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#1 Before February 2015

The Red Troll

guest, come here

guest i NEED to talk with you so come here: asap!!! and if you're not in half-an-hour i will post the chat we had before. yes i have it, i saved it // so you have to chat now. please

and btw mods/admins dont delete this topic until i say u can because this is very important!!!

4 more mins, cant w8 2 tell every1

TIMES UP!!! +a few extra mins lucky

every1, including chris!!! he is the most needed in the mix but look at theis (btw if ur a normal guy, its big so dont bother reading but maybe mods and definatly admins, read it)!!:!:!:!: [18:59] guest-1602 entered the room
[18:59] guest-1602 changed nickname to guest
[19:00] failgirl101: :0
[19:00] theredtroll: ?
[19:00] theredtroll: r u a troll?
[19:01] guest:
[19:01] guest: pass: trolter
[19:01] theredtroll: good
[19:01] theredtroll: it works!
[19:02] guest: ofcourse :q
[19:02] failgirl101: wait!
[19:02] failgirl101: ok!
[19:02] failgirl101: Im ready!
[19:02] theredtroll: big good and ready 2 troll, just what we want, now lets go!
[19:06] failgirl101: I lvoe this guest xD
[19:07] theredtroll: me 2
[19:08] failgirl101: shall i take a screenie?
[19:08] guest: how old are you guy guys?
[19:08] failgirl101: We are girls //
[19:08] theredtroll: yes and im 13 and yes im a girl
[19:09] guest: ok //
[19:09] theredtroll: but guest dude, how did u get here or do i no u?
[19:09] failgirl101: im 16
[19:09] failgirl101: //
[19:09] guest: you dont know me
[19:10] failgirl101: We probably do, but thats ok
[19:10] theredtroll: then where did u come from?
[19:10] failgirl101: he prolly read my post on the forums
[19:11] guest: I'm from sweden
[19:11] guest:
[19:11] guest: pass 1111
[19:11] theredtroll: not what i meant, i meant how did u find this chat?
[19:11] guest: yeah I saw the link from the forum
[19:12] guest: misread your sentence
[19:12] failgirl101: I blamed the great world on linus 21 xD
[19:12] failgirl101: i but his name in big letters
[19:12] guest: //
[19:12] theredtroll: nice //
[19:12] guest: I posted a new world
[19:12] failgirl101: i love you guest
[19:13] guest: <3
[19:14] failgirl101: i took a screenie of linues name on the map //
[19:14] failgirl101: hehehe
[19:15] failgirl101: thats goin on the forums l8er
[19:15] theredtroll: ive got a screenie of b4 and after
[19:15] theredtroll: //
[19:15] failgirl101: xD nice
[19:15] failgirl101: We need a new level now //
[19:16] guest:
[19:16] guest: code: kill
[19:17] theredtroll: go!
[19:19] guest: got another one
[19:19] guest: want more?
[19:19] theredtroll: YES!
[19:19] failgirl101: MOAR!
[19:19] theredtroll: i want more ife 4eva
[19:19] theredtroll: life*
[19:20] guest:
[19:20] failgirl101: So Ive gathered this "guest" uses chaeat engine
[19:20] failgirl101: he teleports to the code
[19:20] failgirl101: am i right?
[19:20] guest: code: 23132
[19:20] theredtroll: probably
[19:20] guest: nope
[19:20] failgirl101: GOOOO!
[19:20] theredtroll: GO!
[19:23] failgirl101: SWEET!
[19:23] theredtroll: i <3 **** off the owners
[19:23] failgirl101: A MAGIC COIN!
[19:23] failgirl101: :3
[19:23] theredtroll: nice
[19:23] failgirl101: and I got an energy refill
[19:23] guest: want to see something really awesome?
[19:23] failgirl101: well one thing I noticed is, all the level we go to have the code in the level
[19:24] failgirl101: so this "guest" is somehow getting in there and getting the codes
[19:24] theredtroll: wow, hes really good at bosses, there all bosses aswell
[19:24] failgirl101: Hes to fast
[19:24] failgirl101: He must be hacking somehow
[19:24] guest: ...
[19:25] theredtroll: how do u do it?
[19:25] guest: come to
[19:25] theredtroll: do u have them b4 hand?
[19:25] guest: bring up minimap
[19:25] guest: and I'll start when you both are in
[19:25] theredtroll: WTF!
[19:26] failgirl101: animator
[19:26] theredtroll: yh, thats the only way
[19:26] guest: pass is 1234
[19:27] theredtroll: can we troll, or is it urs?
[19:27] guest: it's mine
[19:27] guest: and I just wanted to show you my program
[19:27] failgirl101: nice //
[19:27] failgirl101: Animatpr
[19:28] guest: I've written my own
[19:28] failgirl101: oh?
[19:28] guest: the program everyone uses can't do what I did
[19:28] failgirl101: And it gives you codes?
[19:28] failgirl101: lol ur weird, trolllin ur own level\
[19:28] theredtroll: so uve made ur own program!
[19:29] guest: //
[19:30] failgirl101: so can you find the code for any level?
[19:31] guest: watch me untroll what you just did
[19:32] failgirl101: Chat?
[19:32] theredtroll: wtf, ur program!
[19:32] theredtroll: can i have it!?!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?????!!
[19:32] failgirl101: Can you find the code for that one level at the top of the list called "boobies'?
[19:32] guest: lol no
[19:32] theredtroll: PLZ!
[19:32] theredtroll: were trolls, we will troll anything!
[19:33] theredtroll: and we need that
[19:33] failgirl101: Dont beg
[19:33] failgirl101: Jeez
[19:33] theredtroll: only me then!
[19:33] theredtroll: ok fine
[19:33] theredtroll: ill shut up
[19:33] failgirl101: we are trolls not savages //
[19:33] guest: I was hoping to see boobies when I entered that level
[19:33] guest: what a disappointment
[19:33] theredtroll: well he probably wont give it 2 me now ive begged anywaqy
[19:34] failgirl101: so can you find the code?
[19:34] guest: most people want the program..   only a few gets it //
[19:34] guest: nope, not enough boobies on that level
[19:34] failgirl101: Like who?
[19:34] failgirl101: And plzzzz!
[19:34] theredtroll: now ur begging
[19:34] failgirl101: lol x)
[19:34] guest: only me and ex crew
[19:34] theredtroll: but what do we have 2 do 2 get it?
[19:34] theredtroll: WHAT!
[19:35] guest: I won't share it, sorry
[19:35] theredtroll: there cheats
[19:35] failgirl101: You are part of EX crew?
[19:35] theredtroll: this is goin on the forums
[19:35] failgirl101: Dont
[19:35] failgirl101: keep this a secret :0
[19:35] guest: I chat with them occasionally
[19:35] guest: I don't make levels anymore
[19:35] failgirl101: If tons of people get it theey would abuse it like we would
[19:35] guest: and try their levels
[19:36] failgirl101: Can we have another level code? //
[19:36] theredtroll: i like the ex crew
[19:36] failgirl101: they are cool
[19:36] failgirl101:
[19:36] theredtroll: there chat is:
[19:36] failgirl101: what about this one?
[19:36] failgirl101: I wanna troll it badly Dx
[19:37] guest:
[19:37] guest: pass 1223
[19:37] guest: they have a private chat redtroll
[19:37] theredtroll: btw   give me the program or ill post on the forums
[19:37] guest: I don't go to the tinychat one
[19:38] guest: lol
[19:38] guest: after all I've done for you?
[19:38] theredtroll: well
[19:38] theredtroll: i might let u off
[19:38] failgirl101: hey I just troll //
[19:38] failgirl101: so dont look at me
[19:38] theredtroll: i cheat and troll //
[19:38] failgirl101: btw... GO!
[19:38] guest: I'll never give you guys another level now...
[19:39] failgirl101: No D8
[19:39] guest-1874 entered the room
[19:39] guest-1874 changed nickname to failgirl101
[19:40] failgirl101: damn
[19:40] failgirl101: i didnt get a screenie in time
[19:40] theredtroll: give us 3 more or ill post the forums or ull give me the program
[19:40] failgirl101: dang
[19:41] failgirl101: you dont even know who the guest is
[19:41] theredtroll: do u?
[19:41] failgirl101: no
[19:41] theredtroll: so ha!
[19:41] failgirl101: It could be a mod, or a player, or just a weirdo
[19:41] theredtroll: so

Last edited by The Red Troll (Apr 21 2011 12:39:34 pm)

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