Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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This is my first thread in quite a while.
It is!
RNG adventure!
A rpg using RNG!
An adventure like no other has started... One made by you :O!
So..., the point to this forum game, is to make the adventure. You say an action, and the next person shall say how that action goes, depending on the RNG number that poster rolls. This continues forever! Or at least till it gets extremely overboard/offtopic, in which you can start again at a different place/time/e.t.c
Please stay on-topic and relate the thing that happens to the previous poster's action
Try to have an action at the right bad/good effect according to the number
Do not do overboard actions (take over the world e.t.c). SO NO GODMODING!
Say your RNG number in your post (for the previous post) just so people know
Continue from the last post, and do actions that are possible, and only with things you have.
Skip any post that breaks any of these rules
Other Information
We are aiming for AT LEAST (you can go in five intervals, or whatever mood your in)
1-9 ~something life-changingly bad happens
10-24 ~action fails, something majorly bad happens
25-49 ~action succeeds with something minorly bad/action fails with something minorly good
50-74 ~action succeeds with something minorly good/action fails with something majorly good
75-89 ~action succeeds with something majorly good
90-100 ~something life-changingly good happens
- is my suggestion for the RNG to use (1-100)
An example:
Buy a sword from the shopkeeper for 3 gold coins
23, he refuses, and kicks you out, but you found 2 copper coins
Go out and look for something to kill
96, you find a werewolf, which you manage to tame and make your own hunting wolf
Use the hunting wolf to convince the shopkeeper to give you a sword
RNG means Random Number Generator if you didnt know
To start off!
Walk into the forest and look for something to eat!
Note: If this has already been made or breaks any rules, please redirect/inform me and feel free to lock
Last edited by Dragonranger (Jan 29 2014 12:48:42 am)
17, a tiger attacks you, but you survived, killed tiger and got food.
Go to a village and look for a blacksmith.
This is a false statement.
62, you dont find the blacksmith, but you manage to trade in the food for a regular sword from the marketplace
Try to steal some coins from people
10, you tryed steal some coins from peoples, but guards come and put you in prison, atleast ur safe.
Dig down to escape.
Last edited by Creature (Feb 1 2014 7:36:53 am)
This is a false statement.
23, its metal, you cant dig down, but you do see that the guard is sleeping.
Attempt to steal the key and escape
48, you steal the key and escaped, but now the guards is behind you.
Escape and go to the cave.
This is a false statement.
69, you escape to the cave, but the guard bombed the entrance, so now you're trapped.
You find a door behind you.
Last edited by Pingohits (Feb 9 2014 10:04:15 am)
5, no you don't, you just find a shark-ridden moat which was surrounding the prison, which you also fall into...
Kill the sharks with my bare hands
93, you tame the sharks and they eat the guards' heads off.
Swim over to the other side.
10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!
12, you swim over to the other side, and you find a mysterious castle made out of napkins.
38, a guard comes up to you and pushes you away.
10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!
60, the guard is weak, you could punch him and stole his keys, but now alarm is on.
Find a door.
Last edited by Creature (Feb 11 2014 8:38:47 am)
This is a false statement.
[95] The door you find happens be the exit and you succeed to escape for now, leaving the security behind. There's also a lock that you lock them in with (presumably used as security against those who escape). It should be a while before you see them again...
>Keep looking around for food
Last edited by N1KF (Feb 11 2014 12:01:58 pm)
[90/100] You have found a good hotel with a good restaurant, you can sleep for one more night before go away the city.
>eat food and sleep
This is a false statement.
36 you get a low-class hotel room with a very uncomfortable bed (probably because you only payed 1 dollar), but at least there's food!
>leave the hotel at dawn
Last edited by some man (Feb 11 2014 2:20:20 pm)
10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!
1, the guards captured you and grab back to prison, they remove your clothes and put you in the freezer to die frozen.
>Use a bobby pin to unlock freezer.
This is a false statement.
44, you get out of the freezer, but your left hand has frostbite.
>cheat game and warp outside of prison
10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!
78, You get warped out of the prison! You try to find broccoli in fig trees.
Offline is down... oh boy
10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!
78, You get warped out of the prison! You try to find broccoli in fig trees.
Skipping some man.
40, you found broccoli in fig trees, but now you is lost in the forest.
>Make the tent
This is a false statement.
oh, not anymore
56, you make a tent and find four bronze coins.
>make a campfire
10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!
39, you made a campfire and summon tigers, if you beat them, you get food for a week.
>Use a stick on the fire and launch to tigers
This is a false statement.
21, you catch on fire as well, but there is a pond nearby.
>jump in pond
10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!
10, you has been caught by catfishes, luck somebody saw and grab you to a heal hut.
>Get healed
This is a false statement.
14, the hospital is fake! The nurse throws you out the window.
>scream for help
10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!
[ Started around 1741839174.4059 - Generated in 0.115 seconds, 12 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.61 MiB (Peak: 1.81 MiB) ]