Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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I agree with The Green Troll. I feel strong about this because seeing racism hurts me much greater than the racised (fail spelling) person. Also, I thought I might mention, does anyone want to speak out for the gays/lesbians? I feel strong about that, too.
Everyone, including you, including MLK. Is racist. Hide it all you want, which is fine, but no matter what we all are.
I find nothing rude about racism personally. Only when someone goes on about it (hurting people emotionally/ physically over it)
I wouldn't be offended if someone said "ALL AMERICANS EAT HAMBURGERS" Because the majority of Americans do eat hamburgers.. Sure it's categorizing all Americans but the MAJORITY.
It is true the MAJORITY of Asians eat rice. I don't see what wrong with eating rice, rice is actually good for you.
The only thing about petty things like (Asians and rice and Black people and chicken) that are hurtful is just the fact that someone is TRYING to hurt them for their race, not for the actual fact of what their race is accused of.
=_= tl'dr
Chewy: Nope, they are fake-blondes.
Vulcan: I know that everyone, in some way, have racist believes or at least prejudices. But I think that there are different kinds of racism. There are those who don't mean to hurt people by racist remarks, they maybe don't even know that what they're saying is racist, but someone will always feel offended by something. And there are those who clearly wants to offend and hurt people by racist remarks.
I have acceptance for the first example, since the meaning of it isn't to offend, and it's the second example that I hate.
First off, that topic is a forum game, emphasis on the game, and should not be taken seriously. You claim that because it is linked to your genes, you're still being racist, and this, of course, is still incorrect. Just because it has something to do with your genes, it doesn't make it a race, therefore I'm not being a racist.
I'd also like to point out that you can't say you're 'pwning' me just because you're going into extreme definition of how hair colour is linked with genes, etc. Not all of your arguments are true, either. You can't assume I'm a 'racist' for making a joke about people who have the same hair colour as me.
First off, that topic is a forum game, emphasis on the game, and should not be taken seriously. You claim that because it is linked to your genes, you're still being racist, and this, of course, is still incorrect. Just because it has something to do with your genes, it doesn't make it a race, therefore I'm not being a racist.
I'd also like to point out that you can't say you're 'pwning' me just because you're going into extreme definition of how hair colour is linked with genes, etc. Not all of your arguments are true, either. You can't assume I'm a 'racist' for making a joke about people who have the same hair colour as me.
Lol, how hard is it to understand what I'm saying?
There are some typicall looks that can be connected to what race you belong to. For example: White skin, blonde hair and blue eyes, the germanic race. Black skin, dark eyes and black hair, the negroid race. So yes, appearance is most likely connected to race. And since blonde hair is connected to the germanic race, you are harassing blonde people of the germanic race just because of their genetical heritage. You are claiming that blonde people are dumber than other races without blonde hair, therefore you are a racist.
The fact that I'm pwning your arguments right now is true. I'm not doing any extreme definitions. I'm telling you the reality of how hair color is linked to your racial genes, and if you're saying that that is an extreme definition, you must be living under a rock.
Please tell me wich of my arguments are false.
Well, I can for sure call you racist. Don't you understand that you can be racist towards your of race?
A racist is someone who talks badly about a race. Blonde hair is a trait of a race but not necessarily a race. It's a trait. Also, when you are saying you're pwning everyone, are you channeling your inner 5 year old because that's what it seems like.
If you're really that bothered over people joking about a hair colour, consider leaving the Everybody Edits forum. If the thread was about black or white jokes, then yeah, that would require a lock, however this is just a fun game for the people of the forum to kill time on. I'm sorry if I offended you with this post, however there was a lot of people in that thread OTHER than me and the other two you named.
Just don't class me as a racist when you're putting 'examples' of black jokes in your posts, then saying sorry if it offended someone. This makes you a hypocrite, seeing as you're lecturing us about racism, then being racist yourself. If all the people who post a joke put 'Sorry if I offended someone' at the end of their posts on the blonde joke thread, would that make any difference whatsoever?
Last edited by BillyP (Feb 16 2011 3:16:31 pm)
Chewy: Blonde hair characterize for example germanic people.
BillyP: Why should I leave forum? Isn't it better to stay on the forum and try to fight racism? Yeah, I guess it's fun to kill time by racist remarks towards blonde people...
Well, example can't make me racist. I don't believe in my examples, I don't think they are funny, they are just there to show you what I mean. How can I show you something without giving an example of what I mean? And no, I'm not a hypocrite.
If I'm a republican, giving examples of the democrats politics, does that make me a democrat? Please answer yes or no and why.
Yes, it would make difference. If you said that you didn't mean to offend or harass any blonde person with your "joke", it would at least feel a little better. But you aren't, you and your companions are actually defending your racist jokes about blonde people. Why don't you go ahead and start a thread with racist jokes towards black people?
If I'm a republican, giving examples of the democrats politics, does that make me a democrat? Please answer yes or no and why.
Chewy: Nope, they are fake-blondes.
Vulcan: I know that everyone, in some way, have racist believes or at least prejudices. But I think that there are different kinds of racism. There are those who don't mean to hurt people by racist remarks, they maybe don't even know that what they're saying is racist, but someone will always feel offended by something. And there are those who clearly wants to offend and hurt people by racist remarks.
I have acceptance for the first example, since the meaning of it isn't to offend, and it's the second example that I hate.
The Asians and rice?
Hamburgers and Americans is actually a joke people from other countries say a lot.
In fact, before you started accusing me of being a 'racist' you should have checked the thread. As far as I can see, I didn't even post a blonde joke in that thread, I just stated my argument against yours. How can you accuse me of being racist for replying with my side of the argument? I wasn't being racist at all in that thread, so please tell me why I'm now a racist from your point of view?
Last edited by BillyP (Feb 16 2011 3:19:25 pm)
Not all people with blonde hair are German... Blonde hair is a trait that other races have. You have a pointless argument and you're not going to win.
Vulcan: I don't understand what you are trying to say.
BillyP: From my point of view you defended the racists, I'm sorry if I drew brash conclusion, since I tend to get emotional in these question.
Chewy: I'm not talking about germans. I'm talking about germanic people, north-european people, and in some parts, west-europeans. The blonde hair comes from germanic genes, just as black skin comes from african genes.
Tell me another race except for the west/north-european that have blonde hair. Africans? No. Asians? No. Arabs? No. Persians? No. Latin-Americans? No. South-Americans? Maybe, if they have european ancestors. Native-Americans? No. South-Europeans? Same as south-americans. East-Europeans? Maybe, since Russia and other parts of Balkan was colonized by the vikings.
If my argument is pointless, then please tell me why.
Cool, I'm leaving this thread now.
EDIT: That's a lie, I didn't actually leave the thread.
Last edited by BillyP (Mar 20 2011 10:40:22 am)
my REAAAAAALY Young brother(5 compared to 14?) has blonde hair as far as I know we havent come from europe to US for a long time.
North Americans...
North Americans...
North Americans descends from Europeans, in other words, germanic and anglo-saxian people and kelts and wallons that have the genes for blonde hair.
But you are talking currently and currently there are people born in America which makes them American and not German.
Gonna stick my head in here and say people who confuses racism for stereotypes.
Racism would be thinking less/more of someone for there race. Saying black people like fried chicken(however offensive to some) is not racist, because it does not say they are better/lesser than anyone.
Saying blond(e)s are dumb is /not/ stereotypical, however, because that does obviously demean someone.
The whole stem of 'dumb blond(e)' jokes really wasn't meant to be worldy, and makes more sense in americaland because the idea is that these skinny, dumb girls who are usually not naturally blonde, are, rather, dumb. If you look at a lot of famous people in america, it makes sense, Paris Hilton could be an archetypal example of such.
Really the set of jokes(which I do think are dumb) stem from the fact that pretty girls don't have to be smart in america(or most of the world for that matter), so they start of with average intelligence and don't really work from that.
The whole dumb blond(e) joke crap was always directed at supermodel-y-type people.
To add one last thing, I think no one should take racism seriously, because the only truly racist people are bigoted **** that no one likes anyway.
Bam! This is what we've all been trying to say, in some sense.
Also a long time ago,I was playing EE in kongregate.I entered a room,and someone making Nazi symbols everywhere of the level.When I look at the map,he made a big Nazi amblem too.Everywhere of the level was full of Nazi amblems.And I rage quitted.And entered a name LoL for LoLs,and in this room,everywhere drawen adult thingies and Chinish(I don't know how to say that) writings.Someone drew a pen,s into someone in this level.And I've never played EE on kongregate,some kognregate members doing racism.Like we rock yo sux.
Chewy: You really don't understand. Just because you are of germanic heritage, you don't have to be german. Americans can be of germanic heritage if their ancestors was of the germanic people.
Alex: Good post, you clear many things out.
Here's my view about African Americans and the USA:
African Americans are humans. They deserve rights EQUAL TO Caucasian people.
But Caucasians and African Americans act differently. Entirely different. Look at these facts: (from
- The majority of African Americans drop out of high school? (Second chart from the bottom)
- Murder rates are high where African Americans live? Out of the top 20 most dangerous cities in the USA, 6 are in the south.
I'm NOT trying to be mean. It's just facts. I have plenty of African American friends, I'm just saying the majority need a little work.
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
Yes, it's the same in Sweden.
There is many reasons why it is that way. Some of the reasons are:
Social and economic reasons, I don't think I have to describe this reason for you.
Cultural differences. Different cultures have different kind of views on everything. For muslims, it's okay to beat your wife, but for Swedes, it's not okay. When muslims come to Sweden, many of them doesn't change theirs cultural view to a more Swedish cultural view to integrate into the Swedish society. So that create segregation and hostility between groups.
Race. A team from a Dutch university showed that there is a subject in our genes that increases the love for your own race, and at the same time, you get intolerant and anxious against other races. It's just like with any other kind of animal. You stick to your pack, and if anyone from a other pack comes to you, this individual often get's banished or even beaten. Of course, it isn't that bad with humans, but in a african society, white people is less accepted, and in a white community, black people is less accepted.
This is mostly why different races acts different towards each other.
But for the crime rates in african-american communities, it might be a mix between the social-economic factors, and the fact that black people have a higher testosterone-rate. And if I've understood the science correctly, more testosterone equals higher rates of aggressiveness.
The whole race-discussion and difference between certain people-discussion is hard to comprehend into one post, and I don't have the will or time to debate or argue about this.
This argument ended almost a month ago, TakoMan.
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