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#1 Before February 2015


Silent Night - a crime story by LD3H

OMFFG 666th POST 2YTqz.png

Here it is - the full story. Feel free to +rep if you liked it Yn8I7.png

December 24th, 1995, close to midnight. Everywhere quiet. The roofs were full of snow. The moon was shining above the trees. The streets were frozen. But on the street... a dead man. Another person beside it, calling the police and talking nervously, "A dead person... here... Shawer Street. Come... fast...". The person ran away.

10 minutes later, the police was there. The Inspector Mark Blackston came too. He looked at the dead man. A knife in his breast, his hand holding it. Beside a note: "Good bye cruel world". A police officer said, "Suicide, he killed himself with a knife." But the Inspector didn´t want to believe that. "Something is wrong here..." he thought. "Well, we have work tomorrow!"

Mark was fail in person. "Christmas is for children", he always said. Divorced 3 times, parents murdered a year ago, broken contact to his only brother for 5 years. His only friend was his logbook. He told it everything he underwent the past years. Today, he made a special record: "December 24th, 1995. A dead person was found on Harrington Street. It looks like suicide, but I don't want to believe that. I MUST find out what´s up with this case... End" He had so many questions. "If it was suicide, why did the man kill himself ON THE STREET? He was killed with a knife! How could he write that note? He had nothing to write. The rosary he wore... Why would a Christian kill himself on December 24th?"

The next day, everyone is at work. "Only because of this suicide", everyone thought. Mark was the only one who WANTED to work. He couldn´t sleep because of that case. In the autopsy room, he looked at the dead man again. "Hmm... I think I saw him somewhere..." Then the pathologist came. "Mr Blackston, this person was killed with a knife. We already found out who he is. I don't think you want to know that, but... it is? your brother. I'm very sorry, but?"

Mark left. He closed himself in his office and was in deep sorrow. "No, no, no, no, no... why him? It´s not fair?" Then the pathologist knocked on the door. ?Mr. Blackston, I found out something interesting. Could you open the door, please?? He opened. ?Well, I found out that your brother wasn´t really killed, or? well, I can say he died by a heart attack. I still have to determine whether he was killed by the knife or died by the heart attack. I'll keep you up to date.?

He wasn´t really happy about this, but at least he didn´t worry that much anymore. So he began to investigate. He went to his brother´s wife to ask her some questions. But the engine of his car died. ?S***, why does this happens today?? He tried, and tried, and tried, and tried, and tried? until it worked. ?I need to repair it? but not now.? He drove away and went to the woman.

Mark knocked at the door. ?Mrs Johnson, I need to talk to you.? She opened the door. ?Good afternoon, Mr, er, Blackston, how can I help you?? ?I need to talk with you. It´s about your husband? he´s dead. We still need to analyze whether he died of a heart attack or of a ?knife attack?. I'm very sorry?? He couldn´t talk to her for half an hour. ?Ma´am, may I please ask you some simple questions? When did you see your husband last time?? ?He said that he wants to go to a friend? you know, he was American champion in swimming, his friend was on 2nd place. He wanted to make a party to celebrate that? I hope he didn´t kill him!? She started to cry. ?Please, no, please, no need to cry,? Mark said. ?I'm sorry. Please let me alone now.? He left. He entered the car, but the engine died again. ?Damn you, engine? he thought and called his car mechanic.

?The water pump is broken, I'll need to change it I will also have to change the whole distribution system of the car? That´ll be pretty expensive, around 1000 dollars. I can do it in 4 hours, but we need to get the car into the car repair shop.? They pushed the car for 3 hours. ?Come tomorrow at around 7 o´clock to take your car.? Mark went home and talked to the logbook: ?December 25th, 1995. The day started as usually on a working day. The pathologist told me that the dead person is my brother. He also told me that it is possible that he died by a heart attack? Then I went to his wife, she told me that he is American champion in swimming and he has a friend who got the 2nd place. Tomorrow I'll need to ask him some questions? Then my car ?died?, my mechanic repairs it. Tomorrow at 7 o´clock I can get it again. End?

The next day he took his car, paid the mechanic and went to work. The pathologist was already waiting for Mark. ?Mr Blackston, I have the final results of the autopsy. We can't really say whether he died of the heart attack or of the knife because the things happened one right after another. Today you can't find out what thing happened first if the things are only some minutes apart. I'm really sorry I couldn´t help you, but I'll try to do my best to find out somehow...? ?The knife, what´s up with the knife?? ?We found out that it is the same knife which was used to kill your parents. If he was killed, the murderer is a careless person.? ?So it could be possible that my brother had the heart attack and 5 minutes later the murderer ran the knife into him? But he had a heart attack. Is it possible to have one after somebody ran a knife into a person?? ?Well, that´s a good question. I think it´s possible because the knife was on the right side (I mean the right side from the VICTIM´S sight), deep in his lung. Theoretically it would be possible, but we never had such a case. I can't tell you more for now. I hope this information helped you.? Mark went to his office and looked again at all the facts. Then he remembered that he had to ask the friend of his brother ?some questions?. He went there (with a fresh repaired engine //

?Mr Mattson, I need to talk to you. I'm Mr Blackston, I'm investigating. It´s because my bro?, er, I mean Mr Johnson may have been killed. Could I ask you some questions?? He didn´t answer. He just opened the door and Mark entered. ?So he really died? What happened?? ?We don't know exactly. He could have been murdered, but he also had a heart attack. We don't know exactly, that´s why I am investigating.? ?So what do you want to know from me?? ?I want to ask you some things. Where did you know Mr Johnson?? ?We met once when we were training for a big swimming competition. He was a professional, so he showed me some tips on how to do better. We were very good friends. But now?? ?Do you now when and why he started a swimming career?? ?He told me that once? he said ?You always wanted to know how I started. Well, now I'll tell you. 3 years ago, I had a car accident. Since then, my heart is not working properly. The doctor said that swimming is good for the heart. So I started to do it. Soon I liked it and got very good. And now?? I'm sorry, but I can't continue.? ?Did you know his parents?? ?I heard of them, but I never saw them. He always told me about them? but he didn´t say any important things.? Mark walked through the living room and was shocked. ?You are collecting knives?? ?Oh yes, I like collecting. You see that? Real silver. It´s my best one? nobody used it. Ever. I'm proud of them?? ?Wait, there is one missing?? ?3 days ago someone stole it? luckily it wasn´t very valuable.? ?But there was a knife in his breast?? ?Wait, wait, wait, you think I KILLED HIM?? ?Er, well, I?? ?NO.   I DIDN´T KILL HIM. GOODBYE!!!? ?But?!? ?GOODBYE!? Mark couldn´t say anything more. He left.

On the same day he went again to Mrs Johnson. ?It´s me, Mr Blackston again. May I ask you something, just 5 minutes?? ?Do you have any friends who had much contact with your husband?? ?No, not really, there is just? Anna. She´s a butcher woman, she works in this butchery, not far from here. But now I really have to go. Could you come tomorrow, please?? ?OK, no problem. Goodbye.?
Logbook entry: ?December 26th, 1995. Today was a successful day. My car is repaired and I got some very useful information about my case. I'm too tired to tell that now. End?

The next day he went first to Mrs Johnson. ?Mrs Johnson, could we talk again?? Nobody answered. He knocked, but no response. He looks through the window. Mrs Johnson was dead. ?No, that´s a dream! A dream, nothing more!? But he knew exactly that this was real. A real crime. A murderer who killed half his family and the one of his brother. ?I have to solve it, before I get killed? he thought.
In his office he looked again at all the evidences. But where was the knife? He went to the pathologist and asked him where the knife could be. Mr Blackston, I- I ha-have to tell- y-ou some-sothing. Th-the knife was st-stolen yesterd-dd-day evening an-nd th-e p-p-erson almost k-k-killed me?..? Mark was panicked. ?Do you remember the,? the face,.. the person.. Anything?? ANYTHING????? ?Well h-he was b-big and-d looked l-like a sp-port-y person??

Mark ran to his car and drove to Mr Mattson. He opened the door without knocking and shouted ?WHY DID YOU KILL MY BROTHER???? ?I DIDN´T KILL HIM? but I know a friend who would be capable?? ?Shhh?. I heard something.? The front door was open. ?Maybe because the window is open? But Mark didn´t think that. ?Well, do you know that Mrs Johnson was killed? Probably with the same knife? I have to go to investigate there now, we´ll see later. Goodbye??

When he reached the house of Mrs Johnson, he opened the door and looked at the corpse. ?But? NO!!! NOT AGAIN?!? There was no knife. It was stolen. Again. He went back to Mr Mattson. ?If he isn't at home, I KNOW he stole the knife. But I still need evidence that he murdered her?? He knocked at the door. Nobody opened. ?Great, I know who killed them!? But Mark was extremely wrong. After he looked through the window, he could see it ? he was lying on the ground, a knife in his breast. Mark fell to the ground. He began to cry. ?3 people died in 3 days? Why? WHY? WHYYYY??????? Parents dead, brother dead, wife and friend of his brother dead. He could not believe how many people the murderer could murder. And all died persons had some connection with his brother. Mark was scared. ?What if I'm the next?? He broke the window, went in and took the knife so nobody steals it again. Then he remembered, ?I still have someone left. I didn´t ask her anything yet ? Anna, the butcher woman. But tomorrow, today I won't be able to do anything more??

At home he took his tape recorder and spoke, ?December 27th, 1995. 2 more people died? My brother´s wife and my brother´s friend.. Why? Why does a murderer kill so many people? This time I saved the knife, because the last 2 times it was stolen. Tomorrow I'll have to speak with this butcher woman, a friend of Mrs Johnson. End?

The first thing he did on the next day was visiting the butcher woman. He entered the shop and asked, ?Why do you work on December 28th?? ?Well, I need some more money. But I hope people will come today?? ?What did you do on December 24th? To be exactly, around midnight?? ?Hmmm?. I was sleeping.? ?Really? Do you know that Mr Johnson was killed? On 24th December, at midnight?? ?H..he was kill?led? Er? I'm v?v..ery sor..ry?? ?Can somebody proof that you were sleeping that night?? ?No, I ? was alone.? ?Do you know this knife?? Mark showed her the knife. ?This knife killed 3 people. Mr Johnson, Mrs Johnson and a friend of Mr Johnson. This knife is from his friend, but he couldn´t have done it because he is dead now. Who else could it be? Tell me!? ?I don't KNOW! IT´S SHOCKING ENOUGH FOR ME THAT HE DIED! Why would I kill him? I don't have any motive for doing that. You can ask a good friend of me, he is a sportsman, very good in swimming. As I can remember, Mr Johnson was a swimmer, too? Now please let me alone? I'm going home. Goodbye.? ?WAAAAAIT. Where does your friend live?? ?He has a house on Timber Street, number 56. Goodbye now.?

Mark went immediately to this house. He wasn´t sure what he should ask him, but he wanted to try. When he reached the house he slipped out on the ice (LOL.). Then he pushed the doorbell. A man opened. ?Hello, I'm Mr Blackston, I'm investigating some murders.? ?I'm Mr Kingler, nice to meet you.? ?On December 25th, Mr Johnson was killed. Two days later his wife was killed. Another day later, Mr Mattson, one of his friends was killed. I want to clear up these things.? ?And why did you come to me then? Oh, please come in.? They went in and sat on his big couch. ?So you think I killed these persons. Why should I?? ?Well, that´s it. Why should you?? ?Me. Me? No. I did not kill him.? ?You did. Why is there blood on the ground? Why was there blood on the doorknob? That´s because you killed them and the blood got there.? ?Well, I, er? I, that´s? hmm? BYE!? He ran away but Mark shouted ?STOP RIGHT NOW!?. Then he ran after him. He ran, and ran, and ran, but then they got into a dead-end street. Mr Kingler had a(nother) knife in his hand, holding it towards his breast. The inspector shouted, ?What are you going to do now, after you killed 3 persons? What are you going to do now, with your conscience? But first tell me WHY DID YOU KILL THEM?? His voice was very weakened and he whispered audible, ?The person you talk about, Mr Kingler, was my best friend. Then this guy came and destroyed everything between us. So I stole a knife and killed him. But his wife did see that. I killed her too. Since the relationship was still not the same, I killed him too. And after that, I killed myself?? He pressed the knife into himself and died there.

?December 28th, 1995. Case solved. The murderer told everything and killed himself after that. With a knife. I think he did a good thing, because otherwise he would have been murdered by some poison injections. I hope I'll never have such a case again. End?

Last edited by LD3H (Aug 23 2012 9:47:06 am)

#2 Before February 2015


Re: Silent Night - a crime story by LD3H

Well writen story, good read.

#3 Before February 2015


Re: Silent Night - a crime story by LD3H

How long did this take...?

#4 Before February 2015


Re: Silent Night - a crime story by LD3H

Zakleo: I did not update the story for 1 month. I had summer vacation so I was kind of lazy.

#5 Before February 2015


Re: Silent Night - a crime story by LD3H

Very sad. I love how you made the sentences very nice. To be honest, stories like this has improved my English and writing in real life. Good work;)

#6 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 6,699

Re: Silent Night - a crime story by LD3H

YAY You finally finished it! Nice timing, just as I'm about to quit EE. It's a good story, but I don't like the way you structured some of the sentences. It's like you were rushing because you hadn't updated in a while.


thx for sig bobithan


#7 Before February 2015


Re: Silent Night - a crime story by LD3H

You have a good talent in writing, an entertaining read. Some parts are slightly choppy but understandable nonetheless.

#8 Before February 2015


Re: Silent Night - a crime story by LD3H

It´s a bit late, but... yeah forums were down, so...
I made a halloween story, available here in the creative section.
BTW this also bumps this to new posts.

#9 Before February 2015


Re: Silent Night - a crime story by LD3H

Crime story, a social MMO that combines intense action and adventure into the empire building genre. It is said that the fantasy MMORPG The Aurora World will be released in 2013. And the MMOWood site has reported this news in details. Furthermore, the key of the game can be claimed via the website of

Last edited by uttermost13 (Dec 28 2012 12:33:06 am)

#10 Before February 2015


Re: Silent Night - a crime story by LD3H

Awesome story. Like Brush said, some choppy sentences, but still pretty entertaining. +Rep
Oh... By the way,

LD3H 1423618958342474

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