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#1 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Brawler's inferno

after finishing the everybody edits murder, i decided to do another story for the forums. i am basing it off the inferno by dante aligerhi. it basically takes the sins in the inferno and replaces them with ee related stuff. it will basically work like the murder did, where i keep adding parts as i go along, but this time, i have a lot of it planned out already. special thanks to takoman02 for helping plan the story and krazyman50 for making the 101 things topic.

I was walking alone in a bleak level, knowing i had been astray from the right way. i walked along the path, but was ambushed by 3 smileys that had no name, and didnt even have a guest number. a big spender, ninja, and female smiley blocked me on my path to the right way, but out of nowhere, a bleak figure appeared. the figure scared me, but all it said was "i am here to help you". "who are you, what are you?" i said. "you have gone from the path of ee greatness and nearly lost everything brawler". "i am sai, condemned to hell for leaving ee early." "those smileys you encountered are in your way, and i have been sent by takoman02 to guide you away from them." "follow me". i went with him, and we finally arrived at a dark gate that no mortal has been before. on the gate was a bleak sign that said "abandon all hope, ye who enter."

we continued on to the entrance to hell. in the vast area, i could see people jumping, running in place, and even some passing through each other. "welcome to the vestibule of hell" sai said. "these are the unoriginal, creating monotony in ee, they are condemned to eternally do the same thing they made people do." i could hear their shreiking, and i trembled with fear. we came across a dark river, and met with the ferryman, rurigok. he said "mortal! what are you doing here! you do not belong" "we have been sent on a journey by an angel". rurigok agreed, and as we went on the river to hell, the crying made me think, "all these people did was be uncreative, some of the levels were even pretty good. what else is in the horrible place?" the boat sailed on, and i fainted.

i had no idea how long i was knocked out. i was only awakened when rurigok shook me and said "welcome to hell". sai and i got off the boat and rurigok sailed back to the entrance. "welcome to circle 1, limbo" "in here, lie the people who quit ee at an early point in the game" "they are not truely punished, but they have to live a life without ee, and feel empty without it". i walked around, and saw a beautiful castle and wondered, is this really hell? it looks too nice to be hell. in the castle, i met all of the people that were no longer on ee but had been a great contribution to the game. i remembered a list of unknown people off the ex crew thread, and met several of those former members there. waha, WPG, theorange, along with killcreek and gcommer. after talking to them, i talked to sai. "why are these people here? they did nothing wrong". "they did not have faith in the potential of ee, and are forced to live here" said sai. we walked along a path and at the end, we met cyclone. "welcome to circle 2" said cyclone.

cyclone went to several other   souls of the dead, and for each one, flipped a coin. heads or tails does not matter, for every time it flips in midair, that is the circle you are sent to. we continued on to the next circle, and saw something that we never assumed would be a punishment. "welcome to circle 2", said sai. "these people have all made terrible levels only to get plays, not even realizing how bad their levels were". "they are condemned to work on a level for all eternity." "the level will never be finished, and they are chained to the computers." we walked around, and we met several bad level makers. we went up to one of them. "what is your name", i said. "i am iraka". "all of my levels were terrible, but they were still some of the most played levels in the game." "now i cannot escape making bad levels". we continued on to the next layer of hell. "welcome to circle 3".

we walked on the path of hell, and entered the third circle. "these are the people who attempted to harvest magic coins on purpose to get more energy, now they are forced into collecting meaningless coins forever". "they walk around on the scalding ground, trying to find coins that mean nothing". i looked around the circle, and realized that these people wanted nothing more than to abuse their accounts. they spent all of their free time trying to gain a meaningless number, and must collect meaningless coins. they could not even understand the magic coin system enough to stop. i knew they would not understand that the coins had no value. we continued on to circle 4.

"welcome to circle 4", said sai. "in here are the   people that spent too much money on this game". i went into the circle, and could not imagine the torment they were going through. there was a rain of diamonds from the sky. there was no shelter from the rain, and you could hear the   screams from pain. "these people wasted their money or their parents money on worthless diamonds, so worthless diamonds torment you forever". we met several overspenders in there such as lop and jkiller21. one person was crying and laying on the ground not even trying to avoid the torrent of diamonds. we went up to him and asked. "who are you"? "my name is krazyman50". "i begged my parents to buy me spender, and even got them to buy me a diamond". i know that what i have done is a mistake, so i am accepting the punishment for it". feeling sorry for krazyman, we walked along the path of hell into the next circle.

we walked on the path and could not believe our eyes. there were no people in circle 5. everyone in the room was something different. "welcome to circle 5" "these people are update complainers, and since they cannot accept change in the game, they are forced to change themselves". i saw people turned into 2 dimensions. others turned into bricks. one even laid across as a staircase. i started to realize that these people might deserve their punishments as i go deeper into this abyss. i continued on with sai to the next circle.

the next circle looked almost completely different from the previous circles of hell. "welcome to circle 6, the city of dis", said sai. "this is the capital of hell". "sinners are grouped into 3 categories: the noobs, the progress halters, and the trolls". "this circle starts the second category, the progress halters". in the city we saw people twisting each others heads around. "these are the ee conservatives". "they wanted the game to go backwards, so they turn each other backwards". looking around, we met one person who seemed more irate than the rest of them. "my name is epicstonemason". "nobody ever listened to what i had to say, and now they have a horrible ee". as soon as the other people in the city heard him, he was attacked by at least 6 people while the rest of them watched. i found out that the people in these circles were getting crazier. i traveled on to circle 7, fearing what might lie ahead.

reaching the next circle, i saw nobody at the entrance. sai explained "this is circle 7, the violent". "they are violent towards different things, so they are punished differently". "there are 3 rings in this circle housing the violent". "i must warn you though, these people are nothing like the others in hell, and they might try and attack you for their pleasure". "be careful brawler". "i walked on into the first ring to find the most hated people in ee, but i could not understand why these people were not put at the bottom of hell.

"circle 7, ring 1, the greifers, violent towards levels", said sai. "they did nothing more than wreck levels, so they are wrecked in an avalanche". sai was right. i looked at the circle and had to back off to get out of the avalanche. "they do nothing more than wreck levels, so they have to get their bodies wrecked", said sai. several people from TI:1 were in this circle, including thegreentroll. other people not in TI:1 were in the level. we met one person named john, who had been called the biggest greifer ever. we wanted to talk to him about his greifing, but the avalanche was to strong for us to be able to get out if we tried to get near him. we had no choice but to continue on to the second ring of circle 7.

sai guided me to the next ring, and i felt like i was in a mental institution from what i saw. "the second ring of circle 7 is the violent towards the game". "they made programs to get around what chris had originally intended for you to do, ignoring the encryption". i saw more recognizable people, like aslai and cyph1e, and i could not imagine what they had to go through. "they tried to control the game themselves, so now they have absolutely no control over their own bodies, and flail around, crashing into each other, breaking bones, living in complete agony". "they tired out a long time ago, but have not been able to stop since they got here". we could not approach any of them for fear that we might be attacked, so we continued on to the next ring.

"welcome to the final part of this circle brawler". "in here, all of these people have 1 thing in common". "they are all banned on the forums". "these are the raiders, the violent against the forums". i walked in, and this time i could actually get to talk to people, because the punishment was by demons. i saw the demons slicing people, but limbs were not falling off. going up to one of the raiders, one i assumed was linus21, i looked at his body. he had all of his raid posts cut into his body. CHRIS GAY CHRIS GAY, stood out among all the others. "im sure you can see it now brawler", said sai. "for making these posts, the posts are being made on them". "whenever the wounds start to heal, you get more of your posts cut into your body". i could imagine how people like linus21 and jason30 could have posts cut into their bodies, but what about image raiders? having this thought, i suddenly created a horrible image inside my head. an image so horrible that i fainted.

i woke up to the sight of sai. "i dragged you to the beginning of circle 8 after you passed out brawler". "you saw the noobs in the first 5 circles, and the progress halters in 6 and 7, but now you have to see the trolls of ee". "circle 8, like circle 7, is divided". "it has 10 concentric ditches called bolgia, all with the people that just **** people off". "you will be meeting far worse punishments here than from before". feeling jittery, i reluctantly followed sai into the first bolgia.

10 parts of this circle. i thought to myself. what lies beyond? sai dragged me into the first bolgia and introduced me to the people. "welcome brawler, these are the code beggers". "they completely ignored the fact that you can play a level for fun and only set out to get the code to every single level". "they asked for codes, and now they have to ask for the demons to stop slicing their throats". i see it. these cuts were deeper than the ones i had encountered in circle 7, some of them even going halfway through their necks. i trembled in fear as i followed sai to the next bolgia.

what could be worse than the rest of this? why do these punishments get ranked this way? no way for me to know now, so i continued onto the next bolgia. the moment i stepped in, i got covered in someone elses guts. "bolgia number 2". "guest bombers". "they could not make a good level, so they just kept it at the top, mocking everyone that can make good levels". "they inflated their levels with emptiness, so now they must be inflated forever, coming back together whenever they pop". "now brawler, i must warn you". "the next bolgia is very dangerous". "you must stay with me to survive". a layer dangerous to me? what is this place? no turning back now.

"you might need to stay back and watch this one". "bolgia number 3". "the people that made misleading level names". "saying ex crew when its a generic minigames level". "calling it pro art when its just pixel art". "these people are trapped under a torturous smog from which they cannot escape". "you must stay back so you arent trapped among the level fakers". "you might think that this is the circle for the biggest noobs in ee, but just you wait". "it gets even worse than this". ignoring sais instruction, i stepped towards the smog, and accidentally fell in. i could feel it filling my lungs, the worst pain i had ever felt. i felt like i was going to die and end up at one of the circles i had already seen. what could happen? i closed my eyes and felt like this was the end.

Last edited by RhazhBash (Feb 17 2013 9:24:18 pm)


#2 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Re: Brawler's inferno

there is a character limit for each post, so im keeping this post here in case i write too much and have to use a second post. ill delete this if i end up not using it.

Last edited by RhazhBash (Feb 16 2012 5:36:20 pm)


#3 Before February 2015

DK Levels

Re: Brawler's inferno

Nice story so far // I like it

#4 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Re: Brawler's inferno

alright. i added circle 1 to the story. enjoy.


#5 Before February 2015

Official Caroler
From: SEAͩT̓͑TLͯͥͧͪ̽ͧE͑̚
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 787

Re: Brawler's inferno

Lol nub story. Hehehe


#6 Before February 2015


Re: Brawler's inferno

Nice story, good work //

#7 Before February 2015


Re: Brawler's inferno

Hey brawler, nice goin' with that

#8 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,575

Re: Brawler's inferno

Kannibal, that post does not contribute in any way to the topic. The rules say that double posting is legit as new content or as an extension of the first post.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#9 Before February 2015


Re: Brawler's inferno

Brawler700 - Awesome story! Can't wait for more! //

#10 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Re: Brawler's inferno

alright. next part added.


#11 Before February 2015


Re: Brawler's inferno

Really good, but iraka makes fun levels i think!:lol:

#12 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,575

Re: Brawler's inferno

What are you smoking?

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#13 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: Brawler's inferno

That is one sexy story.

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#14 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Re: Brawler's inferno

TakoMan02 wrote:

That is one sexy story.

Different55 wrote:

What are you smoking?

btw next part added

Last edited by RhazhBash (Feb 22 2012 1:41:39 am)


#15 Before February 2015

Wolf exile1

Re: Brawler's inferno

I have to bump this.

I really like the story, I would very much like some more of it //

#16 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Re: Brawler's inferno

good because i didnt wanna double post but i added another part a while ago.


#17 Before February 2015


Re: Brawler's inferno

nice storey Brawler, I enjoyed it.

#18 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Re: Brawler's inferno part added
2.move this to creative


#19 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: Brawler's inferno

Moved to creative.

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#20 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Re: Brawler's inferno

2 months and 1 day. now i finally decide to get back to work on this story.


#21 Before February 2015


Re: Brawler's inferno

I love this story. It's awesome!

Last edited by Fdoou (May 13 2012 2:01:48 pm)

#22 Before February 2015


Re: Brawler's inferno

Hahaha nice story I loved it //

.......GOOD JOB!!! It has to take long time to write it unless you're fast typer like meh //


#23 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Re: Brawler's inferno

you decide if what i added to the story counts as another part or not. either way, i added stuff to the story.


#24 Before February 2015

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,122

Re: Brawler's inferno

I think circle 8 should be the shared accounts.

Anyway, nice story!


#25 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Re: Brawler's inferno

next part added. btw greifer is just another word for troll in case you dont know. greifers and trolls are different. greifers are trolls who destroy levels, but trolls can be pretty much anything.



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