Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#551 Before February 2015


Re: What's under ctrl+v?

r1 = 8.38444 m
r2 = 12.4883 m
h = 4.25373 m
s = 5.91066 m
V = 1474.28 m3
L = 387.583 m2
T = 220.85 m2
B = 489.955 m2
A = 1098.39 m2

(Bit of maths!)

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#552 Before February 2015


Re: What's under ctrl+v?


Code to my level right now. .-.

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#553 Before February 2015


Re: What's under ctrl+v?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sic enim censent, oportunitatis esse beate vivere. Quod autem principium officii quaerunt, melius quam Pyrrho; Ergo id est convenienter naturae vivere, a natura discedere. Quid loquor de nobis, qui ad laudem et ad decus nati, suscepti, instituti sumus? Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Minime vero istorum quidem, inquit.

Hoc tu nunc in illo probas. Hinc ceteri particulas arripere conati suam quisque videro voluit afferre sententiam. Si enim ad populum me vocas, eum. Nam quid possumus facere melius? Quae **** dixisset paulumque institisset, Quid est? Non ego tecum iam ita iocabor, ut isdem his de rebus, **** L. Dulce amarum, leve asperum, prope longe, stare movere, quadratum rotundum. Expectoque quid ad id, quod quaerebam, respondeas.

Graecum enim hunc versum nostis omnes-: Suavis laborum est praeteritorum memoria. Dic in quovis conventu te omnia facere, ne doleas. Hoc est vim afferre, Torquate, sensibus, extorquere ex animis cognitiones verborum, quibus inbuti sumus. Nobis Heracleotes ille Dionysius flagitiose descivisse videtur a Stoicis propter oculorum dolorem. Nihilo magis.

Nonne igitur tibi videntur, inquit, mala? Facile est hoc cernere in primis puerorum aetatulis. Post enim Chrysippum eum non sane est disputatum. Conclusum est enim contra Cyrenaicos satis acute, nihil ad Epicurum. Itaque e contrario moderati aequabilesque habitus, affectiones ususque corporis apti esse ad naturam videntur. Iam contemni non poteris. Quae quo sunt excelsiores, eo dant clariora indicia naturae. Septem autem illi non suo, sed populorum suffragio omnium nominati sunt.

Tibi hoc incredibile, quod beatissimum. Stoici autem, quod finem bonorum in una virtute ponunt, similes sunt illorum; Quae quo sunt excelsiores, eo dant clariora indicia naturae. Tum mihi Piso: Quid ergo? Sed plane dicit quod intellegit. Moriatur, inquit. Quia nec honesto quic quam honestius nec turpi turpius.

(Lorem Ipsum, formatting text.)

Last edited by Banana_Venom (Feb 17 2013 7:17:02 pm)

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#554 Before February 2015

From: California, 'Murica
Joined: 2015-02-23
Posts: 1,543

Re: What's under ctrl+v?

Um...It's my crew site! qZTML.png

Signature last updated 7 Feb 2020 2:08 AM PST (-8 UTC)

Basically inactive but I'll come in sometimes and yeah who the funk am I kidding I don't visit here anymore. check out my totally legit avi tho I made it when I was like 14
Best of luck to you all in your lives. Thanks for all the good times.



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#555 Before February 2015


Re: What's under ctrl+v?

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#556 Before February 2015


Re: What's under ctrl+v?


about that...

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#557 Before February 2015

Fabulous Member
From: The island with those Brits
Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 6,310

Re: What's under ctrl+v?



Thank you eleizibeth ^


I stack my signatures rather than delete them so I don't lose them



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#558 Before February 2015


Re: What's under ctrl+v?



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#559 Before February 2015

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#560 Before February 2015

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#561 Before February 2015

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,110

Re: What's under ctrl+v?

I scored 73% on the Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft?

(Not an advertisement, this was seriously in my copy.)


#562 Before February 2015


Re: What's under ctrl+v?

A atare atari 2600!!! SWEET!!!!!!!

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#563 Before February 2015


Re: What's under ctrl+v?


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#564 Before February 2015


Re: What's under ctrl+v?

tlives: for some reason, I cant get back in...   (reply)

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#565 Before February 2015

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#566 Before February 2015


Re: What's under ctrl+v?

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#567 Before February 2015


Re: What's under ctrl+v?


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#568 Before February 2015

some woman
From: 4th dimension
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,289

Re: What's under ctrl+v?


My sig!

10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!


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#569 Before February 2015


Re: What's under ctrl+v?



Last edited by Chimi (Apr 26 2013 5:24:41 pm)

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#570 Before February 2015


Re: What's under ctrl+v?


Oh! A... cactus?

Wooted by:

#571 Before February 2015


Re: What's under ctrl+v?

It was the morning... Some zombies come and I had some seeds, so, I plant'em, but those seed was...

Trying to play Supershadow's forum game.

Wooted by:

#572 Before February 2015


Re: What's under ctrl+v?

edgeofglory123 wrote:

Trying to play Supershadow's forum game.

EH!!!!!! I know I have a sh*tt* grammar!

Wooted by:

#573 Before February 2015


Re: What's under ctrl+v?

Dear Chris,

I went to the shops today and saw that you are advertising Everybody Edits, You said I want pancakes not smileys. then someone gave you a pancake, and said "Improve Everybody Edits, or i will kill you." You were surprised because you saw a player of you game. Then out of nowhere bananas, you ignored them and went back to your home. Then you took Spencer Pootis out of the house and took it back to examine it with a BOMB.

*BOOM!!* the item exploded. then few years later, I heard the news that you were removing Minecraft by crashing the whole site, but Notch said "I will stop him by advertising on his site, so he will have to deal with Richard Stallman and Freedom?." However, you ignored them and continues crashing Minecraft. Then a lot of MC player came to you house with a diamond sword to kill you. You were playing Kirby Super Star Ultra. when they broke your NDS, you cried and killed their Charged Creeper, which exploded you. Then the world explodes, leaving you with Wheatly and the space core.

You ended up falling from a giant cake of death.However, you didn't die. You transformed into an angel and got out of the cake. Then you killed your mother and you father with a muffin! and ate the muffin after you kill them. Then you said: ''I'm an idiot'' Then I came to your angel spirit in heaven and   killed your angel spirit.

One time, I tried to kill you because you ruined EE because you accept the bots.

Then the world exploded. Ha! It implodes back to normal, avast Chris' ****! He actually plays Kirby Super Star Ultra! But he threw it away and got it back FOREVER but he destroyed it FOREVER.

Noobs opened a black-hole up and Kirby Games flew out and ate a strawberry sidewalk.

I got Kirby Super Star but it broke. Flying Smileys invaded Everybody Edits and destroyed all the moderators by trolling their best stairs run the   high cool and mined some redstone with hands and got Kirby Games to eat GamingGuy and tortilla monsters. Giant cookies blew all the Kirby Games...OH NOES! IT'S HAMMER TIME, MOTHER[BLEEP]ERS! THE KIRBY GAMES ARE DOOMED - I'M GONNA CRY NOW MOMMA.

I fell into sewers then I did a barrel roll. T'was an epic barrel roll, but Chris told me that he likes apple pie. I saw Sewer Jack and ran away because Toby ate cake and yelled, "THE CAKE WAS A NAPOLEON DYNAMITE!" There was an explosion and the cake was a lie. My fried chicken exploded too. I got sad after that and so I built taco trucks. But the tacos were laxatives. I found my way out, but the cookie was a GIANT LADYBUG! I realized that a cookie does not move.

I went to the mall, and then a cow fell on me. I called the doctor because I got a cow pie stuck in my ear. The only cure was Superpills. The doctor accidentally gave me a Hair-loss pill. My head was insulted by many bullies. He got so sad that he ate Taco Bell for 3 1/3 months. Then he ate GamingGuy's flower tortilla after doing barrel rolls. I went to Sheepyland but all the pies that came out of the cow died and the police thought that they were confused. The police arrested him and went to the Funny Farm. He stayed for OVER NINE-THOUSAND YEARS LOL LOL

You were playing Kirby Super Star Ultra. when they broke your NDS, you cried and killed their Charged Creeper, which exploded you. Then the world explodes, leaving you with wheatly and the space core but then space starts to collapse on itself and with no other choice you begin to say sorry to Notch and jump off a really high diving board and land into Nyan Cat's poop, filled with rainbows.

I ate a banana that turned into a creeper in my stomach. I exploded and everybody ate my blood. How is that possible you can't eat blood. W O O O W. That is a very interesting fact so interesting on Everybody Edits everyone made pictures of me saying that quote in real life. But then I pressed a button on banana and then Missingbana. I killed it with my Missingaple. Missingaple and missingpineapple teamed up with the BWAB. They destroyed something very, very, very, unnecessary.

The unnecessary "thing" was gregregreg. But then gregregreg was revived. Gregregreg posted before revived, soaconfusingparadoxconfusedtheuniverseanditdisappeared. And the whole universe endedalongwiththisgamesosomeonebetterstartanewparagraphbecausethiswordisgettingreallylongtheend. A Nintendo DS appeared along with a wish of a banana. But it was really a missingaple. People have to stop making refrences to other games or else Benjaminsen will be a missingben. I like trains.

A wild WhyshouldI appeared! His trainer thought we should actually talk about Chris instead of MrShoe and his unnecessary andexceedinglylotofupdates. We agreed with the trainer, and wrote a letter to Chris. ThereWe put something, it was a hill. Everyone tried to take over it but ended up being Some Man who had it. He had it forever. OMG NEWS FLASH FOREVER NOW MEANS HALF A NANO SECOND EVERYONE TAKE OUT YOUR PITCHFORKS AND OMG NEWS FLASH FOREVER NOW MEANS UNTIL THE END OF THE UNIVERSE EVERYONE PUT BACK YOUR PITCHFORKS AND OMG ANOTHER NEWS FLASH "THE UNIVERSE" NOW MEANS A SECOND. PICK UP YOUR PITCHFORKS AND LETS GO OMG NEWS FLASH I HATE THESE NEWS FLASHES PICK UP YOUR PITCHFORKS AND STAB THE CREATOR OF THIS NEWS FLASH IN THE DOUGHNUTS OMG THAT WOULD HURT

The newsperson, who was Chris, said the cake was a true fact. Everybody went crazy. Then they stabbed his doughnut. He then rode on Nyan Cat to fly another CheeseCookie. Everybody should read the secondsentence of the original post. A Wild Magby appeared! YOU SAID FOURWORDS NOT FIVE. Fine, A WILD MAGBY APPEARED! A WILD CREEPER APPEARED! "BOOM!"

After the explosion, you feel so weak, you can barely see the face of another person. The person tells you that he baked you a pie. You weakly reply "...A pie? What flavor?" The person says that it is pie flavor. A pie pops out of the pie and hits him in the face. He gets so angry that he throws cheese at some man and eats combustible lemons. The combustible lemons hit a person saying OMF NEWS FLASH. It was Slenderman. YOU REALLY SCREWED UP THIS TIME.

I did not screw up, because Slenderman now means chocolate milk. Logic is unlogical, because Slenderman is not a type of milk. Slender man is now a milk, because I said so. The chocolate milk blew up. Then we saw a white person in a suit with no eyes or mouth. He said his name was Slanderman, and he was going to kill us. WRONG! LOLOLOLOL A NOOB HAS BEEN DETECTED OMG NOW YOU MUST EAT BABIES. But instead I ate you. And that was quite gross. And quite satisfying because you are very annoying and you cut a hole in my stomach to escape.

I was really bored, so I went to the shops today and saw you (Chris) advertising Everybody Edits.   And I was like askingifyouwererealandyousaidyesiandithenaskedwhyunoupdategamechrisandyouwerelikeuhhhandisaidmrshoeisruiningourga
meandyousadiokiwillupdatethegame. Wow, everything shortened fast but awesomenessgood is going to have to stop making everything code and editing the message or else I'll kill him. In fact, I killed him today when I accidentally stepped on him. I thought he was an ant so I flicked him off my awesome face shoe and he landed on a can of noob repellent, so he died. Well that's taken care of, so let's start another paragraph.

Wow, this letter has gotten so crazy, offtopic and most of all long, so much that we can never talk about Chris ever again. Who's Chris? I think we have a case of Slendeanamnesia. OMG THIS IS BAD WE NEED TO SOUND THE ALARMS. BWWBWWBWWBWWBWWBWWBWW STOP IT STUPIDBOT POUND THE ALARM! I ALREADY POUNDED THE ALARM ON STUPIDBOT

Stupidbot was deleted because itwasuseless. Lol that's great because at least I didn't create NUBBOT. That was so crazy, a black hole spewed out Probot. He pwnd Stupidbot, and NoobPwnisher was not needed, okay. OMG PARADOX EVRYONE EVAAUATE DND FONT OVSEDJDOW OSHCKAK OR XELS ATOU WILL ZKE.

Am I understood? Nubbot was not programmed to understand things. So then I flipped Levelbuilder's coffee so it landed in my awesome expensive jeans. I was so angry, I punched a creeper, and I was like OMG RUUUUUN!!! Harry Potter ate cow pies. The cow pies exploded the creeper, and then Harry Potter used Stupefy on Levelbuilder to knock him out. LevelBuilder0728 died from magical spells. One does not simply use magic spells on the server, so the server banned Harry Potter. So, Ron drove into server and a wild Enderman appeared and ate Ron and died. But then random Harry Potter fans came and started quacking. "QUACK QUACK". "Out of my server, idiots." said the legendary Bill33 with his banhammer. "I don't think so!" said the Wall of Flesh. Damn, I shouldn't have thrown that useless voodoo doll in lava. That's why I took bananas, with them we fed the Wall of Flesh poisonous bananas. But then a banhammer came and banned me like I was a n00b. I logged out of the Terraria server, and then I started a new paragraph.

Tomato-flavoured cucumbers are nonexistent, but every time I play a stair level I rage so much and kill the key spammer with his own fingernails, by ripping them off of his fingers. Lets go to Candy Island and stick a banana in your ear. Cause starfishes love you! NO! BANANAS ARE EVIL! But they're delicious so we ate them. In less than 5 minutes, I ate a cookie, then farted. Chris dead again. So we stuck another banana in our ear due to cookie farts being evil and went homes. I went to sleep, and you went to break some EE code. So after the update players saw a pile of crap on the website and it blew up.

In five seconds, I immediately exploded due to raging at Team Fortress and you should probably ragequit the game but then you fell in Number1KirbyFan's ocean of Kirby games. You tried to swim back to land but you found out that Darth Vader was your father and you scream "NOOOOOO" but OMG NEWS FLASH NOOOOOO NOW MEANS LOLOLOLOLOLOL EVERYONE GO AND KILL PROBOT. Probot was made by Chuck Norris, so he killed everyone. Then he began singing "\WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP" and everyone was kind of confused so they backed away into a new paragraph.

"WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP" You can guess who is singing that. The people were actually very frightened so they backed five more paragraphs away.

After they were far enough, they decided to stop the person singing "WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP" by posting all his details online. Then he cried to death and they all celebrated by singing "YOU DISAPPEAR IN A PUFF OF LOGIC". But some man did not approve. He killed them. He killed MrShoe, which is now in the middle of a stupid Xmas update. Good. The world just became happier by 9999%. If he hadn't killed MrShoe, we would end up with a Christmas 2012 pack with a measly little snow block and a Jack Frost smiley. Everyone cheers, "Yay, No more MrShoe! No more stupid updates! No more bad Everybody Edits! YAAAAAY! We also need a new paragraph!

Now, after you clicked Submit, you will go on a dangerous quest to teach Nubbot how to speak properly. I guarantee you will fail. Oh, you already failed, huh? "ZOMG HAHA H FAIOL EPCI FAIL FIALIK."

Lets pwn him. I fired NoobPwnisher, it accidentally targeted Levelbuilder. But it missed. Instead it hit the guy who says "WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP" But wait, you already killed him! That mess WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP PARADOX EVERYONE

Cleverbot appeared. She said "Awak ! Saya sedih la !" and then everyone started speaking the language which is malay. THey said,   "WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP" WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP" WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP" WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP" WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP"

ENOUGH!!! I flipped four tables like this: ??? ??? ?(`?´)? ??? ??? and then the Table God summoned tables as he IS he god of tables. And then I flipped even more tables: ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?(`?´)? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? and then every table in the world got flipped adn exploded. I decided to quit my hill because it is stupid, pointelss, and dead. So now I can make hills for everybody and spam END on the topic. Actually, I don't even care about the topic anymore so I won't be posting on there for the rest of my life. In fact, when I probably check on there again, it will be the same scenario as P788 stirred up. So I feel sorry for the guys that play that game, it will only go in circles.

Chris, why can't you fire MrShoe? He was a nub from the start, and these new packages aren't helping. And we need new gravity and stuff, not just blocks, backgrounds, and decoratives. Let us not forget the stupid bugs he includes with his updates. I will NoobPwnish him.

/turn on noobpwnisher

Noob Pwnisher 9000 © All rights reserved.

/attack MrShoe

Attack in progress...

Attack successful. Shutdown? Y/N


Shutting down....







"Do not worry." Said Probot V2, who does not sing "WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP" unlike the prototype. "It will be over... *beep* *boop* WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP! Haha, just kidding." Suddenly, out of nowhere came Nubbot. He admitted that he was Probot the whole time, he was just in disguise and the other Probot was just Nubbot in disguise. "Y CGHT M!" Nubbot exclaimed. Probot then ripped apart the wires in the machine. This caused everyone to start a new paragraph.

The nubbot repaired and wanted world domination but just then, in another planet, a new paragraph began.

The Pra'axi were a peaceful race, ruled by MrShoe. Then their leader was killed, and a war was declared. They immediately stopped the war to realize that MrShoe was a nub and his main purpose was to be killed. In fact, he was killed three times now. So then they had Chris as their leader and since he's also died, they revert to the Dark Ages. I rage and suddenly, I see a yellow flower on the floor. I decide to fart, poop, and then say the cake is a lie.

I think that EE is REALLY NUBBY AND I AM a lame nob who eats LOTS OF PIE! TODAY WE went and trolled stairs yay LOL so cool Im such a trol TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Now when did I write that? I'm going to have to see my doctor about that. The doctor said that I need to cut off on trolling nubby levels. So I decided to bump the topic. I need to stop trolling nubby levels, eh? Well, I'll have some large french fries and a Diet Coke.Time for a new paragraph.


Then, some zombies come near to your house and want to eat your brain, howover


Wooted by:

#574 Before February 2015


Re: What's under ctrl+v?

Dear Chris,

I went to the shops today and saw that you are advertising Everybody Edits, You said I want pancakes not smileys. then someone gave you a pancake, and said "Improve Everybody Edits, or i will kill you." You were surprised because you saw a player of you game. Then out of nowhere bananas, you ignored them and went back to your home. Then you took Spencer Pootis out of the house and took it back to examine it with a BOMB.

*BOOM!!* the item exploded. then few years later, I heard the news that you were removing Minecraft by crashing the whole site, but Notch said "I will stop him by advertising on his site, so he will have to deal with Richard Stallman and Freedom?." However, you ignored them and continues crashing Minecraft. Then a lot of MC player came to you house with a diamond sword to kill you. You were playing Kirby Super Star Ultra. when they broke your NDS, you cried and killed their Charged Creeper, which exploded you. Then the world explodes, leaving you with Wheatly and the space core.

You ended up falling from a giant cake of death.However, you didn't die. You transformed into an angel and got out of the cake. Then you killed your mother and you father with a muffin! and ate the muffin after you kill them. Then you said: ''I'm an idiot'' Then I came to your angel spirit in heaven and   killed your angel spirit.

One time, I tried to kill you because you ruined EE because you accept the bots.

Then the world exploded. Ha! It implodes back to normal, avast Chris' ****! He actually plays Kirby Super Star Ultra! But he threw it away and got it back FOREVER but he destroyed it FOREVER.

Noobs opened a black-hole up and Kirby Games flew out and ate a strawberry sidewalk.

I got Kirby Super Star but it broke. Flying Smileys invaded Everybody Edits and destroyed all the moderators by trolling their best stairs run the   high cool and mined some redstone with hands and got Kirby Games to eat GamingGuy and tortilla monsters. Giant cookies blew all the Kirby Games...OH NOES! IT'S HAMMER TIME, MOTHER[BLEEP]ERS! THE KIRBY GAMES ARE DOOMED - I'M GONNA CRY NOW MOMMA.

I fell into sewers then I did a barrel roll. T'was an epic barrel roll, but Chris told me that he likes apple pie. I saw Sewer Jack and ran away because Toby ate cake and yelled, "THE CAKE WAS A NAPOLEON DYNAMITE!" There was an explosion and the cake was a lie. My fried chicken exploded too. I got sad after that and so I built taco trucks. But the tacos were laxatives. I found my way out, but the cookie was a GIANT LADYBUG! I realized that a cookie does not move.

I went to the mall, and then a cow fell on me. I called the doctor because I got a cow pie stuck in my ear. The only cure was Superpills. The doctor accidentally gave me a Hair-loss pill. My head was insulted by many bullies. He got so sad that he ate Taco Bell for 3 1/3 months. Then he ate GamingGuy's flower tortilla after doing barrel rolls. I went to Sheepyland but all the pies that came out of the cow died and the police thought that they were confused. The police arrested him and went to the Funny Farm. He stayed for OVER NINE-THOUSAND YEARS LOL LOL

You were playing Kirby Super Star Ultra. when they broke your NDS, you cried and killed their Charged Creeper, which exploded you. Then the world explodes, leaving you with wheatly and the space core but then space starts to collapse on itself and with no other choice you begin to say sorry to Notch and jump off a really high diving board and land into Nyan Cat's poop, filled with rainbows.

I ate a banana that turned into a creeper in my stomach. I exploded and everybody ate my blood. How is that possible you can't eat blood. W O O O W. That is a very interesting fact so interesting on Everybody Edits everyone made pictures of me saying that quote in real life. But then I pressed a button on banana and then Missingbana. I killed it with my Missingaple. Missingaple and missingpineapple teamed up with the BWAB. They destroyed something very, very, very, unnecessary.

The unnecessary "thing" was gregregreg. But then gregregreg was revived. Gregregreg posted before revived, soaconfusingparadoxconfusedtheuniverseanditdisappeared. And the whole universe endedalongwiththisgamesosomeonebetterstartanewparagraphbecausethiswordisgettingreallylongtheend. A Nintendo DS appeared along with a wish of a banana. But it was really a missingaple. People have to stop making refrences to other games or else Benjaminsen will be a missingben. I like trains.

A wild WhyshouldI appeared! His trainer thought we should actually talk about Chris instead of MrShoe and his unnecessary andexceedinglylotofupdates. We agreed with the trainer, and wrote a letter to Chris. ThereWe put something, it was a hill. Everyone tried to take over it but ended up being Some Man who had it. He had it forever. OMG NEWS FLASH FOREVER NOW MEANS HALF A NANO SECOND EVERYONE TAKE OUT YOUR PITCHFORKS AND OMG NEWS FLASH FOREVER NOW MEANS UNTIL THE END OF THE UNIVERSE EVERYONE PUT BACK YOUR PITCHFORKS AND OMG ANOTHER NEWS FLASH "THE UNIVERSE" NOW MEANS A SECOND. PICK UP YOUR PITCHFORKS AND LETS GO OMG NEWS FLASH I HATE THESE NEWS FLASHES PICK UP YOUR PITCHFORKS AND STAB THE CREATOR OF THIS NEWS FLASH IN THE DOUGHNUTS OMG THAT WOULD HURT

The newsperson, who was Chris, said the cake was a true fact. Everybody went crazy. Then they stabbed his doughnut. He then rode on Nyan Cat to fly another CheeseCookie. Everybody should read the secondsentence of the original post. A Wild Magby appeared! YOU SAID FOURWORDS NOT FIVE. Fine, A WILD MAGBY APPEARED! A WILD CREEPER APPEARED! "BOOM!"

After the explosion, you feel so weak, you can barely see the face of another person. The person tells you that he baked you a pie. You weakly reply "...A pie? What flavor?" The person says that it is pie flavor. A pie pops out of the pie and hits him in the face. He gets so angry that he throws cheese at some man and eats combustible lemons. The combustible lemons hit a person saying OMF NEWS FLASH. It was Slenderman. YOU REALLY SCREWED UP THIS TIME.

I did not screw up, because Slenderman now means chocolate milk. Logic is unlogical, because Slenderman is not a type of milk. Slender man is now a milk, because I said so. The chocolate milk blew up. Then we saw a white person in a suit with no eyes or mouth. He said his name was Slanderman, and he was going to kill us. WRONG! LOLOLOLOL A NOOB HAS BEEN DETECTED OMG NOW YOU MUST EAT BABIES. But instead I ate you. And that was quite gross. And quite satisfying because you are very annoying and you cut a hole in my stomach to escape.

I was really bored, so I went to the shops today and saw you (Chris) advertising Everybody Edits.   And I was like askingifyouwererealandyousaidyesiandithenaskedwhyunoupdategamechrisandyouwerelikeuhhhandisaidmrshoeisruiningourga
meandyousadiokiwillupdatethegame. Wow, everything shortened fast but awesomenessgood is going to have to stop making everything code and editing the message or else I'll kill him. In fact, I killed him today when I accidentally stepped on him. I thought he was an ant so I flicked him off my awesome face shoe and he landed on a can of noob repellent, so he died. Well that's taken care of, so let's start another paragraph.

Wow, this letter has gotten so crazy, offtopic and most of all long, so much that we can never talk about Chris ever again. Who's Chris? I think we have a case of Slendeanamnesia. OMG THIS IS BAD WE NEED TO SOUND THE ALARMS. BWWBWWBWWBWWBWWBWWBWW STOP IT STUPIDBOT POUND THE ALARM! I ALREADY POUNDED THE ALARM ON STUPIDBOT

Stupidbot was deleted because itwasuseless. Lol that's great because at least I didn't create NUBBOT. That was so crazy, a black hole spewed out Probot. He pwnd Stupidbot, and NoobPwnisher was not needed, okay. OMG PARADOX EVRYONE EVAAUATE DND FONT OVSEDJDOW OSHCKAK OR XELS ATOU WILL ZKE.

Am I understood? Nubbot was not programmed to understand things. So then I flipped Levelbuilder's coffee so it landed in my awesome expensive jeans. I was so angry, I punched a creeper, and I was like OMG RUUUUUN!!! Harry Potter ate cow pies. The cow pies exploded the creeper, and then Harry Potter used Stupefy on Levelbuilder to knock him out. LevelBuilder0728 died from magical spells. One does not simply use magic spells on the server, so the server banned Harry Potter. So, Ron drove into server and a wild Enderman appeared and ate Ron and died. But then random Harry Potter fans came and started quacking. "QUACK QUACK". "Out of my server, idiots." said the legendary Bill33 with his banhammer. "I don't think so!" said the Wall of Flesh. Damn, I shouldn't have thrown that useless voodoo doll in lava. That's why I took bananas, with them we fed the Wall of Flesh poisonous bananas. But then a banhammer came and banned me like I was a n00b. I logged out of the Terraria server, and then I started a new paragraph.

Tomato-flavoured cucumbers are nonexistent, but every time I play a stair level I rage so much and kill the key spammer with his own fingernails, by ripping them off of his fingers. Lets go to Candy Island and stick a banana in your ear. Cause starfishes love you! NO! BANANAS ARE EVIL! But they're delicious so we ate them. In less than 5 minutes, I ate a cookie, then farted. Chris dead again. So we stuck another banana in our ear due to cookie farts being evil and went homes. I went to sleep, and you went to break some EE code. So after the update players saw a pile of crap on the website and it blew up.

In five seconds, I immediately exploded due to raging at Team Fortress and you should probably ragequit the game but then you fell in Number1KirbyFan's ocean of Kirby games. You tried to swim back to land but you found out that Darth Vader was your father and you scream "NOOOOOO" but OMG NEWS FLASH NOOOOOO NOW MEANS LOLOLOLOLOLOL EVERYONE GO AND KILL PROBOT. Probot was made by Chuck Norris, so he killed everyone. Then he began singing "\WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP" and everyone was kind of confused so they backed away into a new paragraph.

"WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP" You can guess who is singing that. The people were actually very frightened so they backed five more paragraphs away.

After they were far enough, they decided to stop the person singing "WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP" by posting all his details online. Then he cried to death and they all celebrated by singing "YOU DISAPPEAR IN A PUFF OF LOGIC". But some man did not approve. He killed them. He killed MrShoe, which is now in the middle of a stupid Xmas update. Good. The world just became happier by 9999%. If he hadn't killed MrShoe, we would end up with a Christmas 2012 pack with a measly little snow block and a Jack Frost smiley. Everyone cheers, "Yay, No more MrShoe! No more stupid updates! No more bad Everybody Edits! YAAAAAY! We also need a new paragraph!

Now, after you clicked Submit, you will go on a dangerous quest to teach Nubbot how to speak properly. I guarantee you will fail. Oh, you already failed, huh? "ZOMG HAHA H FAIOL EPCI FAIL FIALIK."

Lets pwn him. I fired NoobPwnisher, it accidentally targeted Levelbuilder. But it missed. Instead it hit the guy who says "WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP" But wait, you already killed him! That mess WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP PARADOX EVERYONE

Cleverbot appeared. She said "Awak ! Saya sedih la !" and then everyone started speaking the language which is malay. THey said,   "WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP" WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP" WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP" WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP" WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP"

ENOUGH!!! I flipped four tables like this: ??? ??? ?(`?´)? ??? ??? and then the Table God summoned tables as he IS he god of tables. And then I flipped even more tables: ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?(`?´)? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? and then every table in the world got flipped adn exploded. I decided to quit my hill because it is stupid, pointelss, and dead. So now I can make hills for everybody and spam END on the topic. Actually, I don't even care about the topic anymore so I won't be posting on there for the rest of my life. In fact, when I probably check on there again, it will be the same scenario as P788 stirred up. So I feel sorry for the guys that play that game, it will only go in circles.

Chris, why can't you fire MrShoe? He was a nub from the start, and these new packages aren't helping. And we need new gravity and stuff, not just blocks, backgrounds, and decoratives. Let us not forget the stupid bugs he includes with his updates. I will NoobPwnish him.

/turn on noobpwnisher

Noob Pwnisher 9000 © All rights reserved.

/attack MrShoe

Attack in progress...

Attack successful. Shutdown? Y/N


Shutting down....







"Do not worry." Said Probot V2, who does not sing "WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP" unlike the prototype. "It will be over... *beep* *boop* WHAOAOAOAOAOAOAJ CAMBELSOOP! Haha, just kidding." Suddenly, out of nowhere came Nubbot. He admitted that he was Probot the whole time, he was just in disguise and the other Probot was just Nubbot in disguise. "Y CGHT M!" Nubbot exclaimed. Probot then ripped apart the wires in the machine. This caused everyone to start a new paragraph.

The nubbot repaired and wanted world domination but just then, in another planet, a new paragraph began.

The Pra'axi were a peaceful race, ruled by MrShoe. Then their leader was killed, and a war was declared. They immediately stopped the war to realize that MrShoe was a nub and his main purpose was to be killed. In fact, he was killed three times now. So then they had Chris as their leader and since he's also died, they revert to the Dark Ages. I rage and suddenly, I see a yellow flower on the floor. I decide to fart, poop, and then say the cake is a lie.

I think that EE is REALLY NUBBY AND I AM a lame nob who eats LOTS OF PIE! TODAY WE went and trolled stairs yay LOL so cool Im such a trol TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Now when did I write that? I'm going to have to see my doctor about that. The doctor said that I need to cut off on trolling nubby levels. So I decided to bump the topic. I need to stop trolling nubby levels, eh? Well, I'll have some large french fries and a Diet Coke.Time for a new paragraph.


Then, some zombies come near to your house and want to eat your brain, howover. Wat, I don't even. What is howover. Paradox created.

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#575 Before February 2015

From: The land of saunas
Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 1,112


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