Official Everybody Edits Forums

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#1 Before February 2015

From: DMV
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,166

Why I Won't Stop Playing EE, and You Shouldn't Either


I started playing Everybody Edits in the beginning, around March 2010.   I haven't stopped since (though it took me a while to register after it was free).   I like playing the game, and creating levels, but the main reason I play is for the community.   The main reason I've seen older players leave is the community being "overrun by noobs."   But get this: Part of the reason the noobs are gaining prominence is because these older players are leaving.   If we would remain in the community, and shun the ignorant players, then the community wouldn't be experiencing this massive IQ drop.*   The only reason more prevalent than that is bad updates.   I know Mr. Shoe is "taking over the game," and sure, his updates aren't great, but he's only been with the game for eight months.   He's been practically doing whatever he wants as of late, and when that happens quality tends to drop.   He's creating everything new in each update.   All graphics, all programming behind it, and all this on top of a full-time job.   When you have no help, and no input, and no voice to say "Hey, maybe we should change this," or even to say "Hey, this is total s***," you'll just make whatever and that's not good.   The reason used to be "these updates are too slow," now it's "these updates are fast and bad."   Make up your mind!   Personally, I'd rather have slow updates of a good quality.   Maybe you want an influx of content, no matter what the quality is.   Either way, your petition topics and leaving the game isn't going to help any.   You came here because you liked the game, and you probably stayed for the community.   In my time here, I've met a lot of great people.   Cyclone, Capasha, Zoey2070, Brawler700, Processor, Showpath, Saintcool, Atilla, TakoMan02, KRAZYMAN50, JadElClemens, D-rock2308, DrZoidy (even though he hates me), krubby, treejoe4, RPGMaster2000, Bobithan, GadgetGeek, Bimps1002, Wolf exile1, TrappedTime, andTheFirstGamer, just to name a few.   I would do it all again in a heartbeat.   The community that I've found here is worth any bad update the administrators could throw at us.

Thank you for your time.

*To new players with IQ's over 110: You're OK.

Last edited by 32OrtonEdge32dh (Dec 16 2012 6:52:27 pm)



#2 Before February 2015

From: Colorado, USA
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,559

Re: Why I Won't Stop Playing EE, and You Shouldn't Either

This is exactly the reason I quit the game and stayed on the forum. The community is great, but the game has gone downhill. The only reason I play anymore is to get my magic level up and spend energy, and I don't even do that much anymore. Noobs "ruining" the game in ways you are not forced to explore are not the reason I stopped playing, lack of change is why.


I hate tall signatures.


#3 Before February 2015

Wolf exile1

Re: Why I Won't Stop Playing EE, and You Shouldn't Either

Most of my friends left, So now we're all on steam. So, That point is sorta kinda invalid.

#4 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-28
Posts: 4,202

Re: Why I Won't Stop Playing EE, and You Shouldn't Either

I've seen old players come and go. It is obvious that the quality of the game is decreasing steadily.

I'm not too sure about any community however.. there does seem to be a decrease in people getting chat,
most likely because it has been raised to $3.

However, the amount of people playing is always fluctuating -- rising in the daytime and falling at midnight.
Seemingly the same amount, so there seems to be some sort of equality.

The amount of money being gained from Everybody Edits is probably taking a downfall, the only reason
I can assume why MrShoe is milking players' money for a $92/year nubclub package.

*u stinky*


#5 Before February 2015


Re: Why I Won't Stop Playing EE, and You Shouldn't Either

Im a old player too. i played it since may 2010

#6 Before February 2015


Re: Why I Won't Stop Playing EE, and You Shouldn't Either

I'll ignore MrShoe's updates, I will never buy anything he offers me, but I will stick through with EE to the end. For my friends, and for my enemies.

Also, if you don't like EE because of its nub worlds, just play levels only through the Rooms section, like I do.

#7 Before February 2015


Re: Why I Won't Stop Playing EE, and You Shouldn't Either

I don't see how everyone sees the game "being overrun by noobs."
I just see it as how it has always been, new people are always joining. If not nearly as many people "quit," then people would improve rather than the game constantly cycling new users. Even with this problem," I don't see much of a change compared with a year ago, just more people talking about it.

I also can't imagine quitting just because of the changes. The changes don't affect many aspects of the game, and there haven't been physics changes[breaking levels] for months, at least. I can more easily believe people quitting from boredom, but it may just be me.

I also don't see a single problem with MrShoe, I can't understand any reason people would dislike him. I dislike him because he actually listens to everyone and gives out secrets, which I'm sure everyone else likes. I don't think he would listen if you tell him to do something like "stop making updates," but if you give him something to add to the game, he'll probably do it. He added the builder club to allow new players to receive all the blocks more easily. The only problem I can see with the builder club is the fact that you can't buy anything but worlds, diamonds, smilies, and potions when you have it. If you see a problem with a difficulty in obtaining many packages, then you should offer him a solution. For example, there could be biweekly contests that offer packages as prizes. Maybe users in builders club could be allowed to run contests themselves. They could make a contest, and then the community can vote on the participates. The top 5 receive maybe...
1st: any 3 shop packages or smilies
2nd: any 2 shop packages or smilies
3rd: any shop package or smiley

Last edited by GKAbyss (Dec 16 2012 8:51:56 pm)

#8 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 2,058

Re: Why I Won't Stop Playing EE, and You Shouldn't Either

It's ironic at how I am the only one who bombed all of my world, with the others whined about EE dying. Can't you just bomb your world and stop whining?


#9 Before February 2015


Re: Why I Won't Stop Playing EE, and You Shouldn't Either

I, however, kept playing EE since circa 2010.

#10 Before February 2015


Re: Why I Won't Stop Playing EE, and You Shouldn't Either

You've met alot of great people great people :3. Oh.

#11 Before February 2015


Re: Why I Won't Stop Playing EE, and You Shouldn't Either

I was going to make some cheesy joke, but after I have just finished a very good book I feel a pleasant melancholy and am just going to thank you for mentioning me.

#12 Before February 2015


Re: Why I Won't Stop Playing EE, and You Shouldn't Either

Actually, it's kind of true and I just realized it. Even though I'm looked down upon by most of the community I'm still   here because of all of you guys. To be honest, I'd rather play on my XBox than EE or other games on my laptop. However, something keeps pulling me back - you guys. Most of my real life friends say "Who needs a computer when you have XBox live?" and now I have the answer.

Every one here is the best <3

#13 Before February 2015


Re: Why I Won't Stop Playing EE, and You Shouldn't Either

I have a tip about everyone who left, forget them.


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