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#1 Before February 2015


Why do you dislike woots?

I personally don't see why everyone is so disappointed with this update.
1. We've all been wanting magic to return. This is similar, and while it doesn't give you max energy, MrShoe said that this was just start, and he planned on implementing new things into the whole woot system.
2. People have wanted a rating system, this is pretty close. True, you can't down-rate, but it still works.
3. This is a great way to reward active players, as I am sure something will be made for higher-ranked players. It also provides incentive to continue playing, as many people quit when magic was removed.

Why does everyone dislike this update so much? True, it could have been better, but MrShoe said it was only the beginning, and it's only two or three weeks of updates if you consider it a waste.

#2 Before February 2015


Re: Why do you dislike woots?

All these pointless threads about you disliking the damn "woot" system, you and the rest need to just get up and stop whining about something you cant do better with. I personally could give a damn what you think about the update, they put effort towards it, you didnt do anything except play the game, dont like it? You dont have to visit EE again.
1. Who is all? Did you make a statistic of every single EE player? I think not.
2. Who is people? People doesnt show a damn thing, you need more thang just this "people have wanted a rating system..." Isnt going to slide. As a matter or fact you posting your little pointless thread wont affect anything either now will it? Not at all, MrShoe wont listen to you, MrShoe doesnt even know you and you think this will change anything? Nope, just give up and stop posting this crap.
You think it could have been better, go make your own game and let me see you do better.

Last edited by Different55 (Nov 17 2012 5:20:23 am)

#3 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 1,883

Re: Why do you dislike woots?

Most of the people just don't like the lobby as it is now ordered in woots not players. This is the main thing that people have been arguing about. Hardly anyone is arguing about the ranking up and finding woots from magic coins. People have listed many important reasons about the lobby and how much it sucks the main one being you can't guest bomb good levels any more therefore good levels are buried in the lobby while the bad and the noob ones survive and thrive.
The only major argument about the ranking up system is that it could be exploitable by coin collector and other techniques of getting ranked up faster meaning that it is not the best solution for removing energy.
MrShoe has already promised a better lobby system so less and less people are arguing now, people are beginning to wait and only those who are late to the party are bringing up these topics now, such as you and me (I recently made a topic on this).



#4 Before February 2015


Re: Why do you dislike woots?

DylanDaSkater wrote:

All these pointless threads about you disliking the damn "woot" system, you and the rest need to just get up and stop whining about something you cant do better with. I personally could give a damn what you think about the update, they put effort towards it, you didnt do anything except play the game, dont like it? You dont have to visit EE again.
1. Who is all? Did you make a statistic of every single EE player? I think not.
2. Who is people? People doesnt show a damn thing, you need more thang just this "people have wanted a rating system..." Isnt going to slide. As a matter or fact you posting your little pointless thread wont affect anything either now will it? Not at all, MrShoe wont listen to you, MrShoe doesnt even know you and you think this will change anything? Nope, just give up and stop posting this crap.
You think it could have been better, go make your own game and let me see you do better.

There are so many things wrong with this post.   Allow me to disect.

DylanDaSkater wrote:

All these pointless threads about you disliking the damn "woot" system, you and the rest need to just get up and stop whining about something you cant do better with.

What are you doing, exactly?   Not "whining" about "pointless topics"?   Maybe if you read the OP more carefuller, you will see that he/she doesn't see why people dislike woots so much.   The person is in agreement with you and you are attacking.

Can't do better with?   You don't need to be better at something to be able to criticize it   and have an opinion on it.   The update wasn't that great.   People now wootbomb and more glitches/bugs have arrived.   Try creating an unsaved world and see what happens.   Or try following a friend who was in the editing tutorial level.   See what happens.

DylanDaSkater wrote:

I personally could give a damn what you think about the update, they put effort towards it, you didnt do anything except play the game, dont like it? You dont have to visit EE again.

You definitely are showing you give a damn about our opinions.   Effort does not equal success.   You can try really hard in a math class and still end up failing.   But hey, you tried, right, so it should count as a pass? Nope.  

Stop playing the game?   You've got to be joking.   Some of us have paid for this game.   Paid for beta, paid for different blocks, paid for worlds, paid for smilies, etc.   Yeah, that's a wonderful solution, to just ditch a game after spending money on it because there was a bad update.   You sir are a genius!

DylanDaSkater wrote:

1. Who is all? Did you make a statistic of every single EE player? I think not.

I didn't see the word "all" in the post.   Did you just make up some words and put it in his/her mouth?   I think so.

DylanDaSkater wrote:

2. Who is people? People doesnt show a damn thing, you need more thang just this "people have wanted a rating system..." Isnt going to slide.

I'm quite sure that this one person isn't the only one who wants a better lobby.   So far, your whole post isn't sliding anywhere.

DylanDaSkater wrote:

As a matter or fact you posting your little pointless thread wont affect anything either now will it? Not at all, MrShoe wont listen to you, MrShoe doesnt even know you and you think this will change anything? Nope, just give up and stop posting this crap.

It apparently effects your attitude.   You're having a temper tantrum.   And the OP even agrees with you about the update, yet you bash for assuming they disagreed with you.   Are you really that full of yourself, to attack those who agree?   MrShoe does listen to us sometimes.   We wanted coin gates- we got them.   I have not been with the community long enough to know what else we've gotten that we wanted.   MrShoe also talks to people in-game, on the blog, and lately, replied to someone via e-mail.   He does listen to us as a whole, it's just difficult for him to talk to each and every one of us individually because there is only one of him, and thousands of us.   I think you are the one who needs to stop posting these nonsensical tantrum messages.

DylanDaSkater wrote:

You think it could have been better, go make your own game and let me see you do better.

Refer to my reply of first snip-it, paragraph two.

You can criticize the president if you don't think he is doing a better job.   Doesn't mean you'd be a better president.
You can criticize a teacher if you don't think they have a good lesson plan.   Doesn't mean you'd be a better teacher.
You can criticize someone's painting even if you've never touched a paintbrush before.   Doesn't mean you'd be a better painter.
And you can criticize someone for a bad update in a game even if you have not a clue on how to code.   Doesn't mean you'd be a better programmer.

You seem to believe that if someone tries, whatever they do is amazing by default, and those who have opinions that disagree with yours is wrong.   This is nonsense.   Your whole post was nonsense.   You're quite an arrogant, condescending person when it comes to talking to someone who agrees with you.


Now for my opinion-

Give us the ability to de-woop and I'll be happier.   I've seen some bad levels with a high woot count because the name of the level asked for them.   I'd rather not have every level to be named something like "GIVE WOOTS" to be able to compete with others.

#5 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 823

Re: Why do you dislike woots?

Chaos occurs by the power of the community itself. This is why many games kept the power to change the game to themselves. Also, before saying EE was created for us to create the game itself, please tell me more about what you have invented and innovated because of these updates.

  You said that we wanted a rating system, wanted to return magic and reward active players. Sure, people might have wanted them. However giving the power to the community will make any game destroy itself.

  As in Allegory of the Cave, the community could be blind enough, which I think it is, to select the wrong levels and such. There is nothing wrong with it, it is how it's supposed to be. However they will never see the actual thing out of the cave and if you want to explain it to them, none of them would listen to you or would just kill/silence you.

  So basically my opinion is;
Rating system: Just a better way to kill levels that people worked mentally on them for weeks/months/years.
Returning magic: Oh my gawd, so useful this level up thing gives me the power to change the game completely and give all "active" players new and hopefully a better way them to play the game!!1!1
Rewarding active players: This is just and old trick used to attach people more to the game because of fearing that the game would die. Used in many dying/died games before.

  Actually by this point I would have quit this game. Actually I did it quite much time ago but I've returned too. Just because of 6 people that has respected me in my life on playing EE.

  Now please tell me more about how this update is regenerative and making all ex-players back to playing the game, also not losing any players meanwhile...


#6 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-04-06
Posts: 1,132

Re: Why do you dislike woots?

My world will never be on the top lobby again cuz some people are afraid of woman.

Woots count now instead of active player online which is bad. People rate easy maps where they can proceed over maps where they rage // They usually do on my maps. Either the minigames are too hard or (mostly) of the art-work.

Just to answer the question of why "woots" are not good in my opinion.



#7 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,575

Re: Why do you dislike woots?

Dylan, watch the language.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#8 Before February 2015


Re: Why do you dislike woots?

Helvi wrote:

My world will never be on the top lobby again cuz some people are afraid of woman.

Woots count now instead of active player online which is bad. People rate easy maps where they can proceed over maps where they rage // They usually do on my maps. Either the minigames are too hard or (mostly) of the art-work.

Just to answer the question of why "woots" are not good in my opinion.

Or maybe there are some of us who don't enjoy seeing women being used as eye candy.  

Not exactly true with the difficulty.   My small world is incredibly easy yet people still qui before finishing.   Worlds filled with arrows placed around a graphic rather than actual platforming I quit for not finding it fun, not for "being too difficult."

#9 Before February 2015


Re: Why do you dislike woots?

Hey AzurePudding.

Anway, I think the game is ruined.

1. All the nubby levels are at the top now, (WOOTS PLZ, GIVE WOOTS LOL) while all the pro ones are at the bottom because all the nubs are not liking them.

2. Even the pro levels are wanting woots. I saw "Blazing Blackwoods" and it had "Woots for more" in the background. Woots have crushed EE into a corrupt woot-wanting game.

That is all.

#10 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 837

Re: Why do you dislike woots?

DylanDaSkater wrote:

All these pointless threads about you disliking the damn "woot" system, you and the rest need to just get up and stop whining about something you cant do better with. I personally could give a damn what you think about the update, they put effort towards it, you didnt do anything except play the game, dont like it? You dont have to visit EE again.
1. Who is all? Did you make a statistic of every single EE player? I think not.
2. Who is people? People doesnt show a damn thing, you need more thang just this "people have wanted a rating system..." Isnt going to slide. As a matter or fact you posting your little pointless thread wont affect anything either now will it? Not at all, MrShoe wont listen to you, MrShoe doesnt even know you and you think this will change anything? Nope, just give up and stop posting this crap.
You think it could have been better, go make your own game and let me see you do better.

I understand your defensive point of view but you also must understand a big and important part, the   comunity of EE founded this game by supporting it financialy and they all have a right to say their opinions, after all this game is advancing thanks to "us" all, I keep asking myself why some of the users keep saying things like   "if you don't like it quit", things are not like that, these people have been loyal to this game for years not just weeks or months, they had to rebuild their levels for similar mistakes, they had to wait months for little annoyng bugs to be fixed, they had to beg like idiots for minor things like typical account problems and they barely got any help and now they have to quit just because half of this comunity doesn't agree with a rutine update? its absurd, as the original OP said there are things to be fixed, that doesn't mean things are going to go for better, really its not the first update when things have gone really bad, if they will simply keep their mouths shout without asking what they really need it means this game is already dead!
As for the question of this thread: I don't dislike woots I dislike the idea of throwing the minority (aka hard working crews and "solo" users) to the bottom of EE lobby while the majority (aka you know who) will get to the top without an equal effort. It's simply unfair and imo will kill some unique parts of this game.

Last edited by dazz (Nov 17 2012 6:12:53 am)


#11 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-04-06
Posts: 1,132

Re: Why do you dislike woots?

AzurePudding wrote:
Helvi wrote:

My world will never be on the top lobby again cuz some people are afraid of woman.

Woots count now instead of active player online which is bad. People rate easy maps where they can proceed over maps where they rage // They usually do on my maps. Either the minigames are too hard or (mostly) of the art-work.

Just to answer the question of why "woots" are not good in my opinion.

Or maybe there are some of us who don't enjoy seeing women being used as eye candy.  

Not exactly true with the difficulty.   My small world is incredibly easy yet people still qui before finishing.   Worlds filled with arrows placed around a graphic rather than actual platforming I quit for not finding it fun, not for "being too difficult."

Of course you are right. There are different peopele with different views of the game. This is totally valid. Still, I prefer to see something nice instead of something repetitive.
Arrow minigames went common once the limitation of solid blocks was reached. Thats the goal of most of us, to Reach for More.



#12 Before February 2015


Re: Why do you dislike woots?

Helvi wrote:
AzurePudding wrote:
Helvi wrote:

My world will never be on the top lobby again cuz some people are afraid of woman.

Woots count now instead of active player online which is bad. People rate easy maps where they can proceed over maps where they rage // They usually do on my maps. Either the minigames are too hard or (mostly) of the art-work.

Just to answer the question of why "woots" are not good in my opinion.

Or maybe there are some of us who don't enjoy seeing women being used as eye candy.  

Not exactly true with the difficulty.   My small world is incredibly easy yet people still qui before finishing.   Worlds filled with arrows placed around a graphic rather than actual platforming I quit for not finding it fun, not for "being too difficult."

Of course you are right. There are different peopele with different views of the game. This is totally valid. Still, I prefer to see something nice instead of something repetitive.
Arrow minigames went common once the limitation of solid blocks was reached. Thats the goal of most of us, to Reach for More.

I'm not into the repetitiveness, either.   I like levels with great design with graphics, with a way to travel through without the need of placing arrows all around.   For example, say I am climbing a tall hill, instead of using arrows to flip and fly up it, there could be little rocks sticking out, then maybe a tall tree with roots sticking out, all curled up for you to climb up onto.   Or if I'm on a giant table and there's a huge slice of cake in the way, I would need to use the crumbs before it to be able to jump on it, and then maybe scale a cherry that was placed on it to reach a higher level.   I like the level being worked into the graphics.   Sadly I don't think I've ever found levels like this but my own (which were unsaved..).   It feels like I'm actually exploring a huge land, rather than levels of just lines for platforms to hop on, or a poster with gimmicky arrows that take many tries to get past.

#13 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 2,063

Re: Why do you dislike woots?

"To be honest, if I wanted to play a RPG game I would just find one and play one.
MrShoe is missing the concept of EE. He's trying to change it into a RPG with all the updates laterly."

Last edited by Breadfinn (Nov 17 2012 9:36:22 pm)



#14 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-04-06
Posts: 1,132

Re: Why do you dislike woots?

EE for having fun with other ppl ourself raging on each lvl.
Skyrim for slaugthering dragons and climbing hills.



#15 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 823

Re: Why do you dislike woots?

Addi wrote:

To be honest, if I wanted to play a RPG game I would just find one and play one.
MrShoe is missing the concept of EE. He's trying to change it into a RPG with all the updates laterly.

Oh hey that was my line //

But true that, this update wasn't for an RPG, which is a kind of progress to him?


#16 Before February 2015


Re: Why do you dislike woots?

Agree with Helvi's view. I valorate the originality of some levels, like "Station_01.exe" (check hat level out!), "Non-Stop Megaman", Helvi's levels and the Crew levels (even I don't support those crews). I also think that the community needs to mature if they want EE to survive.

#17 Before February 2015

Thy Cowman

Re: Why do you dislike woots?

I think we can all agree that the woot system, as it is now, is unsatisfactory. However, without having played more than half an hour in the past month and without reading much of what the community has said about woots, I am only able to give my initial opinion on woots: they seem entirely unnecessary to gameplay.

Everybody Edits was originally an extremely simple sandbox game which relied on the creativity of its userbase to keep the game interesting and attractive to new players. What made the game great was not what the administrators did, but rather the players. From box minis, to bossing, to artistic worlds with unique minigames, to worlds involving bots, there has always been something to keep coming back for.

Woots add nothing. The enjoyment a player gets out of a level cannot be quantified; it is a matter of opinion. By organizing levels through the woot system, it is essentially being said that such and such's level is X times better than such and such's level. This would work if every player thought the same way, but it's pretty obvious that there is a huge clash in opinions between players of EE. Many users enjoy playing simple levels like stairs or box minis, whereas others find this tedious and wish to play and design more creative levels.

To stop rambling on, I'll get to my point. The administrators should step out and let the game take its course. You've got a good thing going - let users keep paying you money for blocks and smileys and sit back! Advertise the forums more obviously to have a centralized location for discussion. Users will continue to post their levels and others will continue to play them. As long as there is a constant sense of community, there will always be players who exercise creativity. If you really want to interject in the game, host more competitions. But keep it simple - let the players take charge.
Oh, and please fix the coding of the energy system or remove it...

Last edited by Thy Cowman (Nov 17 2012 5:14:50 pm)

#18 Before February 2015


Re: Why do you dislike woots?

I agree with thy cowman.

#19 Before February 2015


Re: Why do you dislike woots?

Thy Cowman wrote:

I think we can all agree that the woot system, as it is now, is unsatisfactory. However, without having played more than half an hour in the past month and without reading much of what the community has said about woots, I am only able to give my initial opinion on woots: they seem entirely unnecessary to gameplay.

Everybody Edits was originally an extremely simple sandbox game which relied on the creativity of its userbase to keep the game interesting and attractive to new players. What made the game great was not what the administrators did, but rather the players. From box minis, to bossing, to artistic worlds with unique minigames, to worlds involving bots, there has always been something to keep coming back for.

Woots add nothing. The enjoyment a player gets out of a level cannot be quantified; it is a matter of opinion. By organizing levels through the woot system, it is essentially being said that such and such's level is X times better than such and such's level. This would work if every player thought the same way, but it's pretty obvious that there is a huge clash in opinions between players of EE. Many users enjoy playing simple levels like stairs or box minis, whereas others find this tedious and wish to play and design more creative levels.

To stop rambling on, I'll get to my point. The administrators should step out and let the game take its course. You've got a good thing going - let users keep paying you money for blocks and smileys and sit back! Advertise the forums more obviously to have a centralized location for discussion. Users will continue to post their levels and others will continue to play them. As long as there is a constant sense of community, there will always be players who exercise creativity. If you really want to interject in the game, host more competitions. But keep it simple - let the players take charge.
Oh, and please fix the coding of the energy system or remove it...

I agree with all of this except the last line about energy.   You get about 4000 energy a week and it's a way to get things without paying.   Sounds pretty solid to me.   Unless you mean the removal of increased max energy.

#20 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 1,883

Re: Why do you dislike woots?

AzurePudding wrote:
Thy Cowman wrote:

I think we can all agree that the woot system, as it is now, is unsatisfactory. However, without having played more than half an hour in the past month and without reading much of what the community has said about woots, I am only able to give my initial opinion on woots: they seem entirely unnecessary to gameplay.

Everybody Edits was originally an extremely simple sandbox game which relied on the creativity of its userbase to keep the game interesting and attractive to new players. What made the game great was not what the administrators did, but rather the players. From box minis, to bossing, to artistic worlds with unique minigames, to worlds involving bots, there has always been something to keep coming back for.

Woots add nothing. The enjoyment a player gets out of a level cannot be quantified; it is a matter of opinion. By organizing levels through the woot system, it is essentially being said that such and such's level is X times better than such and such's level. This would work if every player thought the same way, but it's pretty obvious that there is a huge clash in opinions between players of EE. Many users enjoy playing simple levels like stairs or box minis, whereas others find this tedious and wish to play and design more creative levels.

To stop rambling on, I'll get to my point. The administrators should step out and let the game take its course. You've got a good thing going - let users keep paying you money for blocks and smileys and sit back! Advertise the forums more obviously to have a centralized location for discussion. Users will continue to post their levels and others will continue to play them. As long as there is a constant sense of community, there will always be players who exercise creativity. If you really want to interject in the game, host more competitions. But keep it simple - let the players take charge.
Oh, and please fix the coding of the energy system or remove it...

I agree with all of this except the last line about energy.   You get about 4000 energy a week and it's a way to get things without paying.   Sounds pretty solid to me.   Unless you mean the removal of increased max energy.

The ranking system is supposed to remove energy meaning it will be a new way to buy things in the game. For example you need to be a certain rank to buy something in the shop. I personally don't see this as a better way of buying things from the shop in EE but I am pretty sure MrShoe is aiming to make this happen.



#21 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 2,063

Re: Why do you dislike woots?

AsurcH wrote:
Addi wrote:

To be honest, if I wanted to play a RPG game I would just find one and play one.
MrShoe is missing the concept of EE. He's trying to change it into a RPG with all the updates laterly.

Oh hey that was my line //

Apologiez apologiez.
All credit goes to Asurch.



#22 Before February 2015


Re: Why do you dislike woots?

...and so the conclusion is...?

#23 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 2,058

Re: Why do you dislike woots?

Levelbuilder0728 wrote:

...and so the conclusion is...?

Because it changed the lobby drastically, by changing the sorting system to woots?

On the other hand: It's kind of ironic how all of you whined about woot sorting system when none of you bombed your own level even before the woots came out. Is there a difference? No, it's just all of us being so lazy to bomb our own level, it's also why lobby has become noob. If you want a difference, bomb your world before woots is released to public.

Also: Those hacker whining about update in the lobby is, let's just say: Pitiful.

Last edited by Aoitenshi (Nov 18 2012 4:01:40 am)


#24 Before February 2015


Re: Why do you dislike woots?

I bombed my level with 30 guests.

Result: Extreme lag and my level was 5th in the lobby, despite having the most players.

Number one on the lobby: WOOTS PLZ


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