Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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I was going through the website files the other and stumbled across some old stuff that I wanted to share. Also, since several people requested some stats about EE I decided to share that too.
Registered Users= 1366667
Abuse Reports= 6633
PayVault Items= 209
Potions Used= 800900
Total Woots= 1758661
Worlds= 922939
Friend Requests Pending= 238014
Friend Requests Accepted= 912273
Total Game Size= 156.54 Terabytes
Small Worlds Owned= 438508 (most owned item in shop)
Spawn Points Owned= 287544 (most owned brick)
Grinch Smileys Owned= 66230
Surprise Smileys Owned= 167202 (most owned smiley)
Coins In All Vaults= 11083847 (not sure what this is, I think it's the number of gems bought)
NIGHTTHEMOON = Spent the most money in the last 3 months
Old website to subscribe to the news letter:
The very first news letter from Chris: (this one has some stats from before, that I will try to find)
A big thank you from Chris:
A news letter from Chris:
The last website design, before I changed it:
That is all I have for now, I will try to dig up some more soon!
Discord: jawp#5123
although it's kinda weird that there's less worlds than users
proc's discorb stylish themes for forums/the game
꧁꧂L O V E & C O R N꧁꧂ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
danke bluecloud thank u raphe [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
I bet 100 of the abuse reports are made by me.
This is a false statement.
N1KF, Xfrogman43, Anch, oranj
I'd be interested in knowing the total plays for all of the worlds
Thank you eleizibeth ^
I stack my signatures rather than delete them so I don't lose them
N1KF, Xfrogman43, Mouseh, Anch
JaWapa wrote:Total Game Size= 156.54 Terabytes
WHAT?! No way.
things are not what it seems in EE
JaWapa wrote:Total Game Size= 156.54 Terabytes
WHAT?! No way.
This is because people download the EE file to play the game. Many peoples have download **** of GB of memory.
Vitalijus wrote:JaWapa wrote:Total Game Size= 156.54 Terabytes
WHAT?! No way.
things are not what it seems in EE
Badoosh wrote:3% of all woots given on EE were to 200 Lava Minigames.
Because 200 Lava Minigames is the greatest world OF ALL TIME
No it's not. It's not original and the mini's suck. If the woot system didn't exist Iraka would still have the most plays and 200 lava minigames would still be as it was supposed to be (another useless copy of minigames)
guys help how to mark all new posts as read?
nvm found it lol
Vitalijus wrote:JaWapa wrote:Total Game Size= 156.54 Terabytes
WHAT?! No way.
This is because people download the EE file to play the game. Many peoples have download **** of GB of memory.
How would downloading stuff affect it? That stat shows how much data is on EE's servers, so what you said makes no sense.
thx for sig bobithan
But this data contains rooms, accounts, payments, big brother things, graphics, server source code, game source code, server's OS, server's apps, IPs and other personal things of the users.
Everybody edits, but some edit more than others
Fixed the images on the /newsletter03/ link. Looks the way it should now.
... the one image on /newsletter01/
Oh, and I stumbled upon this; not a clue what it was for but it was there: … _dance.gif
Discord: jawp#5123
Oh, and I stumbled upon this; not a clue what it was for but it was there: … _dance.gif
Is a virus.
Everybody edits, but some edit more than others
Oh, and I stumbled upon this; not a clue what it was for but it was there: … _dance.gif
Wow! The mascot of Everybody Edits
Is a virus.
If that's the case, could I have mine in green?
My electronegativity is 1.83. Please send help.
it's not a virus
it's a bunch of seperated frames of assorted hamsters dancing
10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!
Can we please have some nice information like how high does a smiley exactly jump up to 3 decimal points? Or what is the highest velocity a smiley can achieve? Would falling from 301 blocks kill a smiley?!?!?!?!!??????!?!
Can we please have some nice information like how high does a smiley exactly jump up to 3 decimal points? Or what is the highest velocity a smiley can achieve? Would falling from 301 blocks kill a smiley?!?!?!?!!??????!?!
exactly what are you
oh right
List of top least owned smileys please (top 10 rarest) since you have data for surprise smiley being most owned, top 10 least owned shouldn't be a problem to do
List of top least owned smileys please (top 10 rarest) since you have data for surprise smiley being most owned, top 10 least owned shouldn't be a problem to do
superman, bird, artist, bunny, lit pumpkin, pumpkin.
I feel very confident in those being the bottom 6, superman being least common and pumpkin being the most.
No idea what would be next though, probably the fan's, big spender, and grinch? Maybe.
[ Started around 1740989708.833 - Generated in 0.094 seconds, 12 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.97 MiB (Peak: 2.28 MiB) ]