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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#26 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.


#27 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

Guy's with copyrighted things like Terminator- consider lawsuit. I don't think Chris wants to be sued...

#28 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

Um, the game already uses lots of bricks from the Mario games so it's a little late for that.

#29 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

What do you think about some afk-smilies? Like a smoking one or a sleeping one.

#30 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

Finally, some new smileys for you guys! //


From left to right:

#31 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

We don't need this smileys.But it's very cool.And public and Beta smielys good for now.But we can't acces this beta smileys //

#32 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

Wow that's terrible. There are alot of smileys which I made in a level called "New Smileys Ideas" a few ago, and another guy also helped me with some ideas.
Angel Smiley, Super-hero smiley, ying-yang, no-face smiley and more smileys are all taken from there.

I mean - what the chances you could think ALL/MOST of my smileys ideas?
You could atleast give any credit you heard it from some source. Whatever.

I will suggest them anyway:
Angel Smiley with wings
Hero-Smiley with a cape
"Meh" Smiley (This is: =/ )
Nerd smiley (with nerd glasses and tooth)
OMG smiley (O_O)
No-Face smiley (big X, THAT WAS REALLY MY IDEA)
Ying-Yang smiley (was mine too!)
Chinese smiley (with chinese eyes)
Old smiley with moustache

Don't remember more of them.

#33 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

MageBomb wrote:

Wow that's terrible. There are alot of smileys which I made in a level called "New Smileys Ideas" a few ago, and another guy also helped me with some ideas.
Angel Smiley, Super-hero smiley, ying-yang, no-face smiley and more smileys are all taken from there.

I mean - what the chances you could think ALL/MOST of my smileys ideas?
You could atleast give any credit you heard it from some source. Whatever.

I will suggest them anyway:
Angel Smiley with wings
Hero-Smiley with a cape
"Meh" Smiley (This is: =/ )
Nerd smiley (with nerd glasses and tooth)
OMG smiley (O_O)
No-Face smiley (big X, THAT WAS REALLY MY IDEA)
Ying-Yang smiley (was mine too!)
Chinese smiley (with chinese eyes)
Old smiley with moustache

Don't remember more of them.

I'm gonna go ahead and call BS on this. I have never once visited a level called "New Smiley Ideas", but maybe the people on this forum have. If you had taken time and actually read the posts on this thread, you'd notice that practically every suggestion that you think I stole from you has already been mentioned here.

Besides, the chance of us having the same ideas is actually fairly high, as there are many very logical choices for smileys that the community might me thinking about. I'm sorry if you feel ripped off, but the fact remains that your ideas are less original then you think.

#34 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

RPGMaster2000 wrote:
MageBomb wrote:

Wow that's terrible. There are alot of smileys which I made in a level called "New Smileys Ideas" a few ago, and another guy also helped me with some ideas.
Angel Smiley, Super-hero smiley, ying-yang, no-face smiley and more smileys are all taken from there.

I mean - what the chances you could think ALL/MOST of my smileys ideas?
You could atleast give any credit you heard it from some source. Whatever.

I will suggest them anyway:
Angel Smiley with wings
Hero-Smiley with a cape
"Meh" Smiley (This is: =/ )
Nerd smiley (with nerd glasses and tooth)
OMG smiley (O_O)
No-Face smiley (big X, THAT WAS REALLY MY IDEA)
Ying-Yang smiley (was mine too!)
Chinese smiley (with chinese eyes)
Old smiley with moustache

Don't remember more of them.

I'm gonna go ahead and call BS on this. I have never once visited a level called "New Smiley Ideas", but maybe the people on this forum have. If you had taken time and actually read the posts on this thread, you'd notice that practically every suggestion that you think I stole from you has already been mentioned here.

Besides, the chance of us having the same ideas is actually fairly high, as there are many very logical choices for smileys that the community might me thinking about. I'm sorry if you feel ripped off, but the fact remains that your ideas are less original then you think.

Sorry, Im just a little bit angry becuase I see smileys like the no-face which how could someone possibly think? I never saw this one around the Interent. But I talked trash anyway, becuase I was angry that it looked like all the smileys were taken from my level along time ago. But..I was wrong, after all there are tons of smileys on Interent, probably different members taken them from them.
Im really sorry, again.
By the way: I didn't even complain about you specific as you are just the designer, I saw IYam's "ideas" and the No-Face smiley, that made me angry.

Last edited by MageBomb (Sep 10 2010 12:23:31 pm)

#35 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

No worries, I can understand why you would be angry. Just don't immediately leap to the wrong conclusions, you'll avoid some unneccesary drama. //

#36 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

Okay, now that that's all over- back on topic!

#37 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

The glasses on the "glasses face" you made looks very similar to Geordi La Forge's VISOR - I assume thats what you were trying to make it look like?

#38 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

Rurigok wrote:

The glasses on the "glasses face" you made looks very similar to Geordi La Forge's VISOR - I assume thats what you were trying to make it look like?

Yeah, it kind of does, lol! That was actually completely unintentional.

#39 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

iYam wrote:

Can I join to this "project"? //
As you've been see I can design. So, do you want me to join, please?

For now I can just give you the smileys which exists on facebook (where did the existing smileys came from):
1. Angel Smiley:
2. Unsure:
3. Surprised:
RPGMaster2000, it's OK, I know you want original stuff (so am I).
But I just gave you the exisisting smileys so you won't have to remade it (only if you want //

4. pacman:

#40 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

Yes.Please add a pacman to your smiley pack.It's looks very cool in game.If it's added.

Last edited by Urunberkay12 (Sep 12 2010 7:43:25 am)

#41 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

Sergio I think your gonna get banned because you cursed...

#42 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

Thats not against the rules, Blackboy. Lrn2readrules.

#43 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

sergio wrote:
RPGMaster2000 wrote:

Thanks! //

**** your

... Most random gravedig of old topics so far?

#44 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

No most EPIC gravedig of all time!

#45 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

Can you make a straw-hat on top of a // smiley? Thanks. It would look like this guy: … y20bis.jpg

#46 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

How about a futuristic smiley?
or robot?

#47 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

Could you make one like except the mouth smaller, so the eyes are normal sized.
Also, could you make a :3 aswell?

#48 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

Linus, try not to spam please.

#49 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

I'd love to see a :3 smiley. That's my favorite emoticon, and it would be cool to see it in EE. ^^

#50 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for smileys.

Is this the right topic to show you guys the smile faces I made?
if so

From left to right: Cyrax, Sektor, Liu Kang,and Scorpion MK SMILES FTW


RPGMaster2000 1423489982471450

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