Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Pages: 1
This is a story I will be working on before I start on my sequel to "Under a Cherry Blossom Tree"
Rated PG-13 for some language, mild violence, and some scary events.
Chapter 1: The Waking, part 1
Part 1
I wake up in the middle of the woods, not remembering how I got here. I slowly get up and scan the scene. come closer, a voice said. I look around to see who said it. No one was there. I said, come closer, it said again. Which way do I go? I start walking, not knowing where to go. yes, yes... the voice said. I keep walking and I stop in front of a tree. Touch it, go on, the voice says. I slowly touch the tree, and it starts to glow. Only it glows black light. I step back and trip. I lay on the ground and I close my eyes. The ground starts shaking. Thank you, for letting us FREE! the voice says. Soon, I see hands pop up out of the ground, then heads, then bodies. Except they weren't normal bodies. They didn't look like normal bodies. They were shaped like normal bodies, but they looked blue-green-ish and looked cracked and chapped. Then I realized it. They were zombies.
Chapter 2: Before the Start
Part 2
"Again Kiyo, you were not supposed to do a report about zombies," My Teacher, Mr. Okeni, said, "You were supposed to right a report about an animal. Zombies aren't animals. They aren't even real. You get a-
"I know, I know. An F." I said.
Mr. Okeni sighs and said, "I'll give you a D on this one," Mr. Okeni replies. Before I say anything, the bell rings. I run out the door first and I am in the hallway. My friend, Luna, walks to me. "Well, at least you got a D instead of an F." She says to me. I nod my head and say, "Ya, that was lucky. I wish though that zombies were real so when I do reports I would get a higher grade though," and we go to our lockers. We put away and get the stuff we need and the final bell rings. We both walk out the door and walk to the park, like we always do. "Oh crap!" Luna yells out while she shakes her head, "I left my homework in my locker! I'll meet up with you later!" and she runs back to the school. I sigh and I walk to the fountain. I take out a penny and I think of a wish. I wish zombies were real so I can get better grades I think of and I throw the penny in the fountain. I find were it lands and I see it glowing a dark light.
Part 3
Before I can look at it more, a person touches me. I jump and turn around. I see a person covered in black. Black hat, black coat, black pants, all clothes black. "You have done a horrible move there, son," He said. "Wh- who are you?" I as the person. He doesn't reply. He walks away fast. I want to know who he is so I run after him. He runs faster than me. I start to lose him. He turns into the woods and I run in there too. Soon, I can't see him. I keep running, hoping I would run into him, but I don't. I'm lost. "Where are you?" I yell out. No response. I start walking around the woods, hoping I could get out. All of a sudden, I feel a big stick hit me in the head. I fall down and go into a deep sleep.
Part 4
I wake up right next to the entrance of the woods. "What?" I ask myself. "KIYO!!!!!" Luna yells out in the distance. She runs after me and I get up. "Why were you sleeping next to the woods?" Luna asks me. I reply, "Well, I was looking for this one person covered in black." and I look around me. "I saw a guy covered in black too!" Luna replies. "Really?" I say. She nods her head. "Well, I saw him go in the woods. I ran after him and I lost him. Then I got hit in the head and now I'm here," I tell her. "That's weird," she says. "I know, he told me that I ma-
An ear piercing scream interupts us. It came from the woods.
Part 5
"Wh-who said that?" Luna asks. I shrug and I look into the woods. Luna does too, except when she looks at the woods, she becomes hypnotized. She starts walking into the woods like a zombie. "Luna?" I ask her, puzzled, "Luna! Where are you going?" she ignores me and keeps walking. "LUNA!" I yell as I follow her into the woods. "ANSWER ME!" I yell. No response. Soon, she starts running fast. I try to catch up with her, but she runs like the wind. Soon, I lose track of her too. "No..." I whisper to myself. I start walking around, hoping I will run into her, but I don't. After awhile, the sun falls and the moon rises. "Why?" I say to myself. "LUNA!!!!!!" I yell into the sky. I find a giant tree and touch it. "Now I'm lost," I say to myself. But you will help us... I hear a voice say. "Luna?" I say. No response. All of a sudden, I hear another loud shriek. "LUNA!!!" I yell out. I run around the woods, not knowing where to go. I stop and hear footsteps behind me. I dare not look to see who it is. Then, I get hit in the head, AGAIN. I fall to the floor and go into a deep sleep.
Chapter 3: The Waking, part 2
(This is where it will take off from part 1)
Part 6
"Oh sh17," I say to myself. I get up and run as fast as I can. YOU CAN'T ESCAPE US! WE ARE EVERYWHERE!!! The booming voice yells. I see more zombies in my path. "OH SH17 SHI17 SH17!!!" I yell to myself repeatedly. I turn onto another path, to see even more zombies. "GOD NO," I yell to myself. I run around the woods, dodging zombies. I run and stop at a tree blocking my path. "Noo no no no no no!" I say. The zombies behind me catch up and they get a hold of my arm. "CR@P!" I yell. They sink there teeth into it. "AHHHHH!!!!" I yell, "HELP!!!" but I don't think anyone can hear me. I was wrong though. The same person I was trying to catch earlier ran and shot the zombies. They all fell to the ground. He comes to me and says, "You should've never made that wish, boy!" He yells at me. More zombies start to come. "Its not safe, follow me!" He says. We both run deeper in the woods, right into the middle of trouble.
Part 7
We're surrounded by thousands of zombies, ready to kill us. "Uh-oh..." I whisper. The zombies start coming after us. "Follow me!" the guy says. We pass many zombies, wanting to kill us. DON'T BOTHER, YOU'RE PRETTY MUCH DEAD NOW! the voice yells out. "Ahh!" I yell out. Ten zombies grab a hold of me and rip me apart. The guy is gone. "" I say before everything goes black.
Chapter 4: Say Your Prayers
Part 8
"KIYO!!!!!!" I yell out in the woods, with zombies chasing me. "KIYO!!!!!!" I yell out again. No answers. I run wildly. The zombies run widly. Never knew zombies can run. I see a giant tree and climb up it. I climb high and high. "KIYOO!!!!!" I yell out as I climb. I find a thick branch and lay on it. I see the zombies surrounding the tree. I can't go down. The only way to go is up. I keep climbing until I reach the highest branch I can sit on. I sit on it and look at the clouds. Say your prayers... someone says. I'm silent for a moment. Then, "Our father who art in heaven, hallow be thy name..." I pray. Zombies are evil and I didn't know which prayer to do, so I did this. I keep praying for awhile.
Part 9
I finish praying and I slowly go down the tree a little. I still see the zombies. Oh wow. I'm all alone unless you count the zombies that want to eat me. I wish Kiyo was here. What do I do now? Die alone up here in a tree? Or die with zombies? I stand up on the branch and...
Part 10
I pull down my shirt. I sit back down on the branch. I haven't chosen which fate to choose. The zombies are still at it. Maybe zombies can get tired. I wait awhile on the branch with zombies down below. I see the birds above me and I suddenly had a stupid idea, but it might work...
To Be Continued...
Last edited by mangoman (Jun 6 2012 4:14:05 pm)
Kewl! You've inspired me to let out my other story ive been writing for a few days hmm
I are back.
I'm gonna write another story because of this. Inspiration! Inspiration!
Hmm maybe I'll write a story too. I'm not sure though I might be too lazy to do it.
thx for sig bobithan
Ty for all the comments! Maybe you'll inspire me too one day -w-
finished part 2 and added part 3, part 4, and part 5!
Last edited by mangoman (Apr 23 2012 4:08:46 pm)
Sorry for double posting, and sorry for gravedigging, but I wanted to inform that I wanted to make more of this story. Added parts 7, 8, 9, 10!
I know this has absolutely no relevance to the topic, but I felt like this will be the only time where I can share this;
As feedback, it's currently an amazing story and it would be amazing if even when you've finished and possibly even published it as a book by writing it on pieces of A4 paper like a diary and folding it into a book whilst making a cover out of card, that you would still put "To be continued..." as it leaves questions unanswered and great suspense, which most people love in a book. What's the point reading a book when there's no fun in it, and you know what exactly is going to happen when you've only read about 2 paragraphs?
But yeah, great story.
Last edited by Tachyonic (Jun 6 2012 5:30:02 pm)
tl;still read very nice, looking forward to read more.
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