Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Since it's still my team's hill, I'll find a way to make this post not pointless.
I clone Chuck Norris and make 9 of them, protecting us.
Our Hill. (Property of Colonel P788, General Geist, Sargent N1KF and Gatekeepers, Chuck Norris, his 9 clones, and Gandalf, Leaders of the All-Mighty Strike Force Army)
I think of a nasty plan to defeat you since I would obviously be defeated if I stepped out with no plan. I come up with one, one very good one.
I throw a smoke-bomb shaped as a weird vibrant colored ball from a nearby hedge. You send 3 out, and as they kneel down, only for a second, they fly back in surprise and I jump out of the smoke. You look very confused, yet almost in shock. Before you can snap your fingers I have 3 of you on the floor knocked out, Geist terribly injured, and P788 sobbing in pain as he clasps onto his knee. Gandalf and N1KF run off out of sight.
Chuck Norris and his nine clones come in for attack, I do a roundhouse kick but fail as I'm hurled backwards forcing me to do 3 backrolls. As the third backroll strikes I kick one of Norris' clones in the face, giving him a bloody nose. Yet, another Norris clone runs off, I guess joining N1KF and Gandalf. I quickly get up to my feet and punch another clone in the ribs. This backed them off, 3 more clones ran off. While Chuck Norris was sitting on a rock eating Chicken Nuggets waiting for his turn, I quickly grabbed many rocks and threw them with all my might, knocking all the clones down but one. I came over, him trembling in fear and punched him. Ha, what a chicken. Then I come over and tap on Chuck's back, because I couldn't get his attention. He spins around and pushes me over. he stands up and hovers over me, Im doomed. Then Bruce Lee jumps out of nowhere and beats the crap out of Chuck. We high five and share our victory.
My hill. (Property of Commander Bruce Lee and Sergeant 67)
OFF TOPIC: This is my epicest post ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I secretly was the teacher of Bruce Lee, and he secretly answers to me. I get him to KEEL U!!! and summon up his student, Chuck Norris, who roundhouse kicks the sky to MAKE IT RAIN!!!!! It rains, just like expected, and the dollar bills come down. One gets impaled on a rAndOm knife and the US Mint comes and arrests Chuck because apparently it's illegal to deface US currency. Bruce Lee decides to build a fence around the hill, which in impenetrable. It is 500000000000000 miles high and has a dome at the top so that nobody can get in no matter what. He puts the whole thing in a giant invisibility cloak so that it just looks like a hill. He electrifies the fence so any intruders will DIE!!! He then puts concrete underground so that nobody can use DigBot to get into the fence area. He then uses the door in the fence (which he then locks and swallows the key) to leave, go to Jamaica, and play EE. The key gets digested, and anyone who tries to pick the lock will be violently killed. It is now an impenetrable (and invisible) fortress.
My fortress.
I secretly was the teacher of Chuck Norris, and I train him to trick Bruce Lee's mind, and they meet again. Chuck Norris mind tricks Bruce Lee to become friends and join our team. Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee team up, and right when you see them, you run away screaming, abandoning the hill and fortress.
Our Hill. (Property of Colonel P788, General Geist, Sargent N1KF and Gatekeepers, Chuck Norris, his 9 clones, Gandalf, and (Unsigned) Bruce Lee, Leaders of the All-Mighty Strike Force Army)
Last edited by Number1KirbyFan (Aug 11 2012 9:37:37 pm)
I find a new hill. My hill.
Hill 1: P788 General Giest N1KF Gatekeepers Chuck Norris his 9 clones Gandalf Bruce Lee and Leaders of the all mighty strike force army.
Hill 2: me.
I destroy your hill since there only needs to be one.
Our Hill. (Property of Colonel P788, General Geist, Sargent N1KF and Gatekeepers, Chuck Norris, his 9 clones, Gandalf, and (Unsigned) Bruce Lee, Leaders of the All-Mighty Strike Force Army)
Since the poster above is from my team, I use this post to show you something else.
Little-known fact #1: "All-Mighty Strike Force Army" name comes from here.
Our Hill. (Property of Colonel P788, General Geist, Sargent N1KF and Gatekeepers, Chuck Norris, his 9 clones, Gandalf, and (Unsigned) Bruce Lee, Leaders of the All-Mighty Strike Force Army)
Last edited by P788 (Aug 12 2012 5:56:47 am)
How I did this:
Also please go to (Its an olimpics level!:))
Last edited by squeaker340 (Aug 12 2012 9:33:00 am)
How I did this:
Also please go to (Its an olimpics level!:))
Warning issued for spam (off-topic).
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
While TakoMan banned the n00b while P788 watched, I had a double-agent defraud him of his assests and took his hill.
Mah hill.
Last edited by Arceus64 (Aug 12 2012 10:23:46 am)
I hire this guy:
He puts you all in jail and gives me the hill.
My hill.
I happened to keep a diamond pickaxe in my inventory without the cop seeing it, so I mine my way out. I also make an exit to everybody else in our team.
I dig a hole to the lava, and push you in and you die.
Our Hill. (Property of Colonel P788, General Geist, Sargent N1KF and Gatekeepers, Chuck Norris, his 9 clones, Gandalf, and (Unsigned) Bruce Lee, Leaders of the All-Mighty Strike Force Army)
I just realized I mined an exit for people not on our team, and this means everybody's out of jail!
I realize that this is an EE hill, not a Minecraft hill. I make a 1x1 hookjump that none of you can pass.
My EE hill.
I use my totally epic EE mini game skills to pass that 1x1 hook jump, hit the key to cause the boss to die and take the hill. then using the code I make a many mini game lvl to the hill winner gets it
how ever there are only 98 coins in the lvl when the coin door takes 99 I also remove the code from the lvl and change it
my hill and fun minis
*off topic*
I really can do 1x1 hook jumps
I go to Chris' office and I destroy all the servers used for EE, so the EE hill ceases to exist.
Meanwhile in the real life, General Geist and Sargent N1KF are building another indestructible fortress. After I destroyed the servers, I help them to build the fortress. Once it's finished, we recruit Gandalf to be our gatekeeper. YOU SHALL NOT PASS!
Our hill (Colonel P788, General Geist and Sargent N1KF, along with Gandalf).
Last edited by P788 (Aug 12 2012 4:50:10 pm)
I hack into god's server and delete it, so the ground ceases to exist. Meanwhile, I create a small hill in heaven.
My hill.
"God" being all-mighty would prevent you into hacking his system, mainly due to the most powerful security. He flicks you off your hill.
I, using my incredible engineering skills, gets an excavator to dump a pile of dirt, on which I grow amazing hedges that spell...
"My Hill"
(and of course the property of the rest of my team.)
I give you and the rest of your team some water due to running out of it, and you all drink it. The water is cursed and gives you diseases, poison, paralyze, and heartburn. You all need to go to the hospital. While you're there, I take the hill and clone myself and now there's 10,000 of me guarding the hill and fortress.
Me and my 9,999 clones' (3,333 of them as ninjas, 3,333 of them knights, 3,333 of them professional fighters, and the other as me) hill.
OMG! A wild traitor appeared!
P788 wants to battle!
P788 sends out Goku!
N1KF sends out Army of Clones!
It's super effective!
Army of Clones use Roundhouse Kick!
Critical hit!
Goku fainted.
P788 sends out Lord Voldemort!
Army of Clones use Slash!
It's not very effective...
Voldemort uses Avada Kedabra!
It's super effective!
Army of Clones fainted.
N1KF sends out himself!
Voldemort uses Avada Kedabra!
But it missed!
N1KF uses Pistol!
1-Hit KO!
Lord Voldemort fainted.
P788 sends out himself!
N1KF uses Pistol!
But it missed!
P788 uses RPG!
1-Hit KO!
N1KF fainted...
P788 defeated Trainer N1KF!
Goku gained 522 XP!
Lord Voldemort gained 666 XP!
P788 gained 9001 XP!
You recieved "Hill" as a reward!
Do you wish to save game?
After that I built a indestructible fortress with the P788/Geist Kingdom Flag on the top of it!
God bless the kingdom...
God bless the kingdom...
God bless... the... kingdom...
Our hill. This post is epic. Your argument is invalid.
Last edited by P788 (Aug 13 2012 6:48:17 pm)
After that, you remember your pain and remember your surgery wasn't finished. You go back as you are in terrible pain.
At the hospital, I am the doctor so I start attacking you. You are in intense pain, 99% dead. I go back and take over the fortress and hill, this time making 999,999,999 clones.
I replace the flag with the picture on my avatar.
My hill.
You forgot about Geist, while you were doing the "surgery" he kills you with a pistol. And we both come back to the indestructible fortress. Also, we decide to recruit Leonidas and his 300 spartans to guard our fortress.
Our hill (P788 and Geist's hill).
Last edited by P788 (Aug 13 2012 8:27:08 pm)
I go back in time to when I was hired, then I convince you to sell your castle to me.
Now, changing the past changes the future, messing up the space time continuum, leaving us with nothing, except for one thing, Chuck Norris' soul. His soul contains his powers, so he starts a new epic universe with me owning the hill. Chuck Norris guards me, clones himself 99 times, and makes them invincible, as Chuck Norris can do all, excluding beating Bruce Lee.
My hill. (Also with 100 Chuck Norris guards)
Me and the 100 Chuck Norris' are the only people in the new universe, as I got Chuck Norris approved to be here. It's the only way to come back, it's so powerful not even magic can do such a thing.
Last edited by Number1KirbyFan (Aug 13 2012 9:44:20 pm)
Where did you get that cloning machine? You can't build it, cause you have no materials. Heck, you said ONLY Chuck Norris's soul. YOU ARE DEAD TOO.
Congratulations. YOu have just f*#@ed up the world.
Last edited by Levelbuilder0728 (Aug 14 2012 7:39:53 am)
Where did you get that cloning machine? You can't build it, cause you have no materials. Heck, you said ONLY Chuck Norris's soul. he starts a new epic universe...
(The universe has materials)
YOU ARE DEAD TOO. I got Chuck Norris approved to be here.
with the fact that I have my own universe I bring every one, but you, here
the hill is invisible, and in an unknown location, guarded by an all powerful demon
my secret mountain
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