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#1 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 837

Everybody Edits's future

I was thinking a lot about this subject lately and I want to see what's your opinion about this.

Umm obviosly since Mr.Shoe is here to "save the day or ruin it" there are a lot of users angry while others are quite happy about these random updates, not to forget about those who are no longer with us or those who are about to quit. I hope you guys realize that this little "war" and contradiction about updates its just the beginning, I can't and I don't even want to imagine what to expect in 2013 because all I can see its a real mess and rage, a lot worse than now if this situation continues, EE is changing a lot lately and unfortunately for some, not in a good fair way.

     Anyway, I would like to know what in your opinion should Mr.Shoe change about the way he is updating EE, give him a new idea to do it and a reason.

    Remember, this is about the way you would want Mr.Shoe to update the game, not about bricks, themes or physics.


#2 Before February 2015

From: SN2006gy
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 304

Re: Everybody Edits's future

I think i want him to screw off. Builders pack is ok... But its 100 bucks a yr. Its ruined all the classic stuff and all. I'm not sure. But now every beta player has all blocks. That was the first update that really ticked me off. I've been ghosting the forums. I've been playing for a long time. (not as long as bobby or nou though.) And i honestly think that MrShoe should screw off. I can't even keep up with the updates with for example builders pack. I liked the old EE better. I think that a little updates would cool. We don't have to go a year without a update. But, One every week for 2000 energy... (and there crappy updates too.) I used to look forward to updates. I longed for them. Now i'm not so sure. I think i hate them. Thanks.


Last edited by planecool (Dec 20 2012 2:03:30 pm)

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50 dollars + salvaged computer parts.


#3 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: Everybody Edits's future

I honestly don't get why people dislike MrShoe.

He doesn't need to change how he updates the game, people need to stop jumping on bandwagons and start finding logical reasons to suggest he's an impediment to EE's future.

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#4 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-19
Posts: 1,810

Re: Everybody Edits's future

TakoMan02 wrote:

I honestly don't get why people dislike MrShoe.

He doesn't need to change how he updates the game, people need to stop jumping on bandwagons and start finding logical reasons to suggest he's an impediment to EE's future.

I agree a 100% with this, even though I've ranted a few doesn't mean I hate him. The rants I have said were out of anger but the problems got fixed. The only update that sorta bugs me is builders club and removing beta. I was sorta thinking of getting beta but it's too late now :/

SHwZksb.png  Thanks Bobithan for the sig, love it <3  5d16ccdd4a.png e62a2a5b45.png "You will never know how valuable a thing or a person is...until its not with you anymore, then you`ll regret..."


#5 Before February 2015

EE Homegirl
Joined: 2015-07-01
Posts: 541

Re: Everybody Edits's future

I don't extremely care about most things, because I can choose to ignore them. Just a few things bug me. Things like the old kind of magic coins, and how blocks can't be bought when you have builder's club. Although the builder's club thing can be fixed, (and I think it would benefit the game's profits if he did it too). Also for all the rumors of contests, max energy could make a fine prize.

As for the mass updates at high prices, I don't necessarily want them, but I have a bit of OCD not to buy them all. "You never know if you'll want them" Says the little voice in my head.

But really, my opinion really matters on the financial condition of EE. I really don't know how much is needed to keep our moderators working or our website running. I just really think that what they do should focus a little less on how addicted the players are and a little less on updates that persuade us to spend more money. But ofc, I don't know if we need money or they just want it.

Persuasion to spend money should be something that would be "Oh that'd be nice to have" not "Now they're making it harder so to be normal we should spend money."



#6 Before February 2015


Re: Everybody Edits's future

No, I don't hate MrShoe (Julian), on the contrary I really think that MrShoe did some wonderful things, but (and here it comes):

1. Weekly Updates - I think that the weekly update kind of made everybody edits a bored and foolish place to be and play on. Well, yes... in the start the all idea was kind of good, mabye to make more options, mabye even to compensate about the time when chris didn't made an update for like 4 months (for the veterans between us who remembers). However, it should stops as fast as could! we got already a lot of options, and by the time we got them, we saw that this "weekly update" don't let to much time to make a high quality packs. This weekly update should be really come down - back to the old days, when a new pack came out only in like every 3 weeks, or even more.

2. Classes - O-M-G! What the hell??? You already made this classes, so what they are used for? to be class 7 only to let you buy all the kinds of potions from the shop? really?! NO, im not saying that everything in the shop should be for only specific class, but only stupid potions that can color your godmode or make you jump a bit higher? that's really lame.

3. Magic coins - most of the people already got used to the idea that there is no more Magic Coins system, or mabye it's just because most of the "old players" abandoned the game and the new ones already came to a world without it. Anyways, we should remember that all the shop thing, is really based about how much energy you have, and for that - someone (probably MrShoe) should find a solution that will be good for everyone (not just beta's or rich people!!!) that will let us to earn more energy again. so as temporary solution MrShoe made the classes MagicCoins thing? GOD!

4. Builders Club - Well, it kinda sucks. In all aspects. I get it, beta time is really over - well, the game is already "old" and beta should be only for some users who really use the BETA to be a BETA test for the public version. but if so, where are the beta things? why only once in a while we, the beta users, get the chance to test something new? we're BETA's after all! If so, why don't we feel like one of them? feel more special than the other regular players? you can read more about my opinion in this subject by clicking here.

And now? what did MrShoe made insted? Builders Club? Unlimited Action Blocks that will probably will make us all even more miserable by crying that we don't have so much money to pay for the only great possibility in this game? (and some also will say that even that isn't great). Come-on! Because if so far people said that MrShoe is "killing EE", I guess that the Builders Club is the "dead checking".

This is my full opinion. written right from the heart.

Last edited by AngelBoy (Dec 21 2012 6:30:32 am)

#7 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 837

Re: Everybody Edits's future

I agree with Planecool and AngelBoy

Also, I don't hate Chris nor Mr.Shoe, I hate this: from a free, fun, awesome, multiplayer flash game, we are forced to pass to a comercial game with absurdly expensive things we can't actually own nor change. When I finally decided to buy beta its not what I expected.

    I don't know what some of you are thinking but these updates to me are a mess and transformation of EE to a 100% comercial game, meaning, if you don't want to be a puppet you won't get any updates, if you play your role and pay for it you'll be in this club just like we owned a beta account, don't be surprised after 1-2 years you paid for nothing. So...yeah...go ahead buy and let yourself tricked.  
    Again, this is about EE and its users guys, not about Chris or Mr.Shoe.


#8 Before February 2015


Re: Everybody Edits's future

TakoMan02 wrote:

I honestly don't get why people dislike MrShoe.

He doesn't need to change how he updates the game, people need to stop jumping on bandwagons and start finding logical reasons to suggest he's an impediment to EE's future.

People will naturally reject change in whatever form, since everyone is defending themselves to make them look less hollow, I will say that I have never liked MrShoe and never agreed with his way of thinking or running the game, but since there is nothing I can do about it I might as well just sit down and watch ee go into chaos.

#9 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 3,269

Re: Everybody Edits's future

Realistically, there's only a couple things that he's done, that are bad.   You could consider those, BC, potions, and limited hazards.   Those are the things that I hate.   But we've also gotten alot of stuff that we would have NEVER gotten with Chris or RPG, since, RPGmaster only seemed to do things that Chris wanted.   MrShoe kinda just does whatever.



#10 Before February 2015


Re: Everybody Edits's future

When we didn't get updates for a long time I was bored. When MrShoe came along with the Easter 2012, Carnival and later the Prison pack I liked him. When he started making a few random things I liked him.
When I finally realized that the updates weren't brilliant quality I started to go off him. Hazards are nice and everything but I felt it was un-necessary I mean when your smiley dies it explodes into some pretty little stars which I admit was quite numerous and actually made up for the Builders club thing which is just some way to get them to take your money.

#11 Before February 2015


Re: Everybody Edits's future

I don't hate MrShoe at all. There are indeed some things he did wrong, like remove beta. But I don't see other bad things. It's YOUR choice to buy that stuff. The BC for beta users is for only one month. And there aren't a lot of fools that gonna buy it for 3, 6 of 12 months. It's like the diamond block, there are only a few people that have it. And if you don't like the game, why don't you just quit?

#12 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 823

Re: Everybody Edits's future

Jan12345 wrote:

And if you don't like the game, why don't you just quit?

Many people dont like it and many like it at the moment. They all play for their friends, they just don't want the game to torture them while having fun with their friends //


#13 Before February 2015


Re: Everybody Edits's future

I would like to see MrShoe making more updates that actually add new features to EE, instead of just new graphics. When he first started, it was interesting to see what came out every week, but now my reaction is always "well, that's kinda cool."
I'm pleased with potions, classes, new magic, and am fine with updates such as these. Builders Club was a disappointment, though. EE isn't really a game that's big enough to start making premium memberships. Though, so long as he doesn't release a bunch of premium only items, its not too bad.
All in all, I'm glad MrShoe came around. If he would only work more on game mechanics...

#14 Before February 2015


Re: Everybody Edits's future

TakoMan02 wrote:

I honestly don't get why people dislike MrShoe.

He doesn't need to change how he updates the game, people need to stop jumping on bandwagons and start finding logical reasons to suggest he's an impediment to EE's future.

I agree 2 updates were bad but
MrShoe is nice. He made the friend system and all other updates.
He'll aslo make a contest, He'll planning one. But Okai.....


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