Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Pages: 1
New York Apocalypse
By:Muffinator99 Part1
I wake up in the emergency room, crowds upon crowds of injured civilians. Some look
dead, other dead on the inside. Nurses panicking around the room, giving service to the needy.
What everyone witnessed was horrific, when it happened we were to dumbfounded and scared
too do anything. I mean I was at the beach this morning with my friends, and suddenly hundred
Upon hundreds of metal meteorites fell from the sky, and started shooting. We all just stood th
ere realizing what was happening, thousands were killed an injured, only on the first day.
Suddenly I woke from my daydream about the event that happened earlier by a nurse calling
My name,
"John Legend, please report raise your hand!"
As I did, a lady came over and gave a bracket to me, it said,
Name:John Luther Legend
Occupation:(DoucheBag)[Author Note:I'm just kidding]
And a bunch of other crap.
The nurse told me to wait for a doctor to check up on me. I had a broken left hand, and a few
bruises and cuts on half of my body. I went back to daydreaming, something about going to a
Bar after the swim with my friends. But that didn't last long when we all heard the noise of and
explosion and the sound of debris falling upon the concrete. The people who could get outside
on their own saw what had caused that noise. A blast from a large robotic alien looking thing
was outside, firing missiles in Main ST. Causing more chaos, it looked like it was 50 ft tall, and
incredible armor. Shot from RPG didn't even effect it.And that when we knew we were in
trouble. It came towards the Hospital where we were, when it loaded a laser right at us,
suddenly huge noises and explosions were over all of us all of us...
To be continued when it hits 100 views.
Any ideas for part 2 is encouraged, feedback, comments, reps will be encouraged too ; D
And I hoped you enjoyed
Last edited by Muffinator99 (Aug 5 2012 12:05:05 am)
Interesting, to say the least.
It is a pretty decent story. I'll be waiting for that 100th view.
Thanks, I'll improve my next 9 parts soon.
1st Part Free
2nd 100 Views
3rd 200 Views
4th 300 Views
5th 450 Views
6th 500 Views
7th 550 Views,1 Rep
8th 575 Views,2 Total Rep
9th 600 Views,3 Total Rep
10th 625 Views,5 Total Rep
Epilogue&AuthorNotes&OtherThings 700 Views,6 Total Rep
Wait, Your doing this for REP?
Not really, well people write books for money? How about that?And I'm not really going to keep
Doing this story if people don't appreciate or really like it.Not just for the reason of more rep.
I don't care for rep, I just want the views, rep mean little to me now.
And well c'mon rep means a lot to people, and that it basically what you are on the forums.
I'll still release them all except for the epilogue, that is one thing that I want rep for, cause it's
going to be long. I'm surprised I got 100 Views in the last 5 hours. I'll out p the story pt2 tonight.
Last edited by Muffinator99 (Aug 5 2012 11:11:43 pm)
Nope, because I don't have a s**t what that is.
I don't understand why you would waste your time doing this. =3
Last edited by ipwner (Aug 9 2012 8:30:14 pm)
EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu IUO0O0oooooooooooppi
;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q
Im A ®a®ity ®
I know owner, that's why haven't done the others parts. I do know what they were, but at the time I was 2. And I dobt know the story of that one.
Im gonna point somethin, out, just wondering, how many robot can open doors or identify hospitals
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