Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Hey EEers. Is that a thing?
My name is 32OrtonEdge32 (32OrtonEdge32dh in EE). You will most likely see me in my levels or MAKEARTC1111-type levels. The occasional 100+ minigame levels, maybe. I am an avid player, trying to get at least two hours a day in. EE and Saints Row 2 are the only games I ever really play. I have 24 smileys ATM, soon to be 25 when I get the ultimate fan (the only ones I don't have are the ultimate fan, the big spender, the two Easter ones, and the Santa one from last Christmas). I am a proud atheist (c'mon people, FLAME MEH!). I find memes hilariously funny (I am making them now, as evidenced by my avatar). I use parentheses and brackets and braces a lot (as you) [can see] {right here}. I am 50% black, 25% Native American, and 25% white, with light (white looking) skin. Umm...that about does it, hmm?
Edit I: The flamers bite! As evidenced by Palm's extremely narrow-minded commentary on my lack of religion.
Edit II: Added a race bit. Any comments, Palm? Maybe an n word or some other slow racial slur.
Last edited by 32OrtonEdge32 (Apr 24 2011 1:27:48 pm)
Welcome, bro.
I hate tall signatures.
Atheist?I smells something fishy already... Mods, check 'em
Maybe someone needs to get a life -.-
I'm not being racist.......I just have a suggestion, maybe he needs to get a life.
Hey now, let's keep the flaming down.
I may beat chewy to his own goal if the athiest keeps killing my rep.
Anyway I got a +rep for this so thanks bro
LOL. I stopped. Plus, you killed my +1 rep and (barely) flamed, so I think we're even. Can we call a truce and forget this
Please no swearing.10 year olds are wondering what word is that.
Last edited by Palm (Apr 24 2011 5:11:03 pm)
Im 10, and I know every swear word
Maybe 7 year olds are.
7 Year old kid: Mommy wats this word?
Mom: Why thats-Oh my!
I was 7 and I knew every swear in ever language, I'm just saying he needs to stop swaering.
Also, nice grave dig, undead, you brought back people....and holes where thier grave was at.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
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