Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Kingofthezone: Joke or not a joke, it's a racist joke. I don't care if it's intended to be a joke. It's like saying it's okay to shot someone in the head because your intention was to shot beside the head to joke with the person.
If you would read all my comments in this thread, you would understand why racist jokes can't be justified.
Okay, so you think that when racism grows large enough like in the south states, we should "just let it be", because "people do what people do"?
First off, where did I ever say this?
Second, As I said before, their is a difference between a joke and being racist. btw, your metaphor isn't that great, that would be murder. A better one would be pushing someone down stairs because you thought it would be funny. But that's not the point, a joke is a joke is a joke is a joke.... Deal with it. BTW, if your going to get yourself all worked up over a joke, then your in for a very hard life.
Actually, this reminds me when the voice for chef on South Park quit.
. I don't care if it's intended to be a joke. It's like saying it's okay to shot someone in the head because your intention was to shot beside the head to joke with the person.
It's nothing like that at all. A joke you find offensive isn't going to kill you.
You don't get it. The jokes are NOT trying to endorse some sort of discriminatory anti-blonde doctrine, and if they were I'd be tentative about calling them jokes. It's just us humans laughing at each other and should NOT be taken seriously. If it offends you then tough. Lighten up, realise that people don't seriously think you're inferior because of your hair colour and get over it.
Last edited by musuki (Mar 17 2011 6:02:31 pm)
Oh no, I'm bald, my race hates yours for calling me cue ball.
Yeah, agreed, these forums have too much racism.I cant go anywhere without some freakin white racist boy.
Yeah, agreed, these forums have too much racism.I cant go anywhere without some freakin white racist boy.
LOL? How is this racist. Nub, I know you just like to argue about everything and you think your right all the time. Go somewhere else, I don't liek you.
Kingofthezone: You said it in your recent post.
A joke can be offensive to some people, and some jokes can indeed be illegal. In the UK, a man was convicted for a joke that was about blowing up an airport. That conviction can be used as a precedent in this scenario. The law wont care if it was meant as a joke or not. If it's against the rules, and can offense someone, you shouldn't make that joke.
And you can say it how many times you want, but when you portrait blonde people in a negative way because of theirs genetic factors, it is racism. Even if it might have been meant as a joke.
Basically, it's not the joke that I'm upset about, it's the acceptance for the racism, because when I come and say that racism is bad everyone on this forum started to flame me. When I prove that these jokes equal racism, people flame me even more.
Racism have many different forms. If you disrespect someone because of their race, even though it's a joke, you can be convinced for racism, or racial agitation.
musuki: Read above.
TGT: when I said People do what people do, I meant that people will joke about whatever and to let it be, sorry if it confused you.
...and I'm not from the UK, so I don't quite know how this is relevant to me. Did you know that the 200th and 201st episode of South Park was banned from TV because they showed an uncensored image of Muhammad? That's messed up. It just goes to show how overly-sensitive most of the world has become. Just like what you said about the joke about blowing up an airport, now I'm not exactly sure what this joke was, but from what you said, it sounds like a bit of an overreaction to me. ...and with your thing about blonde jokes, they were made because most dumb celebrities, and women tend to be blonde, it's not a joke on race, its a joke on that. ...anyways, to me, it seems weird that out of every type of racist joke, you would pick blond jokes. They seem to be the most innocent of these types. Now, I can already predict that you will say something about me calling it a racist joke, but, in all honesty, most racist jokes are actually making fun of how ridiculous racism can get. Now, if these types of things annoy you, then avoid them, because they're not going away anytime soon. I agree that racism is wrong and should be stopped, but jokes are the least of my worries. jokes are funny. If you want to stop racism, then I recommend you go after real racism, like the KKK of something. If this doesn't convince you, then nothing will, but whatever, good for you for having your own opinion. You have yours, and I have my own opinion.
TGT, blonde people are racist to bald people for having hair.
Last edited by D-rock2308 (Mar 18 2011 3:14:23 pm)
This has gone beyond an argument now. You're all just repeating each other. The argument ended around a month ago. Why continue if everything to be said has been said?
This has gone beyond an argument now. You're all just repeating each other. The argument ended around a month ago. Why continue if everything to be said has been said?
Really? It's been said that bald people are being descriminated against by blondes because they have hair?
No, but that's irrelevant.
Last edited by BillyP (Mar 18 2011 5:00:01 pm)
*enters topic*
*sees last 4 posts*
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
No, but that's irrelevant.
Nope, just trying to show how stupid all this is. Yes, the two are exactly the same.
TheGreenTroll certainly lives up to his name. I should have made the connection sooner...
Gonna stick my face in here and say if someone makes a racially derogatory joke it does not make the person a racist unless they believe the content to extends past the joke.
I imagine one could make a 'dumb blonde' joke based on the preexisting construct of the joke, without believing blondes are genetically inferior.
Kingofthezone: Yes, I knew that about South Park.
It was an example, to show that jokes can be against a law, and if it's against the law, you probably shouldn't break it.
I say it again, if the jokes is supposed to be about celebrities or movie stars, call them "movie star-jokes". Don't put blonde people in the stupid-category, and all the other people in the smart-category, without any science behind your statement. And saying that most stupid women tend to be blonde was a mistake, since that it's proven wrong through IQ-measurements.
Why should I avoid racism?
D-rock2308: Bald people isn't a race.
Alex: Even if you believe in the joke or not, just by telling the joke, you can be convicted for racial agitation.
It's like batter someone and say that you thought it wouldn't hurt, and because of that you aren't a batterer.
Last edited by TheGreenTroll (Mar 18 2011 6:34:54 pm)
If the japenese are so smart then why didn't they learn how to swim?
D-rock2308: Bald people isn't a race.
Blonde people aren't their own race, either. You're now contradicting yourself.
Alex: Even if you believe in the joke or not, just by telling the joke, you can be convicted for racial agitation.
Blonde jokes are not racial agitation. They're stereotyped jokes. 'Being racist' is discriminating against one's 'race, ethnicity or nationality' and not against one's hair colour.
Last edited by BillyP (Mar 18 2011 6:50:46 pm)
I dont belive in racism either. For exapmle: If you saw something that has racism, would you say:?
Last edited by Blackboy1323 (Mar 18 2011 6:53:36 pm)
So... The morbidly obese man. Is that racist? He took that video ofhimselfmand named it that on purpose, and has made quite a few other dumb videos. But is it racist to look down on white people if you yourself are a white person?
TheGreenTroll wrote:
D-rock2308: Bald people isn't a race.
Blonde people aren't their own race, either. You're now contradicting yourself.
TheGreenTroll wrote:
D-rock2308: Bald people isn't a race.BillyP wrote:Blonde people aren't their own race, either. You're now contradicting yourself.
I Find it RACIST to me that you think my baldness isn't a race. Thanks jerk.
(To billyp, EXACTLY)
*pats drock's bald head*
It's okay. I'll always think you're special no matter what the other kids say.
*pats drock's bald head*
It's okay. I'll always think you're special no matter what the other kids say.
They call me cue ball and baldy and oldman...
*cries* I can't grow hair okay!
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