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I just had i really big freight and I don't wanna talk about it..
So tell me something about yours.
This may take a while......When I saw your momma!........
When I broke my arm, but I was scared of everything when I was 4.
One day.. I was with a friend, on Halloween, doing trick o' treat, and we rang the bell... And some time passed, without anyone opening the door. Then a huge noise came, then a women opened the door, and then we felt like if there was an earthquake (which can't happen, because we're in Argentina, in a single plaque). The women (and nobody in the house) seemed to felt the "earthquake". I still remember it like if I was there. NO JOKE!
Also, sorry for my English, I used some words I couldn't translate well.
Erm, few things.
1. Oblivion at Alton towers.
2. Near death experience on a plane
3.I have a phobia of getting locked in places so when I got locked in an abandoned warehouse that scared the *inappropriate s word* out of me.
>Don't want to talk about.
>Make thread.
lol irony.
Well I don't wanna talk about what happend to me. yet..
But I wanna see if any one had near my experience.
Every time I grade my science tests. Brrr. Seriously. Also, when we first got our computer, this weird fake virus thing scared the crap out of my entire family.
When I saw that one level was called "The 42"(Long time ago) and had exsactly 42 players for very long.
I found a cherry in my strawberry case.
Blackboy's old sig. I swear, if he'd kept it three more days, my medical bills would be 50,000 dollars higher.
Getting test results and walking into the test room
Having that damn Creeper walk up behind me and blow up all my crap in Minecraft. Scariest and most enraging thing ever.
Looking out of my window and seeing a freaking pale thing that looked human out there. Needless to say, I gained superpowers, and jumped the f*ck over my bed into the living room, onto my couch.
I hate tall signatures.
This is something that I'll probably never forget for the rest of my life, and it's mentally scarred me forever.
About two or three years ago, I was in my room reading a book. It was 9:27 PM, on September 19th.
Long story short, someone broke into my parents house and held me at gunpoint. They robbed the house and very nearly killed me. Thankfully, I was the only one at home so no one else got hurt. There was some other details, but it's probably too graphic to tell here.
I've been paranoid when alone ever since, and have had therapy, but I don't think I'll ever forget it.
Probably not the scariest thing, but it's the only thing i can remember ATM.
I was at my grandma's house, and my parents, my sister and i were in the same room. I woke up in the night, but i was so sleepy that i thought i was in my own room and i thought i was alone. So i started to hear people breathing and i was so scared. I know it sounds ridiculous but it was really scary.
I'm a type 1 diabetic, and this past February I went to a mountain camp with this group of people I know, and on the second day I went on a hike on the mountains with a few people. I was exercising way harder than I usually do, and that night I went into hypoglycemic shock (I candirect you to an article for you). Luckily, I was treated just in time before I passed out o.o
I was walking past a store that was being robbed and I got shot in the leg
Getting my leg tangled in the stipes (stems) of kelp while snorkeling. My group was moving on and I had to untangle my leg.
When I was left in school. It was nearly 7pm then all lights are shut. I heard a little kid's voice coming from the faculty room then I was running to death towards the gate.
Then when I was walking in the streets, I saw a beggar whose eye were all white.
Then when I was walking in the streets, I saw a beggar whose eye were all white.
I don't know exactly anymore, but yesterday my ?600,00 gaming computer crashed, and I couldn't do anything (not even safe mode), so I was really scared that my computer was **** up. Luckily I had a friend who advised me to reinstall Windows, and so I did. Now I only have to turn it on again and I hope it'll do whatever it did before the crash.
when a child is born they SMACK!!! them 2 get them 2 cry so they breathe cuz if they didnt they will die (oviously) but some children r born cring, very few (i think but if not more need r smacked still tho) and i was 1 of them, and my parents dont no y, i havent told them but this is the story.
when i was born a face grew upon me, and something much much much much much much smaller than a second after i saw it well, i started cring and probably had a heart attack at the site of it. That was the day we first met, and i still need 2 kill him, hes on my death list, he is... MY BROTHER!!!
^ that... that is just stupid, what are you, 7?
When my house burnt down...
Not the scariest thing that has happened to me, but the only thing I remember at the time. It's a little bit disgusting too, but oh well. I was outside doing something, and then I saw a dog being hit by a car. When I saw the dog after the crash, I almost puked. It was disgusting, but sorry, but I don't want to tell you guys how the dog was after it. He died
Also, when I looked at my arm when it just broke. It was flipped sideways. Bow, what a horrible moment.
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