapa: "Yep, again, I was a little out of line.  I was acting like a childish smart alec, and again, I apologize."

Imagine Obama being "a little out of line", or Microsofts head-webdesigner, or Blizzards designer.


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#12 2015-04-18 21:25:07

Moderation Team
From: Shakuras
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,510

Re: #JaWaCopy

mylo wrote:

JaWapa: "Yep, again, I was a little out of line.  I was acting like a childish smart alec, and again, I apologize."

Imagine Obama being "a little out of line", or Microsofts head-webdesigner, or Blizzards designer.

There's a BIT of a difference between the leader of the free world, the web designer for a multibillion company, and someone who works at blizzard and Jawapa.
One, age... by probably thirty years.
Two, they're getting paid... very well, probably.
Three, they have a way larger impact on the world than one person on a tiny flash game.

One almost thinks you're trying to start something, given that you designed twelve images related to the topic to advertise it. I'm guessing you want Jawapa removed as a guardian or something?

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danke bluecloud thank u raphe   Gq8tv9Z.gif [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
? Hc0cu9u.gif         6yG4Efc.gif


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#13 2015-04-18 21:26:31, last edited by Mylo (2015-04-18 21:32:53)

Master Developer
From: Drama
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 829

Re: #JaWaCopy

Zoey2070: EE pretty much THRIVES on user suggestion -- pretty much, by posting it on the forums, it's free game.

I didn't post it as suggestion.

Zoey2070: That topic was literally from 2014. You're legitimately trying to find dirt on him.

As you might have seen this post was recently brought up in the "Bots and Programming" section. I didn't looked at the date, to be honest, but JaWapa posted this at "2015-02-12 17:04:52" - He was already moderator at that time, I think. I don't have all the dates in my head so forgive me if I am wrong. I didn't try to find dirt on him, I just saw it.

Zoey2070: I don't even see what you're complaining about in terms of website design -- did you know that the old version of the site had a background, too? All of the sites anyone makes with EE are going to be similar in design, because they're based around a common element: the game itself.

Yes I know, but you missed my point. He used exactly the same one as me. Until he changed it recently, short after the last PM of him (2015-04-05 00:54:36) which you can read at the website.

Zoey2070: * Would you have a good 'first impression' about a new game, if you would read a post in the same style as JaWapa's?
I would hopefully understand that a few of the posts were a long time ago, and that people change?
Things have bugs. Do you even remember why the original beta version existed in the first place? To find them. You can't just expect someone to find all the bugs with a page design by themselves.

These Posts weren't that long ago. This was not the beta page. If it was the beta page I would have reacted in another way in terms of bugs, for sure.

Zoey2070: I understand why you're upset, but I think you are overreacting a little bit. What even is your point for making this topic?

His last PM where I saw I was talking against a rock. He argumented with my arguments and saying all of what he had done was just OK because I am not "spot on" and EE is anyways owning what I make. It made me upset. And I don't see getting any change without making it public.

Zoey2070: One almost thinks you're trying to start something, given that you designed twelve images related to the topic to advertise it. I'm guessing you want Jawapa removed as a guardian or something?

Yes, as stated above and in the website. Did you actually read the page?

Zoey2070: There's a BIT of a difference between the leader of the free world, the web designer for a multibillion company, and someone who works at blizzard and Jawapa. One, age... by probably thirty years. Two, they're getting paid... very well, probably. Three, they have a way larger impact on the world than one person on a tiny flash game.

If he's not handling his job the right way, just because he does it for free and EE is a small game - I don't see any point in having him at this position. Because there are a lot of other people, which do what he does in a lot better way and with way more passion.
I took these big people as example because everyone knows them - so YOU can get what I mean.


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#14 2015-04-18 21:34:57


Re: #JaWaCopy

Mylo wrote:

"2015-02-12 17:04:52"

That's the day the forums came back to life. All old topics have that date.

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#15 2015-04-18 21:45:16, last edited by Zoey2070 (2015-04-18 21:47:01)

Moderation Team
From: Shakuras
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,510

Re: #JaWaCopy

Mylo wrote:

Zoey2070: EE pretty much THRIVES on user suggestion -- pretty much, by posting it on the forums, it's free game.

I didn't post it as suggestion.

pretty much, by posting it on the forums, it's free game

Mylo wrote:

Zoey2070: That topic was literally from 2014. You're legitimately trying to find dirt on him.

As you might have seen this post was recently brought up in the "Bots and Programming" section. I didn't looked at the date, to be honest, but JaWapa posted this at "2015-02-12 17:04:52" - He was already moderator at that time, I think. I don't have all the dates in my head so forgive me if I am wrong. I didn't try to find dirt on him, I just saw it.

a) The thread was gravedug
b) literally ALL posts that were from the old forums have dates shortly before Valentines Day because that's when they were imported -- look at this topic regarding the creation of the blog: it literally says February 14th, 2015.
You can see it was from 2014 by looking at this post, where the edited time was nearly an entire year ago.

Mylo wrote:

Zoey2070: I don't even see what you're complaining about in terms of website design -- did you know that the old version of the site had a background, too? All of the sites anyone makes with EE are going to be similar in design, because they're based around a common element: the game itself.

Yes I know, but you missed my point. He used exactly the same one as me. Until he changed it recently, short after the last PM of him (2015-04-05 00:54:36) which you can read at the website.

So... it was one image that he took? One that was... created... in the game... the one that he sort of owns... that he's allowed to use materials from?

Also, a+ using private messages against someone.

Mylo wrote:

Zoey2070: * Would you have a good 'first impression' about a new game, if you would read a post in the same style as JaWapa's?
I would hopefully understand that a few of the posts were a long time ago, and that people change?
Things have bugs. Do you even remember why the original beta version existed in the first place? To find them. You can't just expect someone to find all the bugs with a page design by themselves.

These Posts weren't that long ago. This was not the beta page. If it was the beta page I would have reacted in another way in terms of bugs, for sure.

The beta page that literally no one uses, you mean?

Mylo wrote:

Zoey2070: I understand why you're upset, but I think you are overreacting a little bit. What even is your point for making this topic?

His last PM where I saw I was talking against a rock. He argumented with my arguments and saying all of what he had done was just OK because I am not "spot on" and EE is anyways owning what I make. It made me upset. And I don't see getting any change without making it public.

So, basically, your argument is "jawapa did one thing i disagreed with, he's the worst mod ever and i'm going to attempt to start a campaign against him"?

Mylo wrote:

Zoey2070: One almost thinks you're trying to start something, given that you designed twelve images related to the topic to advertise it. I'm guessing you want Jawapa removed as a guardian or something?
Yes, as stated above and in the website. Did you actually read the page?

Wow, the only place it actually mentions it is in the tl;dr... which I didn't read because I read the rest page, where that isn't mentioned at all.

Hey, since we're apparently going to trash people in our signatures, is it okay if I use
this image, made from your images? if i give credit?


mylo wrote:

Zoey2070: There's a BIT of a difference between the leader of the free world, the web designer for a multibillion company, and someone who works at blizzard and Jawapa. One, age... by probably thirty years. Two, they're getting paid... very well, probably. Three, they have a way larger impact on the world than one person on a tiny flash game.

If he's not handling his job the right way, just because he does it for free and EE is a small game - I don't see any point in having him at this position. Because there are a lot of other people, which do what he does in a lot better way and with way more passion.
I took these big people as example because everyone knows them - so YOU can get what I mean.

It's not really a job if he doesn't get paid -- all of those are very high-stress jobs with a ton of people. who are you to say what the right way of doing his job is when you're not his superior?

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꧁꧂L O V E & C O R N꧁꧂   ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
danke bluecloud thank u raphe   Gq8tv9Z.gif [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
? Hc0cu9u.gif         6yG4Efc.gif


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#16 2015-04-18 21:46:32, last edited by Mylo (2015-04-18 22:13:39)

Master Developer
From: Drama
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 829

Re: #JaWaCopy

some man: I think you're just being a whiny little brat about this whole thing. The sites are actually somewhat different (with the changing background and the info on the bottom) and ffs Jawapa even gave you CREDIT for the site design, albeit having it disappear shortly after. There's no need to get horribly angry and go on a raging fit about the whole thing, this whole issue could have just been resolved by sending a short peaceful PM to Jawapa asking him to staple the words "Website design by Mylo" onto the bottom of the page.

A) Thanks for being so respectful.
B) Again, the randomized background was introduced by me, first. And changing colors and making a zic-zac border is not that innovative. It's my site with some rather small changes. "Jawapa even gave you CREDIT" - He never told me and it vanished and he did no effort to put it back up.

I think most of you forget how time intensive it is to come up with ideas. Website designing is not about the actual code, at least it shouldnt. It's about the ideas you have - the code is just the way to write them down. It's like music. You write a freaking long time on a cool soundtrack, if you have finished playing it doesn't even take nearly as much time. Then there is the way it is played, which makes a huge difference too.

What do I mean by this? Coming up with my website was like writing the soundtrack. It took a lot of time, I had do rewrite often huge parts of it or trash a whole idea. Think of new ideas. Then displaying the website and reading everything doesn't take that much time - right? The way it is played - This is how I coded the website, how much paddings and margins I left, and what colors or borders I used.

JaWapa just took (again with this example) a huge part of my soundtrack and played it differently. He used other colors and other borders. But the origin is still the same.

He is somehow defending it with the argument "I am taking parts of other soundtracks, too!!" - But as I said, just because I steal from everyone - it's not okay.

Itsmeandersonlol: [...] That's the day the forums came back to life. All old topics have that date.

I never knew, as suggested I removed that argument. But this doesn't change my point.
Also JaWapa was (as said in the blog) promoted at the 6th of February. Alright, people can change - but in my eyes he didn't change that much.

Zoey2070: this image, made from your images? if i give credit?

Go ahead, if it makes you feel better.

Zoey2070: The beta page that literally no one uses, you mean?

A beta page is for testing, there is no need in having much people using this site. There should be just enough people to see if everything is working out as planned.

Zoey2070: It's not really a job if he doesn't get paid -- all of those are very high-stress jobs with a ton of people. who are you to say what the right way of doing his job is when you're not his superior?

You're right, but who says he can't ask for help if he needs some and can't do his work anymore properly? So he does nonprofit work. Does it change the fact he copied? Not for me.

Zoey2070: So... it was one image that he took? One that was... created... in the game... the one that he sort of owns... that he's allowed to use materials from?

Nope, as mentioned above I mean the whole page.


#17 2015-04-18 21:46:46

Corn Man 🌽
From: Ohio, USA
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,840

Re: #JaWaCopy

I honestly think that if anyone should be angry, it should be Squad.  His site looks more like the one I made, than yours does:

And I'm not saying I copied his design at all.  I believe once I started making the current design for the site, I shown it to squad and then he started messing with a design... I'm not entirely sure on that... but I think that's what happened.

Yeah, I guess I didn't test it properly.  I was a little excited to push it out, got ahead of myself. 

Mylo wrote:

impact 1-3 minutes downtime can have?

Not sure what you're getting at with this, but there was never any down time from the site design.

Discord: jawp#5123


#18 2015-04-19 14:08:30

Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 318

Re: #JaWaCopy

I don't see the problem here, why won't you just credit him? I mean, you did admit your design had been somewhat inspired by his design..


#19 2015-04-19 14:49:35

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,658

Re: #JaWaCopy

By the way, did somebody have credit the world owner ?

Everybody edits, but some edit more than others


#20 2015-04-19 15:26:49

Corn Man 🌽
From: Ohio, USA
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,840

Re: #JaWaCopy

Mylo wrote:

Nope, as mentioned above I mean the whole page.

The whole page was not copied.  There are very distinct differences between what you made, and what I made.  And if you want to get picky about copying... you copied the text, three images, and took the idea of having the blog posts on the site.

The random background thing was not something you woke up with in your head.  It has been floating around for a while.  Same for the darkening background.  When I redone the website the first time, these ideas were tossed around.

I've stated I would give you credit, even though I'm not sure what for.

Discord: jawp#5123


#21 2015-04-19 15:32:44

Joined: 2015-02-20
Posts: 412

Re: #JaWaCopy

The whole page was not copied.  There are very distinct differences between what you made, and what I made.  And if you want to get picky about copying... you copied the text, three images, and took the idea of having the blog posts on the site.

there is a diffrence between copying and using.

if you can read this....good for you


#22 2015-04-19 15:39:29

Corn Man 🌽
From: Ohio, USA
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,840

Re: #JaWaCopy

ewoke wrote:

there is a diffrence between copying and using.

I didn't copy, or use his design.

At first, I did use a picture that he had on his site.  Which I had all rights to.  That was later changed to something else.

Discord: jawp#5123


#23 2015-04-19 15:59:45, last edited by BuzzerBee (2015-04-19 16:02:44)

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,575

Re: #JaWaCopy

I don't understand. Mylo, you're upset that JaWapa didn't ask, but if he had asked you would you have said no?

I'm sure you wouldn't have as long as he gave you credit or something.

I don't understand what this big protest is about, it's pretty much too late to change the design again as it has been changed far too many times. So really this topic isn't doing anything and the only thing you should be requesting now is for JaWapa to give you some credit.

As far as giving credit goes, did JaWapa really steal anything from you? Did he actually use your CSS or other code, images, or resources? If not, then you couldn't exactly call it stealing. There are many sites that in general look like another because they were inspired by other web designers. Nevertheless, they coded it themselves so in actuality it's their work.

If he did borrow resources from you explicitly then he for sure should give credit in the HTML source or in the footer of the page or something, depending on how much was taken.

Forgive any spelling/grammar mistakes I typed this on my phone



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#24 2015-04-19 17:11:41, last edited by Mylo (2015-04-19 17:54:57)

Master Developer
From: Drama
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 829

Re: #JaWaCopy

To BuzzerBee,

Allright, I do understand your point. But I guess you might have not been in the same situation. The code is just a tool to express ideas, a concept. Sure, he didn't steal anything if I would see it out of a lawyers perspective.

But, here is what happened in my eyes. I might be wrong, sure.

1. I see the official website of ee (owe) and dislike it
2. I decide to make my own redesign of the owe
3. Trying different concepts, working out ideas
4. Coding the first concept
5. Disliking it, back to 3 until I find somehow something which meets my standards. Something I like. Until here I am already working on that project for around 1-2 weeks in my sparetime
6. Since I got a working prototype I work on refining it, asking people what they think of it - adding what they said etc - removing stuff - takes quite much time, too
7. Finally I finished the first version. Again asking a lot people for testing what I made, making sure everything works as expected
8. Making a topic, being nervous on how it will work out
9. Continuing to work on things like profiles, direct urls
10. JaWapa says something about a chance for a contest

Meanwhile I show squadfs my website, jawapa starts building his own version (again)

11. JaWapa publishes his version to the official site, I am getting mad at him.
12. JaWapa publishes a even more similar version of my website - but forgets to fix some bugs and some negative stuff I fixed - like the margin from top border to client is to big etc. He also uses these strange social buttons. He also removes the bottom info part.

I guess here or a step before Squad builds his website, I asked him - he also used my website as inspiration and inserted some of his ideas. (That's how I got his response yesterday)

13. People cry because tbh this was the worst version he could use. He changes it back to the Version with the ziczac stuff and the info.
14. at this point the chatlog starts
15. the Version of 12-13 uses the background iIused - because this was one point (one of many) of my argument, I guess, he started the topic where users could submit backgrounds. Also using a randomized background was already introduced at this point on my designs testing page.
16. JaWapa adds the light switch at the exact same position as on my design.

This is the point where I get really angry at him. I mean we talked before. He knew I was definitely not okay with him just using my ideas and he still did.

Some talking happens here, but I see no real change happening.
So what do you do if you want to make a problem noticeable.

17. I made the other website and this post.

I agree, some stuff was just me being really mad at him. But it's maybe like if shift got copied in its early days by the official EE team and highlighted as hell. It might not look the same, and the code behind it might not be the same. But the concept and thoughts are. And if the copied official version is even buggier than the original one.... - I don't know. Maybe I am a drama king as zoey said.

Maybe you get what I mean. Maybe not, I really tried my best explaining this from my phone (as you ;b). Sorry for typos.

PS: It's just so much wasted time now in my eyes. Also I found out so much more about JaWapa, I don't really think he should be a mod. He's okay as person, but him as main web designer etc. I don't really see this ending good. The website is where everyone gets their first impression of EE. It's where new players decide if this game is worth their time. A good web design which is SEO is able to win a lot of customers.


JaWapa: The whole page was not copied.  There are very distinct differences between what you made, and what I made.  And if you want to get picky about copying... you copied the text, three images, and took the idea of having the blog posts on the site.

I just saw this post, to make this clear - I ALWAYS stated this is a redesign. Means I use elements of the original one and place, arrange and display them in another way, with another concept in mind. Also I have never hid the fact the website is a redesign. // Also i don't really think this is copying. I didn't even reupload the pictures.

Also I forgot to say, if he had asked before, in a normal way - I would have said - OK, go ahead. But he didn't. His behavior was just like I would be someone with which he could do whatever he wanted, because he is in a superior position.


#25 2015-04-19 17:16:31

From: Lithuania
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,384

Re: #JaWaCopy

EE rules says:

You may not use any of Everybody Edits material, such as avatars, blocks, images, logos, icons, audio files etc. for commercial purposes outside of the Everybody Edits website. This means that you may not copy, distribute, sell, publish, send or otherwise recirculate Everybody Edits material to a third party without the written consent of Everybody Edits. You may not change, revise or replace any of the material found in the game or website, either in its entirety or parts thereof.




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