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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#26 Before February 2015


Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

Helvi wrote:

Lashkar, Chris could just listen to the community and their reports //

Yes I understand that. But what sort of programming can be done to stop it?

#27 Before February 2015


Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

Lashkar wrote:
Helvi wrote:

Lashkar, Chris could just listen to the community and their reports //

Yes I understand that. But what sort of programming can be done to stop it?

Wait, Can't he just send out warnings/Temp Bans for copying? That would make it a lot easier.

#28 Before February 2015

St Cool

Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

Masercom wrote:
Lashkar wrote:
Helvi wrote:

Lashkar, Chris could just listen to the community and their reports //

Yes I understand that. But what sort of programming can be done to stop it?

Wait, Can't he just send out warnings/Temp Bans for copying? That would make it a lot easier.

But the problem is that it would be hard to tell if the person is telling the truth. (For stupid people, they are the copy and are trying to get the original ban). See for shared's and flamming you can have screenshot's but when you make a level you don't think "I shall make a screenie to make sure no one copy's me".

#29 Before February 2015


Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

St Cool wrote:
Masercom wrote:
Lashkar wrote:

Yes I understand that. But what sort of programming can be done to stop it?

Wait, Can't he just send out warnings/Temp Bans for copying? That would make it a lot easier.

But the problem is that it would be hard to tell if the person is telling the truth. (For stupid people, they are the copy and are trying to get the original ban). See for shared's and flamming you can have screenshot's but when you make a level you don't think "I shall make a screenie to make sure no one copy's me".

He can always implement a thing where it says whose was made first?

It would be hard, But it could settle a lot of things in EE.

#30 Before February 2015


Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

Azert, box minis are unoriginal, who cares if it's copied it's been done a million times.

Last edited by treejoe4 (Feb 27 2012 2:21:58 pm)

#31 Before February 2015


Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

treejoe4 wrote:

Azert, box minis are unoriginal, who cares if it's copied it's been done a million times.

You're correct. But how ever it is the time and effort it took to build that level that matters.

#32 Before February 2015


Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

Lashkar wrote:
treejoe4 wrote:

Azert, box minis are unoriginal, who cares if it's copied it's been done a million times.

You're correct. But how ever it is the time and effort it took to build that level that matters.

So what? It's uncreative and not anything special.

#33 Before February 2015

plat aka kingpooultra
Joined: 2017-05-27
Posts: 3,873

Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

treejoe4 wrote:
Lashkar wrote:
treejoe4 wrote:

Azert, box minis are unoriginal, who cares if it's copied it's been done a million times.

You're correct. But how ever it is the time and effort it took to build that level that matters.

So what? It's uncreative and not anything special.

It doesn't mean he didn't take time to make it.


#34 Before February 2015


Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

treejoe4 wrote:
Lashkar wrote:
treejoe4 wrote:

Azert, box minis are unoriginal, who cares if it's copied it's been done a million times.

You're correct. But how ever it is the time and effort it took to build that level that matters.

So what? It's uncreative and not anything special.

Your opinion of the level, doesn't give anyone the right to copy anything.
Besides, If the copier thought it was a bad level, do you think he would of copied it?

#35 Before February 2015


Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

But most EE players are stupid.

#36 Before February 2015

plat aka kingpooultra
Joined: 2017-05-27
Posts: 3,873

Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

treejoe4 wrote:

But most EE players are stupid.

*Mega Faceplam* Most EE players are young not stupid.


#37 Before February 2015


Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

Kingpooultra wrote:
treejoe4 wrote:

But most EE players are stupid.

*Mega Faceplam* Most EE players are young not stupid.

Same thing.

Ignorance is bliss.

#38 Before February 2015

plat aka kingpooultra
Joined: 2017-05-27
Posts: 3,873

Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

treejoe4 wrote:
Kingpooultra wrote:
treejoe4 wrote:

But most EE players are stupid.

*Mega Faceplam* Most EE players are young not stupid.

Same thing.

Ignorance is bliss.



Not the same thing.


#39 Before February 2015


Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

So much stereo one sentence...

#40 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-23
Posts: 440

Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

Treejoe4 he did spend a lot of time from this. and now his level is been copied by another guy. What did you do if your world were copied, you did spend a lot of time of it and someone copied it easely with some stupid program. And you say:  

treejoe4 wrote:

Azert, box minis are unoriginal, who cares if it's copied it's been done a million times.


#41 Before February 2015


Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

Polis wrote:

Treejoe4 he did spend a lot of time from this. and now his level is been copied by another guy. What did you do if your world were copied, you did spend a lot of time of it and someone copied it easely with some stupid program. And you say:  

treejoe4 wrote:

Azert, box minis are unoriginal, who cares if it's copied it's been done a million times.

So what? It's not a good enough level to cry it's been copied about. And yes a level me and others made was copied, and I promise you it took us a hell of a lot longer to make than box minis.

Kingpooultra, sure thing bro.

#42 Before February 2015


Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

You can also use EEditor to copy maps :S

I hope that nobody copy's my level's :S

#43 Before February 2015

plat aka kingpooultra
Joined: 2017-05-27
Posts: 3,873

Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

Treejoe's idiotic -rep wrote:

EE's community is ignorant and stupid, that's why it's full of crap.

It's funny considering you're one of them.

treejoe4 wrote:

So what? It's not a good enough level to cry it's been copied about. And yes a level me and others made was copied, and I promise you it took us a hell of a lot longer to make than box minis.

Maybe the level meant something to him. You can't know for sure if you're not him. Maybe it was the greatest level he ever built. Nothing gives you the right to be a jerk about this. I'm sure back when you first started the first thing you built was box minis. It probably meant alot to you, and you probably would've been upset if someone copied it.

treejoe4 wrote:

Kingpooultra, sure thing bro.

I'd surely like to see better defense than that, bro.

Last edited by Kingpooultra (Feb 29 2012 2:19:33 pm)


#44 Before February 2015


Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

I don't think I am a stupid member of EE, you took my statement too literally.

Who cares if it's his best level or not, it's uncreative, no real passion or artistic creativity put into it. I and others will not shed a tear when box minis are copied, because they are all copies of each other.

And for the last reply what do you want me too say? Just look young people today, they are generally stupid. Yes there are smart children, but generally no. Children are ignorant.

Just look at EE, the community is given wonderful, creative tools! And guess what is made, boxes, and more boxes.

#45 Before February 2015

plat aka kingpooultra
Joined: 2017-05-27
Posts: 3,873

Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

treejoe4 wrote:

I don't think I am a stupid member of EE, you took my statement too literally.

I never said you're stupid. I said you're ignorant.

treejoe4 wrote:

Who cares if it's his best level or not, it's uncreative, no real passion or artistic creativity put into it. I and others will not shed a tear when box minis are copied, because they are all copies of each other.

Who are you to say this? He cares. Maybe it's not creative to you, but to him it's probably very creative, it took him passion to even create this "Crappy level". Also, not everyone is good at art. And not everyone has to me. Your argument is invalid.

treejoe4 wrote:

And for the last reply what do you want me too say? Just look young people today, they are generally stupid. Yes there are smart children, but generally no. Children are ignorant.

to* Also, I don't expect you to say anything. But if you're saying your opinion be prepared to defend it. Also, generally stupid? Really? I want some type of proof for that. There are smart children, infact, all children are smart, just in their own way. Honestly, I don't see why you say children are ignorant when it's actually teens that are actually generally more ignorant than kids.

treejoe4 wrote:

Just look at EE, the community is given wonderful, creative tools! And guess what is made, boxes, and more boxes.

It did yes, but not everyone will sit somewhere wondering how they can be creative, especially if they're new.

Also, that's like saying "Just look at EE, the community is given wonderful, creative tools! And guess what is made, art, and more art.
You're fighting a loosing battle.


#46 Before February 2015


Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

Creativity is not about being good at it, its about being creative. Box minis are not creative or thoughtful, thus they are not a good effort.

In fact*. No, not all children are smart. I don't think illiterate 11 year old children who spend all the day on their phones, messaging each other pointless, stupid things, are smart. Not everyone is unique, in fact in society today there is less uniqueness, as a growing number of people (usually younger people) tend to copy each other. In my personal experience teens are just as ignorant as children.

And someone who is not always wondering what they can achieve with effort, is generally not someone who can achieve.

#47 Before February 2015


Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

Not everyone can be creative, and you can't just become the most creative person through hard work.
There are also different kinds of intelligence. Just because someone just texts on their phone all day, doesn't mean that they aren't smart, and while they may not gain achievement in "important" parts of life such as things learned in school, they achieve in areas such as "texting" not that I actually believe it means much.

To come up with an argument: I think the reason people are less "unique" is because everyone experiences and hears the same things, because of the enhanced technology and communitcations. This means everyone knows the same trends, news, "memes" and jokes.

The reason why I think EE players don't come up with new Ideas, is because of a combination of lack of achievement, and wanting to be accepted by the community. So instead of creating art, which takes experience, as they are new to the game, or inexperienced in art, they create what everyone else they see makes, which are box minigames. They do this because they want to make something which they believe people accept/appreciate.

My current view on "noobs": you can't rush them, or expect them to come up with something new as soon as they start playing. If they're going to, they're going to. It may work sometimes to rush/teach a person new skills, but it's not going to happen every single time, so it's unreasonable to want every single person on EE to become instantly good at the game.

Last edited by GKAbyss (Feb 29 2012 3:26:49 pm)

#48 Before February 2015


Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

Lol, Good ol' NLP.

#49 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-04-06
Posts: 1,132

Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

Hilarious, this Jako0811 ( now copied an old MG crew map.

This map is an exact copy of the map found here:
See - Seventeenth Map - MG Crew Fantasy Land -

This copycat even used the same name and claims this as his own work.

Get this user in question banned ffs.
He even copied the MG Crew logo >.<

Last edited by Helvi (Feb 29 2012 5:07:15 pm)



#50 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 2,058

Re: copying is a big problem on everybody edits

You guys know what Chris ALWAYS do, procrastinates.



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