Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Alright.. Its time you knew..Time you knew my story.. The story of why I came to EE in the first place. The TRUE story of MX, the reason I left EE, the reason i still come back. The reason.. The reason for everything.
Most of you know me, know me as the former leader of MX, the former enemy of MG, the former a lot of things. Some of you know me as a leader of a great crew, some as a leader of a horrible crew. NONE of that matters now. NONE. Let me start from the beginning...
I came to EE as an undercover spy.. I work for Mojang. The creator of Minecraft. He felt that "Christopher Benjaminsen", as you know him was becoming to powerful. You see, Minecraft isn't a game... That is for another time. Anyways, I came to EE unknowing of its strange allure. I got pulled in. Some idiot thought I was actually a mindless player and asked me to form a "crew" with him. Assuming he was actually another undercover spy working for Mojang as well, I agreed, thinking it was a meeting of some sorts. I was terribly mistaken. Together we created a "level" called Return to Darkworld. It was met with mixed reactions, not that I cared even slightly. I tried to slip back into the shadows after that, but I couldn't seem to get away from the 'following' I had created after that.. Namely the idiot by the name of 'Peber', and the two people who had actually liked the level, and wanted to join our 'crew', (Which by the way i found out was NOT actually a secret message). We created level after level, Hell Climb, Make it Home, Earth Escape, gaining more and more members and followers as we went on. I realized that I would never be able to escape at least some recognition in this 'game', so I decided to take advantage of it. Isn't it what Mojang wanted in the first place? To get me integrated in the core of the game so that I can take it down slowly and painfully? I expanded my reach, further and further, gathering up many of the influential people in the game.. Dklevels, Addi, Oturan.. They were all pawns in my master scheme. I needed influence, and they were it. I also spread my reach further than my own crew. I joined other powerful collaborative groups. MG crew, Go Crew, LX crew, and more.. I became known as Pyromaniac. I made a name for myself in this game. But behind the scenes of creating art for the enjoyment of players, I was working against the forces of Everybody Edits. I had mailed a package to "chris" via a secret network of underground tunnels, accurately mapped in MX crews "under your house" (i'll explain that later). In the package was a vial of the most poisionus gas known to mankind. He recieved the package, and opened it, unknowing of his fate. But alas, the vial had broken in transport, and most of the gas had seeped through the sides. The effects were only temporary. He lapsed into a coma for weeks, this caused the players of EE to get angry at the lack of updates. I needed to keep the peace. I set up a puppet hierarchy in EE. I hired RPGmaster under the auspice of a "mod", in reality he was only working for Mojang as well.
That kept things quiet for a while, but a group called EX crew was the only problem. They and their allies were the only influential people in the game that I was not friendly with. I sent an assassin to.. dispose of them. It only succeeded in disbanding them unfortunately. I found out of Drock2308's plan to destroy all of the crews in EE, so i confronted him and MG. The results were catastrophic. I was kicked from MG, and they all turned against me. I could not let that stand. A war matched only by the Cold War raged on. No blood was shed, but the tension was as thick as lightning. One day, months later, I decided to just have it out with them in a huge battle that would come to be known as the "battle of the ages." I rallied my troops, and seduced some of his members to work for me as well, and he rallied his. The battle was legendary. But unfortunately, the war did not end well for me. I slipped into a coma as a result, but before I did, I created MX's Under Your House, which as i said before, correctly mapped out the underground tunnels to Chris' house. This was the signal Mojang was looking for. He sent troop after troop to Chris' house and took him out. He took the reins of EE and has been ruling ever since. I awoke from my coma to find assassins from Mojang at my door. He was displeased that I had lost the Battle. I fought off the assassins, and ran into exile. Before the battle of the ages, I had made a map of where my hideout would be if ever such an event would occur, and hid it in "MX's Birthday". I am still there. To this day. Waiting for the day to take Mojang down.
Why am I telling you this now? To warn you. To warn you of the war that is brewing. DO NOT THINK FOR A SECOND that anyone is safe. Mojangs has been busy. He kidnapped Mihb and all of them, and set up his agents as imposters.. Their levels are signals.. Telling Mojang of all your actions..
Be strong, my friends,
Actually no.. To hell with that. Run. Run while you still can.
EDIT: I forgot to tell you one thing.. Wezza.. He is an assassin sent from Chris.. the real chris, who escaped my assassination attempt, he is sent to find me, and to kill me.
lol jk hes just a nub who randomly decided to join mx lol YOURE AWESOME WEZZA
Last edited by Pyromaniac (May 20 2012 6:32:16 pm)
the end
I do not run. I yield. I yield my mighty cursor ready to take on any Moving importer willing to take me on.
What is with all the, I am secretly evil storys coming out of all the famous people?
What is with all the, I am secretly evil storys coming out of all the famous people?
It's contagious, first Drock made one, then some other guy, then... You get the point.
I removed Minecraft from my hard drive for safety reasons.
I removed Minecraft from my hard drive for safety reasons.
And yet you're oblivious to the fact that you paid $40 for it.
^ And yet you don't know how much minecraft costs. Smart.
So, I assume this is all true? What a wonderful passion to pursue, I wish you luck on your journey.
JalilTKai wrote:I removed Minecraft from my hard drive for safety reasons.
And yet you're oblivious to the fact that you paid $40 for it.
And yet you're oblivious to the fact that after you pay for the game, you can retrieve it from the site for free if the situation Pyromaniac had noted becomes fixed.
By the way, very nice story. I enjoyed it.
$40? I can get it for £17.00 which is about $25.00(XBOX360 Edition).
thx for sig bobithan
I would say something about this,but the memories break me apart over and over.
Deadlord, don't reveal your part in this... its not needed..It will only put you in danger.. put all of you in danger..
But yes.. Its sadly true.. Assassins came to my location the other day.. They solved the map in MX under your house..
But Minecraft is evil.. Truly evil..
Ugh, not another one of these stories to make the writer feel good about themselves.
D-rock's was cute, but this is spreading like a snake bot.
To make the writers feel good about themselves?
First of all: How exactly does this make me at all feel good about myself? Im not REALLY sure I understand where you are coming from. Let me explain to you, slowly of course, why I wrote this story... Are you ready? I wouldn't want you to miss anything. Well. I (as in the word I, not the letter, in case you missed that) Was BORED. What in that statement had any implications of me seeking a promotion in my self esteem?
Second: Why the heck do you even care? Is it paining you in any way? By all means if it is causing you any physical pain then I will remove it without hesitation. Is it paining you mentally? Im sure I cannot see why.
Third: "Spreading like a snake bot"? Really?
Fourth: Now, unless I am suffering from short term amnesia, Drock's story was not even on my mind when I wrote this. Darn, I think I even forgot he wrote one at the time.
Fifth: I enjoy writing, SUE ME. Im sorry if you think that I am in some way trying to "feel good about myself", but.. that feeling is wrong.
Now, unless you have further issues with my business, have a nice day.
And yet you don't know how much minecraft costs.
Actually, I don't. I'm too lazy to look it up. I just know it's around $40
FORTY DOLLARS?? REALLY?? O.O THAT IS LIKE.. LIKE.... Theft or something.. is mc really that fun O.O
it has come to this.
Im afraid it has :/
Even more reason for me to remain on the boundaries of this "Game". I will stick to the shadows, as per usual.
Good to know I stopped a destructive plan. :3
Amazing story bro! Didn't want it to end!
Yesh, I luv this kind of stories! (^w^) So, making moar??
lol thanks guys and drock psh you just took me out for like a minute xP
Y u no mention how i nubbed around at MX's Under Yer Haus?
That's where you've been hiding out? I thought we agreed that we would hide out in the hive.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
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