Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
You are not logged in.
Irussel, I know. BTW. I published my game in two languages:
Am I really advanced? That made me laugh, but thanks Google 1bigsmile1
Last edited by Jojatekok (Mar 17 2012 2:03:00 pm)
I am a programmer, a really basic one.
Miss Everybody Edits and your old friends? Check out and reconnect with the community!
just fyi html isnt programming
This is the official list of programmers. If you are an programmer, tell me. And tell your rank then (etc medium)
Programmer Ranks:
& = Advanced Programmer
# = Medium Programmer
+ = Basic Programmer
Gcommer - &
Twipply - &
Cyph1e - &
Doh - &
Atilla - &
Showpath - &
Zalgryth - &
Jojatekok - &
Aslai - &
ChrisK - &
fer22f - &
Processor - &
bass5098 - &
Xjeex - #
Gustav9797 #
Lrussell - #
Wolfje - #
Razze01 - #
Coolmanman - #
TakoMan02 - #
Different55 - #
St Cool - #
Nooby92 - +
Gamerbro64 - +
I'm sure that i forgot lots of programmers, if your a programmer comment above.
you forgot
UltraBass - +
What's the purpose of this thread, though?
What's the purpose of this thread, though?
No idea. I guess they want attention. Attention that Adrianna want every minute.
I know HTML, PHP, Fair C#, and I'm currently taking a VB.NET Class, lets see if I can make a bot, VB.NET style.
I haven't really bothered checking yet, but since they're both based on the .NET framework, it should be possible.
Also, since this can only be managed by 1 person, how about a simple PHP page that allows votes for a certain programming rank. Look out world, here I come to the programming gang,.
By the way: I'm making my own bot from scrach, and I dumped the GBot/EEArtist base. I even made my own interface unlike gustav9797 just adding on, so far, my bot is a lot cleaner and neater. Also, realizing the ton of un-labeled code (ex. textbox7) it is just a pain in the freaking butt to know what goes where, rather, I did like "codebox" or "kickbutton", etc. So just a little note to gustav, keep it neater. :rolleyes:
BTW, someone rank me, other than razze01.
if (myrank == "epic") { MessageBox.Show("YAYYYY!") } else { MessageBox.Show("I HATE U!!!!!!") }
^Noobs may not understand.
Use myrank as a method with return instead, variables arent that epic. Neater? meh, I try to make it neater but GBot was just a little project.
I am now learning to program
add me!:)
Last edited by ostkaka (Mar 25 2012 11:05:47 am)
BritishTea - Beginner (6 months of Computer Science in school... idk...)
Sorry if this is inactive, i will add you guys soon
Razz, seriously? Put yourself as a + 'cos your bots suck
You can put me as a + ...
Hmmm, U forgot me, or U didn't know me XD! I like to program a lot, just throw me a programming language and ill burn it like hell XD
You can put me at.... # with gustav and the gang XD
Last edited by Tekrion (Dec 20 2012 10:38:37 am)
Add me. #.25
gustav & ostkaka & xd
I'm basic; well, very-basic.
Thank you eleizibeth ^
I stack my signatures rather than delete them so I don't lose them
Added User(s):Nooby92,Gamerbro64,Processor,Fer22f,Bass5098,Takoman02,Gcomma,Twipply
"TakoMan02 - #"
Who told you this nonsense.
Nah, I'm a pretty mediocre programmer. # is fitting.
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
Who wants to challenge me to a programming duel of sorts?
Who wants to challenge me to a programming duel of sorts?
Surely you could find something more productive.
I'm interested in this, would take the challenge.. but I don't like dedicating my time like such. xP
*u stinky*
I think Razze01
didn't play anymore
Last edited by B0zta (Dec 28 2012 11:56:45 am)
Aslai wrote:Who wants to challenge me to a programming duel of sorts?
Surely you could find something more productive.
I'm interested in this, would take the challenge.. but I don't like dedicating my time like such. xP
It would have to be something simple that could be done in a day or less, like a Project Euler or something.
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