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#1 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 5,447

EE Hunger Games 2014

     District 10 (Gka and Bimps) afk in the world for a while, while 1nsanity and Boh race to get there sword!
     Bimps explode while they afk. Gka grabs a backpack with a block in it. Now he is a bishop hiding behind some grass on a pot afk-ing.
     “yay wherez am 1?” says ipwner. “I dunno” says Muffin.
     Boh takes some spike blocks and puts it where under ipwner is going to run. Ipwner is eliminated! Boh slahes Muffin! He is also eliminated!
     Atilla and Meredith take their briefcases out and attach them to the wall. They start typing and and hax the game. They give themselves mod mode!
     Fdoou and Theditor are on the same team, but they are still fighting each other. "i hate u why do you exist" says theditor. Fdoou is eliminated!
     Master1 starts placing ladders and deleting them so Kingoftheozone can’t get to him. "get away koto" Master1 screams! Koto starts spamming random arrow blocks and Master1 falls! Luckily he is a smiley so he doesn’t die.
     Boh is about the slash reidolol. "pls don't kill me! I is innocent! Please lets be allys". "mwahahaha. I don't care! This is a game where I am supposed to kill everyone!" Boh raises his sword, when reidolol's partner, atmosphere comes from behind and kicks Boh into the pool of water. Reidolol is saved!. Boh, soaked in water, starts to build blocks around him and thinks about revenge.
     Atilla hacks into the server and brings back Muffin!
     "thx atilla lol" says Muffin.
     By now, Boh is resting in a poorly made tree. Then she hears a weird noise. Oh no! The grass is setting on fire! AHHH! The fire is spreading through the poorly made trees, and it's just about to set fire to Boh's tree! But suddenly, a gift falls. Boh's tutor, Anch159 sends her a gift, the potion of protection. She is now saved! She runs on the fire like a boss and finds 1nsanity who is in a cave freaking out. Boh shares more of the potion with 1nsanity so he won't die.
     Master1 is hanging on his ladder for dear life while he is still on his ladder. Meredith erases one of the ladders. Now he only has 1 ladder left! Just as Meredith was going to delete Master1's last ladder, Honeybuckles throws a banana at Meredith and she faints. She starts kicking her and punching her until her non-existing fists are hurt.
     Another hour goes by.
     Gka is still afk-ing in his bishop smiley hiding behind grass, while Toxic is slowly walking hunting, the sword held in her hand.
She passes by Gka when suddenly, he becomes not-afk and kicks toxic! But MrShoe, the game maker is putting zombie smileys in the world. Gka throws toxic into the horde of zombies and toxic is screaming "Why Gka!!" A zombie touches toxic and she is infected.
     Gka is running as fast as he can, and realizes that zombies can't jump as high as him, so he opens the backpack and builds a block and jumps on it. Zombies are jumping while Gka tries his best to not fall off his block.
     Atilla is watching everything and deletes the block Gka is standing on.
     Gka is falling, and just as he was going to touch the zombies, their time as zombies was up, and boom they exploded. Phew! That was a close one.
     Another hour goes by.
     Treejoe and Failgirl are fighting over "why should I care" when suddenly the ground starts growing vines and spikes, and hard minigames. To their left, spikes, to their right, a hard minigame where you only get one chance. The spikes are getting closer and closer by the second. Their mentor, N1KF sends them one levitation potion. Treejoe and Failgirl are fighting over who gets it when Failgirl kicks Treejoe and gets it. Treejoe is on the floor reaching his non-existing arm to Failgirl, when she drinks it. She starts flying through the hard minigame, and reaches a safe zone. "i hate u why im ur partner!!!!!!" screams Treejoe as a pair of spikes impales treejoe.
     Reidolol gets an adrenalin rush. He is now super-strong. He runs as fast as a [delete]cheetah[/delete]turtle and gets a backpack containing a sword block, and 1 spike block.
     Chiscorey is getting chased by his own partner, (toxic) who is a zombie. Reidolol comes out from a bush as puts a sword block right in front of where Chiscorey is running. Chiscorey is eliminated!
     Oh no! Muffin is a nub. He is eliminated!

Last edited by anch159 (Jun 3 2014 3:26:35 pm)


#2 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 5,447

Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

District 1: Master1 & Honeybuckles44
District 2: 1nsanity & Boh - Mentor: Anch159
District 3: Fdoou & Theditor
District 4: Treejoe4 & Failgirl101 - Mentor: N1KF
District 5: Reidolol & Atmosphere - Mentor: Some man
District 6: Ipwner & Muffin
District 7: Atilla & Meredith1999
District 8: Doh & Cyph1e
District 9: Toxic & Chiscorey
District 10: Gkabyssflorida & Bimps
District 11: 222hockey222 & Kaylee123
District 12: Azurepudding & Kingoftheozone
Game Maker: MrShoe

Last edited by anch159 (Jun 3 2014 3:26:59 pm)


#3 Before February 2015

From: Crait
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,452

Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

omg story is too pro i luv <3 <3 <3 this fun



#4 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 5,447

Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

Master1 I need you to help me get pictures and write the story


#5 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-21
Posts: 1,162

Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

I'm pretty sure more people are eliminated.
Toxic- Infected
Treejoe- Dead
Fdoou- Dead

Also, can I be a mentor of one of them >_>


#6 Before February 2015

From: The Dark Web
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,658

Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

You allow i suggest what my district will do with other district?

This is a false statement.


#7 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 5,447

Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

Dragonranger wrote:

I'm pretty sure more people are eliminated.
Toxic- Infected
Treejoe- Dead
Fdoou- Dead

Also, can I be a mentor of one of them >_>



#8 Before February 2015

From: The Dark Web
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,658

Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

anch159 wrote:
Dragonranger wrote:

I'm pretty sure more people are eliminated.
Toxic- Infected
Treejoe- Dead
Fdoou- Dead

Also, can I be a mentor of one of them >_>


Is boh dead too?

This is a false statement.


#9 Before February 2015

some woman
From: 4th dimension
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,289

Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

Anch159, can players ask to join?

10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!


#10 Before February 2015

From: The Dark Web
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,658

Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

You should put mentors as characters too.

This is a false statement.


#11 Before February 2015


Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

Treejoe and Failgirl are fighting over who gets it when Failgirl kicks Treejoe and gets it. Treejoe is on the floor reaching his non-existing arm to Failgirl, when she drinks it. She starts flying through the hard minigame, and reaches a safe zone. "i hate u why im ur partner!!!!!!" screams Treejoe as a pair of spikes impales treejoe.

I really think you captured my character perfectly. Bravo

#12 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 5,447

Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

There re only 12 districts.


#13 Before February 2015

From: The Dark Web
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,658

Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

Can you give the link for your world? Also, put the mentors at second post.

This is a false statement.


#14 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 5,447

Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

What world?
And I'll put mentors.
Guys. Since in the movie they have no choice over the mentor, you can post who you want to mentor. //
I feel so evil.

Last edited by anch159 (Jun 1 2014 3:04:17 pm)


#15 Before February 2015

From: The Dark Web
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,658

Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

anch159 wrote:

What world?
And I'll put mentors.

I don't know, but others want to be in picture too.

This is a false statement.


#16 Before February 2015

some woman
From: 4th dimension
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,289

Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

I want to mentor reidolol...

10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!


#17 Before February 2015

From: Canterlot, Equestria
Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 48

Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

Omg, I was in this story for about... nothing? And we failed! So good... :3



#18 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 5,447

Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

Chiscorey wrote:

Omg, I was in this story for about... nothing? And we failed! So good... :3

1. Toxic told me to kill you off
2. Your one of the teams that die instantly //


#19 Before February 2015

From: The Dark Web
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,658

Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

some man wrote:

I want to mentor reidolol...

Yes, he will be my mentor, so we will fight up.

This is a false statement.


#20 Before February 2015

From: Canterlot, Equestria
Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 48

Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

Anch159 wrote:

1. Toxic told me to kill you off
2. Your one of the teams that die instantly

Oh Ok! xD... It's ok... 3':



#21 Before February 2015


Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

so I guess I am redshirt

#22 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-09
Posts: 1,691

Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

I would like to give GKA a sponsor for a blue coin.

ulpdao4e94f.png I are back.


#23 Before February 2015


Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

I will mentor District 9.

Last edited by Urban (Jun 1 2014 6:14:55 pm)

#24 Before February 2015

From: Crait
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,452

Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

anch159 wrote:

What world?
And I'll put mentors.
Guys. Since in the movie they have no choice over the mentor, you can post who you want to mentor. //
I feel so evil.

I want to be my own mentor.



#25 Before February 2015

From: The Dark Web
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,658

Re: EE Hunger Games 2014

Rating by condition and reputation, i made my predictions for next day:
District 1: Master1 & Honeybuckles44
District 2: 1nsanity & Boh
District 3: Theditor
District 4: Failgirl101
District 5: Reidolol & Atmosphere
District 6: Muffin
District 7: Atilla & Meredith1999
District 8: Doh & Cyph1e
District 10: Gkabyssflorida
District 11: 222hockey222 & Kaylee123
District 12: Azurepudding & Kingoftheozone

Last edited by Creature (Jun 1 2014 7:00:34 pm)

This is a false statement.



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