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You know me by now, I'll talk about anything. Soo.
Man. Know them days when you don't feel like doing nothing.. And feel so depressed
Do you get them? I certainly do.. That's because I suffer with Depression Lol < (I'm not looking for attention I'm Just saying)
So if you do.. What do you usually do to relive it I normally go out for a long walk all alone.. Or take my anger out on my punch bag.
So what about you!
Hit somebody, hit my self, trow something to somebody, running, break something.
I always want to hurt or destroy something when i got really bored o,o
Last edited by Pandapo (May 26 2011 2:19:21 pm)
Hit somebody, hit my self, trow something to somebody, running, break something.
I always want to hurt or destroy something when i got really bored o,o
Pandapo lols I know the feeling.. But I don't like to hurt people when I'm stressed as do a-lot of weight lifting a day.. Plus adrenaline I could really hurt some one.. So i tend to stay away from people.. And people tend keep there distances which is nice. Lol
Last edited by Echo! (May 26 2011 2:25:35 pm)
I dont really hurt them like, bleeding or really pain or something xD just a little fight for the fun xD
If I was stressed like really stressed a angry.. I would not like a person to mistreat me. lol
Eat something yummy and which tv, always cheers me up.
Shoot at objects with my bb gun
I take pills. Exercise helps, too. Also, sunlight. (In the winter, use a sun lamp).
I manage to take it out on other people, yeah I know I shouldn't but I just do
Not all the time, I often just sit and stare into space, but If I am angry at something Ill probably throw stuff at the wall This doesn't happen very often though
I got put on some pill like "busterone" not to sure how to to say.. but it had a reveres effect on my.. and made my freak out..
That was because i am seriously school phobic though.. I had to see a phycartrist, as I kept freaking out when i had to go to school and had a panic attack a few times O-o.. so I'm home schooled now..
lol xD awesome
I am so freaking depressed just recently.. I just feel so trapped and isolated.
I don't have a clue why.. I just am.. I just can't seem to break out of this rut.. my physiatrist probably wont even help..GRh.
when I'm bored... munch munch munch munch. LOOK A CAT! GET IT!! *cat runs* *I trap cat with laundry basket* *make cat lick me to get out* munch munch munch.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
I been like this for a few days not.. I just try to be all happy ^-^ but proving very hard now
Whenever I'm stressed, it helps to do something creative. Y'know, just . . . make something. Draw a picture, write some music, make a level. Echo, you like making animations, so whenever you're stressed you should try just making some animations and see if that helps. But that's just me.
Last edited by Supadorf24 (May 30 2011 8:23:42 am)
I do most of the time anyway..
Do you have a girlfriend? Friends? A social life? Who better to help you then your friends?
Just... learn how to skateboard or something that takes a lot of practice. Something that will consume all your thoughts and put them toward something else.
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
Yeah I have friends kinda.. But I recently freaked out out one.. Kinda forgetting my own strength..
Normally when I'm angry I cycle on my mountain bike.. but i found thats kinda dangerous as i hit around 32 mph and i wasn't wearing a helmet or anything and it was wet and i almost came off..
MY parents help alot but it seem to go in one ear and out the other.
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