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#26 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-08-20
Posts: 2,157

Re: Im going to school next year...

Wowa, American/Canadian High schools sounds pretty depressing about this whole popularity thing.
At my school everyone get pretty much accepted for their behavior or clothing. I wouldn't pick people for their popularity but just if they seem nice.


#27 Before February 2015

Official Caroler
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,868

Re: Im going to school next year...

that at my school, but it IS America... What do you expect?


#28 Before February 2015


Re: Im going to school next year...

Most advice here is stupid, but what do I know? I don't live even close to the ghetto, or big cities.

#29 Before February 2015


Re: Im going to school next year...

One tip (not for friends, for school):

If you have lots of teachers, try to do good on the first weeks/first month. Then teachers will remember you as the good boy and you won't have any problems during the year Yn8I7.png If you do bad the first weeks/month, teachers will have you as the bad boy and you'll have lots, I mean LOTS of problems in the year.

Good luck Yn8I7.png

#30 Before February 2015


Re: Im going to school next year...

yeah, i expect todo good the first week, cause i'll be a little shy, and not goofing off in class , but after i loosen up a bit everything should be good //

#31 Before February 2015


Re: Im going to school next year...

Public school will be hard at first being "the new kid" and all. You will have to sleep more early and get up more early. The teacher won't be focused on you all the time keep that in mind. Have fun metting new friends // .

#32 Before February 2015


Re: Im going to school next year...

Are you sure you guys are talking about school? None of this sounds like my school.
There's seven categories of people.
1. Popular people (jocks often fit into this category)
2. People who hang out with popular people but are actually unpopular
3. Annoying **** that can make any absurd noise ever during class and the teachers don't do crap about it (often fit into the unpopular category)
4. Nerds
5. Unpopular people (nerds often fit into this category)
6. Jocks (popular people often fit into this category)
7. People who are antisocial and hope you die when you talk to them.

If you want to be popular, learn to tolerate crap music (also known as rap) and start watching baseball and football. When the Olympics begin, make sure to watch every second of it, that way if the category comes up (there's no doubt it will), you'll be prepared.
If you don't want to be popular, you're stuck with two options. You can either become the people who the popular people hate and constantly make fun off and pants. Or, you could become the few people who are antisocial and never talk to anyone ever. Either way, you lose.
Personally I chose to be in the annoying **** category. I'm rather smart but I don't completely qualify for the nerds category. I fit extremely well in the unpopular category. I'm happy with the category I chose, only because no one can annoy me or I can just do other random crap the teachers won't care about that will annoy everyone.
There is no inbetween for popular and unpopular. You're either one. People who are popular include popular people (duh) and jocks. The rest fit into unpopular. The closest you'll get to a middle is hanging out with popular people while actually being unpopular, but generally you're hated by everyone then, which is worst than being hated by either popular or unpopular.

And now everyone is going to whine about this post because I'm giving him a dose of reality.

But yeah good luck and have fun.

Edit: Oh and, anything from the popular category doesn't fit with anything in the unpopular category. You can't be popular and make absurd sounds, everyone will hate you. And you can't be a jock and a nerd, everyone will hate you. You can't be popular and antisocial, you need to talk and will look like you're slow.

And it's not really all that bad. You just need to fit in a category and stick with it and you'll have craploads of fun.

Last edited by Anshwo (May 8 2011 7:00:33 pm)

#33 Before February 2015


Re: Im going to school next year...

You forgot about the people who get on everybody's nerves but the teaches do nothing and the people who get more than 5 detentions a year.

#34 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 3,269

Re: Im going to school next year...

Supadorf24 wrote:

I made a step-by-step guide for being a student:

1) Scope out the cool kids or jocks. Most likely, you will find that they have their own designated lunch table.

2) Act vulnerable. Ask them if you can sit with them. They will let you sit with them as a joke, because you will look sad and pathetic.

3) Bring out your charming personality. Dazzle them with some pre-written jokes. Flirt and make drug references. There ya go, sport. You're gettin' the hang of it.

4) Become part of their clique. Hang out with them. Be witty.

5) Never say never. If they peer pressure you into something, accept.

6) Get into drugs and alcohol and parties and sex. Self-explanatory. Be handsome.

7) Drop out of school. You can do this legally when you're 16. Don't worry; you're not going anywhere in life.

8) That's it. You are now successful. Congratulations.

^ win



#35 Before February 2015


Re: Im going to school next year...

Anshwo wrote:

Are you sure you guys are talking about school? None of this sounds like my school.

No, thanks! i wanted something REAL about school, not all the good parts about it, but the bad parts to.

#36 Before February 2015


Re: Im going to school next year...

Kaosslasher wrote:
Anshwo wrote:

Are you sure you guys are talking about school? None of this sounds like my school.

No, thanks! i wanted something REAL about school, not all the good parts about it, but the bad parts to.

Most small.schools aren't like that.

#37 Before February 2015


Re: Im going to school next year...

Well in school there are a lot of projects.

#38 Before February 2015


Re: Im going to school next year...

Muffin wrote:

You forgot about the people who get on everybody's nerves but the teaches do nothing and the people who get more than 5 detentions a year.

Anshwo wrote:

3. Annoying **** that can make any absurd noise ever during class and the teachers don't do crap about it (often fit into the unpopular category)

Basically the same thing.
And yeah, those people too.

School really is fun once you find the right people to hang out with. Try not to think of my big list much.

#39 Before February 2015


Re: Im going to school next year...

Kaosslasher, PLEASE tell us what your goals are. You going to take AP classes often? At my school there are two groups. The kind and honest "popular" group and then theres the "cursing,"rap",etc popular group". Most of the nice people hang around in the more advanced classes. The only "nerd" are the ones that play video games during lunch who tend to be on the rather larger side. I fit in the "better" popular group. Earn people's respect and you'll do just fine (If your school is like mine).

Last edited by Pike270 (May 9 2011 1:52:54 pm)

#40 Before February 2015


Re: Im going to school next year...

i dont know what my goals are >:3 i have no idea what school is like, whats in it, or anything!

#41 Before February 2015

Official Caroler
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,868

Re: Im going to school next year...

Anshwo wrote:

Are you sure you guys are talking about school? None of this sounds like my school.
There's seven categories of people.
1. Popular people (jocks often fit into this category)
2. People who hang out with popular people but are actually unpopular
3. Annoying **** that can make any absurd noise ever during class and the teachers don't do crap about it (often fit into the unpopular category)
4. Nerds
5. Unpopular people (nerds often fit into this category)
6. Jocks (popular people often fit into this category)
7. People who are antisocial and hope you die when you talk to them.

If you want to be popular, learn to tolerate crap music (also known as rap) and start watching baseball and football. When the Olympics begin, make sure to watch every second of it, that way if the category comes up (there's no doubt it will), you'll be prepared.
If you don't want to be popular, you're stuck with two options. You can either become the people who the popular people hate and constantly make fun off and pants. Or, you could become the few people who are antisocial and never talk to anyone ever. Either way, you lose.
Personally I chose to be in the annoying **** category. I'm rather smart but I don't completely qualify for the nerds category. I fit extremely well in the unpopular category. I'm happy with the category I chose, only because no one can annoy me or I can just do other random crap the teachers won't care about that will annoy everyone.
There is no inbetween for popular and unpopular. You're either one. People who are popular include popular people (duh) and jocks. The rest fit into unpopular. The closest you'll get to a middle is hanging out with popular people while actually being unpopular, but generally you're hated by everyone then, which is worst than being hated by either popular or unpopular.

And now everyone is going to whine about this post because I'm giving him a dose of reality.

But yeah good luck and have fun.

Edit: Oh and, anything from the popular category doesn't fit with anything in the unpopular category. You can't be popular and make absurd sounds, everyone will hate you. And you can't be a jock and a nerd, everyone will hate you. You can't be popular and antisocial, you need to talk and will look like you're slow.

And it's not really all that bad. You just need to fit in a category and stick with it and you'll have craploads of fun.

WHAT school do YOU go to??? WHo pants' people anymore???


#42 Before February 2015


Re: Im going to school next year...

Pyromaniac wrote:
Anshwo wrote: big long post...

WHAT school do YOU go to??? WHo pants' people anymore???

You'd be surprised. It doesn't happen very often, maybe only once a year.

#43 Before February 2015

Moderation Team
From: Shakuras
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,511

Re: Im going to school next year...

What grade are you going to go into? Since I don't know, I guess this'll just be Middle school/High school.
It'll also be my skewed version of the world.
Okay, in middle school, you have to pretty much carry around a lot of stuff and walk as fast as possible to get to class on time. I carry 3 binders, an algebra book, a bunch of loose papers that date back to October, an agenda [that my school provides], a book, and my annoying pencil bag.
Don't be surprised by things people say. This includes someone saying 'oh, man, can't wait to get high/buzzed/stoned/etc tonight.' Or something sexual. Not everyone is as innocent as you would like to think they are.
That's... all I can think of.

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#44 Before February 2015


Re: Im going to school next year...

Be yourself. If people dislikes you, eff em because they are scrubnubz.

#45 Before February 2015


Re: Im going to school next year...

Anshwo wrote:
Pyromaniac wrote:
Anshwo wrote: big long post...

WHAT school do YOU go to??? WHo pants' people anymore???

You'd be surprised. It doesn't happen very often, maybe only once a year.

Popular people are dumb, rebels are dumb. Nerds sometimes needs to lossen there grip on school life. Your post seems quite ignorant and stupid, to fit in properly in school you need to not fit in, i do not conform into these catagories and no one should.

#46 Before February 2015


Re: Im going to school next year...

treejoe4 wrote:

Popular people are dumb, rebels are dumb. Nerds sometimes needs to lossen there grip on school life. Your post seems quite ignorant and stupid, to fit in properly in school you need to not fit in, i do not conform into these catagories and no one should.

I agree my post is very ignorant and stupid. It's more or less my point of view and shouldn't be taken very seriously. I just didn't see why people were posting all positive things about school, I wanted to post a rather negative thing to be a c-c-combo breaker. This was the best thing I could think of.

#47 Before February 2015


Re: Im going to school next year...

Kaosslasher wrote:

Thanks guys // your the best //

and yeah, pure pressure is something im worried about... but im plenty smart, and im good in groups. so i think it'll be fine //

I believe its called Peer Pressure. As in pressure from peers... other peoples... not pure pressure...

#48 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-14
Posts: 1,679

Re: Im going to school next year...

Where do you like Kaos?

Tbh, public schools are not all that bad, but admittedly they are terrifying when you don;t know that much about them.

If you are American, thre should be some sort of school counselor for you to talk to and they can let you know the inside scoop about the specific school. For example, in my high school, it was "cool" to be in band or choir, but in my friends school, those were all the, as TGT put it so nicely, "scrubnubs"

Find out what people like to do and most importantly > REMEMBER PEOPLES NAMES

If you call someone out by name, they are forced to try to remember yours, and even ask a friend if they remember yours.

Also, take this as an opportunity to explore your identity. People in highschool are constantly trying out new things, join lots of clubs and see what you enjoy //

Also, if your parents are friends with other parents in the neighborhood, it might be a good idea to get some neighborhood older-kid's number. That way you have a go-to guy in case something horrible happens and you need backup.

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Thanks Xen for my Avatar and Smitty for the smiley 47BA5lq.png


#49 Before February 2015


Re: Im going to school next year...

I'm kind of a bully (not to teh preppies though they're cute :3) to the year 2 ~ 4 and I'm friends with most of the 5/6s cause I'm funneh :3

#50 Before February 2015


Re: Im going to school next year...

How shuld im know Im just the slly blonde who plays ee xD

Kaosslasher 1423629840331592

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