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#1 Before February 2015


The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

Please note that this isn't really a game, it's more of a something-you-do-in-your-free-time.

Basically there's a Forum populated Village that we all Roleplay in. Outside of the village borders are caves, forests, deserts, lakes, you name it. Anyway, on with the RPG Elements!
Village Chat; Tinychat - TheVillageRPG
Village; free villagers and paying residents

Day 6

~ gamez7

No controlling other people
[e.g. Bob: And then Joe died.]
Do not destroy the village
[e.g. Joe: And then I put down an atom bomb and destroyed Earth.]
Do not steal money in mass amounts
[e.g. Bob: And then I took all of Joe's supplies]
To own a property you must have a job.
Breaking rules will result in loss in job/becoming banished from the village.

Job Listings
Village King/Queen
Village Presidents
Village Vice-Presidents
Village Jesters/Entertainment
Village Executioner
Village Builders
EE Beast
Village Miners
Village Refiners
Village Lumberjacks
Village Foragers
Village Explorers
Village Scavengers
Village Defenders
Village Warriors
Village Hunters
Village Police
Village Medics
Village Farmers
Village Blacksmiths
Village Bar Owners
Wolf exile1

If there are any jobs I have missed, contact me via PMs or just comment below

Village Status Board
King/Queen's status
We need more people to do jobs to gather resources, make people happy and keep people safe!!

There is currently a town competition.   The competition is that someone has to create a signature (Under 75px high, under 300px long) that indicates that I am participating in the village.

I'm (GadgetGeek) the only judge.
Rating goes like this;
NaN/10 ~ Relativity
(0 = It has nothing to do with the village, 10 = It has everything to do with the village)
NaN/10 ~ Creativity
(0 = It looks too boring or too messy, 10 = It's eye-catching)
NaN/10 ~ Informative
(0 = It explains nothing about the village, 10 = It explains everything about the village)
NaN/10 ~ Persuasion
(0 = It doesn't want other people to join, 10 = It helps "village population" grow dramatically)
NaN/10 ~ Neat
(0 = It's messy and unreadable, 10 = It's perfectly readable and easy to follow)


The prize is 100 coins.
2nd and 3rd receive 25 coins each.
After the contest, anyone who puts the winning signature in their signature receives 10 coins.

Contest ends next weekend, presumably Sunday.
Presidents' status
Vice-Presidents' status
Village Jesters/Entertainment's status
Executioner's status
Builders' status
We need miners and lumberjacks to join so we builders can, well, build things.
Miners' status
Refiners' status
Lumberjacks' status
Selling status: ON


PM me, talk to me on tc, or find me on irc to discuss the pricing.
Foragers' status
Explorers' status
Scavengers' status
Defenders' status
Warriors' status
Hunters' status
Police's status
Medics' status
Farmers' status
Blacksmiths' status
Alright, I have finally perfected my first weapon after numerous years of apprenticeship.   This is of course not my best dagger for it was made only using one piece of iron, but it should work well.   Anyone that would like one can offer 60g for it or any price that they would think fair.
Bar Owners' status
Random status

Village Resources

Population; 17
Vault; 0*
Defense; 85*
Food; 490*
Water; 486*

*3/5 miner gold
*+5 x villagers. More defense can be made from materials.
*Villagers may take from this at anytime, but only 10 units per day. 1 unit = -1% Hunger/Thirst. -2 Water per beer.

Personality Board!
GadgetGeek (joined Day 1, last seen Day 6)
Gold; 4,500
Attack; 0%
Self Defence; 0%
Happiness; 100%
Hunger; 14%
Thirst; 14%
gamez7 (joined Day 1, last seen Day 1)
Gold; 2,500
Attack; 0%
Self Defence; 0%
Happiness; 100%
Hunger; 24%
Thirst; 24%
DryKirby64 (joined Day 1, last seen Day 1)
Gold; 1,250
Attack; 0%
Self Defence; 0%
Happiness; 100%
Hunger; 24%
Thirst; 24%
Village Jesters/Entertainment
FuzzySocks (joined Day 1, last seen Day 1)
Gold; 750
Attack; 0%
Self Defence; 0%
Happiness; 100%
Hunger; 24%
Thirst; 24%
Fuzzyguy132 (joined Day 1, last seen Day 6)
Attack; 0%
Self Defence; 0%
Gold; 250
Happiness; 100%
Hunger; 24%
Thirst; 24%
EE Beast (joined Day 1, last seen Day 4)
Gold; 250
Attack; 0%
Self Defence; 0%
Happiness; 100%
Hunger; 24%
Thirst; 24%
Equips; 10 Stone
sportakus1 (joined Day 1, last seen Day 1)
Gold; 280
Attack; 0%
Self Defence; 0%
Happiness; 100%
Hunger; 24%
Thirst; 24%
ElJaso (joined Day 1, last seen Day 1)
Gold; 690
Attack; 5%
Self Defence; 0%
Happiness; 100%
Hunger; 24%
Thirst; 24%
Equips; 20 Stone, 3 Iron, 8 Wood, basic sword (attack +5%)
SmileyZ (joined Day 1, last seen Day 1)
Gold; 250
Attack; 0%
Self Defence; 0%
Happiness; 100%
Hunger; 24%
Thirst; 24%
shmirt (joined Day 1, last seen Day 1)
Gold; 250
Attack; 0%
Self Defence; 0%
Happiness; 100%
Hunger; 24%
Thirst; 24%
2b3o4o (joined Day 1, last seen Day 1)
Gold; 250
Attack; 0%
Self Defence; 0%
Happiness; 100%
Hunger; 24%
Thirst; 24%
Mister_Stupid (joined Day 1, last seen Day 1)
Gold; 210
Attack; 0%
Self Defence; 0%
Happiness; 100%
Hunger; 24%
Thirst; 24%
Slawthe (joined Day 1, last seen Day 6)
Gold; 230
Attack; 3%
Self Defence; 0%
Happiness; 100%
Hunger; 24%
Thirst; 24%
Equips; 1 Dagger (Attack +3% and Scissors perk), 2 Beers (Restores 5% per beer)
Different55 (joined Day 1, last seen Day 1)
Gold; 250
Attack; 0%
Self Defence; 0%
Happiness; 100%
Hunger; 24%
Thirst; 24%
Bar Owners
Bimps1002 (joined Day 1, last seen Day 1)
Gold; 250
Attack; 0%
Self Defence; 0%
Happiness; 100%
Hunger; 24%
Thirst; 24%
Brawler700 (joined Day 1, last seen Day 1)
Gold; 250
Attack; 0%
Self Defence; 0%
Happiness; 100%
Hunger; 24%
Thirst; 24%
Wolf exile1 (joined Day 1, last seen Day 1)
Gold; 250
Attack; 0%
Self Defence; 0%
Happiness; 100%
Hunger; 24%
Thirst; 24%

Hunger & Thirst +4% per day
If someone is inactive for more than 7 days, they will lose their job.

[Started by GadgetGeek, taken with permission]

Last edited by Slawthe (Oct 9 2011 7:08:59 pm)

#2 Before February 2015


Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

My Status: We need miners and lumberjacks to join so we builders can, well, build things.

#3 Before February 2015


Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

Please note that I have misinterpreted 2b3o4o's Thirst percentage. Just knock off the 4.

#4 Before February 2015


Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

eats food/drinks water

#5 Before February 2015


Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

Instead of being a hunter, could I be the shopkeeper? (If it's a job)

#6 Before February 2015


Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

I go out into the forest and find some wood. I make myself a little hut.

#7 Before February 2015


Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

Nonono let me explain the village - it seems none of you try to read previous posts.

If you are on the chat but not on the EE level, you gain 1 item that you are collecting (e.g. Woodcutter = 1 wood per 30 mins, Miner = 1 stone per 30 mins etc.) every 30 minutes.
If you are on the EE level but not on the Chat, it's still 30 minutes.
If you are on both, it's 15 minutes.

You don't automatically collect infinite wood if you're a woodcutter.
You don't automatically make an axe if you're a Blacksmith.
So on and so forth..

Last edited by Tachyonic (Oct 1 2011 4:11:36 pm)

#8 Before February 2015


Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

Okay what he said lol.   There is no shopkeeper because it just creates a middleman, no need, sorry.   Fuzzyguy is dropped to 2% because only 10% a day.   Going to grab the days when people joined and the transfer between me and eljaso.   when that is done that should be it.

edit: I think from now on miners should collect 1 stone and 1 gold per collection, I also think they're should be a refiner but that is up to the king/president to decide.

edit2: there should be 2/5 gold to be sent to the vault, makes it a nice number, though i think vault should have 3/5 for the people, that way miner does not become too rich.

edit3: also need refineries, to change stone to iron, perhaps other metals too.   so there would need to be a refiner job

edit4: how about every time a miner or lumberjack posts at least one thing in the tinychat and a prez or king or queen or me sees it, 10 stone/10 gold/(5 stone and 5 gold)/10 wood is harvested.   If they join the world and same noted people notice it, number is same.   If they do both, number is doubled.

President or King, tell me what you think of these so I may implement them.

Last edited by Slawthe (Oct 1 2011 5:17:31 pm)

#9 Before February 2015


Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

There is 19 Population. so 80 Defence in total.

And everyone's hunger/thirst should be +4% by now

#10 Before February 2015


Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

You can remove me from this, I feel that I would rather play a serious Rpg so.

#11 Before February 2015


Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

Aww Oturan, but you do not have to go on too much and this will be much more active.

GG, I still need a ruling from you or the prez on my possible new rules.

Defense is being changed now.

#12 Before February 2015


Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

I'm surprised noone has begged to be the other Village King/Queen.
Though that spot is open for people who I know and trust.

Slawthe wrote:

GG, I still need a ruling from you or the prez on my possible new rules.

What do you mean?

#13 Before February 2015


Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

Look up, the edit null to 4, above your comment about the population.

#14 Before February 2015


Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

It's the prez!
It seems I have lost my way around the village. Could you please link me to the EE world it is contained in?

#15 Before February 2015


Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

I am not sure what it is but GG knows, so still the prez and king hasn't given me their decision on my rules...

#16 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-15
Posts: 687

Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

Well, mah hunger and thirst is low, as are my self-defense, and attack. I have 1,000 something gold so I'll buy something to eat and drink and then start training.

Last edited by DryKirby64 (Oct 2 2011 5:59:56 pm)

if a girl does not have yuri then she is lost

but that same girl can be lost in the yuri


#17 Before February 2015


Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

Hey well since you are vice-prez and no one else is responding, what do you think of my new rules?   You don't have to pay for food, just tell me how much you want.   I can give you some stuff if you give me supplies and money //

#18 Before February 2015


Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

I like the new rules. //

#19 Before February 2015


Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

edit: I think from now on miners should collect 1 stone and 1 gold per collection, I also think they're should be a refiner but that is up to the king/president to decide.

edit2: there should be 2/5 gold to be sent to the vault, makes it a nice number, though i think vault should have 3/5 for the people, that way miner does not become too rich.

edit3: also need refineries, to change stone to iron, perhaps other metals too.   so there would need to be a refiner job

edit4: how about every time a miner or lumberjack posts at least one thing in the tinychat and a prez or king or queen or me sees it, 10 stone/10 gold/(5 stone and 5 gold)/10 wood is harvested.   If they join the world and same noted people notice it, number is same.   If they do both, number is doubled.

Okay so as long as no one has any objections to these new rules, they will be implemented now. [note, not saved into notepad]

edit: so does anyone have any ideas for new materials that could be added?

edit2: additions implemented. still need world link.

Last edited by Slawthe (Oct 2 2011 6:26:49 pm)

#20 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-15
Posts: 687

Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

I want a double cheeseburger with a Coke. What? I won't get fat, there isn't a weight stat, and no one said we're in a certain time period. XD

Anyway, better start training. *trains on human-like robots*

if a girl does not have yuri then she is lost

but that same girl can be lost in the yuri


#21 Before February 2015


Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

Lol well then how many double cheeseburgers (hunger units) and cokes (thirst units) do you want? 10 max each.

#22 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-15
Posts: 687

Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

How many units does it fill? I would go with 9 if it's 10 units.

if a girl does not have yuri then she is lost

but that same girl can be lost in the yuri


#23 Before February 2015


Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

Yeahhh... this is a bit too hard to understand. But it'd be an epic flash game.

I'm gonna leave this. I might be back though...

#24 Before February 2015

Wolf exile1

Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

*Put's on his Favorite mask and heads back to the center*

"Hello Folks, I am in need of Some food. Got any? I am trading rock candy for it!"

#25 Before February 2015


Re: The Refurbished Village [Roleplay]

The hunger has been updated for the day as well as everyone that left, you know, it is more confusing keeping track of everyone leaving then it is to keep track of how to hunt //

Wolf exile1, don't really think that is possible for you to have found rock candy but you do not need to trade, just say how many food and water units you want.

Still waiting for that world link GG //

Slawthe 1423518397443035

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