Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Greetings future peasants of Everybody Edits Society, I have come to enlighten you as to the inconspicuous undertakings of the ones known as MrShoe(Foooooooooooooot MXXIII) and the Five Footwears.
This lengthy story begins long ago in 2000th Century B.C. At the time that all the continents were combined into a single mega-continent for a period of five years. This mega-continent was known as the Sock. It was vaguely shaped like a television, and on it roamed the Feeets of the planet ShooLayse. These seemingly innocent Feeets were not actually the natives of the planet ShooLayse. The previous inhabitants were peace-loving people known as the Ehvrehbodeeans. The Ehvrehbodeeans were a people intent on building colorful creations, they were astoundingly artistic. Contests were every year for the best creation - but these contests became the end of the Ehvrehbodeean society. One year, an Ehvrehbodeean called Smeileh unintentionally brought a Fooot from a distant planet within the hollow of a grand tree. The initial plan for the tree was a beautiful artwork of bark and leaves. The Fooot hopped off the tree upon arrival - and the end of ShooLayse began. The Fooot used its nail-teleportation device to bring a massive number of Feeets to the planet, which at once began the merciless onslaught of kicks. The Feeets endlessly kicked the Ehvrehbodeeans into non-existence, with the exception of a single known as Benjaminsen I. Benjaminsen I evacuated upon an escape pod to the planet Earth, where he began a society, but the Feeets were not far behind. In the brief 200 year time span, the civilization started by Benjaminsen I was successful and peace was plentiful. Benjaminsen III, the current ruler, knew of the soon-to-be arrival by the Feeets and had trained the Neo-Ehvrehbodeeans in the artistic abilities of creating walls and moats. Unbeknownst to Benjaminsen III, however, the Feeets were encased in a powerful armor known as shoe. This armor allowed the Feeets to overpower and destroy the fragile Neo-Ehvrehbodeeans, and would become the symbol of their splendid empire in the years to come. The Ehvrehbodeeans again managed to escape the war by fleeing to the digital world through a magical Universal Serial Bus which was shortly destroyed by the Feeets. After this, the Feeets ruled the Earth for a long period of time, establishing a humongous empire. During the time of Sock, the slowly destabilizing factions of the kingdom were again reunited with the emperor Foooooooooooooot I. The differing sections were placed unto the leadership of the Five Footwears. The Five Footwears are as follows: Sneaker, Sandal, Boot, Heel, and Slipper. At the height of the empire, a massive whirlpool-earth-quake-explosion-esque-crevice erupted in the middle of the Sock. The entire civilization was sucked deep into the ocean floor, where most remain today, covered by miles upon miles of bedrock. The horrendous natural disaster resulted in the formation of the seven continents we know of today. However, the Feeets all remain unharmed within their shoe armor, which encases the entire population.
Next we follow human history as they populated the Earth following their imprisonment by the Feeets. The Feeets had contained the humans within large cages of china. These quickly broke as the whirlpool-earth-quake-explosion-esque-crevice resulted in stampedes of bulls. The human civilzation was established and the world as we knew it evolved. Over time, technology, and eventually the internet came into being, allowing for the discover of the Ehvrehbodeeans. Cyclone, named in honor of the whirlpool-earth-quake-explosion-esque-crevice, was a revolutionary of the current internet-era, discovering the location of the Ehvrehbodeean people, releasing only Benjaminsen MMXI, who thought it necessary to protect the Ehvrehbodeeans by keeping them safe in the digital world. For many years, the Ehvrehbodeeans were happy, but virtual supplies and money were running low, so Benjaminsen MMXI and Cyclone needed a way to attain money to fund the society. This was done by making a substitute of the virtual world public to the humans of the world. This is known as the famous Everybody Edits. The Ehvrehbodeeans, are of course kept in the original world, apart from the humans, to prevent any harm between either species. The plan was a success and enough money was funded to buy as much food as was necessary. This was one of the first successful periods in Neo-Ehvrehbodeean history since the escape into the digital world. However, this was soon to be ended by an eruption like no other...
On this next horrid day, Yellowstone Park erupted in a massive explosion. Ash was spewed into the sky, and chaos flew about the landscape. But - with the masses of magma surging to the surface, and the volcanic dust blanketing the world, Foooooooooooooot MXXIII was too, released from the underground encasement. Foooooooooooooot MXXIII immediately nail-teleported the Five Footwear to the surface world. Each of the Five Footwear had a large part in the clean-up and reconstruction of the Earth in the following day. Sneaker cleansed the clouds, Sandal filtered the ground, Heel reconstructed the buildings and monuments, Boot brought the species back to health, and finally, Slipper used his mind abilities to erase all memories of that cataclysm forever. I only know of this cataclysm due to my extensive research into the photography industry, with the few photos of the event that remained. With the escape from the Earth's Mantle hidden from the Ehvrehbodeeans, their appearance becomes both confirmed yet unexpected. Foooooooooooooot MXXIII attempts to think of a plan to kill the Ehvrehbodeeans, but to get to them, Everybody Edits must be destroyed, as it functions as a powerful barrier. Firstly, Foooooooooooooot MXXIII notes that keeping Benjaminsen MMXI and Cyclone from knowing of the Feeets re-existence. Foooooooooooooot MXXIII hacks into the game adding the kick command, and quickly erases the memory of the event from the brains of Benjaminsen MMXI and Cyclone with Slipper. The kick command, while seemingly harmless, actually damages the game, and will eventually lead to the destruction of Seeing as humans are kind, Foooooooooooooot MXXIII masquerades as a human under the guise of MrShoe, a video-game developer, so that he can make excessive changes to the game without suspicion. The ultimate goal as his persona, Foooooooooooooot MXXIII wants to create unrest within Everybody Edits, eventually leading to many kicks of rage, and finally the exposure of the Evrehbodeeans to harm. With each new addition, there has been excessive damage to the game-barrier. The water is for eventual structural collapse, as the H2O erodes away the game. The woot system was purely for angering the humans on EE, resulting in many more kicks. Finally, the Exclusive Builder Club was created... the money made from this is not used in funding for the Ehvrehbodeeans, it is used to fund a gigantic weapon of mass destruction that Foooooooooooooot MXXIII will use to destroy Along with Foooooooooooooot MXXIII and the Five Footwear, I have here in my hand a list of 205 names who are known to me as being those who support Foooooooooooooot MXXIII, those who will stop at nothing to destory the Ehvrehbodeeans. With the support of these 205 people, along with the Five Footwear, Foooooooooooooot MXXIII has plans to completely upend Everybody Edits Society in many ways, each must be known to you so that you may ignore it. The entire plan is to cause more kicks and hatred - which result in the end of Everybody Edits and the Ehvrehbodeeans.
The first plan is, as you may have noticed, already in the game, yet it has yet to evolve into the final step. The new magic and the class system will end with social stratification. Each class will have special abilities over all the lower classes. Each class will only be able to speak with class members. Upper class people may still hear what all lower class members have to say. If a player is a higher class than the owner of a level, they will have the option to remove all coins and save the level. Last, if one is a higher class than another, they may choose to lower that members class by one, but the power can only be used once a day. The point of this will be to create hatred among game members, as upper class members will stop at nothing to prevent lower class members from becoming upper class. This will often result in mass kicking sprees between upper and lower classes.
The second plan is to cause an EE civil war through the simple differences between views on MrShoe and the new MrVoid. MrShoe will continue to create updates people hate, and MrVoid will create updates that people love, this will result in a civil war between the separate sides. Many people will be kicked simply from having a package or smiley that one of the moderators created. These excessive and brutal kicks will cause massive damage to the game, and when the war is at its peak, Benjaminsen MMXI shall appear with an apparent plan to save the day. An important note to think of is the fact that Benjaminsen will be temporarily brainwashed by Slipper into doing this. While he is not usually capable of being brainwashed, the turmoil will result in his mental destabilization and potential mind control. At this moment, Benjaminsen MMXI will destroy Everybody Edits, and the Evrehbodeeans will be destroyed.
The third and final plan is to destroy the forums to create conflict. As you may have noticed, Foooooooooooooot MXXIII has killed the forums several times to keep Cyclone preoccupied and away from potential discovery of the Feeets. Foooooooooooooot MXXIII has noticed that when the forums were down, there was a significantly higher kick rate in the game. This led to the plan of permanently shutting down every Everybody Edits forum. When he does this, you must not be alarmed, or angry, you must simply endure the destruction, and await new forums, or creates yourselves. If you give up and complain, Foooooooooooooot MXXIII will win the long battle the Feeets have waged against the innocent Evrehbodeeans.
I hope that you all now see what MrShoe has done, the savage horrible acts he has committed, and why you should do all that is possible to show your support for Benjaminsen MMXI, Cyclone, and the Ehvrehbodeeans. If Foooooooooooooot MXXIII and the Five Footwear win, an entire civilization will be killed. You may be wondering who the Five Footwear are, and I used to know, until Slipper erased my memory. It is very possible that some of your friends, or in-game and forum mods may be supporters of the Five Footwear, or even the actual Five Footwear in disguise. But you must remain calm, the main steps to helping save the Evrehbodeeans are to never use the kick command, and to help inform others of this astonishing truth that has been kept from you all for so long. But I must make this next point very clear: under no circumstances may anyone ever quote or copy and paste or save this story. I have a special shielding coating this entire single post, so that none who support Foooooooooooooot MXXIII and the Five Footwear may see it. If one was to quote this post, it will be known to the Feeets that you know the truth, and they will likely take drastic measures to speed up the Everybody Edits destruction process. Thank you all for your time, and again, please remain calm and do not kick anyone.
Last edited by GKAbyss (Jan 15 2013 6:32:10 pm)
Next update: Tin foil hat smiley.
Um. What?
Since this is your 1000th post, spam more so you get to 2000 ASAP.
Warning issued for spam. You should know by now that we don't like completely useless posts.
Moved to Creative.
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
So that's how this all happened.
Next time, please keep it shorter or use more [enter] command.
P788 wrote:TL, DR.
Warning issued for spam. You should know by now that we don't like completely useless posts.
Moved to Creative.
OMG, I didn't think about that when I made that post... How I could forget that rule...
*re-reads the rules 10 times*
*reads OP*
Nice conspiracy theory.
Last edited by P788 (Jan 15 2013 4:30:25 pm)
I am hoping the point gets across that I think all the hate against MrShoe is absurd. I compare it with conspiracy theories and McCarthyism.
Last edited by GKAbyss (Jan 15 2013 6:33:33 pm)
It's weird how people hate on Shoe and love Chris, even though Chris is the one who tells Shoe what to do. Shoe works for Chris. Chris is Shoe's boss. He does what he's told and programs it.
Stop hating on Shoe. This blind, ignorant hate is getting out of control.
Last edited by AzurePudding (Jan 15 2013 7:03:46 pm)
It's weird how people hate on Shoe and love Chris, even though Chris is the one who tells Shoe what to do. Shoe works for Chris. Chris is Shoe's boss. He does what he's told and programs it.
Stop hating on Shoe. This blind, ignorant hate is getting out of control.
I think the dislike of the updates makes no sense. If everyone reads what MrShoe says, I doubt many will get upset. The entire woot update and future plans were described in the blog, and everyone complained that it would ruin ee, until the small test update was finished. I don't think it matters who makes the updates at all, because I don't see a single problem with any of the updates. If anything does go wrong, MrShoe pops in and updates/fixes it within a significantly short time.
It's weird how people hate on Shoe and love Chris, even though Chris is the one who tells Shoe what to do. Shoe works for Chris. Chris is Shoe's boss. He does what he's told and programs it.
Stop hating on Shoe. This blind, ignorant hate is getting out of control.
People hate on MrShoe, because he spends less time on his graphics, I believe. People expect Chris to be, well, the way he is, because they're more used to it. You weren't on the forums back in the day, but RPGMaster2000 would show us his work, before he put it out, sometimes, to make sure we liked it, just look at this topic, for example Artist Pack. Of course, MrShoe does listen to the community as well, it just feels like he doesn't as much, probably because he never visits these forums. I'm not saying that hating on MrShoe is justified, I'm just looking at why they do. Although, it would be nice if MrShoe did something like that, for the community.
Last edited by KingOfTheOzone (Jan 15 2013 7:46:05 pm)
AzurePudding wrote:It's weird how people hate on Shoe and love Chris, even though Chris is the one who tells Shoe what to do. Shoe works for Chris. Chris is Shoe's boss. He does what he's told and programs it.
Stop hating on Shoe. This blind, ignorant hate is getting out of control.
People hate on MrShoe, because he spends less time on his graphics, I believe. People expect Chris to be, well, the way he is, because they're more used to it. You weren't on the forums back in the day, but RPGMaster2000 would show us his work, before he put it out, sometimes, to make sure we liked it, just look at this topic, for example Artist Pack. Of course, MrShoe does listen to the community as well, it just feels like he doesn't as much, probably because he never visits these forums. I'm not saying that hating on MrShoe is justified, I'm just looking at why they do. Although, it would be nice if MrShoe did something like that, for the community.
Squadfs told me that MrShoe does visit the forums. Also, I just realized that rather than like Rpgmaster2000, who first started as a player and then became an admin, MrShoe was not a regular member before he became an administrator. This could be a reason for why he does not post on the forums.
KingOfTheOzone wrote:AzurePudding wrote:It's weird how people hate on Shoe and love Chris, even though Chris is the one who tells Shoe what to do. Shoe works for Chris. Chris is Shoe's boss. He does what he's told and programs it.
Stop hating on Shoe. This blind, ignorant hate is getting out of control.
People hate on MrShoe, because he spends less time on his graphics, I believe. People expect Chris to be, well, the way he is, because they're more used to it. You weren't on the forums back in the day, but RPGMaster2000 would show us his work, before he put it out, sometimes, to make sure we liked it, just look at this topic, for example Artist Pack. Of course, MrShoe does listen to the community as well, it just feels like he doesn't as much, probably because he never visits these forums. I'm not saying that hating on MrShoe is justified, I'm just looking at why they do. Although, it would be nice if MrShoe did something like that, for the community.
Squadfs told me that MrShoe does visit the forums. Also, I just realized that rather than like Rpgmaster2000, who first started as a player and then became an admin, MrShoe was not a regular member before he became an administrator. This could be a reason for why he does not post on the forums.
Hmm... that makes sense, idk, he does feel like he is alot less interactive with the community, even though it's not necessarily true.
...Why is the guy so scared of going publicly on the forums? Instead he just watches behind his computer and cackles as EE slowly falls apart...? This isn't beneficial.
EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu IUO0O0oooooooooooppi
;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q
Im A ®a®ity ®
...Why is the guy so scared of going publicly on the forums? Instead he just watches behind his computer and cackles as EE slowly falls apart...? This isn't beneficial.
He doesn't do that.
I talked to him just awhile ago. Really nice guy. he accepted some of my ideas and even wrote them down.
If new people are joining EE daily, then I don't see how it's falling apart. Yes, the magic and woot system need fixing, but the game isn't any worse than it was before. besides those exceptions, the game is a lot better. The game is less limited with these new blocks. With things like hazards, water, and note blocks, and even boosts and purple switches, there is more freedom to level creation than just simple put block here and hop here, then hop here.
It's like people hate for the sake of hating. Get over your nostalgia, change can be a good thing.
Don't start changing your mind on the guy just because he was nice to you in some level, he's ruining the game and I think that (generally), people on this site value the game more than you. He may be a nice guy but he's a terrible mod. It is falling apart for the community (except for the nubberies that joined EE recently . . ¬ ¬
(hint hint nudge nudge wink wink). It was FAR worse than it was before, EE used to be so simple and pleasant. You wouldn't know because you obviously are very new to EE. I joined around Febuary or March or something like that 2011, and trust me the game has seriously gone downhill. So maybe not to the new pplz but to the oldies we know... also BTW simplicity was a GOOD thing in EE. Now these specified blocks don't allow you to be creative and actually think up a good way to resemble a certain block. Some of the decos he released were okay but the blocks are all shizz. I, out of respect, have not used a single block (besides cake) in a level I have finished or am ever planning on releasing to public that has been released after, like, the guys first 5 updates that were somewhat Okay, but still quite Lay-Z-Lee made 0_0..
P.S. beware for possibly proveable-to-be-wrong content, I didn't really read what you wrote.
EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu IUO0O0oooooooooooppi
;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q
Im A ®a®ity ®
I know I have been friends with you for months, but I am against you. Sorry, but this is only my opinion. I agree with AzurePudding, who has only been friends for days, and I've been at EE for over a year. It has always bee one of my favorite games ever since I first played it, maybe for the exception of me getting hacked. Still, that doesn't relate with MrShoe, but I'm just saying this game is still good and he gives us more than removes features.
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