Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Nothinc ryemes with orange.
Next: Everybody Edits its a very awesome game.
Last edited by kingjamstar (Dec 26 2011 5:07:42 am)
Everybody Edits its a very awesome game. (Im a very experienced typer)
^i think thats meant to be 'is', but im just doin what kingjamstar told me to
next person type: How are you today, Bob?
netxt person type; how arre you bob?
Next person type: Who is the zebra saying "xxxxzzzxsasas" and "sasafrass"
Who id the zebra sayinf "something" and "something"
Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough you'll always sound precocious
Last edited by Tachyonic (Dec 26 2011 3:25:12 pm)
even though the sound of it is something quite atrocuos
if you dsu it loud enough you'll always sound precoucious
How are you today chris?
Next person say ^
Last edited by twin802 (Dec 30 2011 3:15:18 pm)
how are yoi today chtis
Immobilizes the target
Immboilizes the targery
The cow is big and angry
Last edited by twin802 (Dec 31 2011 11:34:39 am)
THe cow is bis and amgry. Close!
twin802 and I are worst enemies in My Hill.
twien 71990 abd i are wosn't enemiies in my hill.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
it was best ofti, wasmthe worst p to,esd
Justin Bieber is DEAD >:D
Justin bidder I-
stuff? STUFF!? the only STUFF your talking about is is is! THE NOISE!!...
I are back.
sytuff?SYIFFF!? yhr onlu stuff you're talking about is is is NOISE!
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Superman!
its a bid. oys a p;amfr/ oue ei[45,lwk (FAIL)
next poster type: she sells sea shells at the sea shore
sje sells sea sheels by the sea shore
next poster type: man will stand long time with mouth open before roast turkey flies in.
man wuill stanfd long uytinme wirth moutgh open begfiore rioast tyuskery fklies on-
Next poster: Everybody edits is fun and dkzero is the best.
everubpdi edous is fun and dkzdfo is the best
Next poster: cooldragon122 is cool
cooldragon122 is cool U jelly?
nEXT POSTER: Stop with the "I'm the best" posts
Stop it with the " i am the best osys"
Wow i done good i guess.
Next person says:
This is to hard for me. I admit it.
This is hard for me i admit it. (Flawless victory!)
next poster:
Liu Kang Scorpion FIGHT
Liu kang scorpoin figjt
Next: Im typing with my eyes shut.
I;m typing with my eyes shut.
This sentence will be the same as it was on the top.
This sentennnnnnnnnnnce willlbe thre sameee ads iiuuy t was on top.
Stupid tupid cupid looped!
stupid tupid cupid looped
I am totally melancholy. I need entertainment!
Last edited by The Smirking Mage (Jan 23 2012 6:52:55 pm)
[ Started around 1741669580.8966 - Generated in 0.049 seconds, 12 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.51 MiB (Peak: 1.67 MiB) ]