Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Pages: 1
All right here's another peom,I'll be adding more in here instead of flooding the forums.
My heart is aching,
She is gone,
I lost her because of my rage,
I didnt trust her,
Now i have nothing,
Trust is all,
Most of love,
I wish i could turn time,
But thats just a wish,
She trusted me,
Which is a gift,
I didnt return that present,
But Ruined hers,
And now I regret all,
Maybe theres a chance,
Of reliving those moments,
Or even create more,
But hey,
Thats only a wish...
(Took me a while to write because of the emotions)
I lay there on the grass,
Looking at the sky,
I wonder whats up there,
If theres someone looking back,
I see shapes,
That remind me of things,
Bringing back memories,
So much is happening,
Up in the starry night,
Of the stars,
Just like us,
So much things that are different,
Kind of are the same,
When I look up at the stars,
I have a million questions,
Just like how many stars are in the sky,
But no answer to them,
Just like Life...
The spider,
A marvelous creature,
Though feared by many,
Its talent is hidden,
Spinning amazing and beautiful art,
But not just for show,but to help survive...
A leaf is hidden,
covered by many other beautiful plants,
Though this leaf,
A rigid edged,
Plain green color,
Nothing to look at,
But it has a power,
And aroma of lemony dreams,
And some beauty are meant to be found...
The sky is always gray,
Falling teardrops hit me,
Storms approaching us soon,
The earth trembling with a quake,
Fires burning everywhere,
And chaos ruling all our souls.
We so all become self aware,
That we will be soon turning on each other,
Just for another mere day of survival,
Living in a chaotic and unstable world,
How will the world end?
Well that we will find out soon,
For we won't last long,
...Thou has no idea of the things our own creation can do to us...
My soul has been eaten by the hungry people on the sidewalks,
Eyes filled with despair and hatred for those who took their belongings
Forever they will want revenge,
But not pity.
I say these words that come to me
I translate them from the experiences I've had,
Those who don't understand the wanting of wealth,
You soon will when we all turn against each other
Chaos ruling us,
And with nothing at our feet but blood,skin and hope,
For a better furture,
But that will never come,
Because you see,
Our civilization was never meant to be.
We are an experiment,
By god,
To test the greediness and faith we have,
And we have failed,
Or soon to have.
For as you see nothing will ever reachable golden age,
Just a world with people who dont even know they are being eaten alive
By themselves.....
My hands,
Numb from working,
Blisters filled with blood tears and pain,
My feet,
Scrapped from the hard concrete floor,
Blood gushing out,
Some cuts closing,
Others reopening,
And my back,
Whipped and bloody,
Cuts as long as my thighs,
And as aside as my thumb,
I take time to look up in the sky,
But it doesn't last long,
When the clouds of tears come,
And then I see shapes,
Telling the future,
This isn't good...
Last edited by Muffinator99 (Jun 15 2012 2:30:28 am)
I like them a lot! I make poems myselft and these are just amazing! +1 REP for you!
Thanks guys,I would appreciate more feedback
Plus these words just came to me,I thought of one in like 4mins...
I like your poems, if you made a poem book I would buy it. But I thought it would rhyme since it is a poem, but I do remember there ARE poems that do not are these free verse poems?
I'd luv to see more of your poems!!!
New Poem
Sorry for double posting and grave digging,but I have new poems that are made,just an update.
You should sell these you could make big bucks. My favorite line is Eyes filled with despair and hatred for those who took their belonging. This line is very deep.
Thanks,if you guys like it a lot,you could plus rep me,but I dont care.Anyways you wouldn't expect a 12 year old Asian kid writing these poems would you,lol.
Update:Two new poems.
I love them, their great, they don't need repair,
The only problem is that they are full of despair.
Be happy, be jolly, this isn't the season,
For moping, or sadness, just listen to reason.
Of course, I think, your other poems are full of that joy,
They are great, the words they move, they don't destroy.
For one is not two,
And two is not one,
And so should your poems, be like this,
and never undone.
Nice work Muffinator. Can you make a rhyming one? C:
A Muffin
I like to wear stupid hats.
I like them more than cats.
I do not like hipster glasses.
But I like clothes from the masses.
I thought the past readers liked this, so I'd thought the newer members would too, I'll be adding more, and I hope you guys like these.
My favourite poem:
It's very deep
Cool Fdoou : P
And thanks Orton, I just made it up.
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