Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 2015-03-21 21:21:11, last edited by Ben (2016-08-24 10:24:53)

Anonymous user



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#2 2015-03-21 21:25:35

black bonehead
Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

Very unfortunate. "Lip arches backwards and conjoins into a upside down U-like anomalys."

#3 2015-03-21 21:26:41

Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

I hope you /reportabuse him, otherwsie it won't get better.

#4 2015-03-21 21:29:12

Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

I'm honestly shocked I don't know how to respond

#5 2015-03-21 21:32:49

Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

I believe there has been some sort of mistake... See we were just sitting in that world and looking at some links dixie2102312 was sharing with us when all of a sudden i notice that there is this random **** in our background when i get back... From the looks of it i think Tomkazaz may be trying to blackmail us... Sad how people do this kind of stuff for attention.

#6 2015-03-21 21:34:10

Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

Tomkazaz wrote:
Anak wrote:

I'm honestly shocked I don't know how to respond

Jeez, thanks for your concern.

That's not to say I wasn't. You don't have to be rude lmao

#7 2015-03-21 21:36:04, last edited by iPwner (2015-03-22 00:55:58)

black bonehead
Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

I believe there has been some sort of mistake... See we were just sitting in that world and looking at some links dixie2102312 was sharing with us when all of a sudden i notice that there is this random **** in our background when i get back... From the looks of it i think Tomkazaz may be trying to blackmail us... Sad how people do this kind of stuff for attention.

Yes it is very unfortunate people go out of their way to frame others for something they should take culprit...even though I was not involved in this instance, a source has told me that the pog, dixie and norwegianboy had gone afk for awhile checking out dixie's link with cheer, and tomkazaz who had code popped out of godmode, drew a **** and decidedii to play damsel in distress here, backstabbing the owner who was so kind as to give him code in the first place...tragic..very,very sad

#8 2015-03-21 22:10:16, last edited by Veteran (2015-03-21 22:45:06)

Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

Do you honestly think this means anything?  Let me give you my two cents;  I find it funny how you cropped your picture so that we can't view the chatlog.  In the level it clearly says that b*tching about the difficulty isn't allowed.  Whatever the reason was, if someone was behaving ridiculously in my level, I too would trap them.  E.E. has seen much worse before.  (i.e. hackers, protests, etc.)  You're just straight-up butthurt.

#9 2015-03-21 22:50:18, last edited by Anak (2015-03-22 03:41:07)

Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

Veteran wrote:

Do you honestly think this means anything?  Let me give you my two cents;  I find it funny how you cropped your picture so that we can't view the chatlog.  In the level it clearly says that b*tching about the difficulty isn't allowed.  Whatever the reason was, if someone was behaving ridiculously in my level, I too would trap them.  E.E. has seen much worse before.  (i.e. hackers, protests, etc.)  You're just straight-up butthurt.

No excuse for drawing pornographic/inappropriate material in EE.

#10 2015-03-21 22:54:17

Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

Also trapping is a ridiculous punishment. Just kick them if it bothers you.

#11 2015-03-21 23:28:00, last edited by Calicara (2015-03-22 04:20:06)

Silly koala
Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

Who cares who drew it! This masterpiece is a metaphor for what Tomkakaz truly is on the inside. In order to become one with himself he must have had to bond with that which he is most like. Hence why he was trapped inside.

In all likelihood Tomkakaz has really made this topic because he can't deal with his inner feelings jailed inside, like a bird in a cage. He drew the picture to try and show EE players what he really feels, but only then realized this is EE a game for children! So he in order to cover his mistake he blamed another, only creating this topic as a memory of his true perceptions which he could never convey without getting in trouble. It's ok Tomkakaz though... it's ok... We all know what you're really like, and you don't need to draw us a picture to prove it.

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#12 2015-03-22 00:24:22

Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

It was Pog. That's right, ipwnrz. I know your secret.

#13 2015-03-22 00:38:51

Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

IpWNER is pog??

#14 2015-03-22 03:23:13

Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

I would like to point out that this is not bullying because it is not repeated behavior. Now if they followed you around from world to world doing this, even after you asked them to stop, then it would be bullying. Sure it is still mean, disrespectful, disgusting, and annoying, but if we overuse the word "bullying" it loses its potency.

Definition, for the curious: Bullying involves repeated, intentional, harmful behavior against someone where there is also an imbalance of power.

On a side note, you don't look trapped. Why not just go to the right arrows?

Wooted by: (2)

#15 2015-03-22 18:26:29

black bonehead
Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

Honestly all of you are bringing this out of proportion. GET A SENSE OF PROPORTION! :B "Roundular teeth pop out of face to form an amirite but doubting of support expression"

#16 2015-03-22 20:54:03

Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

/reportabuse and /getblockplacer would make handling this situation much easier to handle.

Posting it on the forums and complaining about it will not make it any better.

#17 2015-03-23 20:08:24

Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

Honestly, people like that take the fun away from EE. The point is to play it, not to ridicule others who may have as high of a skill. Just report him/her, I'm certain that the Guardians or Mods would do something, if, of course, they listen to the community. Otherwise, just leave the level and ignore them. Though I honestly dislike those who troll and entrap others like that; it takes all the fun away. :/

#18 2015-03-23 20:18:07

Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

This isn't bullying, everytime you will find a world with a owner making this thing with the players.

#19 2015-03-23 20:20:07

Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

Creature wrote:

This isn't bullying, everytime you will find a world with a owner making this thing with the players.

I know, which is kind of sad about EE, but inevitable nonetheless. But in a sense, it could be considered abuse, or bullying, depends on whatever term you want to use.

#20 2015-03-23 21:44:58

Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

It's the owner's responsibility. It doesn't take a genius to know you shouldn't give edit to untrusted people, unless you have a way of making a controlled open world. Well, I say that now, but EE will probably prove me wrong.

#21 2015-03-23 22:20:09

Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

skullz17 wrote:

It's the owner's responsibility. It doesn't take a genius to know you shouldn't give edit to untrusted people, unless you have a way of making a controlled open world. Well, I say that now, but EE will probably prove me wrong.

Owners do it, not the players who get edit, most often.

#22 2015-03-23 22:51:13

Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

I believe there has been some sort of mistake... See we were just sitting in that world and looking at some links dixie2102312 was sharing with us when all of a sudden i notice that there is this random **** in our background when i get back... From the looks of it i think Tomkazaz may be trying to blackmail us... Sad how people do this kind of stuff for attention.

I was there at the time. They didn't do this. It was Goeyfun.

#23 2015-03-23 23:53:48

Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

Creature wrote:
skullz17 wrote:

It's the owner's responsibility. It doesn't take a genius to know you shouldn't give edit to untrusted people, unless you have a way of making a controlled open world. Well, I say that now, but EE will probably prove me wrong.

Owners do it, not the players who get edit, most often.

Then it's even more the owner's responsibility.

#24 2015-03-24 01:12:29

Catty coroner
Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

Tomkazaz wrote:
Veteran wrote:

Do you honestly think this means anything?  Let me give you my two cents;  I find it funny how you cropped your picture so that we can't view the chatlog.  In the level it clearly says that b*tching about the difficulty isn't allowed.  Whatever the reason was, if someone was behaving ridiculously in my level, I too would trap them.  E.E. has seen much worse before.  (i.e. hackers, protests, etc.)  You're just straight-up butthurt.

I'm sorry, who are you?

Who are you to be bullying people over the internet?

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#25 2015-03-24 09:29:52

Anonymous user

Re: Bullying.

Mainx wrote:
NorwegianboyEE wrote:

I believe there has been some sort of mistake... See we were just sitting in that world and looking at some links dixie2102312 was sharing with us when all of a sudden i notice that there is this random **** in our background when i get back... From the looks of it i think Tomkazaz may be trying to blackmail us... Sad how people do this kind of stuff for attention.

I was there at the time. They didn't do this. It was Goeyfun.

I wish i am live at the scene lol, by I'm offline, // miss the bullying show

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